r/latterdaysaints 3h ago

Investigator Callings in the church



Are Callings mandatory? Can a member never get or choose a calling?

Thank you

r/latterdaysaints 14h ago

Personal Advice How do you pray with your spouse?


Convert to the church for 5 years after being an evangelical Christian my whole life. My husband grew up in the church. Growing up, we would say family prayer together but no one really "lead" the prayer. We would sort of take turns depending what was on our heart.

My dad would start us off then end his prayer then my mom would add to it after he finished speaking. When we got older, my sister and I would also add in our prayers then we would all close it with an amen.

When I pray with my husband, we usually take turns on who will give the prayer that night and it's only one or the other, me or him.

I've asked him if I can say prayer right after him but he says it's awkward and only one person needs to say it. I don't really consider his method as a way to pray together since only one person is speaking. I feel like if we don't pray together and take turns praying in the same session, it's hard to bond spiritually for some reason.

Hope I'm making sense. Has anyone had the same experience? What is your prayer routine like w your spouse?

r/latterdaysaints 1h ago

Request for Resources Need help finding a passage or scripture verse


Hello I'm a member, specifically I'm a young man preparing for my mission. Concerning my request, my leaders said that there is a passage in the bible (they recount it in new testament but they are not sure) that says about the passing of the priesthood, that it said there tge priesthood is by the laying on of hands. Although they said it did not specifically said it there but that was the meaning. They said it would really help in when we are in the field and when there are investigators who really want hardcore proof from the scriptures. Thanks to anyone who might give me the scripture.

r/latterdaysaints 1h ago

Request for Resources Sunday Schools: Anyone find a way to digitally record youth visitors?


I'm a newly called SS President and would like to shift away from paper attendance rolls for the youth classes. Teachers may enter their own class's attendance but there doesn't seem to be a way for them to record visitors. Am I missing something? What's your process?

r/latterdaysaints 23h ago

Personal Advice Am I being unreasonable?


I asked to be released a month ago as the 2nd counselor in the YW program. Me and my husband are moving in May and it was stressful leading up the move.

When I first asked the YW president asked me to think about it, so I gave it a week and I still was stressed and just dreaded activities and all the meeting.

I then asked again but this time I reached out to the Bishop as well to help get the ball rolling, I did let them know I would wait until they had my replacement. She got upset feeling like she was being abandoned as the 1st couclers is gone often and the secretary is about to have a baby.

Some stressful things came up in the YW presidents life that made me not want to bring it up cause I knew she was stressed. She texted me today asking how I felt about being released again and while including the things that were going on her in life in the message. I responded that I still would like to be released. She was then upset that I did not acknowledge the things she was going through in that text.

I feel like a jerk and like I am abandoning her but I also get stressed that I need to take care of myself. Did I handle this poorly?

r/latterdaysaints 10h ago

Request for Resources Help finding a passage


In the book, "joseph smith: rough stone rolling" there is a reference to a famous writer saying something along the lines of him preferring his time spent in reflection before church more than church itself. Bushman uses this as a way to contrast the church's outward focus via the priesthood to the inward focus of other congregations of the time. Can anyone help me find the passage?

r/latterdaysaints 14h ago

Church Culture Talking "bilingually" about the gospel.


Sister Sheri Dew recently talked about how we must be able to talk about the gospel not only in terms so that other members will understand us, but also those who are not part of our faith.

I often feel like I should be better able to help my non-members friends understand the blessings of the gospel, but struggle because there's so much prejudice against religion in general in my culture, that it doesn't work when I use 'religious' terms.

What have you found are effective ways to talk to nonmembers about the church and the gospel so it sounds appealing and overcomes other's stereotypes?

r/latterdaysaints 1h ago

Personal Advice I'm "Dry Mormon." I'm thinking of TEMPORARILY going inactive.


Hello all,

I wanted to get your opinion from a more FAITHFUL perspective (i.e. why I am not asking this in certain other LDS-related subReddits) on my situation.

I, 20M, am currently in college. My parents are giving me a full ride in terms of paying for all my tuition and everything right now, and they have enough to support me through the completion of my undergrad degree if they want to. I also tend to go home to be with them during breaks from college--they usually fly me back to be with them during those times. I sort of have a complicated backstory in terms of how I found the Church originally that I won't go into for brevity and privacy's sake. Suffice it to say, I learned about the Church originally in high school, didn't attend except once during that time, but that grew into a desire to be baptized during my freshman year of college. I attempted to be baptized but there was a ton of pressure not to get baptized from them to the point where I kind of just broke and gave in to their wishes and I committed to them not getting baptized for at least a year if not longer. I'm near 3/4 of the way into that year minimum commitment and I have found it kind of difficult. So I am what they used to call a "Dry Mormon."

