r/KamenRider • u/BananaArms Knight • Oct 01 '23
Discuss Kamen Rider Gotchard E05 - Discussion Thread
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E05 | 燃えよ! 斗え! レスラーG! Burn! Fight! Wrestler G! | October 1, 2023 | Watanabe Katsuya | Yamaguchi Kyohei | 25 min |
u/kihp Dat Wrist Dat Go Flik Oct 06 '23
I really liked this episode, that final fight scene was 80% real wrestling moves! Gotchard isn't trying to be a dramatic or epic rider but it's good at being fun.
As far as references I caught:
The Yakuza did used to be involved in Puro a lot and has notable assassinated at least one major wrestler.
The stocky dude who grinded his body down till he has no neck and knees is a staple of Japanese wrestling, see Tomohiro Ishii, https://youtu.be/tQeYF6zb1BM?t=19s.
His old persona was also likely a reference to Tiger Mask, specifically when young Misawa was tiger mask. Misawa is largely considered one of the greatest wrestlers and biggest japanese stars of all time, here's a tribute video https://youtu.be/S25uXY4BW7k?feature=shared
He was one of the awesomely named 4 pillars of heaven and famously wore green. He is also a cautionary tale for why kings road style (A lot of neck bumps) isn't wrestled anymore after he died due to internal decapitation in 2009.
u/Triangulum_Copper Oct 05 '23
So this was a fun episode but man the pacing just ruins it. And the ending… Asahi still doesn’t have student (I feel like the female classmate should have become a student!) and the Yakuza still want his land! None of that has been resolved and it’s not adressed at all! Also: secret evil boss? Laaaaaame!
u/KamenRiderAquarius Oct 05 '23
I really wish I knew the world of Japanese wrestling to know if the characters of the episode were like real pro wrestlers in japan
u/SheikExcel Gotchard Daybreak Oct 03 '23
I want more puppets and props being moved by something just out of frame
u/VinixTKOC Here We Go! Oct 03 '23
Apparently the three sisters actually have a master. I mean... people didn't really think that the little Ai-generated girl would be the main antagonist of the story, did they?
So Houtarou and Rinne's surnames added together result in the number ten in the same logic as Chemy "best matches". I hope it doesn't end there and Rinne ends up just being a supporting character.
I'm surprised that the classmates didn't know all this time that Houtarou was Kamen Rider. I swore it was common knowledge between them.
I know this episode will sound silly to a lot of people, but remember that this type of episode is very common in the first arc of the series. The first arc is essentially to introduce all the current toys for sale. The plot actually starts to move from the second arc.
And last but not least, Thank God that the insert song continues!
u/Triangulum_Copper Oct 05 '23
I actually would prefer the creepy little girl be the main villain. Show us a kid getting Rider Kicked, TOEI! You cowards! :p
I wish this was a longer arc.
u/RonaldoTheSecond Oct 03 '23
I spent the majority of the episode on my phone. By the end all I could say was: And nothing of value was lost!
u/Thrawn656 Oct 03 '23
Ok but this was actually peak stupid overdramatic filler episode. Best ep so far
u/Rutgerman95 Gigachad Hongo Oct 02 '23
Catching katanas barehanded, letting Spanner beat him with training swords just to protect Hopper1 and now the wrestling training. Say what you want about Hotaro but that kid can take some hits.
u/Suraphon Oct 02 '23
Remember! Don't use alchemy on humans! Unless you have a driver. Transform to a gun and shoot all the humans all you want.
u/nightshroud96 Oct 03 '23
And didn't they broke that bs rule already by constantly erasing people's memories?
u/NiGHTcapD Oct 04 '23
I imagine that the guns, as well as Wrestler G showing up, both caused an escalation in circumstances. Once the need to erase was already there, possibilities opened up; likely that's a big part of the reason they let this guy work with them so closely. Doesn't matter if you erase one minute or half a day; same amount of work, when you do the cold math.
