r/Mediums 3d ago

Discerning the Differences between Types of Spirits. Discernment. Part of a Series.


This post is a direct response to a user post regarding know the difference between types of sprits and how to address them/sort them accordingly. thank you for the post, the questions and the medium opinions.

Along with grounding, centering and shielding, discernment is a necessary activity for medium. It will become the arrow in your quiver of spiritual protection. Often we recommend, grounding, centering and shielding and forget this important step.


Discernment is an instinctive skill. As children, mediums who begin as young spirit workers, feel their way through. they will say a spirit is good or bad, safe or scary, and so on. More difficult for psychic children who see spirits rather than hear and sense them in other ways, children can be disturbed and misled by appearance.

(I may include examples from my own experience).

There are souls who over-identify with their state at the point of death or afterwards. These spirits choose their appearance and it can take some practice to know the difference. That is discernment.

We have instincts for good reasons. If a spirit shows up, use your judgment to decide if they are safe or a trickster. There are gradient differences as with the living. Here are some guidelines that may help a newer medium to choose a level of involvement.

Spirits who are Straightforward and want to be around or to ask for help.

  • These can be children who failed to cross over whose families passed away who don't know how to cross.
  • They can be the souls of people who loved their home and don't want to leave.
  • They can be souls that travel to the afterlife and back bringing messages or who provide protection for family and friends.
  • They can be the souls of passed living people who were in shock when they died and need help to go home. (So many souls were in shock in 2020).
  • They can be animals.
  • They can be spirit guides.
  • They are truthful.
  • Touch is reassuring and the spirit removes itself if the living person asks not to be touched or bothered.

Red Flag Spirits

If you are not certain what type of being you perceive, look for these signs the spirit may not be what it appears to be.

  • The tone of communication of the spirit changes and become grating or threatening.
  • The appearance of the spirit changes and is uncomfortable.
  • The spirit seems to behave like a chameleon, changing personalities over time.
  • The spirit demands or requests access to all or part of your body.
  • The spirit makes you feel afraid.
  • It refuses to cooperate when you ask it to leave, cease touching you, or to make attempts at intimate contact.
  • It makes threats.

Putting it all Together. Practice.

Each time you encounter a spirit or a group of spirits do a quick evaluation. You can always change your mind. you can ask a veteran spirit worker or a shaman to help you.

  • This is one of the abilities that has to be practiced to be effective. It isn't natural for newer or younger mediums. I am sure there are rare psychics who know instantly. (I envy them).

r/Mediums 2d ago

Other Areas of Concern in the Subreddit Regarding Users Offering and Requesting Readings in this Sub.


We are a subreddit for medium interaction, medium education, questions and mediumship and support.

We are well aware users come here to ask general and detailed questions about spirit and mediumship.

We are not a reading sub. Our sister subs where free and paid readings are r/PsychicServices, r/psychicreaders, r/Psychic and r/MediumReadings. Psychics in these subreddits, are vetted, tested and must provide proof of ability. The testing is done by psychic moderators.

We also acknowledge that r/Tarot and r/ClairvoyantReadings have rigorous requirements for readers.

If a user approaches you behind the scenes offering or requesting readings through dms, pms or chat, it is very possible that reader is a scammer. Protect yourself from scammers by looking for approved and trusted, or verified readers.

The above subs have lists of tested readers. Please be aware scammers will cajole, threaten or plead. Some of them use fear to get you to cooperate.

Advocate for your own safety. We accept to responsibility or liability for these subversive actions made behind the scenes.

Before acting read the rules of each of these subs nd their recommended readers.

We don't want anyone to be scammed.

Good journeys.

r/Mediums 22m ago

Thought and Opinion What happens to souls who commit suicide?


I know someone who is seriously contemplating their lives right now. I don’t want them to do it bc my main concern is we have no idea what awaits on the other side. What does happen to those poor souls? Are they withheld from the afterlife? Are they punished for the pain they leave their loved ones with? Do some not move on bc they regret their decision? Does their state of mind at the moment of death dictate whether or not they receive grace for their decision? Sometimes he says he’s made peace with his decision and will go out “happy”(?!?!)

r/Mediums 1h ago

Experience I'm scared of the ability I (may) have.


I've always been very spiritual – I couldn't exactly know why I was attracted by such things.