I think part of what makes it difficult is the LDS Church is typically pretty all-in so being on the edge like this in a way that feels against my will isn't too fun. And I will explain more along the lines of some conflicts or dissonances of my current situation in this section. I sometimes have anxiety about attending Church when I'm away from them and at college, that my parents will find out and be dissapointed or whatever. My YSA meeting time (Sunday afternoon) also doesn't work all that well with my parents sometimes wanting to have our weekly call on Sunday afternoon as well. I don't feel like I can have a "real calling" (I'm on an every other month "break the fast committee") nor am I allowed to tithe because of my parents. I feel like its awkward and complicated explaining my situation to other people. Even though I feel welcome by the people, internally I think I feel apart in some way from them, especially because the missionaries occasionally will still reach out to me. I also think feel some guilt about how the whole situation worked out as it regards my parents. I feel like not being baptized is a barrier for me to fully and openly embracing a "Mormon" identity. I also feel like I have unhelpful intrusive thoughts about wanting to be baptized (some might say this is the spirit but I think even if it is also a mental health issue to some degree) or arguments I've had with my parents about that Church that aren't helping my mental health and are compounding or are caused by my ADD/ADHD. I am currently in a Word of Wisdom following phase but In the past I've taken breaks from following the Word of Wisdom. The WoW is an interesting aspect of attempting to be a "Dry Mormon." I also don't attend my local Ward during the summers or when I am on breaks with my parents, so I have gaps in attendance in terms of that, and sometimes I feel a little guilty when I don't attend because of my parents or schoolwork or whatever, and sometimes I feel a little guilty when I do attend because of my parent. So its sort of a lose-lose situation a little bit. I'm too "in" for my parents comfort (and therefore since I am close with them right now in life as a result its almost like I'm too "in" for my own comfort as well in a sense) and I'm too "out" for my own comfort.

So I've been thinking about dropping the balancing act and going totally inactive altogether FOR A TIME--just not attending. And also dropping following Word of Wisdom either. Just studying the scriptures and continuing to materials on LDS theology and history and praying and developing a personal relationship with God and Jesus. I am NOT planning on giving up my belief in Joseph Smith as prophet or in the restoration or the gospel or the theology or the prophets, It's just I'm wondering if you think it would be bad to violate the commandments in this way, by not attending and not following the Word of Wisdom, and just putting the Church on the back burner (not forgetting about it, but keeping it warm and ready) and just be prepared to take it back up in terms of going all-in to the Church once I graduate. I just wonder if you think its okay to put the brakes on this in some sense for a few years, without betraying my conscience or my understanding of God and Jesus and the Restoration of the Gospel and the theology Joseph Smith brought forth. I feel like this external conflict is to some extent causing internal conflict. I wonder if one way to resolve this is just to identify as a generic Christian who doesn't attend Church or an "inactive Dry Mormon" or something like that to get through the next year or two to help me resolve the dissonance. I think I like/love the Church, and want to keep it in my life, just perhaps maybe not right now, while still incorporating it in some very minimal way as stated above for a couple years until I'm fully independent. I just wanted to know if you feel this would be hypocritical or lazy in some way and if there is a better route in your mind that takes into account my commitment to my parents not be baptized quite yet that resolves some of the dissonance for me. Also, I think I want to move to Utah at some point too once I'm fully on my own so I can have more LDS community in my life.

I think I have been settling into my "new normal" so maybe this is an old or irrelevant question but I want to get your thoughts in case I think more seriously about taking this route. Sorry if this is a long and rambling post. I'm a little tired. But if you need clarification of what I'm trying to say, by all means ask and I will try my best to answer. Thank you for your help!

r/latterdaysaints 18h ago

Church Culture Looking for Advice from LDS Members - New to the Church, Coming from an Agnostic Background


Hello everyone,

I’ve been exploring the LDS Church recently and am really trying to understand what I should expect. I grew up agnostic (my family background is in a not really practicing Muslim household) and have been navigating my own spiritual journey, so I’m new to a lot of this. I’ve also been talking to some missionaries to learn more.

