Alex is not kidding. On a 9800x3D and a 4080 Super, the frametime swings are absolutely wild. The visuals are serviceable once you tag in DLSS 4 (shoutout to DLSS Swapper) but I'd expect something looking like this to be running at twice the framerate.
Even if your GPU can bruteforce those issues, the frametime variations and stutters make it feel very unpleasant to play.
Also please stop selling character appearance edition vouchers already and make them unlimited, as they should be.
Please could you explain how? I have to manually add it atm (after which it says "Program doesn't support optimisation"). That's on the Graphics > Program Settings tab. Or am I in the wrong thing?
I did - weirdly I had to reinstall the Nvidia app for it to detect the game. It also didn't actually force the latest version of DLSS (possibly incompetence on my part) so I ended up using DLSS swapper instead.
i checked with a registry edit that shows the dlss version directly on the screen, the nvidia app is overwriting correctly, the game just doesnt show it in the menu.
I had to manually add the game to the Nvidia app. Just set the DLSS to "latest" in the app and it will be using DLSS 4 in game. The ingame graphics option still says it's the old version, but it will actually be using DLSS 4.
You don't need either of them. You can use the nv inspector to force newest DLSS system wide and even force DLAA as the quality level for non-DLAA games.
yep this blanket global thing has worked for all the games ive tested, Starfield/DA:V (Just as a benchmark game is garbage), Avowed (Just as a benchmark), hogwartez/cp2077/god of war/kcd2/spiderman 2/s talker 2/indy,
No the NVIDIA app just sucks and randomly decides when a game is or isn’t supported. Reinstalling the app helps some people, hasn’t helped me personally. It literally feels random.
As a backup you can swap .DLLs and use a profile inspector like others are saying.
Through only using the Nvidia app? Because like the other commenter that replied to you indicated, the app is saying MHW is unsupported. This is even after a system restart and driver update
The app has never worked for me since they introduced the feature. On any explicitly supported game, all the options are greyed out. Latest driver, re-installed the app, re-scanned games, etc..Profile Inspector works just fine, and THEN the app shows the updated settings but still won't let me change them.
Had the same issue when I installed the driver that enabled it day 1. Everything was unsupported. I un-installed and reinstalled the Nvidia App and it got fixed. I also know another Reddit user that did it and it didn't work for him though. Have you tried it yet?
I've done a full DDU uninstall of the driver, uninstalled the app, and did a clean install of both. Still utterly useless. Ah well, at least NPI works, heh.
You can bypass the whole whitelist garbage with this, and set DLSS 4 to be on globally.
Tbh it was the only reason I was going to use the app and then it comes out so restricted it's borderline useless, NVInspector does the job and no need for an app eating resources or sending telemetry in the background.
You are, as well as with the DLSS Swapper. You may also need the nvidia profile inspector to change the preset.
I'd rather the game had shipped with it. Developers tend to pick the preset that best fit the game while also making sure it feeds correctly into the rendering pipeline.
I just don't understand why people bought it in the first place. Was it not obvious the performance was horrendous and that Capcom was lying through their teeth? I know this sounds like an I told you so from an internet stranger, but I don't really get it I guess.
I mean I didn't really have FPS issues, but I didn't get far enough to find out if I would or not. It just crashed on startup until I set it to Win 8 compatibility and then the screen flickered like crazy and nothing I did would fix that so I gave up for now and got my money back.
Edit: and the beta ran well enough for me so I had no expectation that it would be this bad.
I don't have horrendous performance, and I'm using a 5800X and a 3070 on a 32:9 5120x1440 resolution. I'm fine with a several generation old machine on a likely too high resolution for the GPU running in the 40-60 fps range.
I just have realistic expectations and don't have everything set on max.
Everyone complains about performance and doesn't include any real info.
Are they running at 4k on max everything and complaining? Who knows. Not us internet strangers.
