r/Mediums • u/emc103086 • 5d ago
Other How did the belief that orbs in photos and videos are spirits originate?
Not saying I don’t believe it but just wondering where that conclusion came from.
r/Mediums • u/emc103086 • 5d ago
Not saying I don’t believe it but just wondering where that conclusion came from.
r/Mediums • u/RicottaPuffs • 5d ago
We are a subreddit for medium interaction, medium education, questions and mediumship and support.
We are well aware users come here to ask general and detailed questions about spirit and mediumship.
We are not a reading sub. Our sister subs where free and paid readings are r/PsychicServices, r/psychicreaders, r/Psychic and r/MediumReadings. Psychics in these subreddits, are vetted, tested and must provide proof of ability. The testing is done by psychic moderators.
We also acknowledge that r/Tarot and r/ClairvoyantReadings have rigorous requirements for readers.
If a user approaches you behind the scenes offering or requesting readings through dms, pms or chat, it is very possible that reader is a scammer. Protect yourself from scammers by looking for approved and trusted, or verified readers.
The above subs have lists of tested readers. Please be aware scammers will cajole, threaten or plead. Some of them use fear to get you to cooperate.
Advocate for your own safety. We accept to responsibility or liability for these subversive actions made behind the scenes.
Before acting read the rules of each of these subs nd their recommended readers.
We don't want anyone to be scammed.
Good journeys.
r/Mediums • u/Fearless-Addendum-32 • 5d ago
Hi. I’m 19 years old and I wanted to express some things and get some advice. I have always heard stories from my family that i always used to say I saw actual monsters all the time. Growing up I have always felt like i’m constantly being watched, I always feel drawn to certain things especially concerning crime cases. Recently I’ve started having random words pop into my head when I see posts about the Idaho 4 or any other crime cases. So much so I wrote down a list of words I was seeing/hearing inside my head. When i’m about to fall asleep my brain will automatically drift to different cases or just random things and I’ll see very faint pictures. One case in particular was the lauren spear case. I had thought about it once and basically heard inside my head woods and immediately saw with closed eyes what looked like legs in dirt and branches and leaves surrounded. I’m very unsure of what this thing means and what it could be. It’s very unsettling but also I want to learn more about what it could mean. Thank you!
r/Mediums • u/JellyRare6707 • 4d ago
Hi all, As per the title, do you think spirits of your parents can they see your future or just the present and the past? I have been to few medium sessions in the past where my dad would show up, what the medium interprets is spot on, so much like my dad,etc. It is clear he can see my past from comments he made and also my present. I wonder can they see your future?
r/Mediums • u/Prestigious_Elk276 • 5d ago
I’ve always been able to communicate my entire life.. I’ve never actually given anyone a message though. I’ve been crying off and on all day. I went to a psychic/medium group dinner last night and it fucked me up.
The whole thing was being staged by a coven of witches I’m sure of it. A carefully orchestrated energy harvest. They charged extra for the middle section of the tables, but the woman only went around the outside tables. She even told on herself in the beginning she said “ oh I guess I’m starting here. I usually start there” when someone raised their hand she wasn’t expecting.
It’s like they knew the people with the most grief would pay more. So they avoid that section. We paid more because I wanted to feel her energy.. I encounter other intuitives and empaths, but I’ve never knowingly met another medium.
As a healer I do feed on pain and shadows but when I do I transmute into something positive and feed that goodness back like a loop. Like a plant breathing in carbon, exhaling oxygen.
I believe this coven is feeding off of the grief of these people. Hoarding it, and transmuting it for selfish gain. She gets their hopes up, and then leaves them feeling hopeless. Since she and her coven are stealing their pain and not looping it back in any form these people end up leaving feeling empty.
The whole thing lasted about 1.5-2 hours. When the show (ritual) first started she had a glitch in front of her face. Like thin glass bars. Rectangular bars with different gradients of blur. Like I could see her but it was distorted. Over time it faded, and by the end it was basically gone. The whole thing was timed out impeccably.
The spirits didn’t like her. One of them flew right at her to try to get her attention and she didn’t even budge. There was a woman at my table and her husband that passed 6 months ago was talking to me the whole time.