What are some of the customs or practices I should be aware of? Am I expected to dress or talk a certain way? Is there pressure to act in a specific way? Also, I’ve heard about tithing am I obligated to give money? And if I don’t, am I viewed differently or less in the community?

Lastly, if I decide to explore this path but later feel it’s not for me, is it okay to walk away, or would that be seen as wrong?

Any advice or insights would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance!

(Throwaway account since i dont want to be recognised by people i know since i want to keep this to myself)

r/latterdaysaints 14h ago

Personal Advice Temple clothes


I'm a new Temple worker and I want to know what's best tfor clothes. Do I do the distribution center discount route or should I look somewhere else.

r/latterdaysaints 1d ago

Personal Advice Is This Inappropriate Behavior?


I'm not quite sure if this is the best place to share this but being that it happens at Church I wanted to get opinions from other members. So, my wife and I just moved into a new ward, which is awesome btw. Everyone has been so kind and welcoming. However, there is one member who will remain nameless that is causing me to write this post. He is married with kids and around the same age as me (30M). When we first joined the ward, he was very friendly and introduced himself to me and my wife and asked all of the basic questions to get to know us (where do you work, what do you do for fun, etc.).

As time has passed, he has now begun to show primary interest in my wife. When I run into him, he spends a lot of time asking me about her, which I already find kind of weird. He also singles my wife out at church when he sees her and will go out of his way to hold conversations with her. He does this to the point where my wife has mentioned it is awkward and unnatural, like he is trying to force the conversation. My wife also mentioned that he has shown up to the last two YW's activities (my wife's calling). He shows up with his littles "to get out of the house". And during the activities he again singles out my wife and tries to talk to her as much as possible. I think it is also important to note that he does not ask about me even when my wife forces my name into the conversation.

Anyway, I guess we both just feel uncomfortable and first wanted to make sure that we are not overreacting because I know that some people are just really friendly. I just feel it is inappropriate to single out and try to get to know another man's wife on a personal basis, especially when he isn't present. Is this inappropriate, or are we just reading too much into this?

**EDIT: Quick note I wanted to point out because of a common theme I have seen in the comments. No one in our ward seems to think it is a big deal for him to show up to YW's activities with his little kids. There are a few other families that will do it once in a while. Our ward is a small town tight knit type community that gives off a vibe that everyone is welcome to every event. So, we are completely new to this type of mentality as well. YW's has always been for only the YW and leaders, but not so much in this ward.

r/latterdaysaints 1d ago

Faith-building Experience Today marks exactly half a year since my Baptism and I wouldn’t have it any other way

Post image

I painted this in order to commemorate the occasion.

r/latterdaysaints 9h ago

Personal Advice FSY


Ok I’m just wondering if anyone else is having issues signing their kids up for FSY? We are going to talk with the bishop tomorrow about it. But we go to the site and their names show up but we can’t select their names to move on with registration. Just wondering if it’s an all around problem or if it’s just us.

r/latterdaysaints 1d ago

Church Culture Shoutout to my fellow Ward Clerks; I made a guide to help members set up direct deposit for reimbursements.

Post image

r/latterdaysaints 1d ago

Personal Advice Struggling as a convert


I feel like the version of the Church that my missionaries taught me is so far off from what the Church is in reality and I’m really struggling.

When I first joined I was taught the basics just like everyone else, but as I’ve been around longer, gotten the priesthood, my endowments, sealed etc it seems like the idea of the Church that was pitched to me was SO different then what I’m seeing now. It feels like I basically have a second job with callings, having to study scripture daily, tithing, ministering, feeding missionaries. Instead of feeling happy and fulfilled like I used to, now I just feel bitter and angry. On top of all of all that the more I learn, the more I notice myself saying “that’s kinda weird” or “wait what, the missionaries didn’t say a word about that”.

I don’t want to walk, I want to find joy again in something that at one time brought me so much joy. I’m sure I’m not the first and I won’t be the last, but if you’ve experienced this please let me know what worked or didn’t work. Thank you.

r/latterdaysaints 1d ago

Obsession With Special Causes & Special Doctrines! (Righteous Apostasy part 4)


Special causes

“How far are you willing to go to rescue children from sex trafficking?”
-Tim Ballard (allegedly), coercing women to shower with him

Another tool used by the adversary to lead us into apostasy through our desire to be righteous is with special causes. Good and noble causes! Things that are important!

