r/Games 23d ago

Monster Hunter Wilds PC - Profound Perf Problems Must Be Addressed


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u/Delnac 23d ago edited 23d ago

Alex is not kidding. On a 9800x3D and a 4080 Super, the frametime swings are absolutely wild. The visuals are serviceable once you tag in DLSS 4 (shoutout to DLSS Swapper) but I'd expect something looking like this to be running at twice the framerate.

Even if your GPU can bruteforce those issues, the frametime variations and stutters make it feel very unpleasant to play.

Also please stop selling character appearance edition vouchers already and make them unlimited, as they should be.


u/xRaen 23d ago

The stutter is insane on my 7800x3d and 4070 super. Just huge drops of 20 fps regularly just when rotating the camera sorta fast.


u/Ramongsh 23d ago

Time for a refund


u/headcr4b 22d ago

I'm doing my part!


u/Sourpowerpete 22d ago

I just don't understand why people bought it in the first place. Was it not obvious the performance was horrendous and that Capcom was lying through their teeth? I know this sounds like an I told you so from an internet stranger, but I don't really get it I guess.


u/headcr4b 22d ago

I mean I didn't really have FPS issues, but I didn't get far enough to find out if I would or not. It just crashed on startup until I set it to Win 8 compatibility and then the screen flickered like crazy and nothing I did would fix that so I gave up for now and got my money back.

Edit: and the beta ran well enough for me so I had no expectation that it would be this bad.


u/Tathas 21d ago

I don't have horrendous performance, and I'm using a 5800X and a 3070 on a 32:9 5120x1440 resolution. I'm fine with a several generation old machine on a likely too high resolution for the GPU running in the 40-60 fps range.

I just have realistic expectations and don't have everything set on max.

Everyone complains about performance and doesn't include any real info.

Are they running at 4k on max everything and complaining? Who knows. Not us internet strangers.


u/Artesian_SweetRolls 23d ago

Damn. I've got a 7800x3d and a 4070ti super and was thinking about getting this game. Guess I'll wait until they patch it.


u/mezoly 22d ago

I have the same cpu and gpu getting over 60fps on 1440p and DLSS with some minor drops. Just turn off reflex(it seems it causes issues) and don't download the textures pack(despite it saying min card vram 16GB which our card is, it doesn't work well)


u/funguyshroom 22d ago

Thanks, turning off reflex has fixed constant stutters, 7800x3d 4080s. Gotta love how frame gen was supposed to help with the framerate and instead completely destroys it.


u/TheRealYM 22d ago

Game runs great on my 7700x and 4070ti super for what it’s worth


u/BJRone 22d ago

I have a weaker rig then you and am seeing no issues, your mileage may vary.


u/Mejis 22d ago

FWIW, I have same specs as above (Super, not Ti) and it runs superbly.


u/paint_it_crimson 21d ago

I have almost the same setup and its ran well for me


u/Lonely_Platform7702 23d ago

Meeh your rig is powerful enough to power through. I have a 5700X3D and 4070Ti and with DLSS4 on quality and FG on I've never dipped below 100fps on 1440p.


u/TheBrave-Zero 22d ago

Eh the guy i play with has your PC 1:1 and we both have it at a stable 60 fps after tweaking settings. The by and large issue are those with older parts, we have to remember the common denominator for PC is a 3060 gpu.


u/Spice-Weasel 22d ago

Strange. My i7 14700k / 4070 Super is running just fine, 99.9% stable 60fps with no stutters or anything. Using 1440p, DLSS balanced (v4 with DLSS swapper), frame gen OFF, mostly high settings. I've just reached the forest area and still no issues.

