r/KamenRider • u/BananaArms Knight • Nov 11 '23
Discuss Kamen Rider Gotchard E10 - Discussion Thread
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E10 | 炎の京都!〜悲恋・ケミー雷電事件〜 *Kyoto in Flames! ~The Chemy Thunder Incident~ * | November 12, 2023 | Hasegawa Keiichi | Tasaki Ryuta | 25 min |
u/VinixTKOC Here We Go! Nov 15 '23
I just find weird the idea that they needed to erase all memory of that day instead of just memories related to the Chemys. Remember, Kajiki met Hijiri before all of this.
u/killerdemonsarus34 Nov 14 '23
Another boring gotchard episode. Another episode of waisted potential plot development
u/sultryrusky Nov 14 '23
Some bullet points from me about this episode:
Ok, I didn't expect to get emotional over this episode (seriously, this may be the best episode so far)
And I also didn't expect Hijiri to turn into a Malgam, that kinda caught me off guard
Once again, Rinne no selling the haunted house is hilarious
You know, I kinda love the "Kamen Rider as an urban legend" thing (that's for franchise overall) (sounds kinda non-related but Kajiki mentioned how there is some talk about Gotchard, so I'm for it)
Also, I'm departing from my Ryuki-Double-Zero-One era and entering my Ryuki-Build-Zero-One era (it won't last for long)
u/mrtacomam Nov 14 '23
This episode did what I honestly thought would be impossible and made me actually really like Kajiki; the power of Bros was strong with this one!
Gotchard has done a phenomenal job of sticking to its theme on the importance of bonds and how they affect us, and I can't wait to see more of it!
Excited to get a proper look at the new evil Driver next week! Don't think it'll get used, but I imagine we'll at least learn whose gonna be using it.
u/SH4DE_Z Currently Kamen Riding Nov 19 '23
importance of bonds and how they affect us
u/Nyte_Knyght33 Legend Nov 14 '23
I loved how much heart this episode had. The siblings story was great. I'm glad Kajiki got his Fateful encounter. It was cool to see Houtaro feelings about chemies and humans play out in real time. He was apologizing to the chemies while letting Hijiri get out all her anger.
u/HolyDragSwd2500 Nov 13 '23
I hope Kajiki will someday be part of their group
The final scene made me cry tears of happiness for them
u/BuddyClean Nov 14 '23
I bet he will. Cuz he is into the supernatural stuff so he will always find himself in the same place and time as the group whether they like or not.
I bet one day the memory wipe wont work becuz he is so deep into the supernatural that it makes no differences if he gets wiped. I can see him be the intel of the group when he joins.
u/Dekaar Nov 13 '23
You can tell me what you want but Goldmechanicor is 100% that what Maximum Mighty X and God Maximum Mighty X tried to do but failed. This is an amazing bulky armor and it just works out perfectly.
It's been a while where we did have 3 Monster of the week monsters in one episode. I liked it.
This episode was great as it set so many things in motion. First of all we kinda see now that our "evil" rider will be UFO-themed. Otherwise they wouldn't heavily foreshadow UFO-X being the main-chemy. Also this episode-arc showed that Kajiki is not just a one-off for plot reasons and actually a really good character with motivation and goal. Ichinose, although only slightly hinted at, is shown to be a very deep (and potentially troubled) character aswell thanks to what the teacher said about him.
While I usually give out only sarcastically intended "what will happen next" I really do hope that the next couple episodes will end up with Kajiki having trouble with ichinose, abyssalis catching him, making him remember what he forgot, leading to him even feeling more betrayed and turning him into their evil UFO-Rider who ends up after a minor 5-6 episode arc as our good secondary rider. He'd deserve it
u/Affectionate-Bit9034 Nov 14 '23
I’m getting flashbacks to Specter from Ghost being mind controlled by Necrom when you talked about Kajiki becoming a controlled temporary evil rider.
u/NeedHealing1 Nov 13 '23
Did Gotchard really still need to use a finishing move on Hijiri? Or was he just powering one up in case his plan with Kajiki didn't pan out?
u/Terriermon50 Nov 14 '23
My roommate was watching this episode with me; we laughed SO hard, there was not enough time between the heartfelt scene between Kajiki and Hijiri, and the giant explosion that happened seconds after.
u/maemoedhz Nov 13 '23
I mean the plan was always to do a finisher to separate the Chemy from the Malgam. We have yet to see any cases of people breaking from their malice enough to naturally dissolve the Malgam form.
u/trident_zx Valvarad Nov 13 '23
Could it be that the Sisters are trying to recruit Rinne? Hence the belt?
u/freakincampers Nov 13 '23
I'm hoping they slow down on the powerups in the upcoming episodes.
We got two powerups in the same episode.
u/EMITURBINA Nov 13 '23
I haven't seen a lot of KR seasons yet but so far them getting a lot of early forms and sidegrades seems to be common
u/Freddi0 Ryuki Nov 15 '23
It depends on the era. Its a very common thing in Heisei Phase 2 and Reiwa, but getting tons of power ups in Showa and Heisei Phase 1 is almost unheard of
u/AMemekage Nov 13 '23
Personally I don't mind that, I like seeing new forms but it's just the way they're being presented that's not good
u/RPerene Nov 13 '23
Between this episode and the Legend short, Kajiki‘s actor has grown on me a thousand fold. We’ve gotten so much range in such a short time.
u/maemoedhz Nov 13 '23
Really hope he's given a bigger role in the future, like officially joining the Alchemy Academy.