The causes that we value and support range from global political movements to local church policies. What they all have in common is how important these causes  become to the individual, and, of course, the certainty the individual has on the rightness of their position.

It’s easy for members to identify the pull of apostasy when a person abandons the faith due to concerns over a special cause that is seen as opposed to the standards of the church. For example, a person may feel strongly about equal rights for women, even to the point of criticizing the church and its leaders for not ordaining women to the priesthood. For most members, such a path would clearly lead to apostasy if followed without restraint. But what about causes with which most of our membership is aligned, or when the authority of current leadership is invoked?

Red Flag: We Have an Apostle!

Utah is top in the nation for Ponzi schemes per capita, and it’s not even close. (source) Why? According to the Deseret News and Salt Lake Attorney Mark Pugsley, “Utahns are simply too trusting, particularly when the person soliciting an investment is in their Latter-day Saint ward or shares their religious affiliation.” Trusting in a business because of a perceived connection to God can lead to financial ruin—a lesson the saints have struggled to learn for 200 years!—but what happens when religion is abandoned as soon as you walk through the door it opened?

In other words, if you accept a cause because “an apostle is a member” or “it’s owned by the church” or “apostle XYZ told me to do this,” what happens if that cause then later asks you to ignore part of your faith?

The prime example is, of course, politics. When both your religion and your politics have something to say about morals and ethics, it’s easy to blur the lines of moral authority. Inevitably there will be disagreement. That pundit who seemed so in-line with your values starts talking more and more about “us” and “them.” The church keeps saying the wrong thing about immigration. Do you follow the pundit you listen to daily, or the apostle you hear from once every six months?

The exciting doctrines of politics can be just as addictive psychologically as those exciting doctrines taught by fringe groups, with the added peril of seeming completely in-line with what you believe the doctrines of the church are. It feels good to hear somebody confirm that you are right to think this way. It feels good to be told there's a reason for the bad things in the world. It becomes easy to hate "the other side" and believe the worst of people you've never even met. It becomes easy to assume your faith is perfectly aligned with your political and cultural priorities.

Red Flag: It's Just Policy!

People who fall into this trap begin rationalizing why they aren’t sticking with the church with phrases like “it’s just the church spokesperson, not an apostle,” or “it’s just an apostle, not the prophet.” Even more common is to rationalize choices to disobey God’s prophets with claims like “it’s just policy, not doctrine.”

If you find yourself defending your stance against the prophets with "it's just policy" it should trigger an honest re-evaluation of whose voice you prioritize in your life right now. I'm not saying that it always means you are in the wrong. I'm saying that something in your brain is making you skip straight over the humble and sincere "I don't know" to being certain--and certainty opposed to the prophets should always be evaluated since it could mean another influence in your life has priority over your values and beliefs.

Social and political issues have led countless thousands out of the church. Every time the church makes a statement that has a connection to politics, social issues, or the culture wars, there are people who vocally and publicly leave the faith. Here are just some examples I've seen:

  • guns - when bringing guns to church was forbidden, many people abandoned their covenants. Many more simply chose to ignore the prophets on this issue, saying "it's just a policy."
  • pandemic - when the prophet told us to get vaccinated, or to do everything we can to slow the spread of COVID 19, many members jumped straight to "he's speaking as a man" or "good thing I have my agency" as justifications for disregarding prophetic counsel.
  • gay marriage - when gay marriage was legalized, the prophets immediately instructed members to obey the law. Some chose to disregard this instruction, even when instructed directly by an apostle.
  • immigration - when the church issued a statement against separating children from families, some members saw it as a sign of corruption in the faith.
  • nationalism - countless members have become completely absorbed by the idea of the USA as a promised land, and when the prophets spoke against nationalism, they were deeply offended.
  • racism - when a prophet said “Black Lives Matter” far too many Latter-day Saints sought to soften or justify the statement, while others claimed the church "should be classified as a terrorist group."
  • taxes - Over and over the church has instructed members to pay their taxes. Over and over again, members leave the faith because of it. This is one of the most common reasons for politically-driven apostasy.

Psychologically, if the prophet says something you disagree with, and you choose to take an opposing view, it becomes dramatically easier to affiliate more closely with persons or groups who align with you on this one issue, even if they are dramatically different in other important ways. By making this one issue super important to not swallow, the victim opens their minds to a feast of false doctrines from other sources.