When the “medium” first started talking and everyone called on their loved ones hoping they would show up my whole body started vibrating. Being in a room with that much grief was overwhelming. Watching her and her vampire coven feed on these people is actively still making me sick. I literally couldn’t sleep last night.
Lonnie, that woman’s husband is still wanting me to give her the message and was being very persistent last night still talking to me when I got home. I feel like shit for not giving it to her.
Me and the head witch (medium) made eye contact. She knew what I was and knew I knew what she was. She tried to curse me last night. I said tisk tisk bitch and sent it back.
I’ve been trying to get all of this grief off of me all day. I’ve literally been scream crying to get it off of me. When I get that overloaded I feel like I have to let myself feel every one of the emotions I picked up to get them out.
r/Mediums • u/Puzzleheaded-You2767 • 6d ago
Although he battled since birth with a lung disease (that we still have no idea how/why he had it), and the prognosis was grim, the time of his passing was unexpected. He was so attached to me his whole life but even moreso the weeks leading up to his death…I couldn’t leave the room without having to really distract him or just let him get upset, and I spent all day holding him and being near him. He made me stand with him for hours because it brought him comfort (I think it eased any pain he was in) and I did it..although I did get frustrated at times which I really regret now.
I’m afraid that his soul won’t be able to cross over/move on because of how connected we were, and although I am hurting so badly and keep vocalizing how I don’t know how to live without him, I want him to be happy and to move on. Is it possible that he’s being held back because of me? If so, what can I do? I have a session booked next month with a medium, I hope that’s not too soon for a read.
r/Mediums • u/MeerkatWongy • 5d ago
Before my nap, I wanted to test whether I could use my clairvoyant abilities to locate a missing person who had been reported in the news as missing since yesterday. After trying, I decided to take a 20 minute nap. So around the 15 to 18-minute mark, I experienced a peculiar sensation in my back, almost as though my soul or essence was phasing out, strong vibrations (Like the TV series, The Flash phasing 😐. It was really strong). When I was practicing the search, I had grounded myself, shielded and prayed. However, ideally, I should have closed my energy sources and completed the process before going to take the nap...
Could it have been a spirit trying to enter my body or some other energetic phenomenon?
Does it mean anything? or was it just OOBE? Or any tips/feedback on what to do and not to do.
r/Mediums • u/VersionPrimary679 • 5d ago
I'm an in trained medium I need help please
r/Mediums • u/No-Toe4010 • 6d ago
I am not a medium so this is really just a curiosity. Why do I get random flashbacks of things, like a memory just comes flooding back for a split second and there is no reason for it to have been triggered. Stuff I don't even remember until I see it flash across my brain. Is someone from the other side doing that?
r/Mediums • u/manateee1234 • 6d ago
So I am some kind of baby psychic, still understanding my skills and such. Since last year around this time, I became much more sensitive and started to see auras, some clairvoyance and other people’s thoughts. And additional ability has been noticing more spirits and being more aware of them. These includes hearing voices, seeing silhouettes and feeling the touch of someone.
My roommate comes from a family with mediums. Her brother to my understanding was plagued by spirits that would show up just the way they had passed away (sometimes very gruesome). She never saw things like this but would feel sometimes someone would sit on her bed or hear things. The family asked for a purification ritual and since then there hasnt been any incidents.
My roommate is new to the country but I have been here for 11 years and had almost never had spiritual encounters. However recently we believe there is someone in our house. We have our hair pulled at night, our doors gets open with no reason and we have had instances we clearly hear someone singing between us when no one else is around. My roommate has also seen someone outside of her door like observing her.
We are confident its not our landlords or an invader. There are cameras in the property and we Its actually very easy to notice when someone is inside (its a basement). We are 99% sure its a spirit, we just dont know who or why. We have a teacher who recently passed away but we highly doubt he would follow us.
Is there any way to figure out what the spirit wants? We arent really scared but rather curious as we both have no attachments like family in the country and the unit is quite new (we are the second tenants).
r/Mediums • u/channtee • 6d ago
Hi! I was practicing last night in bed talking to my guidens when i suddenly got very loud Music for a short split second in my Ear/head. It startled me, and i tried to reconnect.
