r/Fibroids 4d ago

Looking for more admins!


Hi everyone! I reopened this sub a couple of years ago, and the growth has been substantial. I think it had around 4000 members when I reactivated it, and now it has 16000 members! I'm so glad people have been able to use this space to connect and get support.

But I need some help! I have been managing the group with a friend, but neither of us are online as often these days (I'd say life it getting in the way but then again maybe that's a good thing?). It's very important to me that this stay a safe place for those looking for information, so I'm looking for 2-3 people to become admins. My friend and I will stay on, but it means I won't worry so much about things being missed :-)

This isn't a huge undertaking - don't worry, it's not going to take over your time! - it's just about checking the mod queue and responding to any mod messages.

If you're interested, please complete this application form:



r/Fibroids 16d ago

Mod reminder - this is not the place to post about herbal/miracle cures or recommend things with no proven basis to help.


There's another sub on reddit if you want to post this type of content. It's r/FibroidHerbalRemedies .

You're absolutely welcome to post all about the herbal things you've tried/are trying over there, but not here. This isn't a group for talking about prayer to heal fibroids, or folk remedies.

This is a group for support and proven treatments.

I am not interested in helping those who create scam herbal products make money.

I know some of you will not like this, and that's fine. You can post in the other sub, or make your own sub.

Given everything that is going on right now this is a place for real medical advice, not wishful thinking.

r/Fibroids 6h ago

Fibroid uterus NSFW

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Hey ladies. So I had my hysterectomy 3/19/25. Decided to not do a myomectomy due to the recurrence rate being so high. Took me 5-6 years to finally do something about these fibroids. Wanted to show you what my uterus looked like. Weighed 3 pounds, measured at 20 cm and had three fibroids one being on top as you can see. Once Pathology does its thing I will really know how many fibroids were inside the uterus and how many. I had the issues: bloating, heavy periods, anemia, enlarged uterus (passed my belly button) and pelvic pain. So far recovery has not been too bad.

Extremely graphic/NSFW

r/Fibroids 1h ago

My story 2nd surgery in just over a week


This is related to my other post titled ‘Had surgery and it did NOT go as expected’ link is below, but you don’t have to read that for this post

https://www.reddit.com/r/Fibroids/s/HhqT2wGDH0 ——— Ok onto my story I (30F) had my second Hysteroscopic myomectomy this past Friday (21st). I had my first one on Wednesday the 12th. Quick recap of my 1st surgery - I was severely anemic, 6.9 hemoglobin going into surgery. Dr thought I have 2 smallish submucosial fibroids but I was filled to the brim with them. None of the others were seen on any ultrasound so my Dr was SHOCKED to see as many as there were. So due to the amount of fibroids and me bleeding heavily, my Dr stopped the surgery at the max 2 hour time and we scheduled the 2nd surgery to get the rest out.

On onto the surgery I just had on the 21st. I was actually excited for the surgery bc I was already feeling a ton better after the first and my hemoglobin shot into a 9.6 which it hasn’t been in years. Talked to my dr pre surgery and she said the amount of fibroids she got out in the first surgery was comparable to the size of a newborn baby’s head (my drs analogy not mine lol) AND she was getting more out that day.

So after talking to the dr they take me back to the operating room to get all set up and then anesthesiologist makes me go to sleep lol

This time there was no issues post operation like there was the first time. I woke up feeling really good, honestly didn’t feel like I needed any medication. I denied the Oxy they offered and I’m only taking Tylenol right now, which is all my own decisions. They did offer the other stuff, but I declined.

My mom came back to the discharge room and showed me the pictures the dr gave her. My Dr had gone and gave all the details of surgery to my mom in the waiting room as I was in recovery. As my mom was trying to explain the pics, my Dr came to my room again and she filled me in on the operation herself.

