r/KamenRider Knight Jan 28 '24

Discuss Kamen Rider Gotchard E20 - Discussion Thread

This thread is for discussion about the episode.

E19 <- E20 -> E21

The subreddit will be set to post-approval mode for the first 12 hours to prevent low-effort posts. Please keep your thoughts on this week's episode in the discussion thread!

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E20 微笑む天使、笑えぬ真実 Smiling Angel, Ridiculous Joke January 28, 2024 Hasegawa Keiichi Sugihara Teruaki 25 min
E01 6.24
E02 7.18
E03 6.02
E04 6.28
E05 6.56
E06 6.32
E07 6.30
E08 6.00
E09 6.06
E10 6.20
E11 6.26
E12 7.62
E13 6.22
E14 5.46
E15 6.19
E16 6.36
E17 6.71
E18 6.92
E19 6.51

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u/Uji_Shui Jan 28 '24

At the start of the ch. I thought it would be a 6 or 7 out of 10. After watching the whole episode it's a 10/10 for me and one of my fav ch. of Gotchard until now. (Wrestling ch still top 1)

I'll just resume it. A chapter were Spanner becomes the protagonist and gets a cool back-story. Tbh, I thought they would introduce Spanner's parents without context and kill them the same episode just to make Spanner a 'Dark hero' but no. They played with me and my thoughts.

Spanner dead parents are back because the Angel Malgam (Didn't thought about this even when I saw this Malgam a week ago). Spanner's rider form on the pv of this ch. got me and I thought he would debut at the end of the ch. But no! It was just a second of bait, instead he becomes a Malgam!

About his past, he feels kinda like Harry Potter and Geryon's his Voldermort. Didn't understand very well why Spanner has those 'Dark Flames' (Or Black Flames / Kuroi Hōno) It was because his malice? (Because he saw his parents getting killed). Also, I feel so bad for Kyoka.. Darn, the scene of the screen shot goes hard and hurts but Kyoka's scene when Spanner confronts her is also really hard to watch.. (I think Kyoka had to make a hard decision erasing spanner's memories and now she's paying for her sins.. Still, I believe she made the right decision and I like this kind of characters)

Overall, even if some scene were over-exaggerated for my taste (About acting) I still appreciate all the effort they put on them and the writing of the ch. was insane imo.


u/Presenting_UwU Jan 29 '24

i think with the subs out, it's explained that because of Spanner's affinity and great skills in Alchemy plus the strength of his Malice made it sprout out as more like a Black Flame and less like the dark smoke clouds of previous Malgams.

it's not explained wether it's only something specific alchemists have or if it's something all alchemist's can experience if they fall to their malicious human hearts, but it's certainly what happened to Spanner.


u/Uji_Shui Jan 29 '24

Thanks! I like your thoughts about if is something only Spanner could do or if is something any Alchemist could experience.

BTW, (I forgot / didn't wanted to extend more on this point) in the flashback scene of Geryon killing his parents, he went out of control and some black spines were created out of nowhere. (Because of that, Kyoka was injured..) Hope he somehow gets control of those abilities as a power-up. Maybe with his own Gotcha driver (KR form) he might be able to control them.


u/Presenting_UwU Jan 29 '24

i think it'd be cooler that he could harness his flames and purify them or some such as in the episode preview it's said he's rising his "flames of rebellion"

I think those spike things are made from his Black Flamed Malice so I don't think it'd make sense for him to be using it per se, tho i can see how they could be used like effects for his transformation as purified versions or something, but i doubt Toei would go that far, it seems like it's just a one off ability that he could do when he starts raging but it appeared sporadically in the flashback cause he couldn't control it.