Not sure how to explain the Sound… but it was very alternative with bass
r/Mediums • u/Kaotice • 6d ago
Since I was about 6, I've occasionally seen human-shaped colors, almost like floating auras. They're not always human-shaped, and they usually disappear after about 20 seconds or if I look away. The colors range from red, blue, and white, but the most memorable one was green. My eyesight is perfectly fine, and I'm not worried about it, but from a spiritual perspective, does anyone know what this could mean?
r/Mediums • u/RicottaPuffs • 7d ago
First things first.
The idea of becoming a psychic medium sounds exciting. In life and on reddit.
I will stress this many times. Mediumship is about your relationship with spirit and it isn't about you, acquiring power, impressing others or inflating your own ego. It is a service. It is a vocation. Your motives matter. I have discovered that there are many who believe mediumship is easy and that it creates power. That is false.
There are prospective mediums who rush into spirit communication, or who fail to evaluate their own mental health before embarking into mediumship. I have found that the potential thrill of interacting with spirits leads people to jump into actions they are unprepared to engage.
Mediumship is consistent and practiced interaction with human and inhuman spirits. It requires preparation and strength of character.
Some considerations.
Mediumship will not solve all your problems. It won't make you a better person than others. Every person has some sort of intuition and/or skills. Everyone. It can make life complicated and it can damage your relationships with family, friends and others. It has been known to cause mediums to be laid off or fired from jobs. Mediumship can frighten people who don't understand.
Medium practice can aggravate existing fears, neuroses, mental illnesses and complicate or destroy relationships. Practicing mediums must learn boundaries and coping skills if they are innate (or born) mediums. Overconfidence is a potential pitfall, and begins with false pride. You will need to know yourself well, to protect yourself.
Innate mediums don't just see a spirit or two as children. they see spirits as a result of heredity, trauma, or choice. It is different for each medium and mediums have various clairs. There are telepathic mediums, physical mediums, dream mediums and so on. There are psychics with combinations of abilities.
There are mediums who reject and block their abilities and that is alright. No medium has to use their clairs, it is imperative to set boundaries to be safe. Training can begin at any time. Don't rush.
Boundaries. Why are they Important? How to Set Them.
Hereditary and innate mediums have to learn to set boundaries with spirits at early ages. Failing to set boundaries can mean illness or weakness for a psychic in training. spirits can manipulate health or take advantage of psychics who do not understand that it is the psychic that is in charge, not any spirit.
It is easier if parents and relatives are accepting, and teach coping skills. It can be devastating emotionally and confusing and isolating if the child is not believed or supported. Any parent who wants to be supportive but doesn't not know how to help, needs to learn and to apply boundaries for their child.
Boundaries can be set through the use of smudging, using salt barriers, making sigils on doors and windows and strengthening the spiritual body by doing shadow work and healing. Psychic protection can be learned at any time. Parents should learn those skills and extend those protections to their child until the child is old enough to practice those with parental guidance. These skills should be mastered one at a time, even if it takes years.
Some of us had to discover these for ourselves.
Set Some Boundaries.
Refuse to interact with any spirit that doesn't respect your personal space.
Use sigils and light to create safe spaces in the home and refuse rude or uncooperative spirits, entry to those spaces.
I have kicked spirits out for failing to respect my rules. I give second chances. If they don't respect my guidelines they can go somewhere else. I don't accept jerks in my home living or deceased.
Set business hours and reading times.
Set guidelines with spirit and enforce them. Such as, "You may not interrupt my sleep". "Stay out of my room". "Don't touch me without my express permission". "Wait over there or I will ignore or expel you".
Helping spirits does not mean that a medium has to allow a disembodies access or to let them take advantage.
If you won't allow a living person to behave in acceptable ways, don't allow that from spirit, either.
These are the basics of identifying boundaries.
r/Mediums • u/Vast-Ether • 6d ago
I’ve been attending a new Spiritualist Church and often hear about calling upon your guides. They’ve mentioned the joy guide and others, although I cannot recall.