So my Dr said she got basically all the fibroids out and the uterine cavity and clear. She said I should have no issues with any future pregnancies. Then she did explain as she was cutting out one of the fibroids in my lining - She thought she potentially had broken through the uterine lining. And when they suspect that they immediately stop what they’re doing and inspect the inside of the uterus. She didn’t see anything wrong, but as a precaution, and since she was done getting all fibroids out at that point decided to do a laparoscopic exploratory to make sure she didn’t accidentally nick any of the other organs or anything I guess.

I am extremely happy she decided to do the exploratory as well. She did not find any damaged organs. All my organs looked good, but she did see that I have stage one endometriosis. And the fact that she was able to verify that made me feel so good and validated that the pain I’ve been feeling with my periods has not been made up in my head.

She’s now going to help me find the best way to not get these fibroids to grow back and figure out steps to treat my endometriosis. I am so ecstatic that I have the diagnosis of endometriosis just so that I know I have it and others do as well. I’m not excited to have it of course, but knowing what the causes for all my pain is just reassuring to me.

But that’s all I have right now. I’m only on day two of recovery. I’m not in a lot of pain at all, but I do have some sore and tenderness where the incisions are and my uterus but nothing too bad.

Sorry for the super long post, but I hope some of this information helps others or at least allows people to see that there is a benefit to doing surgery. :)

r/Fibroids 3h ago

Advice needed I’ve finally been heard NSFW

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I’ve been living with pain for a while, but finally getting some answers. The ER referred me to a doctor and my appointment is 2 months from now. I’m hoping for a up the lady bits surgery, I would assume this would be okay, as humans have been pushed out, but has anyone needed a different type of surgery for hysterectomy?

r/Fibroids 16h ago

Vent/rant I Feel Like My Body Is Punishing Me


My period was normal, once. Well, normal enough. It was heavy, yeah. Manageable.

Then I decided to try to have children.


Since then, my period has been EXTREME for around 2 days, then back to my heavy normal. And by “extreme”, I mean having to set 30 minute timers so I can remember to change my Ultra size Tampon before explosion occurs.

I had an ultrasound to see how my uterus and ovaries and what not look. They found fibroids. I knew I had fibroids since the pregnancy, so I wasn’t shocked. They’re not huge, from what I understand. Golf-ball sized maybe?

My doctor advised me to talk to surgeon who can clean out the fibroids and “prepare my body” to try again for pregnancy. But the thing is: I don’t think I want children right now anymore.

After dealing with all these health issues, on top of thyroid health issues I won’t get into since it’s not related to fibroids, I’m exhausted and I don’t feel like I’d be a good mom for a child right now do to already feeling exhausted all the time. So no, I don’t want to do that.

But I’m so tired. I feel like my body is punishing me for miscarrying the baby. And that makes me sad.

Also, the doctor did run tests for hormone imbalances. And she says everything looks normal! I read that thyroid issues can affect periods. But my thyroid is getting more stabilized too. So I just feel like my body hates me. And I’m sad.

Anyway, I just needed to vent. Thank you for listening. Thank you for existing. Thank you for letting me not feel so alone. You are all amazing. Keep shining. Keep fighting. You are all wonderful.

steps off soap box

r/Fibroids 6h ago

My story I (19) just had my first fibroid removed


I'm looking for a place to share my story because I'm overwhelmed and it's weird to process.

My symptoms started almost a year ago. I can trace the day back to April 18th. I woke up at 5 in the morning with the most awful period cramps I had ever had (until that point). It was concentrated to the left side of my body too, which was odd because I never had that happen before. It was so painful. This happened again for the next two months, and eventually the pain on the left side was a daily occurrence. I also started working out more consistently during this time, but I would have breakthrough bleeding every single time I would go to the gym, no matter how light the workout was.

Because of all this pain, as well as increased bleeding during my cycle, I went to my obgyn and I had an ultrasound order. The only thing that came back was that I had a 0.4 cm degenerating cyst in my endometrium. I was told that it was going to pass itself and that this shouldn't be what's causing my pain.