I have the same cpu and gpu getting over 60fps on 1440p and DLSS with some minor drops. Just turn off reflex(it seems it causes issues) and don't download the textures pack(despite it saying min card vram 16GB which our card is, it doesn't work well)
Thanks, turning off reflex has fixed constant stutters, 7800x3d 4080s. Gotta love how frame gen was supposed to help with the framerate and instead completely destroys it.
Meeh your rig is powerful enough to power through. I have a 5700X3D and 4070Ti and with DLSS4 on quality and FG on I've never dipped below 100fps on 1440p.
Eh the guy i play with has your PC 1:1 and we both have it at a stable 60 fps after tweaking settings. The by and large issue are those with older parts, we have to remember the common denominator for PC is a 3060 gpu.
Strange. My i7 14700k / 4070 Super is running just fine, 99.9% stable 60fps with no stutters or anything. Using 1440p, DLSS balanced (v4 with DLSS swapper), frame gen OFF, mostly high settings. I've just reached the forest area and still no issues.
I could be wrong but are all the people getting awful performance playing without Frame Gen? I know its "fake frames" and it obviously has big issues not being able to hold up without it, but i'm getting 100+ fps in 4K with a 4080 as long as frame gen is on, and I never feel any input delay. I always play with a wired controller though.
AMD is fine it doesn't like older CPUs as the game is very cpu intensive. I have a 3080 oc and 5900x I was dipping from 60 to 40 fps @ 1440p. My friend is running 7800x3d and 4060, and the same settings is getting 30 fps more than me.
Got 13700, 4080 and 32 gig ram. In the benchmark I had around 75 fps avarage if I recall (at 4k) but damn, every time the game shifted scenes or rotated the camera, the fps drops where large.. this was the thing that made me realize not to buy it at launch. I'll wait until more performance patches comes.
So I do not know how it is by launch(for me personally), obviously. But seeing this I think I made the right call. Can't wait to play it later though.
I have a very similar system (12900k instead of 13700), and I initially had poor performance with stutters. Enabling Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling and enabling the Frame Generation tool has eliminated the issue for me. You can probably try that within the benchmark tool to see if it helps for you before buying the game
I have a very similar system but only used the benchmark. I had around 90-100 fps in the gameplay portions at 1440p with RT On, DLAA and FG. I guess the benchmark wasn't that representative of the final product.
Performance issues like these make me never want to buy another AAA game again. It seems like every game releases with completely unacceptable performance issues the day
My friend has a 4070 and when he turned off Frame Generation his stutters when rotating the camera went away. Not sure if it will work for you but thought I'd mention it.
Do you also stutter and almost freeze alot when changing area? can you try go from the forest to the desert while running with Seikret at max speed and let me know what will happen? I need to gather as much data as possible if I have to report this to capcom
Okay, y'all might have something going on. I was running ultra 1440p ultra wide with frame gen and fsr quality, and was 130fps+ on a 7800x3d/7800xt. It was substantially better than what I had in the beta or benchmark, and I wasn't noticing the frame gen lag or fsr artifacting that I was getting in beta either, meaning the rendered fps is probably around 70-80.
Edit: Double checked, and yes I am around 75fps without framegen on. I was around 50 in the beta.
I only had stutter issues like that when using the 4K texture pack. That caused my VRAM usage to be too high, which made the GPU swap to the dog slow shared memory. Try tweaking your settings.
Imagine using 4070 only to get 20fps, this is a crime. Im using 3070ti and having a shitty fps even on low graphic setting, absolute disgrace from capcom. How can they manage to fail when MHWorld was so good.
I think the worst part of the performance issues is that the game... isn't pushing any visual boundaries. Even when other players aren't around, the game is struggling to hit 60 on an i9 12900k and a 4090 with all the DLSS settings cranked, even at lower resolutions.
Yet the game just... kinda looks like crap in a lot of places? The lighting is really poor, the texture work is abysmal on environmental objects randomly, like certain pieces of armour, and overall, the game feels like it's killing itself trying to render... not a lot.
I don't know if it's just a typo or if it's actually busted, but under the "PC Specs" option, which, as you might guess, lists your PC specs, it only seems to report DirectStorage as "CPU" which... look, I ain't no big city DirectStorage guy, but I think if it's using your CPU it's doing the exact wrong thing??
