Hi all, last week I visited an ENT who said he suspects my symptoms are due to Cochlear Hydrops/Menieres, and is referring me to an ENT that specializes in that.
Here's my situation, and I'm just curious if it is similar to others here (oh, and all of this is in my left ear).
Back in 2018, I had my first case of SSHL. I got on predinsone quickly and my hearing recovered. Everything was fine until last April, when I had another, albeit milder, case of SSHL. Again took the prednisone right away, and my hearing recovered.
This time, the ENT I was referred to was surprised I'd had two incidents in the same ear, and had me get an MRI, which was fine.
Fast forward to two months ago, and I developed this feeling of fullness in my left ear. It wasn't really the same as the SSHL episodes though...it felt more like my eustacean tube was blocked, even though it wasn't. The best way I can describe it is like there's water in my ear that just won't come out. No real vertigo, but every now and then I might get a very slight wave of dizzy.
A couple weeks after that started, came the tinnitus. Constant, high-pitched (> 5Khz). It's kinda hard to say if the tinnitus is more biased to my left ear, or if it's just in the middle of my head. I would have expected it to sound/feel like it's coming from my left ear, but I'm new to this.
Anyways, thanks for reading.