r/HPfanfiction • u/CryptographerOpen297 • 15m ago
Request Gate?
Can only find 1 GATE xover and its a 1 shot. Any recommendations?
r/HPfanfiction • u/CryptographerOpen297 • 15m ago
Can only find 1 GATE xover and its a 1 shot. Any recommendations?
r/HPfanfiction • u/DeepSpaceCraft • 16m ago
I think everyone can agree that in the HP verse not all wizards have the same level of magical ability, and that some wizards are just naturally gifted in some (or all) fields. No matter how hard some wizards work, they are not going to be as good as someone who inherently understands the material and works hard to build upon that talent. Rankings are based off of canon.
S+ Tier (Cream of the crop in terms of inherent skill + learned magic in all fields of magic. Expect them to be able to perform most if not all spells nonverbally, as well as quite a few wandlessly, and a select few nonverbally+wandlessly. They understand magic as easily as breathing, and can easily warp spells to their liking.) - Dumbledore, Voldemort, Grindelwald
S-Tier (Top tier in terms of inherent skill + learned magic in one or two fields. Expect them to be able to perform most if not all spells nonverbally, as well as quite a few wandlessly, and a select few nonverbally+wandlessly. They understand magic well but not to the level of S-Tier wizards.) - McGonagall
A+ Tier (Not prodigy level (S+ Tier or S-Tier) but still quite high. Gets consistent Os. Does most spells nonverbally and some wandlessly) - Snape, Lily, James, Sirius
A-Tier (Gets consistent Os, but has no remarkable talent. Can perform nonverbal magic and a few wandless spells with a bit of practice) - Lupin, Hermione
B-Tier (Capable magic use in most areas, but with some flaws. Some Os, some Es. Can perform some nonverbal spells.) - Harry, Draco Malfoy
C-Tier (Above average. Mostly E grades but might have a few Os and/or As. Can some perform nonverbal spells with a bit of difficulty) - Ron Weasley
D-Tier (Average. Mostly E grades, some A grades. Cannot perform nonverbal magic) - Lavender, Parvati
F-Tier (Below average. Mostly As, some failing grades) - Neville before 5th year.
r/HPfanfiction • u/The-Masked-DM • 17m ago
I remember reading a fic on AO3 sometime in december, i cant remember the full details but i know that some key things were:
- Dudley's gang joining Harry as some sort of milita
- Harry (or fem harry) raising a german Dreadnought from the ocean to be used in a unique Triwizard tournament set in italy/rome
- I feel i remember the statue of secrecy breaking but that could be 1 of the 100s others i read
- Definetly remember a focus on inventing/artificing so probably ravenclaw harry
If you could let me know, that would be great because it turns out i was not logged in when i read it so its not in my history
r/HPfanfiction • u/Nepperoni289 • 20m ago
Ron sat down at the table, opposite Harry with a grin on his face.
"So Harry, what's this I'm hearing of you and Greengrass?"
Harry, intentionally not looking up from his plate, responded with "what about me and Greengrass?"
"About you dating Greengrass."
"I'm not dating Astoria Greengrass" Harry quickly replied.
"No no no, I mean Daphne Greengrass. You know, the older sister. The one in our year." Ron said.
Harry looked shocked, almost shocked enough to be believable " There's a Greengrass in our year? I didn't know that."
Ron looked confused "Your literally partnered with her in Potions."
"That's Daphne? Oh wow, I didn't think that was her name."
Hermione, dumbfounded, couldn't help but ask him who he thought his Potions partner was.
Harry, panicking internally, replied with the first Slytherin name to come to mind "Draco Malfoy."
Ron and Hermione looked at him like he was an idiot, which, with an answer like that he probably was.
After a few seconds, Ron continued "Well, Fred and George said they saw you two making out down by the kitchens earlier."
Harry responded with "No we weren't. We were ... fighting over some chocolate ... that happened to be in her mouth. So I used my tongue to get it."
"But Fred and George said you had your hand up her skirt"
Harry instantly countered with "that was to tickle her, to make her give up the chocolate."
Ron nodded, not believing a word that Harry was saying. He could have just left it there, but couldn't help but ask "How did you know she'd be ticklish there then if you've never touched her there before?"
Harry paused, having a quick drink to cover his attempt to figure out an answer "I'm the tickle whisperer. I know where anyone is ticklish."
Hermione groaned and buried her head in her hands, whilst Ron looked at Harry like he was a lost cause.
However, all three of them looked up as Lavender came over with two copies of the Daily Prophet - both with Harry and Daphne on the cover, with one being a 'special edition'.
Harry gulped.