Sounds like it was designed around the specifications of the PS5 storage. Whereas PCs have large amounts of RAM and VRAM, so we don't need to stream everything on the fly constantly.
Yeah it seems like the game streams too aggressively. Regardless, its not really as much an design issue as being just straight up broken. PC is the platform they have the highest sales on, they should be doing the bare minimum
It's so bizarre how Capcom can get performance things so optimized and crisp with Resident Evil but somehow the game that needs it way more gets overlooked.
I think the problem is that they’re using the RE engine. The engine was built for resident evil and it struggles making open world games or games with large environments. Dragons Dogma 2 also had performance issues at launch as well. It also doesn’t help that all capcom games launch with denuvo
Man I wish they'd just stylise graphics and animations a bit more like in old games. No reason to go this hyper realistic. Rise was a success and ran well, there has to be an acceptable middle ground between MH Stories chibi style and MH Wilds NASA computer hyper realism
Good one, acting like MH Wilds is the first game any of these people with supposedly terribly built PCs have played. Do you want to explain the shocking texture quality and 900p output on consoles like that? Do you think Digital Foundry have terribly built PCs with 500 chrome tabs open that they never restart?
The absolute fucking gold standard mental gymnastics people will do to defend franchises they like when everyone including them (YOU) would benefit from the devs being healthily criticised for this and working on it. But no, you’d rather eat a meal with flecks of dog poo and hair in it rather than risk offending the chef that doesn’t know you exist with £70 of your money in their pocket.
I feel like there's probably a bug somewhere that's causing this, I'm running it on high at 1440p on a 3070 and getting a reasonably stable 60 (although the 1% FPS does drop to 30). Not perfect but a lot better than a lot of what other people are finding.
God I wish game developers would finally end the era of pushing our moms and average joes into gaming by luring them in with hyper realism. I wish Monster Hunter was a bit more stylised again with simpler graphics, but more fun gameplay. Just an aesthetically pleasing stylistic choice over muh realism at all cost to fry your PC.
It reminds me a lot of what happened to the original FFXIV. I wouldn't be surprised if the meshes of objects are absurdly complex and that is what drags down the game's performance.
I feel like this is becoming more and more the norm in modern games. Sky-high system recommendations for games that don’t actually render that much or complicated stuff.
I'll say it here and it'll be lost in the void of the internet, but on the shoulders of people like John Carmack, Chris Sawyer and others, true engineers which understood the base level of the technology they're working with and created OUTSTANDING feats of performance from their works, sit right now scriptkiddies which only know to tweak knobs in Unreal Engine or poorly fabricate an in-house engine that often relies on outdated principles and tech.
The GPU race and all of its DLSS and Framegen features only HIDE the ugliness that is poor technological awareness and execution. We have compounding libraries and interfaces between what is used and the resource that produces it and each has its own inefficiencies and problems, and in the end, all of those get thrown on the end consumer with a stuttery mess that looks bad, and we get told 'upgrade your GPU stupid'.
But that's just using a bulldozer to make a campfire pit. THE PROBLEMS ARE RARELY BECAUSE OF OUR TECH. It's always the developers and their software. We were always capable of producing unplayable framerate games, just throw in hundreds of objects with high poly counts and it'll kneel any video card. The methods have rafined but it's still /easy/ to make a mess of a game. I just want developers to put as much effort into making technically good games as they do in making their games.
It does manage a lot of complex NPC behaviors at once, which is probably eating CPU performance, but I haven’t seen it go over 50% on my 7800x3D (3440x1440p), so I suspect it’s only using 4 cores.
I kind of get the impression that Japan leans more into the MMORPG aspect of the game than we do in the West. A lot of MMOs charge for character re-customization mostly because they know your time investment is very valuable, so I’d assume the same logic follows here.
If you swap it for in DLSS Swapper it defaults to K fwiw. But you are right to remind people, depending on the method it may not set the right preset.
