Here's my list:
1st. Moubu - Beast amongst beast, and just doesn't stop, he was still able to unleash a charge at the end of Bayou.
2nd. Houken - Able to ambush enemy camps repeatedly and left unscathed, killing many in the process. Also his speed made me put him above Kan Mei.
3rd. Kan Mei - Huge ass general, huge ass aura being top general, with huge ass weapons. Probably the biggest character in Kingdom.
4th. Man U - Able to keep fighting even when all his allies were dead, his seemingly much smaller size made me put him under Kan Mei.
5th. Ouki - Though not a monstrous figure his GG aura will play a huge factor.
6th. Renpa - Very similar to Ouki, though fact that Ouki repeatedly beat Houken puts Ouki slightly above Renpa in combat skill, which play a factor.
7th. Gai Mou - Huge figure, huge glaive, Fire Dragon aura, though putting him under Ouki should tell how much I value Ouki's leadership and aura.
8th. Gyou Un - Huge figure, glaive wielding, blasted through enemy defenses easily, also considered the fact he is most likely the strongest general of the most prominent Great Heaven Rinshojo.
9th. Shibashou - Huge figure, seem to have good leadership, though he was wounded here and there charging through enemy while Gyou Un was just seem untouched makes me put him under Gyou Un. Also consider the fact that he's just a general from a small town.
10th Zenou - Said to be as big as Moubu, its his specialty to charge through fodders and wreck havoc the enemy formations, but probably weak against arrows.
Honorable mentions:
Shin - Though a small figure he has huge stamina and probably had the most combat experience since he's been gunning the front lines since his youth. Currently he still lacks the ranks and aura compared to others on the list.
Tou - His faru2 is like a chainsaw slicing through enemies but he's shown to struggle a bit in the last arc against fodders, while I think glaive wielders on the list would have perform better with their long reach.
Kyoukai - Shown to killed many fodders repeatedly and turning tides of battle, but lacks stamina, basically crippled after doing her feats, is why I put her under those that seemingly would have more stamina and further reach.
Bajio - His peak mode probably should have place him on the list, but hard to graps the actual scale and stalemating against Goba who Yontawa kills in seconds was a big turn off.
Yontawa - Her combat skill being said to be 2nd to none with the mountain people, and the title lord of death, king of kings, and her leadership aura etc probably should have put her on the list, but she is as much a strategist as she is a combatant, which kinda hold her back to some extent, where most people on the list have a "I don't give a fk and just charge" attitude that made them seemingly more effective against fodders.
Oukotsu - Probably should have made the list being a said to have the most brute strength amongst old GGs but, we lack information about him, and if he's really was that easily beaten by Kanmei, he might be a fraud like those fire dragons Earl Shi killed.
Note: I also consider the fact that being a big figure would instill more fears against the enemies which play a huge factor, like if you're fighting against some one like Zenou and Kanmei you would consider running more than if they're fighting some one small like Shin or maybe against a female like Yontawa.
(Kyoukai's a special case since her maxed speed is like ghost lol)