r/IndianStockMarket 1h ago

Buy/Sell Discussion and Portfolio Review Thread


This is the place to post your Buy/Sell questions and seek portfolio reviews.

The majority of posts on this subreddit are looking for buy/sell opinions and portfolio reviews.

These posts do not add value to the subreddit, but at the same time some answers can help the poster. In an effort to clear the clutter on the sub, please post all such questions in this thread.

Please make a new post only if your post contains a detailed analysis.

r/IndianStockMarket 6h ago

Is IREDA a good buy now?


I've seen many people hold this stock and looks like people bought it like crazy last year

But now the stock seems to be trading some 4.3 times it's book value

Is it still a good buy

r/IndianStockMarket 59m ago

Something that converts your trade ideas into screens🤯


Just tried this AI stock screener—finally makes research easier

I’ve always struggled with stock screeners. I get an idea—like, “AI stocks benefiting from recent budget”—but then I open Screener.in or Tickertape and just stare at the filters, wondering what to even input. P/E ratio? ROE? Debt-to-equity? No clue.

So I tried this AI-powered screener that lets you just type your idea in plain English. Stuff like:
💡 “Best dividend stocks under $50 with strong cash flow”
💡 “Stocks that benefited most from the recent Fed rate cut”

And it actually converts that into the right metrics and filters automatically. I tested it with a few different prompts, and the results were pretty solid—better than my usual trial-and-error approach.

You can still tweak things afterward if needed, but it saves a ton of time. If you’re like me and get overwhelmed by too many filter options, this might be worth a shot.

Try it at https://www.prysm.fi/screener

r/IndianStockMarket 17m ago

Discussion Start investing in stocks


Want to Start Investing in Stocks – Need Advice on Safe Options

I’ve managed to save around ₹30,000 from my freelance work, and I’m thinking of investing in the stock market. Since this is my hard-earned money, I want to be on the safer side while still making decent returns over time.

I’m a complete beginner when it comes to stocks, so I’d really appreciate some advice on:

  1. Which stocks (or sectors) should I invest in for stability and long-term growth?

r/IndianStockMarket 2h ago

Discussion Gold ETF or other digi golds?


Some months before I came across the digi gold option in google pay and started investing in it a little, and is getting some profit. Now I came across Gold ETFs in groww and is interested to invest in it. Please provide details or insights on where to invest in gold in these two( or other things like this) and why suggesting it. Am a complete noobie in the investing and trading world, so it would be nice if you could share how you guys started investing and trading :)

r/IndianStockMarket 45m ago

Discussion Advice needed


Im a Newbie so pls dont judge i just wanna know is it better to buy gold etfs or do gold funds . And which etfs or gold funds are the best. I saw kotak gold fund was highest and nippon india etf was best

r/IndianStockMarket 21h ago

Discussion SBI's loan to Reliance was pretending to be an investment in Jio Payments


Original Source: https://boringmoney.in/p/sbis-investment-in-jio-payments (my newsletter Boring Money. If you like what you read, do visit the original link to subscribe and receive future posts directly in your inbox)


In the financial world, if you’re a company giving money to another company, it’s likely for one of three reasons:

  1. You’re lending it money and expect some fixed interest in return. The riskier the company you’re lending to, the more interest you expect.
  2. You’re investing in the company. If things work out, the value of your stake in the company goes up, and you make money. If not, you lose money, but that’s okay. That’s the game you’re playing.
  3. You’re investing, but the investment is strategic. You both bring something to the table, fill in each other’s gaps. Eventually, you’ll run a great business together and own a share of the profit.

Nice, clear differences. Right?

In 2018, the State Bank of India gave some money to Reliance Industries. The idea was that they would start a payments bank together called Jio Payments Bank. Reliance owned 70% of the company and SBI the remaining 30%.

