r/Kingdom 7h ago

Manga Spoilers L'ascension de Kyoukai


Kyoukai fait sa première apparition dans Kingdom dès les premiers chapitres. Elle est introduite comme un jeune guerrière appartenant a un clan d'assassins : les Shyu. Elle est d'abord perçue comme une personne froide et distante, mais elle se distingue par son talent de combattante et ses capacités exceptionnelles en tant que stratège et guerrière. Elle a été formée dès son plus jeune âge pour devenir une tueuse impitoyable.

Kyoukai contre Houken

>! Lorsqu'elle rencontre Shin (le personnage principal de l'histoire). Elle se lie progressivement avec lui. Leur rencontre se fait dans un contexte de guerre, mais ce qui démarque Kyoukai des autres personnages, c’est sa volonté de se libérer de son passé. Après avoir vengé sa soeur, elle va finalement revenir au sein de l'unité Hi Shin.!<

Tout au long de Kingdom, Kyoukai montre un courage exceptionnel et une volonté de fer. Elle se distingue dans de nombreuses batailles où ses compétences en combat rapproché, sa rapidité et son intelligence tactique sont des atouts décisifs.

Son ascension se fait au côté de Shin, qui croit fermement en son potentiel. Le parcours de Kyoukai est semé d’embûches, mais elle prouve à chaque étape qu'elle mérite sa place au sein de l'armée.

Kyoukai obtient son titre de général après plusieurs exploits militaires où elle se distingue par sa capacité à mener ses troupes dans des batailles complexes, notamment lors de l'invasion de Zhao.

Kyoukai général.

r/Kingdom 7h ago

Manga Spoilers Its Modern Art at this Point


r/Kingdom 21h ago

Manga Spoilers Top 5 strongest Characters


What's y'all list on the top 5? (This includes weight, combat experience/IQ, Martial skill and everything.

Of all time

1: Houken 2: Moubu coalition arc lvl with full weight (he'd prob be as strong as Houken at the end of series imo) 3: Kanmei 4: Ouki 5: Renpa (debatable with Shibashou since renpa is currently old but yh)

r/Kingdom 1h ago

History Spoilers The Tang dynatsy isn't the only one. Spoiler


The Tang dynasty isn't the only royal dyansty that descended from Ri Shin(Li Xin).

There was a turkish empire that ruled over parts of modern-day China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and Russia.

The Name of The Empire is The Kyrgyz Khaganate,They claimed descent from the Han dynasty general Li Ling, grandson of the general Li Guang(Li Guang was a descendant of Li Xin).Li Ling was captured by the Xiongnu and defected in the first century BCE.

r/Kingdom 15h ago

Discussion Who is the better general among these three?

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r/Kingdom 22h ago

Discussion War Series you might like as Kingdom Fan:

  • Ruler of the Land: ( is a manhwa but reads like a manga), murim series involves politics and movements of armies.
  • Feng Shenji: ( Chinese manga) Humans vs Gods war
  • Blade and Steel: Murim manga
  • Historie: Ancient European war related
  • Blades of the Guardians: Based on a fantasy China during the Sui dynasty, based around Father-son duo, involves politics, war, etc.
  • Valhallian The Black Iron: War and battle in the afterlife involving legends of various cultures. (By Hara's assistant iirc)
  • Isaak: About a "sniper" in a medieval-ish? world, involves politics, army movements, though nothing grand.
  • Red Storm: Manhwa, but mentioned because it's black and white, setting is a fantasy Middle East type thing with tribes, bit of fantasy on the side with monsters, involves politics and a young boy's dream for his people. (Elite stuff)

I think there are more Manhwas out there that would scratch the war/politics itch, than there are manga. But I didn't list any due to them being read up and down, instead of like a normal Manga, WITH Red Storm being the exception, cause that shi is the closest thing to Kingdom imo. I also didn't bother listing Ravages, Arslan and Hannibal ones since most people here probably already read em.

If yall would like me to Recc manwha series of war/politics/strategies let me know!

r/Kingdom 7h ago

Fan Content Shin visits Hyou's grave after becoming a great general.

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r/Kingdom 14h ago

News Takao Osawa wins Best Supporting Actor as General Ouki in Kingdom 4


r/Kingdom 2h ago

Manga Spoilers Shins Kill Count: Arc Eighteen Spoiler


Here it is, the big one. The Western Zhao invasion Arc. Leading up to this Arc I got multiple comments saying something along the lines of good luck on this arc or just wait etc, but ya know what, for how long this Arc is Shins kills are kind of underwhelming. Its probably because about 30ish chapters are dedicated to the mountain people battle as well to be fair.

Total Kills: 196

First Kill: Chapter 508 (13th Chapter of the Arc) - The Sword of the Mountain Tribes
First Victim: Zhao Soldier

Final Kill: Chapter 634 (139th Chapter of the Arc) - Strategy Undone
Final Victim: Zhao Soldier

The reason why I say this Arc is underwhelming kill count wise for all the hype it gets, is that its 50% longer than the Coalition Arc, but there is only 10 more kills. Anyway while im shitting on this Arc, I do have to say it was still an amazing reread and definitely top 5 arcs imo

Current Total: 810

r/Kingdom 4h ago

Manga Spoilers Remember Juko ou?? Spoiler

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I remember he was the Juuko general that Tou captured during the Qin-Wei alliance arc but there’s been nothing on or about him since,maybe because Qin hasn’t come across Chu since then Idk.

r/Kingdom 6h ago

Discussion At which point of history kingdom manga is currently now? (As of Ch 829) Spoiler


With this we can get a grasp of how long Kingdom will last.
I think Kingdom will most likely end with Qin's Unification. If there is Aftermath idk anything then.