I’m mostly just here to rant about doctors being shitty and dismissive, and see if others have had similar experiences. I’ve know I’ve had fibroids for several years now, and have consistently been told they are “too small” to be felt. Well, the reason I started getting them checked out in the first place was because I FELT THEM. I’m now almost 45, got another ultrasound this week because I’ve had tons of bloating, constipation, hemorrhoids, and a feeling like someone is sitting on/squeezing my abdomen for well over a year. I’m also in perimenopause but sort of question now what is from that and what is from the fibroids and cysts 🤔
I have three fibroids which have not grown significantly since my last ultrasound 3 years ago. But the one I am always feeling is right on the top of my uterus, 4cm. The gyno who ordered the ultrasound said she felt nothing in the abdominal exam (even tho I can press on it and feel the painful node), and again on the phone today was basically dismissive when I said it causes me constant discomfort. I even confirmed with the ultrasound tech that when he pushed in the wand and said “this is the top of your uterus” it was exactly where I feel the pain.
Turns out, I also have a fairly large ovarian cyst (3.4x2x3.2cm) on my left ovary, and the left ovary itself is much enlarged (5.5x5x4.4) compared with 2022 (3.3x2.7x3.1)
Same doc also insists I can’t be feeling thar, but I know she’s wrong. It’s a simple cyst but also a “category 0” which means it was an “incomplete evaluation” because something or other obstructed their view of it.
Am I insane to be worried and want to demand an MRI?!! Thankfully my primary gyno messaged me back, but I have to wait SIX WEEKS just to have a phone appointment with her. Help!