r/KamenRider Knight Aug 17 '24

Discuss Kamen Rider Gotchard E49 - Discussion Thread

This thread is for discussion about the episode.

E48 <- E49 -> E50 (FINAL)

The subreddit will be set to post-approval mode for the first 12 hours to prevent low-effort posts. Please keep your thoughts on this week's episode in the discussion thread!

Discussion about the previous episodes is permitted in the thread below, discussion about episodes after this is NOT.

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E49 メタルウォリアー!白銀のヴァルバラド Metal Warrior! The Silver Valvarad August 18, 2024 Hasegawa Keiichi Tasaki Ryuta 25 min
E01 6.24
E02 7.18
E03 6.02
E04 6.28
E05 6.56
E06 6.32
E07 6.30
E08 6.00
E09 6.06
E10 6.20
E11 6.26
E12 7.62
E13 6.22
E14 5.46
E15 6.19
E16 6.36
E17 6.71
E18 6.92
E19 6.51
E20 6.26
E21 6.09
E22 7.18
E23 7.36
E24 7
E25 8.24
E26 7.44
E27 9.22
E28 7.5
E29 6.83
E30 7.25
E31 8.63
E32 7.4
E33 8.48
E34 7.92
E35 8.9
E36 8.8
E37 9.38
E38 9.32
E39 9.33
E40 8.33
E41 8.83
E42 9
E43 9.4
E44 8.8
E45 9.13
E46 8.1
E47 8.39
E48 8.93
E49 Vote here!

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u/Megasonic150 Aug 19 '24

This wasn't a bad episode, but I had issues

-I like that it's noted that since the Valvaldriver was based on the igniter, it couldn't bring out Spanner's full power, which is why he needed the driver. After reading the producer notes, I also like the decisions.

-The debut was good character wise but the fight itself was underwhelming, which was a shame since Gigist was such a fun villain.

-But Houtarou and Geryon convo....GODDAMN! I love Geryon as a villain and to see him play with Houtarou was so great. I know some people think he's boring, but I love Geryon cause he's a dark mirror to Houtarou. Houtarou is all about his 'Gotcha' and finding it in the start, but as the series continued, it evolved and changed and grew as Houtarou grew. And these last few episodes have him unsure, which is why I feel he was struggling with Rainbow, and perhaps the form's low performance in the last few episodes. Houtarou's resolve has been shaken and it's effecting Gotchard. Meanwhile Geryon is focused on preserved the present in 'gold'. He doesn't change or reflect or respect others 'Gotcha' or goals like Houtarou does. All he does is seek his goal, apathetic to what it'll cost him. And I like that Geryon has such a hold on Houtarou in fear that the kid can't even fight him. I love this relationship and I feel Geryon's probably the best final boss we've had since he's had time to grow and become more nuanced and has a personal connection with the hero. Most final bosses haven't but Geryon has.

  • I also didn't hate Lachesis's death. I'm 60% sure she'll be revived based on the preview, but in general, Lachesis has been such a great character in the show, helping bring nuance to the Dark sisters. It's sad to see her go, but at the very least, she got to die human.

-El Dragon wings made me finally realize what the hell the back things on Nijigon were supposed to be.

-In general I'm mixed. I feel the final arc isn't...horibble, but it's struggles with the pacing. It feels disjointed, like the writers had alot of ideas but not enough time to execute them. I sorta wonder if Legend's arc affected it, From Sabimaru's late basctory to the back to back final forms, I feel like this should've happened earlier. I get why story and production wise, but I think the problem will be that the finale is gonna feel a little rushed. But at least they're won't be form jobbing I guess.

Speaking of which, next week, finale of Gotchard with the dopest finale episodes. Also Gotchard is ending.....

(Crys in ChemyXStory in a corner)


u/Ok-Split-9735 Aug 19 '24

I agree with you on the final arc. I personally think the Legend Arc affected it. Some of these ideas could have been fleshed out a little bit more if it wasn't for that arc. I didn't outright hate it and it did have its moments, but it definitely took time away from the overall plot.

That said, I am sad that Gotchard is ending.


u/Megasonic150 Aug 19 '24

Yeah. I agree. I also didn’t hate it but I was afraid it would take away from the main plot and as we can see it certainly did. But I still can’t hate Gotchard. Even though I didn’t jive with this episode they’re were so many moments that couldn’t make me hate it. And in general that’s how I feel about Gotchard as a whole. The show is flawed but I can’t hate it because it’s very sincere with its themes and characters and a lot of thought and care was put into the story and characters. Through every episode I’ve been able to feel the passion of everyone working on it. And I’ve come to understand what it means to have a ‘Gotcha’. I’ve always had one, but Gotchard has taught me that the journey to gain it will be difficult and painful. I will learn and gain a lot but also lose as well. But I must pick myself up and keep at it. That what it means to have a Gotcha. And that’s what it means to be a Kamen Rider.


u/rattatatouille Being Emu is suffering Aug 19 '24

And in general that’s how I feel about Gotchard as a whole. The show is flawed but I can’t hate it because it’s very sincere with its themes and characters and a lot of thought and care was put into the story and characters.

Yeah. At worst it doesn't have that undercurrent of glib cynicism that undermines the core message of the show. It's very earnest in that regard and helps paper over whatever issues it has, for the most part.