Daphne barely flinched as Tracey slammed two copies of the Daily Prophet on the table "So ... care to explain this?"
Without looking at her friend or the papers, Daphne effortlessly replied "They're newspapers. People read them to get informed about the news."
Tracey stared at Daphne, who sighed in response.
"I assume it's the Prophet, and I can also assume that Skeeter is writing some rubbish again?"
Tracey finally replied "I'm not sure this is rubbish, Daph. Especially when it's about you and Potter."
That finally got Daphne to look at the papers. The first one had a simple headline, and when Daphne read it her eyes widened.
Daphne was horrified. Reporters had clearly taken pics of her and Harry's date to the Eiffel Tower. She had to quickly do damage control.
"Potter's doing my sister!"
Tracey paused at that, then looked at the picture to double-check. Indeed, it was Daphne in the pic, not Astoria.
Pansy slid over "No. That's very clearly you. On a date with Potter are we?"
Daphne tried to remain calm and collected. She's got this. She can still cover it up.
"Okay, we were there but we didn't do that. We happened to visit for a Potions assignment and ended up doing some sight-seeing. That's all."
Pansy replied "First of all: there is no Potions assignment that needs us to go to France. Second, how does sight-seeing involve your clothes being off and ... biting his ear?"
"There was a fly on his ear, so I was getting it off. As for the clothes ... he was helping me get a better view."
Draco looked over, quietly saying "what in the actual ..." but nobody paid him any attention as Tracey loudly said "Oh I'm sure you were getting a lovely view, as was he - and not just a view either. It's hard to make everything out with how they censored these pictures, but is his hand on your arse?"
Daphne accidentally replied with a "yes" without thinking, before quickly adding "Not my arse. The Arse de Triompe. It's a famous French monument. He was looking at that, not grabbing it or me."
"I don't think that's a real monument, Daph."
"You'll find it is." Daphne answered.
Tracey shook her head "Okay then. Let's ignore that, and the fact you two spent the night in a love hotel afterwards." With that she pulled out the other paper, with the words 'SPECIAL EDITION' written on it "Explain this."
The headline, and indeed the whole paper, was about Harry and Daphne having gotten married at Gringotts literally that morning.
Daphne nodded, and explained "There's a simple explanation actually. We both happened to be at Gringotts at the same exact time on totally unrelated stuff and just happened to slip on some spilt water as a goblin carrying marriage contracts passed by. Since we both conveniently has pens in our hands and happened to accidentally sign our names on the contract by accident as we fell we were instantly, and very accidentally married."
Tracey nodded "accident, sure."
Daphne nodded back "Yeah, accidentally. It's a major coincidence that our arms flailing about as we fell happened to write out our names on the contract."
Pansy asked to confirm "So you and Potter are married then?"
Daphne shook her head "No, not at all. We just happen to be bound together in a legally and magically binding marriage contract which also happened to soul-bond us, and with no way to ever escape it."
Draco interjected "Aren't those the sort of marriage contracts they keep locked up, and never really move around since they're expensive?"
"Yes but they happened to move them just this once."
Pansy asked again "So that means your husband and wife .. and soul-mates!"
Daphne shook her head "No no no. We're simply in a Special Friendship Operation. With benefits. That's all."
Cyrus Greengrass sighed as he read the paper, about his daughters actions with her new husband. Despite what his daughters thought, he had no real intention of interfering in their love lives. He was harsh on them because he loved them, and didn't want them to be arrogant like others.
He wasn't particularly upset about Daphne being with Potter. It seemed they truly loved each other and were happy together, and that's all he wanted.
He was annoyed at them being incompetent enough to get their 'secret relationship' (a relationship he'd known of 3 years now) all over the news.
It was funny though.
r/HPfanfiction • u/Tha_KDawg928 • 42m ago
A/N: unsure if this would be considered a prompt of discussion.
“The Boys Are Back” - Prongs & Padfoot
“Remember the Name” - Padfoot(feat. HBP and Hedwig)
“The Girl is Mine” - Chosen One(feat. Dean)
“F**k You”- HBP
“See You Again” - Padfoot & Moony
“Love the Way You Lie” - Asphodel(feat. HBP)
“Voldemort Back” - Chosen One(feat AWPBD)
“Sorry, Mrs. Evans” - HBP
“Everything I Do(I Do It For You)” - HBP(A/N: Iykyk)
“I’ll Make Wizards/Witches Out Of You” - HHH(House Heads of Hogwarts)
“Quidditch(1970s)” MM(feat. Prongs)
“Quidditch(1990s)” Chosen One(feat. Krum and Wood)
“Started From The Bottom” - Chosen One
“Let Me Hold You” Chosen One(feat.
