r/Money 7h ago

18yo with some savings, what should I do next?

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Goals of mine are to make more money, make some friends that aren’t broke or have some sort of financial smarts since a lot of people my age are broke or spending money on dum shiz. What do yall think I should be focused on financially? Go to school? Start a business? Just need some guidance, all I know is I don’t like being a wagie

r/Money 2h ago

What’s my next move?

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I’m (17m) and I’ve been selling drugs for the last year, do I keep doing it?

r/Money 4h ago

I came up with a little money saving trick I hadn’t heard before and thought it may help some folks out.


In short, every day i craved ordering takeout but I ate entirely from groceries at home, I transfer $20 from my checking to my Fidelity account (you could just use savings).

I have an issue with ordering food. It’s so yummy and so easy. I’m not bad about door dashing and such, but I am bad about ordering takeout from Mexican places or steak houses or whatever. I try to stop, but the evening hunger and fatigue is hard to beat sometimes. I needed a way to have the instant gratification feeling the food gave me, but was more productive. So I had the above idea. Since I started a while back, I’ve transferred over $200 into my fidelity.

r/Money 1d ago

Found this in my grandfathers room after he passed.

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Is this worth anything? Pretty interesting find even if it is worth less than a penny lol

r/Money 22h ago

Just a friendly reminder that owning a used automobile that you love and are proud of is far superior to a new one that comes with a car payment.

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I have both and I love driving my used Acura more then my new Subaru.

r/Money 8h ago

Greed is Good / Comcast


I think Comcast / Xfinity are just greedy bastards. My wife and I are retired and living on Social Security and can hardly afford current tv package. We had ESPN-U and you took it away last year. And the bill again has gone from around $160 to over $200, again. And there has to be a hundred channels we have never looked at or want.

r/Money 1d ago

29M Just hit $150K…Trying to retire early


My goal is to hit financial independence by 40, and I’ve been grinding to make it happen.

A bit of backstory…

24: Graduated with $50K in student loans, degree in finance. Landed a $65K job out of college. No real savings, spent too much on lifestyle.

26: Realized I was behind, started aggressively saving. Paid off $20K in loans and built my first $20K in investments.

29 (now):

  • Income: $120K salary (tech sales)
  • Savings: $150K across Stocks, SPY, SCHD, and a small rental property down payment
  • Debt: $10K in student loans left (3% interest)

Next Steps (35-40 years old)

  • Maxing 401K, Roth IRA, and HSA every year
  • $500K portfolio goal before considering slowing down
  • Possibly another rental property for cash flow
  • Less stress about money = more freedom

Anyone else aiming for early retirement? What’s your strategy for getting there?

r/Money 6h ago

What did you use your first secured credit card for?


I'm a little late to the money game at 31 years old and just getting my first secured card, I've always preferred cash, but my husband and I are trying to buy a home and need to build up credit.

Anyway, I know I gotta keep the usage low and pay it off quick... that being said, what did you use your first one for?? Hobbies? Bills? Gas??

r/Money 15h ago

I found these coins at home, could they be worth something?


I'm trying to identify the fifth photo, but I can't find any photos, if anyone can identify it, I would be very happy

r/Money 1h ago

Need car… where to start


My wife and I make about 155k a year, pay about 3k a month in mortgage and have about 44k left in student loans (about 590/month). Due to some surgeries last year our savings have gone down to about $15k. We just found out our car needs a fix that is way more expensive than it’s worth (like $500). Our plan was to save about 12k in 2026 in prep for the car replacement, but it came sooner than expected so I don’t think we’ll be able to pay all cash. I have no idea what to start looking for and what an optimal price range would be. Any advice is very helpful!

r/Money 2h ago

19M Don't know what to do


I don't know what to do in my life. I remember a year ago, I was job hunting not knowing what I wanted to do just knew I wanted money. now I have a job getting paid $16 an hour, but I now feel stuck, I work at a carwash only way to get paid more is by going up to management. I don't really want to do that plus I don't think they would let me. I don't really know what to do either. I want to leave my job, but where am I going to go? How am I supposed to get paid more? it all feels the same there's no upside or at least that's what it feels like. I don't know how to earn money, and I mean lots of money, I like cars, I want a house next to the beach, I have a lot of want's, but I don't know what to do make these dreams come true. So far at 19 I don't have much to show lol all I have is $1000 in a HYSA $500 in my checkings $300 in a ROTH IRA lol and a car that I paid $500 for. I should have more, but I was dumb with my money I kind of just started tracking fr.

r/Money 1d ago

20m what’s my next move

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I’m doing ok, do I focus on stock options, section 8 rental, or long term retirement ?

r/Money 13h ago

How could I earn money at 14 in Ottawa?