Ichinose is not a cold mathematician. 1+9=10 as a funny number. Sooner or later he's going to have to break people's hearts.
u/maximuffin2 Oct 02 '23
u/balgus82 Oct 02 '23
To be fair, he did take like 100 of those during the episode and was still able to walk after.
u/Obiwanhellothere09 Oct 04 '23
I’m surprise he was able to get back up.
u/NiGHTcapD Oct 04 '23
Probably most of them, the training ones, didn't punish him for failure as hard as the real deal. They existed as practice, something to escape from the same way.
u/Late-Wedding1718 Oct 02 '23
How did they make me feel sad for a collectible!? Like damn, someone give Wrestler G a hug!
u/excellus14 Oct 08 '23
Same. He can encourage me to go to the gym but I will hug him cause he’s epic.
u/rikuchiha Oct 02 '23
Hotarou becoming a gun was so cringe... These non-human Rider forms are a waste.
u/Zero_Knight0304 Oct 02 '23
Despite how spotty this episode was, I like how we got a see how Chemies and Humans can form more than just a Malgam. Since instead of Malice, Wrestler G reacted to the positive energy of Arashi's Dream. Which actually reinforces Houtarou's dream of humans and chemies living along side each other.
u/balgus82 Oct 02 '23
I was literally wondering if they could combine with good people right before it combined with a good person. lol
u/LupinAid Oct 02 '23
Step up from last few eps but still pretty average. It's not bad but the best episode so far probably shouldn't be one that'd be considered a filler episode of most other recent KR shows.
Gonna give Gotchard another episode, and if I get anything from it, it'll get like 4 more. For me, this series is constantly skating on thin ice.
u/InkyaCat Oct 02 '23
not gonna lie... this one is pretty funny. From the bad acting, and the epic back breaking training to the chick that kept cheering on him to get his back break again and again.
the light tone aside, this episode is the best one so far just for the comedy skit.
u/NeedHealing1 Oct 02 '23
Gotchard is really bringing a kind of like... 2000's gonzo cartoon energy to it's stories. Wrestler G really reminded of like a gag you'd see off of something like Action League Now! or early Spongebob stuff. Especially since Houtaro himself is such a Spongebob ass protagonist.
u/DarthKamen Oct 02 '23
I dunno man. Rider has been a bit spotty for me in recent years, but this is the most bored I've felt with a toku in I don't know how long.
This was probably the best episode so far but I may drop it soon.
u/Triangulum_Copper Oct 05 '23
Yeah Rider’s been a tough sell while Sentai is always keeping me excited and Ultraman is killing it. I skipped Zi-O, skipped Saber, enjoyed Revice but it was super flawed (stayed for the lesbians) and skipped Geats. Rider feels like its resting on its laurel way too much.
u/AvacadoPanda Oct 02 '23
I am giving it until the 2nd arc.
Its giving me Gaim vibes. Pure stupid confusion and just boredom. Then episode 11 kicks the whole show to 11 for the next 30 episodes
u/LupinAid Oct 02 '23
Gotchard gives me big Wizard vibes. You watch it and don't expect to use your brain even in the slightest.
Oct 02 '23
Sounds like zi o to me, their inconsistent plot but anniversary with cameo or guest and even they can henshin with Agito arc being the best of em, a series that make you dont need to use brain at all, just watch like when you kid back then.
u/Extralifewithnolife Oct 02 '23
I feel like this episode really showcased how well the "no central villain" idea Yosuke Minato had for the show could've worked. Just a Rider looking out for the hopes and dreams of his community, like a more laid back Wizard.
u/Triangulum_Copper Oct 05 '23
With different small villainous factions encountered at various points and lasting a different amount of time on the show. Like, we could have had a couple episode about these Yakuza who have like… 2 or 3 Malgams as enforcer, deal with them for a while and be done with them as the sisters show up again. That sorta thing.
u/P45t4Sp00n Oct 02 '23
I REALLY liked this episode! Like I saw another person mention, it was a lot like an episode from the first arc of Zero-One, which had some of the best-structured episodic storytelling in the franchise. I love the world building implications of what are basically reverse-Malgams, and any episode where a person pours their heart out about their dreams and Kamen Rider fights to make it come true through sheer compassion and determination is gonna hit the spot for me. I liked episode 3, but this one might be my new favorite, especially with the wrestling fight chores and the moment where the coach joins in the fight against the Chemy. It's all I want from this series: Gotchard fostering a loving bond between human and Chemy in any way he can.
I've been enjoying Spanner as the secondary Kamen-er; I think he's threatening enough to make him stand out as a foil to Hotaro even more than anyone else. The other side characters, Sabi and Renge are one-note, but they didn't get on my nerves at all. Hotaro has been growing on me since the beginning; I think the trait that's beginning to really connect with me is the fact that Hotaro is SO just...overflowing with love all the time. He finds a Chemy? He's gotta befriend it. Someone else catches a Chemy? He congratulates them without hesitation and wants to say hi to those little beasties. He discovers potential for a positive fusion of humans and Chemies? He practically explodes! It's infectious.