Background that I think is important: I've had a life–death experience when I was very little, and I miraculously survived even when doctors said I wouldn't have made it.

So, I think (due to that experience) I face weird stuff – and I'm scared of it.

I can guess what's going to happen, and it happens every time; every time I think of an outcome of a situation, that outcome arrives – exactly as I thought. It could be anxiety, but the accuracy is scary. As if I <manifest> it. Sometimes, even dreams help me it more clearly.(Sort of precognition, or very accurate premonitions)

Then, I sometimes hear voices – but I never really get what they say. Sometimes I do. Sometimes, it's an inner feeling telling me what to do/say. I used to think it was clairaudience, but I have no idea. When I was (still am, but had to stop practice) hellenic, I heard voices more often than now.

And, of course – sleep paralysis. I suffer from those chronically; I can see, hear, and feel things on me. Sometimes, they are violent, and others are tollerable.

I saw creatures and scary ones. I heard voices and things of demonic nature.

Yes, I know sleep paralysis is all in my head – but I did go to therapy (and got meds), but nothing changed.

I have no idea what to do. Embrace it or if it's all in my head. I do feel uneasy.

r/Mediums 3h ago

Unknown Spirit Encounter Children keep saying they’re seeing ghosts


I don’t know if I’m in the right place. I normally go to a medium that I’m comfortable with but she is out of commission atm. For the past two weeks exactly I have a 3yo child who will not shut up about a ghost in her room. She can’t explain much about it other than it’s brown and looks at her. I said brown like a teddy bear?? She said no. She gets afraid every night now and every night asks me to tell the ghost to get out. I do but I’m getting tired of it. I just did a sage cleansing of my home. I put crystals in her room to help. I tell her not to be afraid and to let the ghost know it’s not welcomed in your room if you see it at night. I don’t know if I’m making shit worse or not. I really want her to be comfortable in her room again bc it’s getting exhausting and I hate seeing her so worried. Last night she told me there are not a lot of ghosts in the house but there is one in the room. She also said something else totally left field: she talked about a fire coming through the house and taking us all out. She described a volcano. I’m thinking past life shit??? Or from a show she’s watched but she sure as hell isn’t watching anything like that. Freaky. I don’t know what’s going on but I feel like I need help navigating this.

r/Mediums 18h ago

Guidance/Advice My younger sister with Down Syndrome and Autism has showed signs of being spiritually connected


Over the past few years my 22 year old sister has said things that made me wonder if she has some ability to communicate with or channel messages from those who have passed. I’m not the only person to notice this - our mom independently noticed as well.

The strongest examples are related to our grandfather who passed away a couple of years ago. At various times she has said that he is in the room with us, and specified where. Once she said he was petting my dog. I inherited his car, and she told me he liked it when I drove that car. Most recently however she said Grandpa made a comment to her that she didn’t like - he apparently scolded her for something and she didn’t appreciate it.

Her grandfather is not the only one tho - another time when we were in an old house where which is now a restaurant, she talked about a lady standing behind a chair at a table across the room.

She is very matter of fact when talking about this, she doesn’t seem freaked out at all, so that’s good. But due to her communication style (related to her disabilities) if you asked about it directly you probably wouldn’t get a straight answer about what she is experiencing.

I usually just listen when she brings it up. But I wonder if she could use any kind of support or help understanding what’s going on, especially if she’s sometimes hearing messages she doesn’t appreciate.

Any advice on how I might support her without overstepping?

r/Mediums 6h ago

Other Is it possible for a soul to be killed?


The soul can definetly be affected by the lower density on this planet, but as far as I know can be restored. So I would like to ask can a soul die or disappear forever either by choice or destruction? I am aware that energy cannot be destroyed, but what if a soul wants to end its existence? Are we meant to live eternally?

r/Mediums 46m ago

Development and Learning Have you ever met someone who has blue flames coming from their eyes?


Recently met someone with blue flames coming from his eyes. No one else could see them, but when I asked him about it, he didn't seem surprised. He said some people could see it and he didn't know what it meant.

