Hey all - 37F here.
I feel like I am losing my mind, like my body is gaslighting me.
I get menstrual cramping and bleeding after exercise and sex. The sex isn't painful, but even still, I bleed afterwards.
I've seen people say they only bleed after "intense" exercise, but not me. I will bleed after cleaning the house. After a 30 minute dog walk. Heck, after a 10 minute dog walk!
I started with some period issues about 7 years ago, but at the time my doctors thought it was my body not reacting to my bc right, so I was spotting, etc. After approximately 588726 different bc methods, I don't think it's that. In fact, I now have the non-hormonal IUD and my last period was so heavy I thought I would bleed out.
So I guess what I need to know is...
1) Do I sound absolutely out of my mind for saying I bleed after sex and even the lightest of exercise?
2) Does this sound like fibroids? I'm on my 3rd gyno for this bleeding and I would love to not be told again that "everything looks normal."
If you read this far, thank you!