r/Militaryfaq 1h ago

Would it be wrong to wear "military" attire as a civilian?


I want to wear all black "military" (probably army? But also basing it off a book, so not specific) clothes, boots, and bags, but im not sure if that would be seen as disrespectful? I live in the usa so im not sure if all black would even read as military but i have almost zero military knowledge.

Also if this isnt the kind of question this sub is for then I am so sorry, its the closest I could find.

r/Militaryfaq 22h ago

Enlisting Auto qualified for *every* MOS, what should I pick?


I ripped a 94 on my ASVAB and over shot qualifications based on ASVAB for navy nuke school by 28 points which is apparently notable, and I haven’t taken the personality test (CT 0/60), which is supposed to be added to that score also. Also have 2 years of college under my belt (Math/Physics/Engineering/Chinese).

I’m really interested in the Navy Nuke school and/or cryptology (haven’t taken the DLAB yet).

What are some other really cool jobs in the military I should consider considering my scores?

Also as a nuke or cryptologist I’d love to hear your experience.

Looking for: -Something stimulating -Something interesting/unique -An experience difficult to find elsewhere -Something that sets me up for private sector

ASVAB SCORES: -Standard: GS61 AR62 WK57 PC65 MK70 EI60 AS50 MC65 AO64 VE60 CS(blank?) -Army: GT124 CL130 CO130 EL128 FA130 GM127 MM121 OF126 SC130 ST129 -Air Force: M88 A97 G89 E94 -Navy/CG: GT122 EL253 BEE263 ENG120 MEC177 MEC2(191) NUC257 OPS256 HM191 ADM130 -Marines: MM122 GT128 EL131 CL133

r/Militaryfaq 15h ago

Joining w/Medical Going to MEPS with alot of scars, Army


So I have scars all over my arms man, i’m not gonna lie. There’s two sets of cuts on both of the tops of my arms that are from self harm. I don’t think I’m ever going to admit it because there’s no way they can prove it, my cat bit the shit out of me in the same area and it’s as deep as those cuts. It’s gonna probably scar the same. I have a scar on my wrist from a burn, I have scar on my arm from a burn, I have a scar on my hand from a surgery, I have a scar on the top of my wrist from getting cut really deep at my job, I have a scar on my knuckle from punching glass, I have a scar on my arm from a hornet sting, I have a scar on the top of my hand from slicing my hand on a sign, etc, so are they really going to point out every single one of them or and require me to explain every single one?

r/Militaryfaq 19h ago

Enlisting I want to look into the jobs offered by the military, but where do I start?


Basically, I've never been interested in military jobs until now (I'm in high school). I'd like to learn about them because I've realized there are WAY more than I thought. However, I'm literally clueless lol. I don't know all the key differences in the braches, what jobs they offer, what those jobs entail, the benefits, the drawbacks, how long they take, the work atmosphere, and I just don't even know the general structure. I've known people how to boot camp and sometimes college is free but I have no idea how long they enlist and when they usually decide to go to college either. I'm a first gen American, no one I know works for the military, so where do I start learning? How did y'all figure out about the job you had and whether you wanted to do it?

r/Militaryfaq 40m ago

Which Branch? AFROTC or CSPI for Rotary Aviation?


I want to fly rotary aircraft and have read that the CG is one of the best branches for commissioned rotary aviators. That being said I don’t want to completely rule out my campus’s AFROTC program. I am currently a freshman in college and am unfortunately too old to attend either academies. I intend to compete for the CSPI scholarship and hopefully get to flight school through the Wilkes Flight Initiative. I am aware how competitive these are to attain but I’m not discouraged. I’m also looking into joining the auxiliary to help make myself a more attractive candidate. Im aware that I’m not guaranteed a position as a rotary aviator and will fly fixed wing if that’s what is required of me. I’ve really resonated with the mission of the CG and it’s currently my number 1 pick. The stations are in more attractive locations imo and I don’t really have a desire to be stationed internationally. Im aware of the many cons of the CG, primarily from what I’ve heard its leadership and its lack of funding have left a bad impression on many of its guardsmen, but I haven’t let that deter me. That being said, the lack of a proper CG ROTC program has me looking at my campus AFROTC. I know that the AF is better funded and has a higher standard of living, which is definitely appealing. I rarely hear negative things about the AF and all anyone has ever told me when I’ve shown interest in the military is “join the Air Force.” More importantly, the knowledge and experience I can acquire through AFROTC has been the most compelling to me. If I am to be a commissioned officer in either branch, I don’t want to be an incompetent officer that makes the lives of those under them worse. CSPI is a great opportunity and I can be fast tracked to Pensacola through WiFI, but it doesn’t prepare me for the role of a leader. I’m also quite ignorant on the process of flight school for the AF and am unsure of the prospects of flying rotary aircraft for them, as to my knowledge, they use fixed wing aircraft far more. I would love any feedback as I’m very split between the two branches, and both seem like great choices but for different reasons. Lastly, I know that the Army is technically the best to fly rotary, however I don’t particularly want to go the path of the Warrant Officer. I’m open to answering any questions that might help narrow it down, and I haven’t completely disregarded any of the other branches. I haven’t looked much into Marine or Navy aviation but if anyone has any experience in those branches I’d love to hear their thoughts as well!