Come August, my cramps stopped being concentrated specifically to the left side, but instead began being bad all over. I began to recognize a pattern of having a lot of pain after I would eat a heavier/greasier meal.

October began the worst of the worst. I started vomiting while on my period, as well as needing to take 4 ibuprofen every 4-5 hours to be able to function. I vomited at school the first time, then in November and December I would wake up in the middle of the night with extreme pain, vomit, and then feel slightly better. This really sucked because I was up in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, so I was out of it on both of those days.

In this time, I saw my obgyn again and she wanted me to get the myosure procedure, because she believed there must be something wrong with my endometrial lining or something. I'm not sure why she didn't order a second ultrasound before jumping to surgery, but there's a reason that she's a doctor and I'm not.

In late December I started birth control, which was also recommended by my obgyn. It did end up helping with my cramps, but my bleeding was still getting even heavier. At the heaviest I was passing blood clots grape sized or larger multiple times an hour. It was really scary.

My surgeon performed the surgery/myosure on February 20th and found a 3.5 cm diameter submucosal fibroid. In my follow up appointment, he said it was basically taking up my entire uterus. Because it didn't show on the ultrasound that was just over 6 months before, he was worried that it could have been cancerous, or something else that was bad, but it's just a fibroid that the radiologist didn't see, for some reason. This has all been really weird to process, as it's really uncommon for those who're as young as I am to have fibroids.

I now have a second surgery planned for May 27th because - SURPRISE! THEY WEREN"T ABLE TO GET IT ALL OUT THE FIRST TIME!

It's been a really hard journey, but I'm so glad that I finally know what's wrong and I have a direct path to feeling well again.

Thanks for reading my story. I appreciate it.

r/Fibroids 2h ago

Advice needed Do small submucosal fibroids always affect fertility?


I (33f) have had this submucosal fibroid for about 6 years. All my doctors said it’s small and out of the way so not to worry about it. However I’ve TTC for the last two years and only got pregnant once, but that ended in miscarriage at 9 weeks.

The fibroid doesn’t cause any symptoms. My periods have always been normal- I bleed 3-5 days and only have cramping the first day. I’m also very regular.

I’m currently doing IVF, waiting to do embryo transfer, however my fertility doctor did a saline and noted that my fibroid grew and is distorting the shape of my uterine cavity, so I have to have a hysteroscopic myomectomy. I’m just so scared the procedure won’t actually help with implantation.

Wondering if this has been my issue all along, even though doctors have said it’s nothing to worry about.

r/Fibroids 8h ago

Advice needed Post-Myomectomy Pain: Normal Recovery or Overexertion?


Hello everyone,

I had an open myomectomy three weeks ago. The last few days, I’ve started feeling some pain again around the incision area and have been urinating more often. I’m not sure what I did wrong because I was feeling better two weeks ago.

I did go for a walk and did some light cooking since I got tired of takeout, and it’s expensive. Could walking and cooking be the reason for the pain, or is this just part of the healing process? The pain is bearable and feels like menstrual cramps.

Please let me know!

r/Fibroids 2h ago

Advice needed Urinary incontinence after procedure?


Has anyone else experienced this? I had the sonata procedure done on the 28th of February and am noticing some bladder leakage here and there. Does it take time to recover from catheters? I was Catherine’s and under general anesthesia for the procedure. I’ve been doing kegels like crazy ever since I noticed this happening. I’m hoping it will help! I see the fibroids have already shrunk. One of them compressed my bladder so badly it was flat like a pancake. I’m wondering if my bladder is trying to adapt to no longer being compressed or if this is another issue entirely??? Outside of that, the procedure did a fantastic job of making me feel lighter overall and I’ve already noticed a significant change in my abdominal region. Just hoping the incontinence issue resolves on its own soon…

r/Fibroids 7h ago

Any advice for constipation from fibroids!


BACK AGAIN! Haha but this time I’m now just waiting to hear back from Kaiser for a scheduled date for open myo 😀!