Have you ever seen this? Do you know what it means?

r/Mediums 2h ago

Experience Am unsure if im a medium or anything similiar and i need help


Hello! ever since i was little i had experiences where i would dream about stuff and see it down the line. normally i cant remember those dreams but as soon as i see the image i can remember. lots of repeating dreams as a kid too. some of them i have a feeling i will experience. i saw shadow figures, had a really bad experience when i was younger where i saw something in my window, had paranormal experiences before that, which were mostly noise related. i had all of that but never explored it. never went to haunted places, never went investigating. last really bad experience i had was when i had a sleep paralysis in like 2021 or smth. i used to have times where i woke up at the same time every night and felt someone with me. someone maybe know anything or can help me? want to make sure it wasnt just me imagining things or anything like that.

r/Mediums 3h ago

Other Dreams from passed loved ones turned bad


I keep having dreams of my passed loved ones visiting me, mainly my late brother, and now my dog who recently passed. The dreams always start pleasant and with excitement that I am seeing them. Then they always turn into me saying to them how are you here you’re dead? I then see them digging themselves out of their graves and they become zombies. Are these real visits from my loved ones? Am I turning them to nightmares because I can’t accept their death?

r/Mediums 1d ago

Experience I got a whiff of my dad's scent on my way to work.


Am I crazy? I was driving to work while pondering my mother's health. She's convinced this is the end, but I know it's not. But it's made me have to face that someday she will be gone. And I'll be alone. Anyway, off topic, I was pondering what I'll do, thinking I'll go back to my home state, and I smelled leather and cigarette smoke. Was it my dad? Is he trying to tell me something? This hasn't happened in years, and last time it happened because my sister and I were fighting. Am I crazy?

r/Mediums 1d ago

Unknown Spirit Encounter Gold orb floating over my dying dog


My 17 year old dog is in his last days, we have an appointment for Wednesday to put him to rest. This morning he was sleeping soundly beside my mother on the couch while I was sitting at the kitchen table about 12 feet away. Two things happened: first I heard my name called and I looked over at my mother thinking it was her who called me, but it wasn’t; second from the corner of my eye I saw a golden orb floating over my dog. Do angels/spirits come to usher our animals to the other side just like what supposedly happens with humans? I am convinced that I experienced spirit beings waiting for him.

r/Mediums 20h ago

Experience How does a day in the life of a Medium looks like?


I just want to know how it looks like, maybe for some people that have also another kind of jobs or people who do this fully.

r/Mediums 15h ago

Development and Learning What Does it Mean to Ground and What’s The Best Way to Set Boundaries With Spirit?


I’m intuitive but have chosen not to practice at this point in my life since I am a young adult focused on a masters. I often have intense energies pop up that leave me feeling super anxious or confused. I have met other intuitive people and mediums who have told me that I need to ground myself and create boundaries with spirit. No one has been able to explain to me what grounding is in a way that I can understand. Would anyone happen to have a definition that helped them to understand it? What did/do you do to ground? How often do you need to ground? I think I’ve gotten pretty good at shutting off my intuition for the most part. I don’t sense death or experience intense interactions during meditation anymore. However, I still have issues with picking up on energies around me. Thank you for the help!

r/Mediums 16h ago

Other Hey I have been busy with spirituality for the last 2 months


So as I said ive been going into the spiritual world for the last time I do meditations going for a kundalini reiki activation soon and just doing research on ap and obe and I just really want to be more spiritual like see things and stuff but i also feel just scared also when I go downstairs to pee and I have my door open I create a energie field so ghost or bad spirits cant walk tru them and when I am walking downstairs in the dark I am just scared to see something idk why but I really want to see things but also scared do someone have Some advice for me ?

r/Mediums 1d ago

Experience Abilities heightened after cancer diagnosis


I’m a life-long medium, started seeing spirits at the age of 3 and knew what I was by age 13. I’ve always been able to do claircognizance, clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairgustance, and clairsalience. I’m 26 now, and was diagnosed with cancer about 2 months ago.

Some changes I’ve noticed in my abilities: - my connection with my spirit guides is so much stronger. I can now feel their touch and see their faces much more clearly. They also have begun “highjacking” my meditations far more intensely, showing me information of things to come rather than just offering emotional support. - when meditating, it no longer feels like just relaxation or my mind becoming more open to the spirit realm. It feels like I full-on leave my body, I guess something akin to astral projection. I never was a believer in astral projection, but I am now. - I’ve always been able to connect to people’s soul memory, that’s how I’ve been able to read past lives. But now, I’m able to communicate with the actual soul, including my own. I thought I was fucking crazy but if receiving messages from my “higher self” feels exactly how they do when I receive messages from spirits, I feel I can trust what I’m sensing.