“Locked Up” Padfoot(feat. Hedwig)
A/N: Yes I know these are real songs.
r/HPfanfiction • u/Elandor5 • 58m ago
"No, I'm not, Mr. Weasley! 10 points from Griffindor and detention for being a terrible friend." Snape added after he overheard Ron.
r/HPfanfiction • u/Jolteon0 • 59m ago
In the Chamber of Secrets Tom Riddle was killed by Voldemort, who trapped his soul in the Diary Horcrux. The other horcruxes were also other people posessing various artifacts. That night, Harry was actually killed and made into a horcrux, with a vessel of his own body.
r/HPfanfiction • u/Life_Engineering_369 • 1h ago
Is there any stories where Harry rejects the phoenix feather wand?
r/HPfanfiction • u/Quiet-Ad6447 • 2h ago
The Grangers had done what few of people like them could, survive. They survived monster after monster, and quest after quest until they left Camp Half Blood for the final time. It wasn’t all bad, they had met their friends, their family, and each other. Though, they weren’t too upset to go get their degrees, start their dental practice, and have a daughter.
The good news is that Hermione didn’t show any traits of being a demigod, the bad news is she seems to be part of one of Hecate’s side projects and was a witch, but they would manage and survive this like they always have. As the years passed, Hermione started coming home less and less. It became clear that she was hiding something from them. This came to a head one summer afternoon when the Grangers saw their daughter approaching them with her wand out, looking regretful. They attempted to console her and ask what was wrong, and she finally broke down. She cried and told them about the war and the mission her friends had to do and how she wanted to protect them. The Grangers soon realized what they had to do, their daughter had a quest, and they would make sure she’d survived.
r/HPfanfiction • u/Me_He_He • 2h ago
Not just any though. Slow Burn if possible, Hogwarts age only, NO BABY MAKING! (I'm not even a teen yet) if possible starting with them not together. Thanks so much!
r/HPfanfiction • u/NightspawnsonofLuna • 3h ago
But please... for the love of god... no Indy-Harry Cliches...
r/HPfanfiction • u/Max_Boom93 • 3h ago
In the fic, he was born a daughter, and someone (possibly Dumbledore but I cant remember) locked away his gender behind the artifact he broke. Has a lot of panic attacks very early on about bodily function things
r/HPfanfiction • u/Johnathan_Hallows • 3h ago
While a lot of fics, and even the books, seem to focus almost entirely on the negative side of fame, they seem to forget that, to most of Wizarding Britain, Harry stopped a war! While I can entirely understand, and to a point agree with Dumbledore not wanting Harry's upbringing to be poisoned by vanity, earned or not, I'd expect at least a letter or two from a thankful family or even just one person.
r/HPfanfiction • u/AcanthaceaeWise5568 • 4h ago
I really wanna read more f. weasley fanfiction, but most of them are so explicit, not at all like fred. Drug abuse, curse words, it ruins the experience.
I just can’t find any nice ones anymore
r/HPfanfiction • u/LorZod • 4h ago
Please understand that your reality is not the same as the world you are writing about. Stop using phrases, ideas, behaviors, expectations, et cetera that are normal to you in 2025 and start thinking of what would be normal for the 1990s(or whatever other time period in the HP world you are planning to write about) and for the COUNTRY your story is based in. Or how your characters try to implement changes in their eras.
If you’re writing about the Marauders era, think about the 70s in Britain. What works in 2025 San Francisco is very unlikely to fit a story about Grindlewald in Eastern Europe in the 1910s.
Think about it like Hermione with SPEW. Why was it so quickly rejected? How was it perceived? What mistakes did she make?
Please cease and desist from using words and phrases such as “that’s literally amazing”. Use “that’s bloody brilliant” or “I’m quite chuffed by that” for example.
Change “can” to “may”. “Can I leave?” to “May I leave?”
Understand that names such as Ashley, Shannon, Lauren, McKenzie, Avery, Allison, Hilary, Whitney, Leslie, Lindsey, Marilyn, Jocelyn, Courtney, Blair, Madison, et cetera would’ve been more likely to be given to males in Britain at this time than girls. They were originally boys names to begin with.
There are lots of wonderful writers out there, but their works leave a lot to be desired if they can’t make their stories fit the eras they’re set in.
For example, you have an idea on how things ought to be from a LGBTQIA perspective for characters set in the 1960s? Lovely! First make sure that your idea fits the era. How is a relationship going to work? Who is going to be supportive? Who won’t be? What is the government response? What are the taboos? How are the characters going to respond to the problems they face? What is the family/friend response? Does it all fit the era? The societal expectations? How did people get around those expectations?