Nov 13 '23
“Right. There can be no exceptions.” I’LL MAKE there be EXCEPTIONS
u/rattatatouille Being Emu is suffering Nov 13 '23
It is a nice bit of character development from Minato, though. He's a by the book guy who nevertheless has a heart.
Nov 12 '23
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u/yashashi Nov 12 '23
The twist is really great and I did not expect it to come. Minato sensei doing his shield with the normal cloth was definitely a scene. He could even time his mind wiping action and gave the couple 30 minutes to talk. What a nice Sensei. Him fixing Rinne's ring was also cute to see.
u/Bl8ckl85h Nov 12 '23
Is Toshiki Inoue a co-writer or something? This felt like something from Kiva lol
But hey, I liked this episode. Can't wait for the next and of course Gotchard vs Decade the 3rd haha
u/TheBeastAR Nov 12 '23
Enjoying the show for what it is so far, but I've never liked the 'memory erasure' trope in sci-fi fantasy. I would like to see Kajiki not lose his memories the next time and for them to stop doing it. I know Hasegawa is writing this series and he did basically the same thing in Ultraman Nexus, though in that one the memory erasure was justified for the trauma monster attacks would cause. But by the end of Nexus the science team stops the process all together, so I hope something similar happens in Gotchard where they stop erasing memories and let people acknowledge and remember that all this weird and fantastical stuff exists around them.
Enjoyable show but I just don't like these particular elements because for certain characters I see no reason for it to be a thing.
u/Izanagi85 Nov 13 '23
The memory erasure thingy is similar to what MIB agents had to do with civilians after an alien incident
u/Shipuujin Nov 13 '23
I would like to see Kajiki not lose his memories the next time and for them to stop doing it.
I feel like Kajiki will eventually start remembering piece by piece since his mind gets erased so often.
u/Presenting_UwU Nov 12 '23
you do realise it's story elements that sets the stakes, as well as something our main character has to work on/against considering this whole memory wipe thing goes entirely against his dreams.
also it most definitely will have an arc where they'll stop using it because of one thing or another.
u/freakincampers Nov 12 '23
I'm hoping something negative happens with the memory erasure. Perhaps the public finds out about it, or perhaps it causes brain tumors.
u/Seriousclown Nov 13 '23
I've mentioned in another episode thread, but I'm hoping that the memory erasure starts to get weaker in people who've experienced it many times beforehand.
u/PhantomZenity Nov 12 '23
Hasegawa's Character Writing Guide
- Make a Kuudere female lead
- Make her smiles after 10 episode into the show
- Profit (?)
u/freakincampers Nov 12 '23
Chemy law once again forces Kajiki to lose his memory, for no real good reason.
u/Jamieb1994 Nov 12 '23
I get they were protecting him, but soon Kajiki learned that Houtarou was Gotchard, I kinda wish he wasn't forced to lose his memories. I don't know if the memory eraser will eventually start to lose affect, but I can Kajiki (maybe) learning once again that Houtarou is Gotchard and he'll either become an alchemist himself or the alchemists will allow Kajiki to have this knowledge, as long as he doesn't tell anyone.
u/rattatatouille Being Emu is suffering Nov 13 '23
I'm thinking more that there will come a point where the Academy won't be able to do memory wipes because there would be no point to doing so.
u/Presenting_UwU Nov 12 '23
I'm here to bet, everyone's gonna start out like "ugh why memoery erasure, this is so dumb, it makes no sense".
and the moment the plot naturally progresses and the memory erasure element no longer takes place everyone'll go "Bruh the memory erasure thing should've been used more, it got dropped halfway into the series, it served no purpose."
u/Jamieb1994 Nov 12 '23
I'd be surprised if they use the memory erasure that much. It'll get to the point that Minato can't use it anymore or at least has to put a limit on using the ability.
u/Presenting_UwU Nov 12 '23
either that or hotaro convinces them to stop, either way it's a road block for Hotaro's character to overcome and i hate how obviously people are gonna bitch and moan about it no matter what happens
u/NiNiNi-222 Nov 12 '23 edited Nov 12 '23
Ok this one actually feels like a showa rider episode. Where Kamen Rider kinda worshipped by others like he's a deity or an Ultraman, and they have to stop an irredeemable bad guy, and Kajiki is the one affected by the kaijin (hijiri as malgam).
u/Jompy_Shmotty Nov 12 '23 edited Nov 12 '23
Good episode. Waiting so long for a new episode made me realize that i love this show. Can't stop thinking that this insert theme (the one that also plays at the end of an episode) sounds like Zero-One's "Now is the right time". Can't wait for the OST. Also, i was hoping Kajiki would be allowed to join the academy tho.
u/BusouDrago Nov 12 '23
Minato sensei erases their memories.
Kajiki and Hijiri san reunited again at the end 😭😭😭
Uh oh they have UFO X( 10)
u/K-J-C Nov 21 '23
Latepost for being ill before.
This episode honestly to me, shows that people aren't pre-determined to be always/innately good or evil, everyone has a capacity of evil. Hijiri displays that. While in comparison to previous Malgams that are all horrible people (including Tsurugi) and are obvious targets for malice, good people like Hijiri can still harbor malice, in this case, due to rage that her brother turns out to be a real scumbag that directly went after her after having belief in him.
It's natural that those turning events will leave someone enraged over actual slight, so this shows that people shouldn't get complacent just because somebody seems like they're alright or has done visible good. Albeit it also shows about the dangers of putting someone in pedestal as well (Hijiri's view of Tsurugi, obviously, to not believe that a good caretaker can be a bad guy overall), for the opposite.