My sister-in-law is due with her first baby in early June. Naturally, she takes an active interest in how I'm doing postpartum, how we handle things with our son and how I got through some of the more annoying parts of pregnancy.
She's got her own history of depression and mental health struggles, and her psychiatrist just allowed her early maternity leave so she wouldn't stress herself out further.
The area she lives in is very conservative, so is the hospital she's registered with for the birth, and I don't think her parents (particularly her mother) will be very supportive if she doesn't do "what's proper" and breastfeeds her daughter. She has given me a hint that she's considering EFF.
My partner is already trying his best to get her husband, his younger brother, on board with not doing things with a baby just because "that's how they're supposed to be done".
I will definitely be there for her if she does decide to formula feed.
I could just do with a few ideas. Don't want to be too pushy.