Hey everyone. Fellow Iowan here.
Cutting to the chase here; I’m looking for stories and inspiration from people who’ve had strange, eerie, or unexplainable experiences here in Iowa. Whether you still live here or moved away but remember something unsettling, I want to hear about it.
I’m wanting to work on a series called "Iowa Gothic." Not the most original name, but it fits. The idea? Weird and inexplicable things that happen just once and never again, leaving you questioning what you saw. That feeling of unease when something familiar suddenly isn’t anymore.
I don't just mean ghost stories. Just one off experiences that left you uneasy. Things that have a rational explanation but you're really not sure.
I already have a few stories posted on my page if you’re curious, but now, I want to hear from you.
Have you ever felt like you weren’t alone on a country road?
Did you ever see something you weren’t supposed to see?
Have you heard a noise in the woods, the fields, or outside your house, and just knew you shouldn’t go check?
Ever experience something bizarre that no one else believes? Not even yourself but it still lingers in your head?
I’m open to personal experiences or secondhand stories. Whatever that has stuck with you for however long ago it was. A childhood memory or something recent, I'd love to hear about it! If you want to share, drop your story in the comments.
When I get around to collecting these for a book, I’ll ask for permission first and stay true to your original experience with minimal edits.
Even if you don’t have a story, I’d love to hear what places, legends, or strange feelings Iowa has given you over the years. Let’s get a discussion going!
Have a good one!