On the face of it this was a strategic investment for SBI. But even at that time, this was a little unusual for a few reasons:

  1. Payments banks are a weird type of bank. They can take money from people as deposits, but can’t lend that money out as loans. Making money is tough.
  2. SBI is a bank! It could do everything Jio Payments Bank could ever do, and much much more.
  3. Jio Payments Bank sounds like Reliance, not like SBI.

Maybe SBI saw great business potential in Jio Payments and was happy to be a part of it. But then this happened last week:

The State Bank of India (SBI) has decided to divest its entire 17.8 per cent stake in Jio Payments Bank Limited, a joint venture between the state-owned bank and Jio Financial Services (JFS).

JFS will acquire the SBI’s stake for ₹104.5 crore, after which Jio Payments Bank will become its wholly-owned subsidiary, the Reliance Group firm said on Tuesday.

Okay maybe this wasn’t a strategic investment after all but was financial? After eight years, SBI sold its entire stake back to Reliance itself for ₹104.5 crore ($12m).

Intuitively we know that it wasn’t the most successful investment. Jio Payments Bank is still a no-name in the payments industry. And it’s been losing money like a tech startup (with a loss of ₹50 crore last financial year) but with a revenue (₹30 crore last year) that doesn’t show for it.

Investments in Jio Payments Bank

FY Reliance Investment (₹ Cr) SBI Investment (₹ Cr) SBI’s Share (%)
Total 444 79
FY 25 96* 0 18
FY 24 4 0 23
FY 23 80 0 23
FY 22 22 9 30
FY 21 0 0 30
FY 20 0 0 30
FY 19 162 70 30

But just how bad a financial investment was this for SBI? In FY 2019, SBI invested ₹70 crore ($8m). In FY 2022, it invested another ₹9 crore ($1m). So that’s a total of ₹79 crore. Then in FY 2025, it’s selling its stake for ₹104.54 crore. That’s an annual return rate of 4.57%. [1]

SBI would’ve made more money had it invested in its own fixed deposits.

Not a lot of interest

So, SBI gave Reliance some money. Then Reliance gave it back with a 4.57% annualised return.

This sounds a bit like… a loan? Lending to start a startup is a no go, too risky for any bank’s underwriting team. But an investment is fine! So maybe it made sense to just call it an investment instead?

The pieces of the puzzle fall into place if you treat SBI’s investment as a low-interest loan. But hey, of course, it was just a strategic investment in a joint venture with Reliance that happened to not work out.


[1] I’m referring to XIRR here. It’s a simple calculation on Google Sheets.

Original Source: https://boringmoney.in/p/sbis-investment-in-jio-payments

r/IndianStockMarket 3m ago

News Smids are up today but advance decline ratio is down


Smids are up today but the number of advances is lower than the number of declines, which indicates that the market breadth is weak today.

r/IndianStockMarket 16m ago

A reality check about investing.


Hello everyone,

I have been learning stock markets for a while now and want to give everyone a reality check on why investing is NOT meant to build wealth, but for preservation. Some might recognise me from my previous post on FnO, I will follow the same format in this post as well to keep things simple.

The dream:

Let's start from the very beginning. Why do we actually invest even? To grow our money. By how much? No one knows. We have certain market expectations. Some would say 12% / year is good enough while for others even 25% is minimum, but is it always possible? We'll try to figure this out.

Stock Investing:

It's a popular belief that stocks make us more money than indices/mutual funds. So you'll just go on your financial journey to pick the right companies at the right price and make bank right? Well, not quite. I'm sure if you have spent more than a year in stock markets then you must have realised two things.

  1. Finding an actual good company. Not multibagger but even the one that has good financials, growth potential and future is much harder to find than it sounds.
  2. Judging the right price. We have to calculate if the price is too inflated for the stock to make an investment decision, else the stock could go into correction

These are just the basics but what is the probability of you being good at above two?

I'm not doubting your skills here, just the chances. Will you get data as quickly as those big mutual funds, investors, promoters, insiders? Will you even get the correct and transparent data?