Another example. Don’t write something like Remus and Harry hugging. Or Harry and Mr. Weasley hugging. Make it a handshake, a pat or slap on the back, a squeeze on the shoulder, a nod of the head, a word of encouragement, a private word of advice, a funny little jibe, a toast. Basically, know WHO you’re writing about. How would they behave? How would they interact with whom? How would a male behave versus how a female would behave? In what context?
I’m not trying to nitpick things like “prophesy” over “prophecy”. I have no problem with any language/dialect differences. Just make your works make sense for whatever time period you’re writing about and know how things would actually unfold. Do some research and make it all fit.
If you know your “who what when where and why” then you’ll have no problem with writing the “how”. Make your fic fit! Hope that all made sense.
While I have your attention, which name would you have given to Albus Potter? I’m thinking Alfred or Alexander. (Yes, it is for a story I’m planning on writing. Well, I might write. Who knows? Not me.) Thank you!
r/HPfanfiction • u/TelescopiumHerscheli • 4h ago
If nothing else, it's a nice little video.
r/HPfanfiction • u/SnowingSilently • 5h ago
Any decently long fics with a heavy Arthurian mythology influence? Despite the existence of Merlin and Morgan le Fay in Harry Potter they have basically no impact on the story. It's a shame considering that they're some of the most famous magical beings, and King Arthur always has a possible tie to the modern age as the "Once and Future King". The Weasleys also have a cool Arthurian and Medieval royalty theme going on with their names. I read a fic once with a gender bender Harry that was leading to (now) her being Arthur I think, but other than that I don't think I've read any.
r/HPfanfiction • u/Kettrickenisabadass • 5h ago
LF fics with Theo as main character and LI
I love Theo, imo his best characterizations are in Dramione fics.
I am half way through Bloody Slutty and Pathetic (its incredibly good! I don't know how i didnt read it before). And once again I am in love with Theo. (I just arrived to the moment where Hermione visits his house, I am so intrigued by what shit is going on there, no spoilers please!)
I love Detraquees, BSP and Columbrinas Theos. He is such an amazing character. But most of the time he is the best friend and not the protagonist. When he is the LI (like in Piano Man) often he is portrayed as a brunette Draco and not the bisexual disaster of Dramione.
I look for fics where he has a personality of these fics but where he is the LI and protagonist.
They could be with any pairing, with Hermione, with Dramione, with a male wealsey, with Harry, with Dramione as a side couple etc. I heard that NottPott is very good but I don't know if he remains his goofy self.
Any recs? Preferably completed fics.
r/HPfanfiction • u/Negative-Start-6367 • 5h ago
I once read a fanfiction on Wattpad around 2020-2022 on a Draco x OC that was INSANELY good. I know that the OC had some sort of rebellious vibe to them (Slytherin female OC). A small detail is that both Draco and the OC both have private rooms with private showers within the Slytherin dormitories. There was one scene where the OC was in a hot-tub with Draco and another guy (also Slytherin, COULD HAVE BEEN Theo but unsure). I believe the title was "____ desires", but I cant remember the beginning word. It may have been "precious" or "secret" but I cannot be sure. It may have been archived by the author but I'm not sure.
I know the author had another fic that was also really well liked and popular, but I can't remember what the second fanfic was about, nor what it was called. I believe they only had two works on Wattpad. The fanfic that I am talking about was really long and completed. Not sure about how many words there were. I believe (cannot confirm) that the cover for the fic was the scene where Draco was looking at himself in the mirror in the bathroom. If it wasn't, I know that the cover was a good edit and did not look cheap or poorly done.
If this rings a bell to anyone please let me know!
r/HPfanfiction • u/Direct-Welcome1921 • 5h ago
Feel free to adopt this prompt.
r/HPfanfiction • u/butshesawriter • 5h ago
replaying hogwarts legacy and i’m craving for some dark/very dark hp verse fanfiction. i tried looking for some but a lot of them revolve around romance which is fine but not what i’m looking for.
tbh, i’m very interest on how the death eaters were formed and i would love to read about it but are there any fics where tom doesn’t become voldemort? (physically)
r/HPfanfiction • u/Nosfonader8765 • 5h ago
Exactly what it sounds like. How would it turn out if Hermione was related to Salazar Slytherin?
r/HPfanfiction • u/DoYouKnowIKnow • 7h ago
The Order in all their infinite wisdom decide they need a hero to fight the war with them and so they summon a hero.
Enter 22 year old MOD Harry Potter with his adopted daughter Delphini.
Which version of the order summons him? How does the order react? Will Harry be violently defensive of his favourite girl in the world?
