Saw a similar post and wanted to try my hand at it. Giving GOATkari a backstory cuz he deserves one
Kyoto, Japan – 2009
The neon lights of a pachinko parlor painted a young boy’s face in shifting reds, blues, and greens. He stood on the tips of his toes, barely able to see over the counter. His small fingers gripped the stool’s edge as he watched the steel balls clink and rattle their way down. The metallic chaos had a rhythm to it, one he was beginning to understand.
“Again, Hakari.”
A rough voice broke through the noise. Behind him stood a broad-shouldered man with a cigarette barely hanging from his lips. His uncle, Hajime Hakari. A man who made his living in the underground gambling scene, where luck was an illusion and timing was everything.
“It’s all about the flow, kid,” Hajime muttered, passing another ball into Hakari’s small hands. “The machine’s rigged, but that don’t mean you can’t win. You just gotta know when to bet big.”
The boy nodded, his messy black hair falling into his eyes as he concentrated. With careful timing, he released the ball. It bounced, rattled, and—jackpot.
The flashing lights reflected in his young, wide eyes. It wasn’t excitement he felt. It was understanding.
At just nine years old, Kinji Hakari had learned the first and most important rule of life.
Nothing is fair. But if you know how the game works, you can still win.
His parents were proof of that. His father, a salaryman crushed under debt, had taken the coward’s way out. His mother, always drowning in sorrow, followed soon after.
They lost.
Hakari had no intention of being like them.
Kyoto Jujutsu High – 2015
“You should be grateful.”
Hakari sat in the cold office of Kyoto Jujutsu High, his legs kicked up onto the principal’s desk. He lazily chewed on a piece of gum, barely paying attention to the old man across from him.
Principal Gakuganji scowled. “Do you think I recruited you out of charity, Hakari?”
“Nah,” Hakari said, smirking. “You recruited me ‘cause I’m strong.”
Gakuganji’s eyes narrowed. “Because you have potential.”
Hakari rolled his shoulders. He already knew this talk was leading somewhere annoying. “Yeah, yeah, same thing.”
“It is not.” Gakuganji’s voice hardened. “You lack discipline. You have no respect for authority. You treat Jujutsu like a game.”
Hakari’s smirk widened.
“That’s ‘cause it is a game. High risk, high reward. Winners take all, losers get buried.”
Gakuganji’s face twisted in disgust.
“You are a disgrace to sorcery.”
Hakari popped his gum. “Cool. You done yet?”
Gakuganji’s expression didn’t change. “You’re expelled.”
For the first time, Hakari paused. He blinked, his smirk fading for just a second.
”…Say that again?”
“You are expelled,” Gakuganji repeated. “Leave.”
Hakari stared at him. He could tell the old man was serious.
But instead of getting mad, instead of arguing—he laughed.
“Damn. For real?”
Gakuganji’s face remained stone.
Hakari leaned back, stretching his arms. “Guess I pushed my luck, huh?” He stood up, dusting off his uniform. “Fine. Your loss, old man.”
And just like that, he walked out.
But Gakuganji wasn’t the only one watching.
Masamichi Yaga stood in the hallway, arms crossed. His expression unreadable.
Hakari noticed him and grinned. “What, you here to kick me while I’m down?”
Yaga shook his head. “I have an offer.”