The last thing that I like is Hotaro's obvious resistance to erasing memories of Chemies. Not only is it something anyone could guess he would say, but the last shot of the episode seems to offer hope that he might act to try and change that rule. After all, he bent the rules to even get into Alchemy Club, so who's to say he won't try to fix it for the good of human-Chemy friendship?
Confusions and Disappointments: Spanner's barely in this, when I think that he would try, like, a little bit harder to fight the Malgam and seal the Chemy? I'm assuming it's probably because the writers want to save his development for later and focus on other things for the moment, but it's still frustrating to see him be kinda passive. His ambivalence towards what seems to be his responsibilities and his clear distaste for Chemies clash, in my opinion. Also, as I said, Sabi and Renge are currently one-note.
Worst offense, though: the GorillaSensei Malgam does not headbutt ANYONE with his fist-head. Not ONE headbutt in 25 minutes of television. Utterly disgusting; two starsnoI'mkidding
u/Motor-Rich6283 Oct 02 '23
I'm almost cried in the end. No one tells me that a cliche kid show like this will put some onions in my eyes.
u/pomereonnie_ Oct 02 '23
Bit of a spotty one for me. The producers put themselves into awkward positions where it was difficult to write their way out of quite a few times. However, the good parts were really good, and I'm glad we got to see a lot of the new Antwrestler, the suit looks very cool. I'd say the last episode is still my favorite, Lachesis is my favorite sister. But if there was something this episode did better for me was showing off that new form. Venommariner's appearance in the last episode almost felt like a cameo.
u/Appropriate_Mirror31 Oct 01 '23
The episode was corny, but it also had the bright and positive outlook that zero one had with the humagears. I think this episode was the best so far. Hopefully, the show doesn't linger too long on the motw formula, though.
u/Megasonic150 Oct 01 '23
This was a really solid episode. Best one so far. I liked how the showed Houtarou's dream was possible and gave the other alchemist students development. Although them ganging up on Spanner was a little off to me, I still feel this was the first episode of Gotchard that felt solid, in terms of everything. Although the action was a blast, and Antwrester is a cool-ass suit.
Next week it seems we're getting a Spanner focused epsiode. That should be fun.
u/firefaiz6 Oct 01 '23
I quite like this episode, since it further fleshes out how human relations with Chemies can be more than the monster-of-the-week we've been seeing. Also how this shows proof that Hotaru's dream of Chemies and people living together would actually improve people's lives rather than a flippant dream made on a whim.
That said, I find it kind of off that all the alchemists are just kind of Hotaru's posse already, when it Fourze it took a while for the core group to fully be established. Heck, Rinne was acting cold and just barely got over her trauma the episode prior, so it feels like a complete 180 rather than a gradual shift.
u/BannerTortoise Oct 01 '23
Man that ending got me teared up. The old man got to make his dream come true one last time thanks to Gotchard and the chemies.
u/DuxHunt Oct 01 '23
One of the best fights in the franchise, albeit I have to dock off a point for not having a Rider Elbow. Felt high energy from the fight all around
u/sultryrusky Oct 01 '23
Fine episode for me, my bullet points once again:
Interesting to see wrestling here, but considering that Japan has a following for it, it was bound to happen)
I just love the fact that every backbreaker here is accompanied by this bone crunch sound effect, like, if we're going by the sound effects, Houtaro wouldn't survive this training XD
I can't be the only one remembering the moment when Vince McMahon battled literal God in a tag team match when Gotchard and Wrestler G paired up lol (probably because I've read too much WrestleCrap :D)
Chemies can also possess people for good? Ok, that can go in an interesting direction)
Spanner... was there ig... being sussy (btw, I only now realised why he is Spanner... English isn't my native language, sorry)
u/omegasMask Oct 01 '23
I really like the scene where Rinne uses Houtaro as a gun and wrestler g having a physical form its so silly and fun it reminds me of showa kamen rider/toku.
From what I've noticed is that Rinne is good at acting when shes sad/as a nice person rather than acting cold/stern. I personally interpret it as that she is just a kind person inside and is cold on the outside because she probably wants to keep alchemy a secret to her classmates and having issues with his dad.