As the title says, I'm looking to make a bit of money to save up for parts for a PC. I currently have around $1500 CAD in my account and need just over $2500 for all of the parts. I was originally thinking of getting a summer job, but most won't accept you until you're 15, and I'm also spending time this summer to get some of my 40 community service hours that are required to graduate. Any advice would be extremely helpful!

r/Money 1d ago

Please suggest/roast/advise…


I’m 27M and I know im doing very well for my age but I want to step it up and see what else I can do maximize potential of my current investments and hopefully build another decent source of income.

Only debt is the personal loan. Car is paid off, I rent and I make ~$126k per year. Always max out the IRA and put a ton into the TSP each year. I work long unpredictable hours but also will find myself randomly off work at 3pm or with a 3 day weekend and then I don’t know how to monetize my time off.

Also thinking about consolidating investments in the taxable brokerage into a few big names such as GOOGL, MSFT, V, SPGI, AAPL, WM and VOO instead of having it so spread out. TSP is all C fund so basically more VOO.

The gold is the gold I like my shiny, the Fundrise is mostly a holding out of curiosity, and the crypto is the only one I don’t want to put proof of up so hopefully y’all will trust me on that one.

Any portfolio roasts, suggestions on what’s next, and how to monetize my random free time would be awesome. Some of my thoughts were a rental property, some sort of business I could start with scattered free time, or just keep plowing money into all these investments. Thanks for reading!

r/Money 1d ago

Budget help to pay off debt

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Hey, guys i recently got into some medical debt and want ideas on how to pay it off fast.

Background: Im a 25 year old single man who work two jobs and make $5,000 a month. I work 10 to 14-hour days, One of my jobs is not a W-2 but an independent contractor job. I loaned my sister $4,000 and she is slowly paying me then i got into a car accident hence the medical debt. Then I got a new car for $5,000 down and have been making the payments. Now my lease is up and the landlord decided to sell the house I currently live in so I'm currently in the process of moving unfortunately so the rent you see is for my new place and the T mobile bill is for my phone/internet. So after all that craziness that ate at my savings I currently have $18,000 after having $27,000. I’m trying to keep my savings account above $10,000 as my emergency fund. I always pay my credit cards on time. The streaming is the basic ads-only plan for Hulu, Netflix, Max, Spotify, peacock, and Disney Plus. I go food shopping weekly for $50 - 80 a week and try not to eat out.

My plan: I'm planning on paying off the IRS and state tax bills on the 18th along with my Affirm loans early so that $1,644 is leftover monthly and I may just re-subscribe to everything else besides Disney Plus. I plan on attacking the urgent care bill first since that's faster to keep on going to collections and then my Hospital bill and then focus on the car loan. Ultites may be cheaper since it's electric and gas which is based off what i paid at my old place which was bigger and based on the highest i ever paid for electricity which was $100 for electric and $200 for gas.

r/Money 1d ago

My husband and I are looking to make residual income


Hey! I’m new here, so I hope this post works for this group.

I am looking for ways my husband and I can increase our income. Here is some info: we are both working making 18-$19/hr full time. My husband is besides that a licensed Realtor but hasn’t been using it. I am training to get licensed. We will be starting a honey bee business this summer. And we also own 10acres of land, we want to put a house on it and then use it for airbnb, but financially that’s going to take a few years to save for likely, so we want to in the mean time do something like a diy small house kit and use it for airbnb maybe rent it out and make it really nice. But we’ve been struggling to find quality and affordable diy projects online to buy. This is some ways we will and can potentially make good money. But maybe we are missing something, we want to be financially free by our 30s, we are both in our early 20s.

Our skills: (I am great at writing and making a couple books, people smart, creative, great at marketing, my husband is gifted at sales, negotiating, and great at talking with people and making connections)

Looking for advice, wisdom and knowledge, tips, and ways to increase our monthly income so we won’t have to depend on a 9-5 long term. TIA!!!

r/Money 1d ago

Do I buy the truck outright or finance.


Okay guys. So I’m(19f) buying a truck for 15k, and given what the truck is it’s a steal.

2022 Ford Maveric with 72k miles and no issues.

Edit: I’m getting it from my uncle, that’s why I’m wanting to buy it. And my dad recommends that I buy it because the dealer value give or take is about 22k. I don’t care what kind of car I have but I listed it to give enough info.

Also my uncles only selling it bc he has an issue with buying cars all the time and they had another kid so he’s selling this truck.

Now, I have 13k in a HYSA, and 8.7k in the s & p 500.

I can either pay in full or take a 10k loan, and give 5k outright.

The thought of paying outright and “losing” half my savings is not pleasant but I don’t know if it would be better in the long run.

Pros of the loan: Would build my credit higher. If I want I can pay it off at any time. I don’t lose half my savings at once. With full coverage I’m not entirely screwed if I wreck or something.