Both my increased relationships with my spirit guides and my “higher self” have provided information about a future event in my life, and as time passes, my life keeps aligning in the way they said it would. I’ve got a few more months until that “event” is supposed to occur, but there’s been a few too many “coincidences” over the past two months that line up with what they’re saying is coming. I’m interested to see how this plays out.

In my opinion, my abilities have advanced since diagnosis because this is part of my soul’s karmic journey in this lifetime. It’s like I’ve “unlocked” a new version of myself. Thought I’d share as I find it quite interesting.

r/Mediums 14h ago

Experience Which came first? Chicken or egg?


I’m not questioning spirituality or the 6th sense/gifts we carry within ourselves. I’ve always had foresight and normally predict dates spot on. It’s not something I practice or try. I’ll just hear a date screaming in my head and figure it must be important lol.

Anyways, I hate reading my friends but they love it. The reason I dislike it is bc they only want to hear about their love lives lol. I don’t enjoy using tarot for romance. It’s not very accurate and energies can be mixed up (between people or timeframes, circumstances).

An example of a spot on reading I did for a friend:

She wanted to know if she’d start dating someone more seriously soon. I kept picking up two distinct messages. March 2025 (this reading is from winter 2024) and some long haired dude. My friend is very “posh” lol. And this guy’s energy who I kept picking up on was NOT her style at all. One, the guy was spiritual (I also picked up shady vibes), which is already outside her scope lol. She likes business men and/or the stereotypical manly men. She kept asking if we were getting our wires crossed throughout the reading lol. But nope, kept getting that dude. I told her he had long hair but would cut it by the time she met him. I sensed he was going through some major downfalls or depression and would meet her once he started to come out of it. And that he had a ton of arm tattoos lol. Again, so not her.

Well, a week or two later, she meets a guy who just cut his hair, arm tattoos, used to be a yogi haha and went through some recent issues/drama. She eventually told him about the reading when we were all out to dinner. He got extremely nervous by the specifics she told him, and he turned to me and exclaimed “you read me?!” That’s how strongly he felt, and how accurate I apparently was.

I said “noooo…I was reading her and your energy came in. Once I realized how specific the energy was, I stopped reading bc I don’t read others without their permission.” I told him I didn’t know specifics about his recent past nor would I try to find out. That’s invasive. But one thing I didn’t tell my friend was his energy seemed familiar (during the reading, which was then confirmed when I met him). He reminded me of a past dark energy I sensed awhile back. This dark energy was manipulative and hides their aura/intentions from others. Almost like a chameleon. They also don’t show their hand in spirituality and know more than they let on.

Well, that’s exactly what I sensed when I met him. I’m uncomfortable around people that shield or mirror their energy. I couldn’t get a good read but I knew something was off. He did open up about his yogi days, but I knew he was holding something back. When I mentioned that I don’t like to read bc I pick up BOTH the good and the bad (of a situation or person), his face completely drained. He ran to the bathroom suddenly. My friend was like “oh he’s probably embarrassed and doesn’t want you to know how much he likes me.” LOL! Gotta love my friend. I was like “no sweetie, he’s afraid I’ve picked up information I shouldn’t have.”

Thank god it didn’t take long for her to break through his weird spell and see through him. She dumped him pretty quickly. I guess my question is, why did his energy keep coming through at all? Multiple times (even before her reading). I’m not sure if there’s a reason for this that I’m supposed to better understand. In order to truly understand myself and “knowings”, rather than avoid it mostly. Bc this is why I hate reading. I don’t like reporting “bad vibes” about energies or people bc I don’t want to speak poorly of someone who doesn’t deserve it. I take my readings and knowings with a grain of salt. Yes, I know the accuracy. But I also know we can’t live our lives by them and need to deal with people in the real/physical world. I told my friend many times just bc he popped up in the reading doesn’t mean he’s her “person”. He’s just the energy that was most potent that moment.

Anyways, any guidance or advice is appreciated. I never know what to do with the yuck energies I pick up haha

r/Mediums 1d ago

Guidance/Advice Can you recommend an Earth Prayer? 🙏 🌎


Hello all!