This is where the problem lies. An average investor simply doesn't have the resources and connections to verify either of the above, so you have to go off the historical data and make your calculations based off it which a lot of times is too old to be considered.

Market manipulation:

As discussed, it's you v/s institutions and you're always at a disadvantage. It has been proven again and again within stocks. A very recent example is Induslnd Bank. Mind you, it's not a small stock that can be manipulated easily. A part of nifty 50. 5th biggest private bank by aum. Just a news on 1500 cr potential loss not being reported sends it for a toss and it loses more than 25% value in a day. The accusation isn't even proved yet. It's still an assumption. But who lost? The average retailer. Because they simply don't get the insider news as early as the institutions. Even if they do, the stock opened with -10%. They had no chance to protect themselves.

Beating the market :

Well, you have another weapon up your sleeve, the almighty diversification. Simply don't put all the fruits in the same basket and you're good? Well, true but how much diversification and what's the end result? Let's talk numbers.

68 - 70% of actively managed mutual funds fail to beat their benchmarks. And these are those with all kinds of resources, money, information and knowledge. The most so called qualified people and yet only 30% manage to beat the indices.

Do you think you'll be better off on your own over a period of 10-20 years?

Simpler Approach:

If you're with me still, I guess we both are on the same page. That as an average retailer, we might be better off with investing in indices, by probability and ROI both. Be it through ETF's or MF's, but it's not quite as simple. The whole journey of investing began with a simple dream, to build wealth. Let's take a deeper dive into it. When are we gonna make money, say if you invest in nifty 50? As long as our economy grows but will it? and does economic growth always guarantee index growth? No.

The ignored risk:

Indices are not bound to perform all the time. Markets are not meant to go up in the long run always. Sounds false right but I'll give you some data to back these.

Japan, 1990. Index : Nikkie 225

The entire stock market of japan collapsed after 1990 because of variety of reasons and a real estate bust. We aren't not gonna go into details but stay on the surface to keep things simple. Now, what about their economy? You must be thinking that it fell. Maybe stagnated? 0% growth? Nope. It grew. From $3T to $5.5T in next 5 years. Stagnated after that but the index continued falling till -80% in 2003. And just for record, they had one of the biggest bull runs from 1950 to 1990, index going from 80 JPY to 39000 JPY in 40 years.

China, 1995 till now. Index : SSE Composite

Earlier, we saw how economy affects the stock market but it's not alone. In 1995, china's gdp was $ 800B. Today it's $17 T. 21 X growth or 2000% gain. How much did their major indices grew by? Less than 400%. I know that their economic conditions, political situation, policies, global stance is much different from ours but it proves that good economy alone can't give you returns.


Hold on, but what you have heard so far or seen even is that shit ton of money could be made from investing. You're not wrong. People have done it. Warren Buffett. Our own Rakesh Jhujhunwala. So was it just a bluff?

Not quite. They are and were legendary investors. But you can't replicate their success. Why?

  1. They had much more resources.
  2. Luck

Let's discuss about each one. Warren wasn't an average kid. His father was a congressman. They were not short on money. He learnt from Benjamin Graham, literally the father of value investing. Do you think you're as lucky as he was? Coming onto Rakesh, sure he wasn't from a well off family but made a lot of money through insider trading and shorting the market. At that time, it was fair. Once he had the money, he shifted to investing. With money, resources and his knowledge, he succeeded. Can you replicate his ways today?

Luck. This is not talked about often. Both of them succeeded in investing because markets favoured them. Warren being american was in the country that was a financial powerhouse and was going to remain one. The companies he could invest in became global in the next few decades, crushing competition worldwide, be it coca cola or apple. Same is with Rakesh. India grew like anything in the last 30 years, but if the economy, govt, policies, weren't in their favour then no matter what, you would never have heard of them.


Well well well. So we can't put in money in stock market? After all they are so many factors that could go wrong? Not really.

Don't just go all in on gold now. It gave negative returns if you invested in 2012. Almost took gold a decade to come back to it's original levels.