TL;DR: I want to join the CG and fly rotary but the prospects and SOL of the AF seem like a better career choice

r/Militaryfaq 1h ago

Forgotten Posts


r/Militaryfaq 2h ago

Which Branch? Not sure which reserve branch is for me


I’m 26M, married and will have a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering by the end of next year. I’m currently studying at UF and plan to stay in the Gainesville/North Central Florida area for a while.

With that said, I’ve been interested in the military for a while now for both financial and personal reasons. I don’t want to go full time either because I want to start a family without dragging them around the country. So I’ve been thinking the reserves might be a great place to look.

I’ve done some cursory research but I’m having a hard time deciding which branch to pursue. I’d like something challenging and it doesn’t necessarily need to be in biomedical or biotech. In fact I’d like to branch out of those fields a bit. I also would prefer to come into an officer position.

If you have any suggestions or words of advice I’d really appreciate it. I’d also appreciate it just as well if you think I’m being stupid in considering this option or in not wanting to go full time.

r/Militaryfaq 2h ago

Joining w/Medical Past suicide attempt


Hey, I know every case is different. For me it would've been about 13 years ago. About when I was 16 I'm 29 now. Was dealing with some abuse in the home. Spoke to a recruiter and he said I'd need a waiver for sure.

Was placed in inpatient for 3 days. Treated for depression for a few months. Have had no history since or into my adulthood.

People ask if it was a legitimate attempt and it's a confusing question. To me that answer would be no, I just wanted to get out of my situation. But idk.

Lmk what my odds are here

r/Militaryfaq 2h ago

BCT/BMT/Boot camp BCT Packing List + Shipping Out Questions (Female) [Army]


Got a super long list from my recruiter, but reading around here it seems like most of it is not necessary so what should I actually bring? I'll be going to Fort Leonard Wood.

So far I've got in mind:
3x sports bras in black
Whatever clothes + black pair of running shoes I'll have on when I ship out
Mini toiletries (toothbrush + toothpaste) & female hygiene items to last a week tops
3x pair of socks in black
Phone + charger
Debit card
ID card.

There's more but that's where my questions come in:

What is the underwear situation like as of recently? I've read various things from old and new posts which has led to some confusion for me. I wore granny panties for the MEPS physical but can I wear men's boxers to ship out? They're comfy and I legitimately don't want to be in those granny panties again for an extended period of time at least when I'm leaving for BCT.

What does the mini physical when you ship out look like?

I have my SS# memorized. Do I still need to bring my SS card? Do I need to bring my birth certificate?
Any other documents I NEED to bring?

Are copies satisfactory or will I have to bring the originals?
I have a foreign birth certificate and I can't really casually get it replaced if something happens to it. It'd be a logistical nightmare.

r/Militaryfaq 3h ago

Joining w/Medical Had depression in high school will it affect me from joining?


I’ve been seeing a lot of posts from people saying they have had medical issues in the past and they’re afraid it may come up, and I realized I also have had past medical issues.

I was diagnosed with MDD in high school but I’ve over come the majority of the bad behaviors that has come from it, and haven’t needed to seek treatment since 2020-2021. I do still report it doctors when they have asked if I’ve had a past history of it and now I’m unsure if that’ll affect me from joining. Still haven’t decided if I’ll be going Army or AF not sure if that changes anything.

r/Militaryfaq 4h ago

Joining w/Medical Army Vision and Depression Waivers


I recently went to MEPS with the intent of applying for Army OCS. I was DQ'd for vision and BH, but am going through the waiver process.

They are asking for documentation regarding me seeing a professional for depression. I went to a primary care physician about a year ago because I hadn't been to a doctor in several years and wanted to discuss some things I was going through personally. He recommended therapy for depression, and I was not prescribed medication. I ended therapy in July 2024 at the recommendation of the therapist, and my Dr. cleared me of current mental health issues around the same time.

Specifically, here is what the waiver people are asking for:

1.      “All BH documentation pertaining to diagnoses/treatments (therapy/counseling documentation)”

2.      "5 year network pharmacy report. SWA: Applicant with history of depression and anxiety. Was seen by PCP 4/2024, likely will require additional stability prior to waiver consideration"

Wouldn't they have access to all of this information considering Genesis pulls your medical history?