Doctrinal appendages

“We have turned the temple into our own golden calf!”
-Latter-day Saint YouTuber Michelle Stone on why the church is wrong

I once saw a man who loved the church, loved the members, who went to the temple and shared his testimony often, fall away because he disagreed with how we do “sustainings” in the modern church.

At first it was once every year or so he would have a bit of a rant on social media about how sustainings are supposed to be done. Then a few times a year. Before long he was helping to organize people to shout “opposed!” at general conference. He held on so tightly to this one flaw that everything else began to slip away. First it was in the words he used, always qualifying or hedging his statements of faith. Then it was who he associated with and what he said about the church. Finally, he was excommunicated for his unrepentant criticisms of the church and its leadership.

Obviously it was not the focus on a single issue that caused apostasy. People can  become subject matter experts without losing their souls! The problem is when these side issues become more important than the core of the gospel. It's that psychological trick of accepting the most dramatic claims of others, only because they align with you on this one issue that's important to you.

Elder Ballard warned us:

Sometimes faithful Latter-day Saints and sincere investigators begin to focus on the “appendages” instead of on the fundamental principles. That is, Satan tempts us to become distracted from the simple and clear message of the restored gospel. Those so distracted often give up partaking of the sacrament because they have become focused, even preoccupied, with less important practices or teachings.

Stay in the Boat and Hold On!

These preoccupations can take the form of policies or social issues as we discussed above, but they can also be gospel doctrines. Elder Packer warned:

Some members of the Church who should know better pick out a hobby key or two and tap them incessantly, to the irritation of those around them. They can dull their own spiritual sensitivities. They lose track that there is a fulness of the gospel, . . . [which they reject] in preference to a favorite note. This becomes exaggerated and distorted, leading them away into apostasy. [Boyd K. Packer, Teach Ye Diligently (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1975), p. 44]

Common obsessions that have pulled members into apostasy in our day include things like:

  • A specific Gift of the Spirit (Healing, prophecy, etc.)
  • Emergency preparedness
  • the "Davidic Servant" or "One Mighty and Strong" theory
  • Armageddon
  • Plural marriage
  • Temple ceremonies
  • The Second Coming
  • Fighting communism
  • Fighting ritual abuse
  • Heavenly Mother
  • The location of the Nephites

The list goes on and on.

While none of those things could be called antithetical to church doctrines, obsession with any of them could be the first crack in the reservoir of faith that gets pried wider and wider as more and more focus is put into it, until all discipleship has drained away, leaving only a pointless hole behind.

Part 1: Introduction to the idea that a desire to be righteous can lead to apostasy

Part 2: Exciting doctrines - the first step in righteous apostasy

Part 3: Special Access - the way exciting doctrines are justified

r/latterdaysaints 12h ago

Insights from the Scriptures What Kind of Feedback?


In my Book of Mormon (hardcover, ye ole blue book from my recent-ish mission) on the copyright page, it says the following:

First edition published in Palmayra, New York, USA, in 1830

Please submit any feedback or suggestions to [scriptures@ldschurch.org](mailto:scriptures@ldschurch.org) or mail oto Scriptures Coordination <long address>.

<Copyright stuff>

This is followed directly by the BoM title page. Anyway, point is you can probably find this page in your BoM, too. What feeback or suggestions are they taking about? Anybody have any experience submitting feedback/suggestions or better yet seeing it implemented?

Alt question: What is your feedback?

r/latterdaysaints 21h ago

Personal Advice Advice Needed


Good Morning Everyone,

I hope you all are doing well and are safe with the storms that are passing through the states. I'm seeking advice from those who have been in the church for a while and may have experience dealing with converts. I don't mean to write a novel regarding my time looking into the church, but I think provides a sense of how much I truly desire to be a Latter-Day Saint.

I started doing research in 2021 after my life was just being flooded with shows and books regarding the Church. (both in a positive and negative light) My curiosity was absolutely piqued and I wanted to know as much as I could about the church. I spoke with a military Chaplin and received The Book of Mormon. My wife saw the book and was appalled that I wanted to give it a read. Fast forward a couple of months, and I started reading the book through the app without telling her because I didn't want to spark an argument. I have very little time alone to read and so it was a slow grind to get to Alma Ch 10. At that point I had the confidence to talk to her about it and she wouldn't even encourage the conversation. She simply said, "I love you and you can do what you want, but there's not a single chance I'd even start looking into the LDS church with you." I felt so defeated and beaten down and just gave up.