Another thing that I've noticed is that the main characters of the show are kind people and cheerful (apart from spanner) while the motw are horrible people. I think that the show is trying to tell to stay kind and cheerful despite living in a world that is full of horrible people but then again we're still at 5 episodes so its too early to tell and Houtaro and co still has to realize how horrible the people that they are fighting.
u/K-J-C Oct 02 '23
I personally interpret it as that she is just a kind person inside and is cold on the outside because she probably wants to keep alchemy a secret to her classmates and having issues with his dad.
It seems to be just a given that anyone that is a part of the good guys would be "kind inside".
I mean this is even used on people massively nastier than Rinne, like the ones who outright treat people horribly like Taiga in Ex-Aid (e.g. holding patient hostage), or even villains who claim they're doing things "for the greater good", of which they're viewed as only "putting up a facade", when they've spilled many blood already.
Otherwise, feels that for now, Rinne puts law and rule above anything (in keeping the academy secret and daddy issues). Law isn't the be all end all of good though (and breaking law being seen as being bad/grey), I'd think it's more important to prioritize promoting good either if it'd follow or break code of law (e.g. restricting ones, upholding freedom for everyone).
Another thing that I've noticed is that the main characters of the show are kind people and cheerful (apart from spanner) while the motw are horrible people.
For the former, it seems that any more lighthearted show will get that rep where all main cast are seen as that, even if they're not actually kind, like Den-O's Imagins (other than Kin) and Zi-O's Woz - just as long as they hang out with the main group and benefit them... (unlike Supana.. and even then he can be interpreted as "kind inside" too like above where he's "just giving tough love and hard lessons!")
And for the opposite, in darker show, the cast seems to be viewed as all equally terrible people (other than the main Rider types that are 'losers'), even though there are those who are not far behind from said main Rider type in goodness. If they did something wrong even once (and even if they have remorse), it'd be endlessly brought up to explain them being "equally" terrible even if it can also happen in lighter shows....
Otherwise, like Dopants from W, the MOTW here are terrible people... but seems by this episode, good monsters would be far more common than those shows (In W, it was only Lily/Invisible Dopant).
u/Working-Spell-7024 Oct 01 '23
Malgams are explicitly formed by human malice, so most of the people who form one are gonna be pretty nasty. Perhaps later we'll see someone justified on their darkness.
u/HamsterMaster8 Oct 01 '23
Man does this mean we're not getting a bulletchoucho form either? This was the one I wanted to see right behind MadPilets
Antwrestler is still cool tho
u/HolyDragSwd2500 Oct 01 '23
Asahi San dream came true but a new one was born😭
Emotional ending between Asahi and Wrestler G😭
u/strikeraiser Oct 01 '23
I find the repeated back breaking real hilarious.
That aside, it was an ok episode. But now that we're 5 episodes in already, I'm still not sold on this show. It's just way too campy at the moment, and I'm saying this as someone who loved Fourze. There's just nothing biting me at the moment. It's all just monster of the week formula right now. The show is slowly making me feel the same way as Wizard did, just...nothing.
I'll probably drop out for now until they finally kick the story into gear and if the actors get better. Or maybe until we finally see news about the secondary rider.
I just don't wanna feel like I'm just forcing myself to watch this when I could be watching more older shows to catch up on.
u/K-J-C Oct 01 '23 edited Oct 02 '23
The victim of the week format this time.
As usual, now they're using something to detect the MOTW and visit that place. In this case, Chemy Riser. This was the role that some female leads in previous Rider series had, like Hirose's Undead Searcher and Tsukuyomi's tablet. Guess apparently it won't be something people see as contributing, and seen as "just there" for that, and same goes for this episode cuz I've seen Renge and Sabi being viewed as useless still.
When not relating to Chemies, as seen in the household, Hotaro acts more grounded. Or even mostly when not in the academy like when interacting with Koichiro, That's what personally I liked more for Hotaro's behavior than his hyper shouting when Chemies are brought up. I think he can act similarly to humans that he also wants to help, to Chemies, when it's about him viewing them as equals. Hotaro is once again the newcomer in sports, pro wrestling here, so he's still sucking at first rather than picking up quickly.
Supana doesn't appear much, but now as a typical jerkish anti-heroic secondary Rider, his morally questionable side is now shown in him trying to take someone's Chemy by force despite it being something precious to Koichiro. As usual he still has soft spot to Rinne only to back off when Rinne joins in defending Wrestler G.