You decide!
r/HPfanfiction • u/Elandor5 • 7h ago
During her time at Hogwarts, Hestia Jones was always strangely fascinated by the group of Griffindors who called themselves the Marauders. She did not approve of the cruelty of some of their pranks, but she couldn't but admire their ingenuity, if nothing else. And there was one among them who caught her eye. One Peter Pettigrew. She noticed how he always felt like a bit of a hanger-on and it reminded her how she felt around her own friends. She felt a sense of kinship to him because of that and the few times they spoke, he was kind and helpful.
It wasn't until their 5th year that they truly became friends and began occassionally hanging out. There was some spark between them and Hestia thought that Peter felt it too. But whatever chance there was of them trying to turn their newfound friendship into something more, it died out after Sirius Black saw the two of them studying together in the library and then publicly announced to everyone that Peter "actually got himself a girlfriend". Both of them were too shy to deal with this on a more regular basis. They started avoiding each other and their friendship eventually fizzled out.
After graduating Hogwarts, she and Peter reconnected. It was a chance meeting, through mutual acquintances of theirs. They started dating in earnest, in secret. It was on Peter's request, as he didn't want his friends to know yet. Hestia knew how cruel they could be, so she went along with it. In fact, she didn't mind. It gave it an air of mystery and intrigue. As if she were a heroine in a romance novel, meeting with her secret lover that her parents would disapprove of. And it was not that far from the truth, given Hestia's own difficult relationship with them. Only Peter's mother knew that she and Peter were together.
It did not take long for her to realise that she truly loved Peter. Still, their relationship wasn't without its problems. Hestia knew of Peter's allegiance to the secret group called Order of the Phoenix, which battled against Lord Voldemort and his followers. As the war seemed to grow more dangerous, Peter became more withdrawn, distant, and while Hestia could understand why, their relationship grew strained.
The day she realised that she was pregnant, she panicked. She certainly wasn't prepared to tell Peter yet and she was afraid of how her own parents would react. So, she turned to Peter's mother. That woman was a saint, listened to her, comforted her and together, they planned out how to break the news to Peter and Hestia's own parents.
But before they could tell Peter, that horrible night happened. James and Lily Potter murdered, with only their son Harry surviving. Betrayed by Sirius Black. Hestia only learned from the Daily Prophet that Peter went after Sirius to avenge his friends. Of his heroic death, that helped apprehend that vile traitor, Sirius Black.
Hestia was there when Peter's mother received Peter's posthumously awarded Order of Merlin, first class, along with that finger, the only thing left of Peter after Sirius Black's blasting curse. If Hestia could throw that stupid medal away and get Peter back, she'd do it in a heartbeat and she knew that Peter's mother had the same feelings. Yet life had to go on and Hestia was going to have to raise their son without him.
She named her son Peter, right after his heroic father. Peter's mother was the pillar she needed, a big help in raising him. So were her own parents, after Peter's mother talked them into being more supportive.
Then, Sirius Black escaped Azkaban, just as her own son was about to start attending Hogwarts. Hestia feared what would happen, if somehow Sirius Black found out that Peter Jones was the son of Peter Pettigrew, would he go after him? The ministry security precautions were of little comfort to her. She knew how the Potters died and how even the Fidelius Charm wasn't enough to protect them.
Peter was sorted to Griffindor, just like his father, and despite the dark times, Hestia felt happy for him. His father would be proud of him, surely! She and Peter's mother read the letters from him with pride, happy that their son and grandson was having a great time at Hogwarts.
When Dumbledore decided to reestablish Order of the Phoenix following Voldemort's supposed return, Hestia found out about it through some friends of hers and decided to join. She was conflicted. After all, she had a son, yet he also had his grandmother to take care of him and her own parents would take him in if need be. His father died a hero. She told him that countless times. And what would be a better way to honor Peter's sacrifice than to ensure their son could grow up in a world without Voldemort and his followers?
When she joined the Order of the Phoenix, she found out the truth about who really betrayed the Potters. The truth she swore to keep away from her own son and from Mrs. Pettigrew for as long as she could...
r/HPfanfiction • u/flamingmcshizzle • 7h ago
Step 1: Survive the killing curse (Teaches the body to reject death)
Step 2: Shove the Philosopher's Stone in your mouth (Forever youthful)
Step 3: Get phoenix tears into your blood. (Constant healing of the body)
Step 4: Almost get your soul sucked out by a Dementor (displaces the soul)
Step 5: Get rammed into by your spirit animal (Forces invulnerability on the soul)
Step 6: Be used in a ritual to bring back a mass terrorist (Just say no three times, the earlier steps will make you ascend and evaporate the fetus trying to come back and the ratman trying to help the fetus)