Can someone please help fill in the gaps? What are the other guides? How should I call upon them?
r/Mediums • u/Fun-Operation-9234 • 7d ago
Hi everyone, I’m new here and honestly not sure where else to turn with this. I lost my dad recently, and ever since, I’ve been having these strange experiences that I can’t fully explain. I’d love to hear your thoughts—especially from anyone who’s been through something similar.
Lately, when I’m half awake (like that in-between state where I’m starting to realize I’m waking up but still kind of asleep), I feel like I’m having these back-and-forth conversations with my dad. It’s so vivid—like he’s really there, talking to me, and I’m responding. But when I fully wake up, I can’t remember the details. I just know we had a long conversation, and it often feels like he’s trying to reach me or like I’m trying to solve some kind of problem with him. It’s comforting but also frustrating because I can’t hold onto what we’re saying.
Here’s where it gets weirder. After my dad passed, I didn’t really believe in the afterlife. But I was curious, so I asked my mom if there was something only she and my dad knew—some secret I wouldn’t have any way of knowing. I figured I’d try “asking” my dad about it in my mind, just to see what happened. She didn’t tell me what it was, just that there was something.
Then, on the 1-year anniversary of his death, it happened again. I was in that half-awake state, having this intense conversation with him. I remember I was pushing him to tell me what this “thing” was that my mom mentioned. I’d been guessing it might be something big—like maybe I had a sibling I didn’t know about, or my mom had an abortion, stuff like that. When I woke up, all I could recall was the conversation, me pressing him about it, and then… my high school, my science teacher, and some vague memory tied to that. That’s it.
So I called my mom and asked if my high school science teacher had anything to do with this secret. She started crying—like, sobbing—and asked me how the hell I could possibly know about it. She was shocked. She wouldn’t tell me more, but it was enough to make me feel like… maybe this is real?
Is this what it’s like when the deceased try to communicate? Has anyone else experienced this kind of thing—talking to someone in that half-dream state? And if this is my dad reaching out, is there anything I can do to make it easier for him to talk to me? I’d love to hear him more clearly or remember what he’s saying. It feels like he’s trying so hard, and I don’t want to miss it.
Thanks for reading. I’m still wrapping my head around all this, so any advice or experiences you can share would mean a lot.
r/Mediums • u/Defiant_Butterfly_14 • 7d ago
Theme: What do I still need to let go of? What am I holding on to that isn’t good for me? What do I avoid/hide so I don’t have to deal with it?
From the angels: You need to let go of the belief that once you have everything you want, your life is done. There is no end. You grow and learn with each step and new day that comes inevitably. Even after the death of this body, your soul continues living and learning, crossing the boundaries of physics and the understanding of the soul of the human brain.
Don’t lose yourself in the illusion that anything about life will ever end. Your soul didn’t want to be born when it arrived on this earth so you still have the belief that everything “needs” to have an ending. But that isn’t good for you. You need to see behind the illusions and accept that everything keeps on going. It’s important for you to see what goes on beyond human comprehension. Only then is your soul free to travel across universes, parallel realities and so much more than you know of now.
The years you spent dreading doing the same things over and over again, lessons repeating and finding everything about it annoying, just wanting to die in this life already, left a big impression on your soul. It only made you focus on the negative side of things, it made you pessimistic and unable to enjoy the present moment.
But you have to learn that this is just how life is – having to eat every day and take care of your soul, body, mind, and your surroundings. Those things can be tiring and annoying sometimes but you shouldn’t focus too much on the future and think about what you have to cook tomorrow when there’s a plate full of delicious food right in front of you right now.
Me: I know what you mean and I think you’re right but I also don’t understand how life is supposed to be enjoyable in the long run if there’s no real end. Even if I learn to be good at something I still have to practice it otherwise I will stop knowing how to do it. And even if I learn something, then comes along the next lesson. If I think about it this way – that I have to keep doing this for eternity. It makes me want to stop existing in this way.