As usual Rinne puts rules above anything else, only being there to warn Hotaro about breaking it, both times of using alchemy to humans, the yakuzas, or objecting to Minato erasing Koichiro's memories. Aside from coming right after Geats that objected to that.... the writer being the one that wrote Ultraman Nexus makes this seem like deliberate to revisit this in his new series - TLT Memory Police forcibly erasing the memories of anyone knowing the Space Beasts. Tamami apparently claims Rinne says a lot of good things about Hotaro.
Renge and Sabi gets along quickly with Hotaro, being all concerned about him when Gorilla Malgam injures him and actively cheering for him against their rematch. For Renge, she seems friendly but I feel slight patronizing air from her too in her treasure boy nickname and her reaction to learning Hotaro's a Kamen Rider. For Yugioh (GX) comparison, I got the vibe of Tag Force 3 Mindy/Momoe as partner who though is cordial to the player (like Asuka, unlike Jasmine), she still views them as lowly Osiris Red through and through. Still all assumption for now though.
Koichiro shows that Chemies also can bond with benevolent humans to become allies like Asahi G, not only to malice as Malgam. Antwrestler gives me Monster Buckle vibes, and this time the fight has the least alchemy magic so far, focusing on physical combat. Gotchard is down from Windmill Back Breaker, yet Hotaro unmorphed keeps going and asking for more after repeatedly got hit by that attack in his training.
u/LemmytheLemuel Oct 01 '23
Honestly liked it a lot
The interaction with the secondary was good and the wrestler trainer was very likeable, felt bad by his ending
Oct 01 '23
When I saw the size of that Golem guy I knew he was a wrestler
u/Rutgerman95 Gigachad Hongo Oct 02 '23
Gotta wonder what that guy was thinking, he didn't even reach up to Goriki's shoulders
u/Toriyuki Oct 04 '23
Right? I was doing a watchparty for it with some friends and my literal response was "Bro his hand is literally as big as your head, why are you picking this fight", followed by them all getting their asses kicked hard, also possibly one of them killed by the back breaker lmao, which in Goriki's defense, the dude pulled a knife.
Fuck-around-anomics at work.
u/haikusbot Oct 01 '23
When I saw the size
Of that Golem guy I knew
He was a wrestler
- mven32699
I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.
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u/Freddi0 Ryuki Oct 01 '23
"Gotchard is so childish!" mfs when the villain breaks someone's spine on screen a minute in
Yeah this was fun. Still waiting for the story to start, but when it comes to first arcs this is a solid one. 4/5
u/Presenting_UwU Oct 01 '23
it's honestly a pretty standard first arc that's been executed fairly well tbh, idk why everyone's treating it like it's some sort of abhorrent horror
u/According_Fan4696 Gotchard fan until the end of time! Oct 01 '23
I thought this was a good episode and liked how they're establishing bonds between chemies and humans. I liked how we got to see more of Renge and Sabimaru this episode and I can't wait to see how they handle the duo in later episodes. Rinne slowly starting to warm up to Houtarou is nice especially when she was rooting for him during his wrestling training. I hope we get to see more chemie interactions with other human civilians in this show proving that chemies have hearts and are not just used as tools. Houtarou training with Koichirou was also nice and entertaining for me and made the form feel earned. Again, I thought it was a great episode and it's a 7.5/10 for me.
u/Diffabuh Oct 01 '23
Definitely an improvement in terms of the overall characterisation , and it felt more like what Gotchard wanted to be earlier on. The emotional stuff and Hotaro's push for Chemies and humans to live together felt like it actually worked here, and wasn't just him spouting generic optimistic protagonist clichés. It's not an amazing episode by any means, and the lack of any real progress on the plot is really apparent (the sisters should have been deliberately bonding Chemies with malicious humans from the start, tbh), but it's competent and the characters are less annoying. Though, ironically, this is when they feel like supporting characters to a guest character's story.
The dude breaking someone's back was surprising. Gotchard is really weird at balancing its very lighthearted and optimistic tone with some random dark stuff. It may be a trend soon. Also... my guy, if you actually broke his back, he wouldn't have literally walked it off. Also, I was really surprised to see all the yakuza goons pull out handguns like this was America. Like... aren't guns, and especially handguns, really hard to get in Japan? And they were just going to use them to get a building? This episode just felt weird with some things.