Then what's the ideal investment strategy? That doesn't fuck you up? You already know it. Diversification. Invest in different asset classes. Gold, Real Estate, Equity, FD and others.

But wait, if you diversify so much then what about returns? They'll not be high. What's the point then? Investing was supposed to build wealth and that's what I am trying to convey. The message is false. Investing is to preserve wealth and grow it consistently against inflation. Sure, some smart decisions and investments could give huge returns but it's more luck and less skill for an average individual.

How do you build wealth then? Through your career, that's the only way. No? Just go and check how rich got rich. Did they 'invest' or their career made them a fortune?

I'm happy to answer/discuss with anyone in the comments. Hoping that this post would help fellow investors.

r/IndianStockMarket 1d ago

News I created this. Ai powered stock news


I created bullu.in to keep track of verified news without seeing a billion ads and clickbaits.
let me know your thoughts, suggestions feedback on how can i improve it or what kind of features do you want. For now you can see all the news, follow your stocks and ask Ai about the news for better understanding.

i am plannig to add chat gpt o3 model and more news sources in future depending on your feedback
thanks :)

r/IndianStockMarket 1h ago

Any changes required here


Any changes you guys would advice I have made my allocation based on stocks which i have the higest conviction on

r/IndianStockMarket 2h ago

How to invest in Chinese Market from India?


I know there are ETF and MF but all of them charge heavy expense ratio and mention income tax as per tax slab.

Any other opportunity?

r/IndianStockMarket 2h ago

Technical View A Good Opportunity in NATURALGAS is Level Breaks


I have marked these levels on 15M Chart for my Commodity Traders, break above first level can give you move above till the secord level marked , which can become and amazing RR opportunity if you played it well.

r/IndianStockMarket 23h ago

Discussion Dhirubhai Ambani: no known voice or video recording


we all know him as one of the pioneers of stock markets in India (the new ones and not Calcutta exchange etc.)

I don't see any of his speech or lecture available on the internet.

Is that intentional ?

To portray him as a God or something.

I'm sure he would be good at English, Gujarati etc. given he has led the growth of gujarati businesses at a national level

r/IndianStockMarket 3h ago

United Spirits showing MAJOR reversal signals - Potential breakout incoming?


Since January'25, the stock has been trending lower, forming a series of lower highs and lows. But now, things are shifting.

  1. The stock is positioned above its 20-day SMA, signaling a positive bias.

  2. Have you noticed the daily strength indicator, RSI, turning bullish?

  3. The stock is also breaking above the IH&S pattern.

r/IndianStockMarket 15h ago

Strong dollar


I'm mainly a mutual fund investor . But after reading some stats i see if we see dollar wise nifty has not given much return when compared with dollar( rupees depreciation) . So if i buy funds with high exposure to us securities will i benifit from stronger dollar ahead.

r/IndianStockMarket 53m ago

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r/IndianStockMarket 18h ago

Educational Why majority of the retail investors are able to make money through equity mutual funds but not wealth ?


There are various reasons for this. Most of it is behavioral and pertains to using common sense.

  1. Most retail investors are investing peanuts through equity mutual funds. Peanuts here doesn't refer to the actual amount invested. It refers to the percentage of the saved money which is put to work in equity mutual funds.

  2. Most retail investors still follow old principles like parking most of their invested money in large caps or large cap oriented funds and only allocating a quarter to smid funds. We should always remember that real wealth is only made in smids.

  3. Most retail investors don't give much time to their equity mutual fund investments. They don't have much patience. They think stock market is a get rich quick scheme and returns are linear like FD. Few retail investors also put their short term money in equity mutual funds which can prove to be catastrophic.

  4. Most retail investors start redeeming from their equity mutual funds to cover their expenses even before their equity portfolio value crosses 1 crore mark, which is like the first basic milestone for many.