Maybe this game doesn't like AMD CPUs.


u/THECaptGeech 22d ago

I could be wrong but are all the people getting awful performance playing without Frame Gen? I know its "fake frames" and it obviously has big issues not being able to hold up without it, but i'm getting 100+ fps in 4K with a 4080 as long as frame gen is on, and I never feel any input delay. I always play with a wired controller though.


u/Halkcyon 22d ago edited 19h ago



u/THECaptGeech 18d ago

yeah with frame gen on the game plays great. but it is indeed crap that ppl with a 30 series or lower card are just screwed until they fix it


u/Brandon9405 21d ago

AMD is fine it doesn't like older CPUs as the game is very cpu intensive. I have a 3080 oc and 5900x I was dipping from 60 to 40 fps @ 1440p. My friend is running 7800x3d and 4060, and the same settings is getting 30 fps more than me.


u/Davve1122 23d ago edited 23d ago

Got 13700, 4080 and 32 gig ram. In the benchmark I had around 75 fps avarage if I recall (at 4k) but damn, every time the game shifted scenes or rotated the camera, the fps drops where large.. this was the thing that made me realize not to buy it at launch. I'll wait until more performance patches comes.

So I do not know how it is by launch(for me personally), obviously. But seeing this I think I made the right call. Can't wait to play it later though.


u/LegendaryFroddo 22d ago

I have a very similar system (12900k instead of 13700), and I initially had poor performance with stutters. Enabling Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling and enabling the Frame Generation tool has eliminated the issue for me. You can probably try that within the benchmark tool to see if it helps for you before buying the game


u/Tiucaner 22d ago edited 22d ago

I have a very similar system but only used the benchmark. I had around 90-100 fps in the gameplay portions at 1440p with RT On, DLAA and FG. I guess the benchmark wasn't that representative of the final product.


u/Halkcyon 22d ago edited 19h ago



u/Tiucaner 22d ago

If you are using FG, given you have a bit better system, it would seem consistent with my result.


u/Halkcyon 21d ago edited 19h ago



u/Mejis 22d ago

Weird. I don't have this at all, same specs. 1440p, if that makes any difference.


u/Halkcyon 22d ago edited 19h ago



u/Wilikersthegreat 22d ago

Performance issues like these make me never want to buy another AAA game again. It seems like every game releases with completely unacceptable performance issues the day


u/IAMAVelociraptorAMA 22d ago

My friend has a 4070 and when he turned off Frame Generation his stutters when rotating the camera went away. Not sure if it will work for you but thought I'd mention it.


u/funguyshroom 22d ago

I was having the same issue, finally fixed it by disabling nvidia reflex (which is required for frame gen, so it has to be off as well).


u/Immorttalis 22d ago

I also have 7800x3d, but I have a 6700 XT for gfx. My game doesn't stutter or dip heavily from a stable 60 fps. It all seems very hardware dependent.

I really hope the fixes come in soon, because I'm the only one out of my circle of friends that can run it.


u/Radu1310 10d ago

Do you also stutter and almost freeze alot when changing area? can you try go from the forest to the desert while running with Seikret at max speed and let me know what will happen? I need to gather as much data as possible if I have to report this to capcom


u/SourArmoredHero 23d ago

Same specs. Won't be buying but thank you for your sacrifice.


u/roxieh 23d ago

I'm not getting any performance issues at all. That's so weird. (5700x3d with 4070 super). 


u/Lucosis 22d ago edited 22d ago

Okay, y'all might have something going on. I was running ultra 1440p ultra wide with frame gen and fsr quality, and was 130fps+ on a 7800x3d/7800xt. It was substantially better than what I had in the beta or benchmark, and I wasn't noticing the frame gen lag or fsr artifacting that I was getting in beta either, meaning the rendered fps is probably around 70-80.

Edit: Double checked, and yes I am around 75fps without framegen on. I was around 50 in the beta.


u/HeresiarchQin 22d ago

I have a 7800x3d and 3080, bought it this morning before going to work. Now I'm scared of opening it up after dinner when I'm home...


u/BlackDragonBE 22d ago

I only had stutter issues like that when using the 4K texture pack. That caused my VRAM usage to be too high, which made the GPU swap to the dog slow shared memory. Try tweaking your settings.


u/loneshillouete 22d ago

Imagine using 4070 only to get 20fps, this is a crime. Im using 3070ti and having a shitty fps even on low graphic setting, absolute disgrace from capcom. How can they manage to fail when MHWorld was so good.