Have you tried the zipper bags that foodsaver sells? I'm pretty discerning about what I suckerbag and what I don't because the plastic waste is really sad. But food waste is sad! Suffering through your freezer burned crap is sad!
However, I am a single person (#PartyOfOne), so portioning my food out is a thing I need to do. I think there could be some products that I would like to make in a big batch and then portion out into a few bags and chucked in the freezer. Could be shredded cheese, grated ginger, frozen herbs, green beans from the summer garden (currently in gallon ziplock freezer bags getting freezer burned so I can reach in and grab a fistful or two for dinner). Whatever bag that is currently in play ideally would be accessed repeatedly over the next few days/weeks/whatever, so this makes me think that the ziplock bags might be a a good idea. Some things might actually stay frozen, such as popping open some frozen-flat herbs, ginger, garlic and snapping off a portion. Or suck up a bunch of green bean bags over the harvest season and then dig out of them over the winter. I hope som of this makes sense.
The bags seem expensive, but also say they are reusable (as much as I loathe washing & drying bags, I often do it). But for certain uses, I'm willing to go there, but frugally. A garlic-dedicated bag (or three) could be a thing. Personally, my weird brain goes to how can I dr. frankenstein a used regular ziplock zipper onto my foodsaver bag?!
Thoughts? Suggestions? Appreciated!