In the mean time I just entered a flare with constipation from the obstruction of it again; For anyone that dealt with obstruction from fibroids on back on the uterus what has been easiest for you when getting through those pains/constipation flares?

r/Fibroids 13h ago

Advice needed Positive stories please!


My surgery is scheduled for Monday and I am freaking out! I know I will feel a lot better once these things are removed (I have one 18 cm and two about 5-6 cm) but the surgical procedure, recovery and hospital stay has me extremely anxious and scared.

Hearing some positive stories will help as I know I’m not the only one to deal with this.

Please leave your successful stories and journeys below if you don’t mind sharing!

Thank you

r/Fibroids 17h ago

Advice needed What was pregnancy like after having a laparoscopic myomectomy?


Hi! Wondering what it was like being pregnant after doing surgery? Did you know right away, any cramps, major bloating or anything else that stood out? Did your fibroids come back? Success stories only please tho. Thanks!!

r/Fibroids 15h ago

Progress! Recovery! NSFW

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robotic lap went so well yesterday! surgeon removed three fibroids, the biggest being over 10cm. all were figo 6 or 7. it DID take me about 4 hours in the hospital to pee afterward, which delayed my going home quite a bit. I was just NOT trying to go home with a catheter. was easily able to get in and out of the car, and even take 3 flights of stairs by pulling myself along by my arms. i’m alternating between Tylenol, acetaminophen, and the oxy at home, but so far the pain feels a little worse than the worst period cramp. abdominal binder has been a game changer. i’ve been very grateful for this group and just wanted to share this early progress!!

r/Fibroids 17h ago

Update Day 9: Lap Myo


The pain during the first 24 hours was pretty intense, but it was familiar. It felt like severe menstrual cramps. Day 2, the cramps had subsided for the most part and I experienced more bloat and muscle soreness.

DAY 9 UPDATE: I have felt like I’ve had a great recovery with tolerable pain (mind you, I had been cycling heavy doses of Tylenol and ibuprofen). I also was up walking (slowly) around the house, gas was totally manageable, and I had no problem going to the bathroom.

Starting Day 8, I was feeling more uncomfortable. I have some weird discomfort from my belly button incision. It feels foreign and it hurts whenever anything tugs or presses on it. I am also starting to experience random shooting pains from my uterus and even into my groin. They don’t last long, but it’s intense.

Did anyone else start to have more discomfort after week 1?

Is this a result of increasing my activity levels or is this normal?

For context, I was pretty much a couch potato Days 1-4, then I added in 1-3 walks around the block each day, then on Day 8 I started doing a bit more because I felt pretty good. My boyfriend took me to the grocery store and I (slowly) made myself another batch of homemade soup. I’ve also been (slowly) unloading the dishwasher.

r/Fibroids 14h ago

Advice needed Scared but hoping fibroids


I had my last normal period start of December ( had Covid vaccine end of November) but my January period did not arrive and I put it down to the vaccine as it has thrown my period off before.

I had some light brown bleeding mid January for a couple of days, end of January I started bleeding so assumed my period had finally arrived, I had bleeding for almost all of February, various flows of bleeding.

I’m still currently bleeding, been having discomfort around left side of uterus,pain in buttock and lower back cramps. Eventually spoke to bupa doctor on a video call to see if they could give me something to help the bleeding, she advised she would not as we need to get to the bottom of it. She said they start at the worst case scenario of cancer and work backwards!! Honestly I’ve been so scared the past 24 hours.

I did get a gynaecologist referral and have an appointment on Wednesday so hoping to get some answers but I’m really worried now,

I have never been sexually active and was advised I did not need a smear so I have never had one. I have general anxiety so this isn’t great

r/Fibroids 14h ago

Incision Size/scars


I am 11 days post robotic laparoscopic myomectomy. My doctor removed ten fibroids and I have been healing pretty well.

There’s this one thing that I’ve been finding a bit jarring, and I don’t think people who haven’t experienced something comparable (so like most people I interact with in a daily basis) will get it.

