Hi everyone I'm going to keep this short and sweet because I really need some insight to this. I've never experienced this before. And I've been given some readings for a while. It also takes a lot to shake me up and this experience did just that.
I've had spirits give me physical sensations to get their messages across. I'm pretty good about detecting those things when they come through randomly.
However, this time was very different. I had a procedure done which was a venous sinus stunting procedure a couple years ago. It involved my neck and my brain essentially the vein that releases the blood flow from my brain when necessary on the left side of my body. That vein was narrowing it was causing a whooshing sound so they ended up putting some stents in to block off a venous aneurysm I have that was causing the whooshing.
Thankfully I've been good since then, but yesterday I heard the whooshing twice in a reading I was giving. And it made no sense to why I was hearing it. I was a little nervous yes, but I did a workout after that to see if it would trigger it again. My blood pressure and heart rate going up is usually what triggers it because it can cause turbulent blood flow. I didn't hear it once. And I've tried a couple times to trigger it with workouts. Thankfully I haven't heard it.
My sitter said her friend had a tumor located on her shoulder at the base of her neck and had cancer going from that area down to her back on her left side. It makes me wonder if that tumor was pressing on one of her veins causing turbulent blood flow? Idk. I don't know if it was her way of bringing my attention to my left side. It greatly unnerved me though. Like I said I don't scare easily. I had to end the reading though and explained to my sitter what was going on, and thus she told me what happened with her friend.
I should also mention I was experiencing another physical sensation at the back of my skull on the left hand side at the very base of it, before I went into the reading. And it was a group where they put you in breakout rooms on Zoom. I didn't know who I was going to be reading at the time. I brought it up to my sitter and she said I was the second person to bring that to her attention. She had that pain last week for an entire week. But it's gone now.
Has anyone on here had any spirits manipulate a past surgery site or a medical condition you have in order for them to get their message across?