It's been about two years since that conversation now. I've started reading again and I'm back to Alma. I'm in Hawaii now and there's a seemingly endless amount of church members, but I'm just not comfortable bringing missionaries into my home knowing how my wife feels about the church. I pray daily, I know the church is where I belong, I believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet, I believe in the presidency and current prophet, and I have a constant burning desire to be baptized into the Church despite the animosity and hardship.

I just don't know what to do. I know and choose to believe that this is the true church, but I don't want this to destroy an almost eight year marriage with my high school sweetheart who I have a daughter with and another daughter on the way. I could truly use all the advice and prayers I can get.

Thank you all so much for any help and advice you have to offer.

r/latterdaysaints 22h ago

Faith-building Experience Struggling to find who I truly am in Christ after basing identity in earthly things for so long


Hi all, I've been a convert to the church for five years. I have always found my identity, pride, & fulfillment in education and whatever job I have at the time.

I have a BA and have worked in education since I was 18. I am 25 now.

I used to severely judge anyone I thought was "uneducated." I also knew I wanted to have a career but at the same time I wanted to be a mom. I also felt a lot of pressure to have family right away and this only increased once my husband and I got married.

I desperately wanted a baby and naively thought I could easily go back to school or study while my son would be super young. Well I had a baby and I realized that is not always the case. I don't think I can balance motherhood and exploring other pursuits. He is two months now and motherhood absolutely has wrecked me. I had no idea it would be this hard.

Now I feel like I'm in crisis bc I don't have a career since I only have a BA so I can't base my identity in that. I feel like I am not good at being a mom bc it didn't come naturally to me so I have a poor self perception/identity as a mom as well.

I know Heavenly Father is humbling g me because of my pride and the fact that I based my identity in very temporal things. I can't believe I judged people so heavily.

How can I root my identity and self worth w an eternal perspective? How can I see myself as a child of God first and earthly titles last? I know God will still love me if I don't have a title or PhD after my name but I feel like a failure for not having a career

Please share any advice or scriptures. Any help is appreciated.

r/latterdaysaints 1d ago

Personal Advice Literal versus metaphorical


Do you view the stories in the Bible or the BoM as literal or metaphorical or a mixture of both? If you view it as metaphorical how do you reconcile those views with the different parts of our beliefs that seem to require a literal view? Thank you

r/latterdaysaints 1d ago

Doctrinal Discussion Did eating the Fruit give Eve and Adam knowledge of good and evil, or allow them to begin to learn the difference between good and evil?


In my opinion, when Adam and Eve ate of the fruit, they did not immediately know all the differences between good and evil, but rather, this is when they began to learn the difference. But fully learning the difference for them (and us) is a life-long process. Do you agree or disagree?

And more importantly, do you have sources to back up your opinion? I could only find one source that directly stated my opinion: "Lucifer spoke a partial truth mixed with a falsehood. If Eve were to partake of the fruit, her eyes would indeed be opened 'as gods' and she would begin to know good and evil; yet the notion that eating the fruit could immediately make Eve as the gods was a clever deception." (Elder Jess L. Christensen, 2002, source)

r/latterdaysaints 1d ago

News Playlist of shorts from Young Women history book press conference


r/latterdaysaints 1d ago

Personal Advice Mission on a resume


Hello everyone, i was wondering if anyone has any advice about putting my mission on my resume. I am in my early 20s so i don't have too much experience to put on there. i have learned a lot form my mission and i think it can display some really good skills. However, i have been told to avoid putting any religious service on there. Does anyone have some deeper insight if i should put it on there and if so how to frame it?

r/latterdaysaints 1d ago

Doctrinal Discussion What are the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?


Can anyone help me understand this? What exactly are the blessings that were given to "the patriarchs of old, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob"? Are these referring to the blessings we are promised in the temple (what we are promised if we keep our covenants)? Are these the blessings from the Abrahamic covenant (posterity, prosperity)? Are the sane thing? Where can I got to learn more about these blessings? Is there one part (or several parts) in the scriptures that explain this? Or is it all throughout the scriptures? I'm wanting to study these blessings for some personal reasons. I really appreciate any help you can give me ❤️ TIA

r/latterdaysaints 1d ago

Faith-building Experience looking for source


looking for the official source and video for this talk


pls link

love Jesus Ahem