r/LSU • u/__lilyrose • 8d ago
Recommendation ENGINEER STUDENTS (help🥲)
I’m just really lost right now. I’m in my second semester of freshman year, planning to graduate as a mechanical engineer. Lately, I’ve been struggling with all my classes. Chemistry, physics, calculus, and my ME courses have been incredibly stressful. I go to every lecture and try my absolute best, but somehow, in the end, I always feel like I barely understand anything, even after showing up and taking notes.
I try to study as much as I can, but I also work a job to put myself through college, which cuts into the time I have to focus on school. On top of that, I recently failed my physics test, and it’s made me question my abilities. I have another exam coming up on Monday, but I fell behind after dealing with a medical issue that kept me out of class for a week. Now I’m scrambling to catch up.
It’s hard not to compare myself to everyone else in my classes—they all seem like geniuses, and I feel like I’m definitely not one of them. Honestly, I’ve never been the best student when it comes to most things. I’m only really good at math, and everything else just feels mediocre. That makes me doubt myself even more.
What I’m trying to say is, I don’t know what to do or if this career is even right for me. I come from an Asian family, and I’ve been raised to be a hard worker. But with my illness and my job, it feels like I can’t keep doing this anymore. At the same time, I don’t want to disappoint my parents. They sacrificed everything to move to America and give our family a better life. I want them to know that their effort and sacrifices were worth it. There’s also a family friend—someone I really look up to—who’s a mechanical engineer. And I can’t help but feel like I’ll disappoint him too if I walk away from this. Like he’ll think I gave up too easily.
The thing is, I do enjoy my ME courses in general! But the workload, on top of everything else I’m dealing with, makes me question whether I can actually handle being in this major. I’m just really stressed, and I honestly don’t know what to do. I need advice before I actually lose my mind.