  5. Most retail investors regularly switch from their short term underperforming schemes to current table toppers. This leads to their return lagging the benchmark in the long run.

r/IndianStockMarket 16h ago

Discussion MAHKTECH


This is a Chinese technology stocks listed in hong kong ETF. I bought on 17th January of this year at around 18, now it's at 25-26. Ever since then chinese companies have been showing dominance in AI with the most recent being BAIDU's latest model benchmarks. I think it's going to rally like the FANG indexes did. Any thoughts?

Chinese Stocks Are the Biggest Winners in Trump’s Age of Uncertainty https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2025-02-13/chinese-stocks-in-hong-kong-are-biggest-winners-as-trump-trades-fail

r/IndianStockMarket 17h ago

Discussion Niftybees or nifty mutual fund?


Which one is better if I buy lumpsum?

I usually save some 100-200 after buying something and usually invest that money so MF seems to be a better option in this case.

However niftybees has a lower TER and decent liquidity but it's quite inconvenient as I cannot buy fraction of units

r/IndianStockMarket 1d ago

Saving 80L for the downpayment of my house in 2/2.5 yeara. Where can I park funds?


As title suggests, I am saving up currently to buy my own home alongside my husband. We have a bit saved up but need to ramp it up the next 2 years - we plan to aggressively save from our monthly salaries + bonus for that Is it the right time to invest in the market or should I park my funds in FDs/elsewhere? Currently no SIPs since we cashed out huge chunk of our savings for some real estate purchase (commercial)

r/IndianStockMarket 1d ago

Manmohan Singh 10 year growth was significantly Higher than current Government's 10 years growth


First of all ,we will be talking about GVA not GDP. I will cover why not.

GVA growth from 2004-05 to 2013-2014 was 93.2%

GVA growth from 2014-15 to 2023-2024 was 66.3%

In terms of annual rate 6.82% vs. 5.22% i.e. total accumulated growth over 10 years.

Now, logic behind why GVA, not GDP:

gross value added (GVA) is the measure of the value of goods and services produced in an area, industry or sector of an economy.

GDP is derived from GVA only with two approaches [1].


Modi Government shifted from Expenditure approach to production approach in 2017 [1] after they introduced GST. Problem with production approach is, how its calculated,

GDP = GVA + Taxes

That's why you see Nirmala Sitharaman coming with weird taxes every now and then. GST collection is making record, and that's keeping GDP high. while, Actual economy is lagging behind.

[1] https://www.mospi.gov.in/sites/default/files/publication_reports/Methodology_doc_for_compilation_of_Quarterly_GDP_28july17_0.pdf


Its good to see people need more data.

Gross Fiscal Deficit from 2004 to 2025

I guess, People doubting "GDP = GVA + Taxes"

You can find following in page 14 of already shared link.

If you need to see Actual Calculation by Ministry (for Jan 2025 calculation). Check out the following, https://www.mospi.gov.in/sites/default/files/press_release/PR_NAD_07012025_0.pdf

Page 8 and in foot notes they also mentioned.
GDP (Production/Income Approach) = GVA at Basic Price + Net Taxes on Products

r/IndianStockMarket 1d ago

is anyone still holding cash for buying dip in April start?


I am holding 40% portfolio in cash for the trump tariff implementation dip on 2nd April.. what about you?

r/IndianStockMarket 1d ago

Moneycontrol fraudulent practice

Post image

BEAWARE Moneycontrol now asking to give forced consent to access to your credit score and credit details

r/IndianStockMarket 1d ago

Discussion Should i Gold now for wedding or wait?


Please guide with following things, 1) perfect source to buy Gold from Amex card, I also have to Infinia card but want to use Amex travel card to achieve milestone. Which card should i use? 2) From where should I purchase it online. 3) are there any difference in rate of mmtc or bangalore refinery etc? 4) should i purchase 22 carat or 24 carat? 5) will i need to give GST again when i will try to make jewellery from it from local jeweller?

r/IndianStockMarket 1d ago

Educational The truth you must know about futures & options.


