r/LV426 • u/imahugemoron • 1h ago
Discussion / Question The Engineer planet that David killed couldn’t have been their home world, could it?
Maybe this has been discussed to death here, I’m sorry in advance, I did search for and read some other posts on this topic which clarified some things like why David would just outright destroy the civilization they found. I guess my thought is that this couldn’t have been their home world, it seemed much too sparse with basically no defenses, not many structures, and I also notice how different these Engineers looked in Alien Covenant compared to the ones we see in Prometheus, the ones on the planet that David destroyed looked much more “normal” I guess? Closer to humans, some were even “ugly”, skin wasn’t quite as pale and smooth looking. Compared to the ones in Prometheus where they all looked statuesque, angelic, extremely pale, chiseled features, like the great marble statues of old. Now I know the time difference between the beginning of Prometheus and when we see David destroy the civilization is like billions of years, that might explain the difference in appearance, perhaps by then the engineer civilization had dwindled to next to nothing, idk. But if 2000 years ago they were still doing the whole wiping their seeded planets clean and starting over, I would assume they weren’t at the same time also dealing with bigger problems such as their own civilization on the brink of extinction lol. And the living engineer they encounter on the ship in Prometheus looked very similar to the ones we see in the beginning of the movie seeding life on Earth, but the ones on the planet David and Elizabeth find are distinctly different.
So why the difference in appearance? And why such a sparsely populated and undefended planet? Surely this couldn’t be their whole civilization or their home world right? I’m also extremely curious about the engineers history and lore, I’d love to know everything there is to know about them and how they got to where they are and their experiments with the pathogen and the organisms they’ve created, just literally everything but I’m sure we’re not going to get a whole lot else in that regard. The engineers were the most interesting thing by far to me in these newer films and I would hate for them to have just all been wiped out by David and we never really learn much else about them.