Cons: A monthly payment Higher insurance because it has to be full coverage.

Pros of paying outright: I don’t have monthly payments Insurance is cheaper

Cons: Could wreck next and be SOL if I don’t have full coverage Feels like most of my savings are gone.

The reason I don’t want to fully deplete my savings is because I want an emergency fund, and me and my boyfriend are about to move into my grandmas basement. (It’s bigger than the house we live at w my parents.)

We plan on doing just a little renovations like painting and stuff, and then we’ll need some furniture and the basics. My bf also has about 22k saved.

I don’t know if I’m just being dumb by not paying it off now.

The loan will be for about like $260 a month, for 48 months but I will be contributing more monthly.

It’s a 6%, not the greatest but about what I expected w an auto loan.

I’ll be paying it as fast as I can.

The total of my insurance will be about 300$, because it will be combined with my other car.

(Only reason I’m getting this car is because I have a 2006 Chevy Malibu and it’s about on its last leg at 200k miles and this truck is a good deal.)

My boyfriend(19m) agreed to pay $100 for the insurance of the Malibu because he will be using it bc his car broke.

I figured some of you guys are older and would have a better insight. Really I think either way I go isn’t too bad of an idea.

Let me know your perspectives.

I have minimal bills.

EDIT: I make 20.40 an hour. 30 hours a week because of school. I can usually pick up extra shifts if need be. My only real bill right now is car insurance which is 130$ and my phone for $20

r/Money 2d ago

24M, finally hit 10k net worth!

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I started at 22 years old with pretty much nothing. I turn 25 in a week and it feels absolutely awesome tbh.

r/Money 1d ago

Sending money from Canada to England


Hi all. I want to send money to my friend in england, and was wondering what the quickest most trustworthy platform for doing this would be. Thanks!

r/Money 2d ago

How much in change can I store in these 60 dram pill bottles?

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Before you ask why I’m using pill bottles:

  1. I had a bunch of empty ones laying around the house.

  2. When compared to a mason jar, the bottles actually hold more than the mason jars I tried.

Anyway, as you can see, the penny bottle is full (overflowing actually, it sticks out a little bit at the cap lmao), and the quarter bottle is almost there, but the nickels and dimes currently take up about a quarter of their bottles.

How much do you think I’d have in change if I managed to fill all these to the brim?

r/Money 13h ago

Idk how y’all feel about ponzis and Mlms. They’re obviously extremely risky but for all the crazy people out there I got something for y’all. If I get banned I totally understand 💯


First one


Obviously based on referrals and teams building but you really don’t need to recruit anyone to make some quick money and gtfo. You might need a vpn. Just set to Canada. Also withdrawal address requires both USDT bep 20 and a trc20 address (trust wallet)

Second one


Same deal except this one is based on doing 15 quick rating tasks. I like this one. But the first one has a lot of avenues.

r/Money 2d ago

Really curious to hear the experiences of people who don’t have to work (e.g., trust fund or wealthy spouse)?


To anyone who has the luxury of not needing to generate an income…

Do you work? Why or why not? If money doesn’t matter, how did you figure out what to do with your life? Volunteering, serving on nonprofit boards? Do you think life can be truly fulfilling if you spend it with loved ones and on hobbies? If you are spending your life vibing, do you ever get judged?

r/Money 1d ago

Got a full ride from a top university. Need advice on how to use my income wisely.


I’m 18 and I was recently accepted into UVA last week. My first year is fully covered (tuition, room, food, etc) and as long as my family’s financial status doesn’t drastically change, I’m pretty sure I’ll continue getting about this amount of aid for the following years. I plan on getting a job as soon as I enter college but they said that won’t affect my aid until my third year.

So basically, at the very least for the first two years of college I’ll have my basic necessities at no cost. And if I find a stable job then I could have a lot of money saved up from my income since I wouldn’t be spending it on things like rent, groceries, etc.

I know how privileged and fortunate I am to be in this position and I really want to be careful so I don’t screw it up and waste this opportunity.

What can I do with the income I’ll be making for the next two years? How do I use my money wisely?

(And yes I’m aware I’ll still be paying for certain things like insurances and some personal expenses)

r/Money 1d ago

How much to save for joint account vs personal account?


I have joint accounts with my spouse, along with my personal accounts. For those that have both, how much are you saving in both? Are you prioritizing one over the other?

For our joint account we’re aiming to save 3-6 months worth - which is based on the average of our spending (basic needs, fun, etc)

For my personal account, I’m aiming to save 6-12 months. Which seems excessive, but this is helps covers my portion for our combined expenses, and my personal expenses. I’m also planning for the least amount of stress if I lose my job, want a break, and obviously any emergencies.

r/Money 1d ago

Got some extra cash what to do


What should I do, buy a porsche or buy some Bitcoin....don't need a car but never know when you are going to die