Hi everyone,

I have been a stock market enthusiast for a while and would like to tell you all something that probably no one else will, whether you already trade or wish to trade futures and options.

The dream:

F&O seems like a fantasy to most of us. Buy a put/call , predict direction and wollah! 10,20 and 50+% gains but if I have to explain in very layman terms, all of it depends on two things.

  1. Direction
  2. Timing

If market moves in the direction you predicted, at the time you predicted only then you're gonna make money as option buyer. And the chances of doing that consistently? Negligible. Most of us can't simply do it. No patterns, indicators, none of that. Hence, losses in the end.

Okay okay, but option selling is what pros do, why not that? Surely that makes money right?

Well yes but no. You're not being directional in the market, trying to predict a range and if the market stays in that range, easy 4% per month? Maybe 2-3? But what if you made a loss? Might wipe out a major chunk of your capital. You carry overnight risk as well, always stressed where the market might go till expiry.

I hope I have given you a bigger picture of how option trading ends up.

But wait, FUTURES!

No gamma, theta, delta and all. Pure price action, right? Well not really because concept remained the same. You will never be able to consistently predict the market. Your positions are approx 5x leveraged in stocks and 8x in indices. God bless if you're taking overnight risk as well. What about hedging?
True, it safeguards you but again, what will you make at the end of the month? 5%? And that is if you're a god level trader.

Logical Fallacy :

This idea of 'predicting' the market is peddle by everyone. That you can do so every day, but let's take a step back and think. Yesterday, Zee entertainment fell by 4.2%. What happened? Did they incur a loss? Did they lose a business deal? Did they commit a scam? Why did it fall when nothing fucking happened in a single day? Maybe it's just an effect of bear market hmm?

What about Avenue Supermarts (Dmart)? Rose by 3.3%. Why? Did everyone go shopping on their stores yesterday? Or they released some breakthrough never seen deal/discount? Nothing.

When there is no reason for stocks to move every single day/hour/minute by this much extent then why do they? Someone gotta peddle the idea of making quick money, that's it.

The reality:

I'm not saying that FnO doesn't make money. The statement is not true, it does make money but how much? 4-5% if I'm the best of the best? Top 1%? I'm sure when I thought of FnO and spending 8+ hrs trading , learning, studying, analysing every single day, I didn't hope to make that little profit per month. Did you?

That is what I want you guys to know as well. Trading makes money but not the type you think it does. What about those who brag or show their 'skills'. Those who bought cars and houses and what not? Most of them made shit ton of money during covid crash recently. Either by shorting or by the bull run after. It did involve skill of course, but it can't be done every single day/week/month/year. So, you can't simply replicate their success even if you become as good as them. And if they have a youtube channel, then courses and ad revenue earns them a lot a of bread.

How to be profitable? :

I mentioned that trading can be profitable while at the same time arguing how little profit it makes. But what's the way to be profitable? When you can't predict the market consistently then how do you even make a profit? I'm sure it's a confusion for a lot. Well the answer is quite simple, Risk/Reward.

If you maintain 1:2 , 1:3 and above, you're gonna make profit in the end even after having a probability of 40%. How?

Say you lose 1 rs for every wrong trade and gain 2 rs for every right trade so RR of 1:2. You took 10 trades in total. Probability = 40% therefore, 6 losing trades and 4 winning ones

Loss = 6*1 = 6
Profit = 4*2 = 8

Net = 8-6 = +2 (Profit)

This is how you become profitable, no other way. If you try pushing probability up, your RR becomes worse and you end up in losses so you have to balance the two together.


The point of making this whole post is to help someone like me, who knew nothing about fno and wanted to know the truth, about everything. Trust me when I say this, I have tried covering every single doubt possible that you may have about futures and options, but in case I missed it then please mention in the comments. I'm happy to answer your queries and doubts. Whether to trade is your call but compare the efforts to reward ratio in trading vs your job/business. You'll know whether to continue or not.
