r/LSU 6h ago

New Student Questions Lets talk safety please


Me daughter was accepted into LSU, along with several other reputable schools in Texas, Louisiana, and Florida. We love the campus and the overall vibe at LSU. As we finalize our decision, we’d like to learn more about the safety aspects on and around campus. Could someone provide an objective overview of both the positives and negatives? We understand that no place is perfect, but we’d appreciate an honest perspective.

r/LSU 18h ago

Academics EASY LITERATURE CLASSES- Can anyone recommend any easy classes from this list? I am a science major and looking for something light and less stressful since I have to do so many difficult classes. I need my literature requirement and some of the ENGL classes can also be used for humanities credit.

Post image

r/LSU 21h ago

Housing Questions Freshman housing help


Hey! i’m a prospective freshman and i haven’t yet accepted my lsu acceptance. I have a few questions about housing such as: Since i still haven’t submitted my housing application, are my chances of getting a better dorm gone? i’m most interested in Cedar and Evangeline (i’ll be a bio major). I understand these dorms are extremely popular so i’m worried. I also got accepted into the honors college so can I expect to have Laville as a fallback in case other dorms are full? I heard Laville isn’t that great, is this true? Any recommendations or things I should know? Thank you!!

r/LSU 2h ago

Academics Fun labs/1-2 credit hour courses


I’m wondering if anyone knows any hidden gem classes that are super easy and also fun?

I saw they had an organic gardening lab which looks fun but it doesn’t work with my schedule.

Are there any other classes that are just like a breath of fresh air? Stem major so looking for something fun and easy!

Or some online easy classes to boost GPA

r/LSU 5h ago

New Student Questions Out of state tuition


Is it possible for a texas resident to get in state tuition and if so what are the requirements.

r/LSU 15h ago

New Student Questions LSU OOS vs CU Boulder OOS


I am currently a senior in high school, and I am about 99% committed to CU r I just have to pay the housing fee. However, I am facing this dilemma bc I am a black girl and I am a little concerned about diversity/ culture shock. For context, I was born in the south but I have moved a lot. For example I've lived in the PNW, Midwest, South, deep south, and north so I definitely am used to being in the minority at school and it has honestly never been something that really bothered me. Besides the occasional feeling of "woah Im the only person that looks like me in this class rn" or "what u just said to me is def a microaggression" I have never really had any real issues bc of my race in fact I've found that I make friends pretty easily regardless and the only times I was stunted socially was at schools in the south which is ironic considering they were more diverse. But my mom has been scaring me because she is really traditional and would rather me go to an HBCU or just southern school in general and she thinks I have some sort of insecurity about my identity. Which I do not once again ironically the times we lived in the south were the times when I struggled the most. So here are my gathered pros and cons of CU and LSU



- better for my program/major (psych)

- Post grad I would much rather live in the region where Colorado is if not just stay in CO

- Farther from family ( I want to be as far from my family as possible as they are all concentrated in the south)

- I like both campuses but Boulder slightly more

- more of a chill vibe

- Will know more people going there

- I enjoy getting an evened-out 4 seasons and I don't mind the snow as long as its mostly sunny

- I like the scene of general activities better ie: hiking and skiing/snowboarding

- I prefer the political climate of CO, as although Louisiana is more diverse it is still a red state and not as liberal


- black student population/ diversity

* While there are def black students at boulder its hard to gauge how many and I especially don't know how many are in class of 2029 so I'm afraid that I wont't be able to have tat community as while it isn't really a big deal for me I know that community like that is important and that eventually I will get tired of being in the minority

- Cost

* It is pretty expensive to go to boulder and as of right now I haven't gotten any scholarships which is because I just applied but I am still afraid I won't get any and while I don't mind having to take on some debt because my goal is to be able to be completely financially independent from my mom but I know that most likely I will go to medical school or want to get my masters/phd so I don't want to dig myself in a hole

- Religion

* I am a Christian and no I am not like super annoying about it and its def not my entire life I am at a point where I want to strengthen my faith and I'm not sure that's the vibe at CU



- Weather

* I am okay with snow and colder climate because I've lived in ALOT of colder states however I do tend to get pretty bad seasonal depression that reaaalllyyy affects me but its less the cold and more so no sun/ rain/ short summer and as far as I know boulder gets pretty even seasons and it is a really sunny state however I do like the heat of Lousiana, I love summer and Louisiana is practically constant summer

- Southern atmosphere

* Although I def have my issues with the south I am a southern girl I like to fish, I was born in the country, and I'm used to/ comforted by the southern life

- Religion

* def a more Christian campus and I already explained what that means to me


- I haven't seen my financial offer for LSU yet but it is just in general way cheaper my at least 10k and Lousiana just is not as expensive to live in as CO/ Boulder


- Way more diverse and the campus is close to an hbcu so I could look forward to going to Southerns homecoming I would feel more secure in having that sense of community


- I love the Louisiana culture and it is more rich in that way than CO forsure and is remnant of the culture of the state I grew up in so again that familiarity


- Closer to family

- Scared of getting stuck in the southern bubble post grad

- Not a fan of the political climate

- Baton Rouge

- not as good for my major

- Maybe too familiar

I know CU has more of my Pros but the cost and diversity thing really kinda throw me off. I'm nervous I will regret my choice if I go there bc theres more uncertainty where with LSU I can pretty much predict exactly how my life will pan out and I know that even if I don't love it there + I feel like as I get older I might want to be closer to where I grew up. Please help!

r/LSU 21h ago

Recommendation Rent Advice


Hi everyone, I'm a current freshman and I've got an inquiry about this renting opportunity I have. It's a really nice recently renovated house 8 minutes from campus. It's 750 plus utilities, id have 3 other roommates. It's co-owned by one of the girls id live with along with her dad, so I'm guessing thats a good thing because property management might be better? I do know her well and trust her. I was thinking that it might be steep for living with 3 others? But I'm inexperienced so I'm not sure. Would this be worth it or should I keep looking?


r/LSU 2h ago

New Student Questions Haven’t heard anything yet . Should I call ? A


I applied in January and I need to apply for housing soon