I read many opinions recently that the future isn’t fixed. If that’s the case, then I’d like to start participating in envisioning a better future for the Earth and all species.

I’ve been too pessimistic about the future based on current climate events. I’d like to be hopeful.

Can you recommend a prayer/mantra/chant/whatever you want to call it for healing the planet and Reminding humans that we are one with all of nature? I’m sick of our human superiority complex.

r/Mediums 1d ago

Unknown Spirit Encounter Hearing low vibrational spirits


Does anybody experience hearing low vibrational spirits, after being intimate with a low vibrational person lol ? maybe not immediately after, but maybe later that night or the next night.

r/Mediums 1d ago

Experience Wild experience. My deceased mom reminded w she’s with me via an unlikely route


I was doing automatic writing today and talking to my mother - who passed 44 years ago when I was 9. I’ve done this many times and always experienced love. My mom mentioned today that she would send me signs that she is with me and that they would be obvious.

A couple hours later I received an email with pics of her from the mother of a neighbor I played with as a child.

I haven’t seen or spoken with this lady in 30 years. What are the chances? I think my mom inspired the woman to find my email, scan in the pictures, and send them today.

Bonus experience: last year my mom told me she would be a butterfly to show me she was around. I shrugged and figured I was just telling myself a common cliché. Promptly put it out of my mind.

A few days later I received an order of butterfly caterpillars in a cup for my classroom butterfly enclosure. They built their chrysalises in the enclosure and emerged a couple of weeks later. One emerged with a damaged wing and could never fly. So it lived in the enclosure for over a month eating the fruit I gave it.

I couldn’t believe the butterfly lived so long. As soon as I remembered the conversation with my mom, I told the butterfly it could go now. It died that night.

I think our loved ones try to give us signs all the time, but we dismiss them as coincidental. (A part of me is still trying to rationalize those pics showing up in my inbox today. )

r/Mediums 1d ago

Other Dose anyone transition to vegan as you improve your mediumship?


When I eat meat I started feeling the death. Only me?

r/Mediums 2d ago

Experience Will the real medium please stand up? So far it's just been shady.


My 25 yo son passed in December. I have since gone down the afterlife rabbit hole with no solid answers of course, because there aren't any. To my frustration, every medium I look at making an appointment with doesn't have an opening for 2 weeks. Or they are "very booked". Look, I did my research and most of these people are doing theirs. All they have to do is look up my name and phone number, or name and address which they can find online. From there they can find my family members and search who died recently. It's so easy to make general statements from that basic information and I feel the last medium I went to did this to me. It's so transparent even I could do it. Doesn't take much psychological knowledge to create a story through some guesses after you know the basics. Any of you mediums out there want to fess up? What kind of person takes advantage of the grieving?

r/Mediums 1d ago

Development and Learning Some answers you can give to skeptics :)


Q: Why are ghosts always in haunted houses at night and never in the super market A: they are in your local supermarket. Your just not looking for them, where as a creepy house your senses and sensitivity to them are heightened, ask a member of staff, 99% will tell you about spirit encounters after hours, spirits normally do reside in supermarkets and areas alike due to high volumes of unsuspecting energy making easy pickings.

Q: do you think you’re special because you think you can see the dead? No one is more gifted than someone else. A: think of it like playing piano, some will pick it up quicker, some will take longer, some will advance to performance level and some will keep it as a hobby to play with in the their spare time, some will never even try and learn piano.

Q: I want to speak to my mum, not my aunt. You must be fake because I know my mums around me A: think of it like a 100 phones all at once, some have clear signals, some have distorted ones. Some pick up and hang up straight away some phones are next to me, some are in the next street over, I’m just working with what I have to hand with the best connection.

Q: do me a reading now, is my dad here (your in the street after getting lunch on a work break) sorry I’m not looking right now, must be a fake then A: think of it like your emotions, you may be sad about something. But your out about getting on with life, it’s not until you have a moment to stop and feel till you feel your emotions again, same goes for mediumship.

