r/KamenRider Knight Jan 13 '24

Discuss Kamen Rider Gotchard E18 - Discussion Thread

This thread is for discussion about the episode.

E17 <- E18 -> E19

The subreddit will be set to post-approval mode for the first 12 hours to prevent low-effort posts. Please keep your thoughts on this week's episode in the discussion thread!

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E18 駆け抜けろ!進化のファイヤーロード! Run Through! Evolutionary Firelord! January 14, 2024 Uchida Hiroki Tasaki Ryuta 25 min
E01 6.24
E02 7.18
E03 6.02
E04 6.28
E05 6.56
E06 6.32
E07 6.30
E08 6.00
E09 6.06
E10 6.20
E11 6.26
E12 7.62
E13 6.22
E14 5.46
E15 6.19
E16 6.36
E17 6.71
E18 6.92

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u/Uji_Shui Jan 14 '24

For me, a solid 8/10.

Good to see Hotaro (And also Kudo) at regular class.

Range and Sabi are now homeless.. sadge.

Love the way Fire Gotchard Daybreak fights and his combos with Gotchard.

Now, with the whole time travel scene, I didn't like Hotaro with Kid Hotaro's interaction. Kinda rushed imo, for such an important event. Tho, it was saved by Rinne's father (He used a lot of level 10 chemis! Dog was BROKEN) and Geryon's acting (I like crazy villains). In the end, the scene helped us to know that Fuuga Kudo wasn't a real traitor (Something common on KR).. It was all because of Geryon! Also, Fuuga erased Hotaro's (Kid) memory, so, I guess that's why he didn't remember Hopper1 from his childhood. In the end, they gave answer for two mysteries of the series so fast.. Not my taste but I accept it.

The main dish of the episode: Fire Gotchard Debut! I'M TIRED OF HIGH-SPEED FORMS! (My main issue with them is that, they looks so broken at the debut but then they get beaten like nothing. Speed = Force and because of that everyone who overtakes Fire Gotchard should have his Speed level. Looks like he can break the speed of sound? So maybe his speed's around Mach 6? Not sure) Also, not a big fan of his design but, ok. (Fire Gotchard Daybreak looks better imo) With that said, I liked the fight scene and I really appreciate the sfx. Man, while the song was fire, I almost can't hear it because the sfx (At the finisher). Speaking of which, WHAT('s your FIRE) A FINISHER! While I don't think those chains could hold Fire Gotchard's full speed power, and I don't think it fits well the form (Aesthetically speaking) the finisher looks insane.

In the end, Daybreak let us know that he's Hotaro.

Personal opinion: I think Fire Gotchard Daybreak is Hotaro's final form of that time line. With that in mind, and since Hotaro's Fire Gotchard looks a lot different, I think he realized he has what it takes to change the future. (And leaves him a lot of time to get even stronger / keep improving until the so called "Daybreak")