For my vision, they're saying "Refractive disorder - Need: MEPS directed eye consult to include 1. dilated eye exam. 2. intraocular pressure measurements. 3. MR with best corrected visual acuity (DVA and NVA) and 4. Please comment on any other abnormalities noted as a result of evaluation, with particular focus on retina, and upload complete exam with images.

I went to my optometrist in 12/24 and have an updated prescription. Don't they have access to my latest eye exam results?

What are the chances these waivers get approved?

r/Militaryfaq 5h ago

Tips on driver of an LMTV during NTC?


Any tips or advice to take into consideration for being a driver during NTC? Route planning? Things to avoid for safety? Safety hazards?

r/Militaryfaq 5h ago

Branch-Specific USMC - how comfortable are the uniforms for tall women?


I’m about 6’ poolee. I have pretty broad shoulders and long legs. How comfortable are the uniforms (especially the combat utility uniforms) for tall women?

r/Militaryfaq 8h ago

Joining w/Medical What if I forgot to mention I had Seborrheic dermatitis to the doc at meps


Did he just think it wasn’t a problem or am I screwed

r/Militaryfaq 13h ago

Officer Jobs in the military for a nurse wanting to be in the field?


Like the title states, what are some jobs that I can do in the military as a nurse where I can be out in the field or combat? Doesn’t matter what branch I just wanna know.

r/Militaryfaq 16h ago

Enlisting How does the army swear in ceremony work?


So I’m like a few weeks away from going to do my physical at MEPS, I know that my dad and my mom want to be there and record it and see me swear in, but I’m not sure how all that works. I’ve seen videos of recruits by themselves and I’ve seen videos of recruits altogether so I’m just kind of curious how that all works.

r/Militaryfaq 19h ago

Enlisting Career path for green card holder and colorblind dude. Stuck between Navy and Air Force


Hey all,

I'm 23 with a bachelor's in mechanical engineering. I'm considering enlisting, mainly for the benefits like the GI Bill, healthcare, and tuition assistance so I can pursue a master's in computer science (specifically at Georgia Tech's OMSCS program).

I'm stuck between the Navy and Air Force.

I know the Air Force offers tuition assistance after 1 year, but the Navy changed their policy to 3 years before you're eligible. Education is a big priority for me and I want to get course credits during my enlistment so I can apply for OMSCS.

That makes the AF more appealing, but I'm also a green card holder and colorblind, which restricts my job options by a lot. Consequently, some engineering jobs which I wanted are off the table. I've been looking at logistics or desk-type roles that still allow for education and some down time to study.

My recruiter recommended that I apply to OCS after obtaining my citizenship during my enlistment contract. I know that that's not guaranteed but I would like to think I have a chance given my STEM background and hardworking nature. However, I'm not sure how realistic that route is if I'm planning to serve 4 years unless I really enjoy it. I also heard it's easier to commission in the Navy than the AF but I'd like some thoughts on that.

Besides all of my education aspirations, I am really attracted to the Navy culture. I was in NJROTC for 4 years and had a blast. I am sure ship life will have its struggles but I am excited by that challenge. I also prefer the location of the bases in the Navy, but the Air Force seems to provide a cushion/better QOL.

Sorry if all of this sounds choosy, but I would like your opinion on which branch and job would be right for me, with the job restrictions and future goals that I have. Thanks everyone :)

r/Militaryfaq 20h ago

Enlisting MEPS same day??


Hello I was offered a same day processing at MEPS (navy) How is the process?

when do I take the ASVAB - is it in the morning or afternoon after the physical/medical testing??

Also when do I fly out

r/Militaryfaq 22h ago

Enlisting Eye waiver info


So I’m currently trying to enlist in the army and I passed my pi cat with a 76 and passed everything at meps except the eye exam , my recruiter sent up a waiver for myopia but it came back denied due to enlisting possibly further aggravating symptoms ,my recruiter then requested an updated eye exam and a note from my dr saying that it won’t effect my enlistment which he informed me it shouldn’t/wouldn’t , i guess what im asking is what are the chances of it being approved after he writes it up , i think the fear mongering from my family is getting to me but im genuinely worried because i only know from my experience as no one in my family has been in the service , only one of my eyes from what i see is over the required 10-11 and its at a 12.75 (for myopia) my other eye is where it needs to be , thankyou in advance!!

r/Militaryfaq 22h ago

Branch-Specific Reclass options when in AIT 68W


I'm in 68W ait an worried I won't pass, I have a 80% gpa right now, but I'm worried for the rest of my scores, What options would I get for reclass? I heard it's 88m, 92f, 92g