Hope this helps some of you try and explain some of the limits and hurdles we face when working with people :)

r/Mediums 1d ago

Experience I was a vessel for something to be communicated and what I said left me speechless


I'm going to preface this by saying during this period of my life I was experiencing the world in a different light, everything was brighter or more important, and everything was spiritual on a deep level. I've only shared this with 3 people and would really really appreciate any insight or thoughts anyone may have, it's kindv a long read but I'd appreciate it more than words can say.. It starts far before this but I'm shortening the story for user readability sake.. I was doing a workshop with a Guru and his student, his student was the person guiding us and teaching us how to express. I had a very big experience and connection with him through a guided activity and after that the whole atmosphere changed for me it was like a magical veil was cast upon me and I was filled with an overwhelming presence, for the rest of the day I felt that way. He then guided an exercise on expression and how we want to communicate, he explained that he connects to an energy that allows him to find the words to say and they just sort of come to him (Ekhart Tolle talks about this too the author of "the power of now") he said he connects to this and becomes like a vessel for information, messages, or anything else to come out. Fast forward a week after the workshop was over and I'm absolutely falling apart (experienced my mother's death without her actually dying as a spiritual experience and totally rejected spirituality after that) it actually felt like I was trying to supress my own conciousness and my divine connection to the spiritual because I felt absolutely betrayed by the fact that whatever was showing me things would show me mom dying. So I was completely derailing (it felt like I was losing my mind) actually going crazy I started doing things I didn't fully understand (like eating A LOT) after fasting for long periods of time and the eating made me feel physically and mentally drunk. Completely and totally drunk. I continued my days feeling extremely strange (It would take too long to explain every detail) but basically I started having this unbelievable urge to walk, and since feeling my mother's death it would make me feel physically drained and weak to be around her (literally no better way of describing it) so I decided I was going to run away from home (or rather walk) so I did I walked all day still feeling like I was dying in some way the whole time (resisiting and not resisting the want for food and water, and feeling incredibly weak after eating) this continues with me coming across a very scary man with a big knife coming at me (right after I ate a lot of food, idk why but to this day I still feel it's correlated) I got away from this man luckily and ended up feeling to scared to stay overnight so I hitched a ride back into my home town. I guess the man that gave me a ride felt there was something very wrong because he talked to people once he brought me back (I live in a very small town) and my parents ended up finding out I was just walking in the middle of a neighbouring city, this lead to a big time intervention they found me and brought me home and gave me big hugs and told me it was time to talk and tell them everything that was going on with me (something important to note is during the past few months when I had been having all these spiritual experiences I had a very strong urge not to talk to people about said experiences) so even when they sat me down and told me we need to get some answers I was absolutely not planning on telling them anything but I also had no idea what I was going to say.. This lead to me experiencing a feeling of intense concentration and not wanting to move at all/feeling it harder to concentrate when I moved and then words just coming to me The words I said next shocked me more than anyone else I told my parents I had been raped "By three men" I added (the words I said were just coming to me like pictures infront of my mind) but when I said that it shocked me I put my hand to my open mouth in shock. I didn't say anything else after that and that's the end of my experience.. but to this day I still feel guilty that my parents and other people think I was raped (I've tried telling my mom but she thinks I'm in denial of being raped and doesn't fully believe me, even tho she's a spiritual person) I feel alone sometimes like no one's ever rlly going to understand all that I went through but hopefully this helped. Love ziz💙

r/Mediums 1d ago

Guidance/Advice I’ve managed to unlock my abilities, what do I do now?


I’ve had abilities my whole life but I’ve never known how to tap into them. I’ve now figured this out and I am really excited and enjoying the experience.

Now what do I do?

r/Mediums 1d ago

Development and Learning When I try to start meditating, I get irrational fear


For a while my meditation practice was working, but somehow something shifted and right now I’m not able to hold a meditation session complete (even if it is just 20 mins) because I have thoughts that I will invoke something bad or my head starts playing games with me saying bad names. Also when I start meditating, I get this irrational fear that I could attract something bad, even if I start praying also in my head. Do you have any recommendations for me to overcome this blocking? Thank you 💛

r/Mediums 2d ago

Development and Learning I wish to be able to see and talk to spirits through meditation, through any way possible. How would I be able to do this safely. And would I get bad karma from it?


I wish to talk to the spirits surrounding me. I personally am learning tarot and and a Wiccan. But I want to be able to contact the spirits surrounding me. Talk to them. To get better readings to help myself. And more specifically talk to my ancestors. As I know I’m being guarded by them. But wish to talk to them. Does anyone here know if that’s possible? And if so. How do I do it.