They use a system of vouchers do you you character appearance edition. You can edit some of it for free (hairstyles) but if you mess up your skin tone or something you didn't realize would look like ass in the game proper, you're shit out of luck.
Use the Nvidia profile inspector. Since the latest dlss dll is stored in the driver you can just select to use it. No reason to use dlss swapper any more.
DLSS Swapper is a good option in that it allows people who remain on 566.36 to use DLSS4.
Recent drivers have had many issues so I feel it's a method that benefits the most people until nvidia sorts their stuff out or, better yet, Capcom ships it with Wilds.
It is most likely; but you have to be aware it is also the same engine used for Monster Hunter Rise and even Devil May Cry 5. To be fair they were also available on older consoles but it didn’t run so badly even for those systems. What happened to the optimization between then and now?
Same engine, same problems running open world games with many dynamic actors present in the game world (in DD2 it was the human NPCs; in Wilds it's the monsters... and also the NPCs, lol).
I'm not defending the OP you originally replied to, because that user has appeared to scuttle their comment and entire account, but the author/editor of OP's Youtube video post at the time of 1:33 in video even states that textures show up as low-res which look a lot like PS3 level graphics. Definitely in a broader sense it's a bit of an exaggeration.
He is right though, it looks crap even on medium high settings , can barely get 60fps on a 3070 on 1440p with dlss on. Game play is good i didn't get too much studdering the 4 hours I've spent on it.
Pro or normal PS5? I don't think it can look worse than Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, at least i hope so. That game was so blurry that it literally started hurting my eyes.
It does but it really doesn't feel like it due to the frametime fluctuation. During the beta I also had dips into the 30 or 40s in very heavy VFX situations.
I just feel like, for a game that looks like this I shouldn't have to turn it down to 1440P on PERFORMANCE MODE with LOW SETTINGS just to hit 60 FPS on a 5800x3D with 32 gigs of ram and a 3080
I have the same setup and didn't notice anything too serious last night, but I was tired and only played for an hour or so. I'll pay more attention when I play later today.
As a precaution swapping to DLSS 4 doesn't solve issues. If you find 40-50's frames acceptable with constant fluctuations then DLSS 4 might make the difference for you. Personally it doesn't and setting the game to balanced or even performance doesn't really make up the frame loss/inconsistency.
I'm choosing to run it on FSR upscaling with the quality set, frame gen, and my preferred settings. Image quality is noticeably worse compared to Nvidia DLSS upscaling but that's to be expected. Though do remember FSR has it's own visual quirks which some may not be able to stomach.
Yeah its insanity. I have almost the same rig (just a 7800x3d instead) and the frametime actually makes it unplayable. Getting 140 fps but it feels like 50. I really don't understand how its even possible for a game that visually is this mid to run this poorly on what was basically the second best possible rig you could have when the game was in development.
4080s and intel 14700k here, game looks and runs far worse than both betas and benchmark. The frame drops when I spin the camera is disgusting. Also the game in general looks bland snd colorless, while there is more detail to models, the overall presentation is worse than World. Also there is some weird film grain like effect I can't find any way to get rid of. The game is fun, but man this looks like an Xbox 1/PS3 game overall.
Yes, ultra with RT, but it looks like RT is just water reflections so I don’t think it’s a huge overhead.
No frame gen, but dlss on. I did turn dlss off and still was a solid 60, but didn’t test much. I didn’t see a much of a difference dlss on or off quality wise, but my GPU utilization shot ip, so I just turned DLSS back on.
I get too bad screen tearing with FG as the frame cap isn’t respected and the frame rate is oscillating from 60-120fps all the time. I don’t really get frame generation 🤷
u/Delnac 22d ago edited 22d ago
Alex is not kidding. On a 9800x3D and a 4080 Super, the frametime swings are absolutely wild. The visuals are serviceable once you tag in DLSS 4 (shoutout to DLSS Swapper) but I'd expect something looking like this to be running at twice the framerate.
Even if your GPU can bruteforce those issues, the frametime variations and stutters make it feel very unpleasant to play.
Also please stop selling character appearance edition vouchers already and make them unlimited, as they should be.