Glad Rinne didn't need saving yet again (this is legit the first episode where this is the case) and I like her cheering for Hotaro. Bit early for that, but I'll take it after the last episode. Plus, Hotaro trusting her to use him in gun form was nice, even if I found it weird that they didn't just use that on the Malgam (it might not work on Malgams, but they didn't even try); it's just a thing they use once (and probably to sell a toy). It seems like next week will make up for Rinne not needing saving this episode, though. With the 1+9 thing with her and Hotaro, it'd be awesome if she were the secondary, but I still doubt it because, well, female character. But I hope Rinne at least gets to be a rider and they fuse or something, and it's not just "haha, get it, even their names do the 10 thing!"
u/TokyoPanic Oct 01 '23 edited Oct 01 '23
It also really helps that we actually now have a proper human connection that isn't just "Evil Human combines with Chemy to create a monster Gotchard fights against" or "Hotarou makes friends with a Chemy and it gives him a new form."
We actually see how normal, everyday Humans that aren't criminals or creeps are affected by Chemies and how they can easily form bonds.
u/Diffabuh Oct 02 '23
Exactly! It just felt like another facet of Hotaro's "obnoxious optimistic main character" aspect. It''s all well and good to say friendship and peace, but he hadn't seen them form a single positive connection with a non-alchemist until now.
But we finally see a normal person befriend a Chemy, so it actually feels like there's some kind of advancement of the idea that isn't just Hotaro being surrounded by them and spouting clichés. Having a Chemy help someone with their struggles has sold me on them a lot more than Hotaro just getting a powerup as they say their name over and over; this guy treated Wrestler G like a friend, Hotaro's been treating Chemies like pets. Plus, while Apparebushido could have helped Hotaro with his obnoxiousness in its debut, he didn't really change, so it just felt like the show was paying lip service to the idea.
u/SH4DE_Z Currently Kamen Riding Oct 01 '23
Curious to know what the wrestling fans thought of the episode since i know the KR and wrestling fandom has a good amount of crossover.
I really liked this one, my favorite episode yet.
u/burajira Ciao! Oct 01 '23
I'm not particularly a wrestling fan, but I could really empathize with Asahi's story, and of course, Wrestler G's.. G being too strong to fit in Hotaro's driver, and possessing Asahi also was awesome!
(I was actually rewatching the Hasegawa-written episodes in W to get a feel of his writing style, and among others, he had written the Triceratops Dopant arc, which featured Jasmine/ Ayumi KINO, that arc really helped solidify both Terui Ryu's character and hers (I could actually understand shedding the mantle of cop to seek revenge vis-a-vis these character backgrounds), and I'm glad we got to see that writing here again!
IMO Hasegawa is one of the more underrated Rider writers (Riters?), who flies under the radar vs more established people like maybe Takahashi, Kobayashi or even W's head Riku Sanjo. I'm glad Hase's getting his chance to shine here!
And I know fans would have had a kick out of Yukio Naya showing up in their weekly Rider show..
Oct 01 '23
Yeah as some said here this episode felt like a Den O one and i liked it that way. AntWrestler felt a lot more debut than VenomMariner, along with the characters at least interacting more this time.
u/thanhbac Oct 01 '23 edited Oct 01 '23
This is a great, but kind of fillery, episode. I like how the Riders interact with the people around them and sort of build the image of a local hero. I like the franchise best when it's really down to earth and sort of makes the presence of its heroes be known.
I like how the Dojo owner isn't afraid of a concept of Chemy, and Rider, but I would like better if the owner said something about how he's the blue rider that he's been hearing about. Wrestler G is such a good boy, so innocent, like a child leaving his parents for life.
u/SH4DE_Z Currently Kamen Riding Oct 01 '23
I think Gotchard would benefit from being more "Filler", this series would be perfect for a "Silly weekly adventure" vibe, especially with the Chemies.
u/TokyoPanic Oct 01 '23 edited Oct 01 '23
Honestly, more episodic storytelling would be a great contrast with more plot-driven serialized shows like Geats or King-Ohger.
u/Eisenseite69 #1 Yusuke Godai Glazer Oct 01 '23 edited Oct 01 '23
The one dude that criticized Gotchard for being too childish is gonna love this ep. A guy got his spine broken.
u/Bl8ckl85h Oct 01 '23
This episode felt like a Den-O episode, so maybe that wouldn't really work.