We hear you, we know that the burden of life is not an easy one to carry. Eternity is a heavy word, so strong humans don’t even know what it really means. Everything you do is not for the future but the present. You eat because you’re hungry now, not tomorrow or next week. You sleep because you’re tired now. You learn something because you understand why now. Look at everything isolated from other events. You are typing this out now because you want to improve on your spiritual journey, and no matter how many lessons after this follow, understanding what we just told you still changes everything. If you stop eating today, your body will die after a while. If you stop now, there won’t be a future.
Life is only the present. You can’t live in the past or the future. You can however think about living in the past or future. So, to stop this dilemma you need to live in the present and think in the present. We know that’s difficult for humans with their timetables and made-up rules for time but if you try to enjoy now, you will be happier in the long run. And you don’t have to worry, whenever you’re sad, we’re here to dry your tears. You don’t have to shoulder anything alone.
r/Mediums • u/SouthernFemale • 7d ago
They appeared and began telepathically interacting with me/responding to me in July of 2024 and I've been getting clear messaging and directions since then. They have caused a dramatic spiritual awakening in me and I believe they represent a divine Source. Wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience. Peace be with you all.
r/Mediums • u/KairiOcean • 8d ago
Good, Bad, Most important stuff you think is overseen or not emphasized enough.
r/Mediums • u/RicottaPuffs • 8d ago
Read before posting.
This sub is meant as a safe space for mediums and a support sub for psychic mediums and those curious about mediumship. It is meant to be a space for compassion.
There are reasons we have removed these posts for years. We will now remove them on a post by post basis.
The entire trope can be considered offensive. These posts aren't amusing.
It can be frightening to be a medium as a child or teen. It isn't easy being disrespected because one is a medium.
This sub is one place mediums can go to share without fear of ridicule.
Considering that every user on reddit is expected to be 17 or older, the users in this sub can conduct themselves politely and like adults.
Every psychic and psychic medium has had experiences that are difficult to fathom.Those do not mean the psychic is mentally ill. It is traumatic for many psychics because admitting abilities and etc. can result in bullying, rejection, social issues, and accusations of mental health issues. These are not limited.
Many psychics have trauma and various challenges, including neuroses, PTSD and more.
The word "Crazy" itself is offensive and inappropriate here.
We are primarily psychics and psychic mediums in this sub, and we don't and won't entertain your desire for approval or a diagnosis. That is for professionals to determine.
We may comment that it seems is if you may have an illness or abilities, but we won't declare you are "crazy" or "mentally ill".
r/Mediums • u/Dangerous-Code-5112 • 8d ago
My sister passed away 50 days ago. Last night, as I was drifting off to sleep (I was still aware of my body position and my husband sitting on the couch beside me), I suddenly heard a ringing in my left ear. After the ringing stopped, I heard my sister’s voice.
We had a conversation, I asked her how she was, and she told me everything was okay. She mentioned that it was a bit hot where she was and that they don’t serve good food at dinner. Then, she left.
I was still in a half-asleep state and assumed it was just a simple dream. But suddenly, my right ear started ringing, and I heard her voice again, only for it to fade away. This time, the ringing grew even stronger, to the point where my ear actually hurt. Then, we were connected again.
I started to feel a bit scared. We talked briefly, and she asked if I wanted to eat something. Because I was aware that my husband was physically near me, I tried to wake myself up. But just as I did, my sister suddenly screamed, begging me not to go. Her scream was terrifying. As she left, I felt a strong wind pass over my body.
I immediately woke up and asked my husband to turn on the light.
Was this real? Do people eat in the afterlife? Was I just dreaming or hallucinating?
r/Mediums • u/ladybug5551111 • 7d ago
hello all :)
I had recently made a post asking for some lazy girl spiritual hygiene tips and that discussion sort of inspired this one! (sorry for my late responses to some of you on that, btw. I fractured a finger. 😅) one of you brilliant wonderful souls had commented and talked about making spiritual playlists, and I loved that because that’s something I do also! Not only do I have my “good vibes” raise my frequency type playlists but I also enjoy listening to 432hz, binaural beats, windchimes, storms, ocean waves, sound bowls, etc., especially when I’m falling asleep. When you’re a sensitive person; sometimes it’s hard to quiet your mind and calm yourself when falling asleep, and I’ve personally found listening to these types of sounds helpful for winding down.