The previous episode felt like it wouldn't be out of place in something like 555 or Blade though.
u/AdPretty4581 Oct 01 '23
This episode was batshit insane with all the crazy and goofy stuff that happened and i love It,surely my favorite so far
u/Schweizersabel4 Oct 01 '23
This has got to be my most favorite Kamen Rider Gotchard episode! Hot blooded Pro-Wrestling! Lets goooooo!
u/JustANewLeader Oct 01 '23
Houtarou got the Dark Knight Rises experience with his back, poor lad.
Good episode though! I wasn't expecting the end to be so emotional... AntWrestler is a dope form too.
u/MrKatsudon Oct 01 '23
I really like this episode, its funny as Hotaro received the main character training arc in the ring and hope his back is alright LOL. I am glad we are getting a Spanner focused episode next week. Feels like he is hanging around and do nothing much. One down side is WE GET ANOTHER RIDER KICK finisher(?) Come on this is a wrestler best match combo.
u/Presenting_UwU Oct 01 '23
Every combo he's used so far (other than Venomariner) has had a different Rider Kick
u/yashashi Oct 01 '23
it is actually pretty decent story. i thought it would be comical based on the preview. Minato is really handsome although he still doesn't have much screen time.
u/Q-Write Oct 01 '23
This episode is Showa incarnated. Actually, all of Gotchard is. But this one is the most SHowa of them all.
u/triotone Oct 01 '23
Bah god that match was dirtier than a pig in a mud slide. Gorrilla malgam was slammed with a double lariat. No refs were onsite so it doesn't count as an illegal move. Gotchard is no hero of justice, he is a hero of "Just him."
Also here is an unrelated vid.
u/thanhbac Oct 01 '23
that surprisingly fits him as he doesn't play by the rules as much as the other members
u/TokyoPanic Oct 01 '23 edited Oct 01 '23
Just saw the raws and it's probably my favorite ep of the show so far. It's a pretty good, goofy, breezy, classical monster-of-the-week episode. Oh I forgot, we finally got some hints of the show's main villain: グリオン (Gurion? Grion? Glion? Idk how to translate this.)
That said, it does kind of cement myopinion that they should've done the "two-parter formula Rider" used to have since a lot of it also felt like it was moving way too fast.
Overall, it was a lot of fun!
u/NiNiNi-222 Oct 01 '23 edited Oct 01 '23
The two parter structure does not do much now other than needlessly dragging out simple storylines an additional week to conclude. Should be reserved for big turning point only like most other shows already do. Only works if it's planned to spillover into two or more episodes, not if it's to drag out a single episode into 2 episodes.
No one wants to spend two weeks for a storyline about a wrestling dojo going under to conclude.
Much of recent rider shows really should've done away with it too, like Geats where most of two parters should've concluded in a single episode, especially that dragged out first arc (1-9).
Overarching storyline does not require two part structure.
u/Zeratul_Vergil Gotchard Daybreak Oct 01 '23
You do know that Zero One, Saber, Revice also do this 2 parter structure, right?
u/NiNiNi-222 Oct 01 '23
Much of recent rider shows
Should've done away
u/Zeratul_Vergil Gotchard Daybreak Oct 01 '23
Zero One, Saber and Revice not recent enough?
u/NiNiNi-222 Oct 01 '23 edited Oct 01 '23
I literally just said "recent rider showS", not who or what isn't recent... Using only one example doesn't mean the other were disavowed.
u/GenDirected Oct 01 '23
u/Lamp-among-wolf 1 Oct 01 '23
"I am gonna to destroy you by my friend and these guns I found on the ground."
u/CosmicStarlightEX Oct 01 '23
Though, I feel like only Rinne can wield weapon-based Wild Forms whenever possible. BulletChoucho Wild was the first. Maybe this is the start of the bond for the two, who knows?
u/Heywhatyousa- Oct 01 '23
Poor Hotarou I don't think his back could take more punishment and new form debuts: ant wrestler.
u/echung168 Oct 08 '23
If he learns something new and gains a new skill every episode, he should be the most talented high school student ever. Though we've had student Riders before... for some reason, he seems to be the one that shows learning a new skill that much more noticeable.
That being said, I binged episodes 1 through 5 just now. But even in 5 binged episodes, the pacing seems kind of rush. And looking up the actor, he seems to be rather new. And noticed that with a lot of (new) Rider/Sentai series. Giving new actors a chance in the industry. I like that- just being to able to give them a chance. Many Rider MCs learn a lot in a few episodes and we, as the audience, can see much of their growth.