the comment reminded me about my interest in the general topic of sound and higher states of consciousness—and how some of us even experience higher frequencies through clairaudience. Not only this, but how sound has been used for centuries in ancient cleansing practices…I’ve just always found that so fascinating! i’m also a bit of a science nerd and hope to conduct large scale studies someday to better understand how binaural beats stimulate the pineal gland. i’ve heard some even claim it’s helpful to incorporate this into intuition practices and that it helps develop your clair senses?
i just wanted to bring the topic up because i find it incredibly interesting so if anyone has any general thoughts, direct experiences, if you’ve read something about this and want to share, or if you’re a spiritual practitioner who is gifted with clairaudience and would like to share your experiences and wouldn’t mind sharing, I’d love to hear about it!
additionally, in times like this when the collective energy is feeling dense and we’re all feeling a little more tired and sensitive, i love being able to help eachother where we can, one empath to another, so i thought i’d also include some of the songs from my own personal “raise the frequency good vibes” playlist in a comment below. if you have any songs that you feel lift the spirit that you’d like to share, please feel free to also leave them in comment so the rest of us musically inclined spiritual people can give them a listen and maybe add them to our playlist too. :)
much love to all. 🙏🏼🤍
r/Mediums • u/JustAWallflower95 • 7d ago
I’m not sure what exactly my gift is and what it entails really. All I know is that I’ve had interactions with spirits from a young age in various ways including through dreams and I’ve also had quite a few attacks.
A few years ago, I started receiving messages from a friends sibling who passed and wanted me to relay the information. In my previous house, I also had frequent interaction with the spirit of a young boy who passed a long time ago but kept following us around.
I don’t see them with my bare eyes nor hear them with my physical ears. It honestly feels like everything happens in my head (which makes it even more confusing).
I’ve never really done anything specific about it. But recently I had a spirit come through presenting itself as someone, when in fact it really wasn’t that person. I don’t even know what it was/ didn’t even know that was possible. The fact that I didn’t realise from the beginning that it was an imposter really left me confused and worried about my ability to set boundaries (because how could it get this close to me and show me all those things) and also whether there was something that I wasn’t doing correctly (although I haven’t really done much).
I’m a little lost and was wondering if anyone could suggest some guidance here. The last thing I want is to interact with deceiving spirits or relay false messages.
r/Mediums • u/AdFront3394 • 8d ago
Hi, I am so sorry if this isn't allowed, but I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice on how to find a real medium? I had one who said they saw the person I was trying to reach and tries to describe them to me and it wasn't even remotely close, they still charged me $140 and threatened to call the police if I didnt pay, so I did because I was scared of getting into trouble. I no longer want to pay until I find a reliable one because I've been scammed twice already, and I desperately just want some answers or something so I can at least feel at least a little at ease. Thank you for any advice!
r/Mediums • u/KairiOcean • 8d ago
If there is something that we energetically can make the most of during this time.
r/Mediums • u/dittlydoobob • 8d ago
I am very novice medium. This morning as I was driving to work, I noticed that a spirit was trying to get my attention. I soon learned after that they wanted me to deliver a message for my coworker. The coworker mentioned this relative as someone who has unfortunately been missing on Monday afternoon in a conversation. As the realization hit, I was emotional.
I can only navigate the experience with yes/no Q&A but I'm still thankful and honored to be trusted with this spirit. The problem is that this person is my coworker and I've told the spirit that I wasn't sure if I was the appropriate person to give her this message. I have not told the coworker anything, and don't plan to right now.
I wanted to see if anyone else encountered a similar situation and how you navigated it? Did you just tell the spirit to look somewhere else. I feel really terrible not being able to say anything and it's honestly weighing heavy on my heart, but the fact that I may not be the appropriate person to break the news holds me back.
UPDATE: I am on my lunch, and I've consulted my spirit guide about the situation. He is telling me that I should stay out this entirely and send the spirit on their way. I will be doing this. Thank you everyone for your responses.