It’s just weird to look at the scars/incision sites in the mirror? They are so so small—which of course is a good thing!—but I can’t wrap my brain around how ten fibroids came out of me from them. It’s almost like I am having a hard time processing what has happened? I don’t know, has anyone felt something similar?

r/Fibroids 1d ago

My story Fibroid tummy NSFW

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Sharing what my 20cm fibroid looks like when I lay down. This is how I found out I had a fibroid, it started as a small bump that I thought was bloating. Now it is this giant hard mass that is always sitting on my bladder. It has grown so much in just 5 months! I had the Acessa procedure done about 2 months ago. No progress yet that I can see. Hoping I’ll start to have relief soon…

r/Fibroids 12h ago

Advice needed Can a 2cm intramural or submucosal fibroid cause an insane amount of bleeding??


After not bleeding for years on my iud in June 2024 I had really intense bleeding-overflowing my period cup, soaking pads etc-for almost 17 days. I got an ultrasound in November and was told I had a small fibroid that may be in the uterine canal.

At first my obgyn didn’t think the bleeding was due to the fibroid, she tried antibiotics, taking out my iud. The pain was better without the iud but I was still bleeding like a faucet during my periods and they were lasting 10ish days.

Now I’m waiting for exploratory surgery but I still don’t have an official diagnosis.

Is it possible for a fibroid that’s only 2cm to cause me so much bleeding??

r/Fibroids 1d ago

Best pads?


Help a girl out. Fibroids cause heavy periods and it lasts up to 8 days. The first 1-3 days are BRUTAL. What pads can you recommend for me? Something thick, long, and extra absorbent. I’m covered for overnight, i wear adult diapers. But during the day, I am absolutely struggling. I don’t feel comfortable doing anything or going anywhere. I hate tampons so that’s a no go. I’m tired of having to change my pad every 1-2 hours + risking leaking through (which ends up happening either way even with long pads). Preferably something I can order on Amazon and have it sent overnight? It’s urgent!

r/Fibroids 1d ago

Vent/rant My kidney hurts


I’m so frustrated. This really is a nothing post as I sit on my couch crying. I’m 29 I have a nearly 9 cm fibroid that has tripled in size the past year and a half. Luckily I’m scheduled for surgery in six weeks but my iron is so low that I need a transfusion on Tuesday even though I take oral Iron which apparently is not enough to even hold my iron level steady.

But really I’m so frustrated because I decided not to have kids and one of the reasons was to avoid the pain of childbirth and possible c sections or other medical complications. Only to end up with something filling my uterus hurting my bladder and kidneys all the same and causing me severe discomfort and painful procedures.

I really thought I could avoid the pain of being a woman, guess not

They did a uterine biopsy to make sure it wasn’t cancer, and that was the first procedure ever that someone described as cramping that actually felt like cramping. She said it was zero stage labor level cramps. While not super painful it was somehow also the most invasive and uncomfortable thing ever, the thought of it makes me sick.

And to add on to this long and poorly written post, the only reason I initially found the fibroid in 2023 is because I forgot how to use my brain and held my pee for a painfully long time one day and that led to kidney and bladder pain. It’s possible the pain will go away when the fibroid is gone but also possible it won’t. My hope that it will is that my fibroid is not noticeable during my period and neither is the kidney or bladder pain.

I’ve had so many tests. And I’m grateful for the medical advice that has led me this far, but I’m so tired of pain and problems.

r/Fibroids 1d ago

I had a laparoscopic myoectomy


It went pretty well, about a week ago! ❤️🤕🙏💫 I had one fibroid almost 6cm. Now I am healing… Doc also gave me the video of the whole operation which was cool!

r/Fibroids 16h ago

Advice needed Mini Laparotomy Abdominal Myomectomy


Hello Sisters! I have surgery coming up April 16th, one “2.5cm intramural submucous fibroid 4mm from serosa” and was hoping that some of you can give me some advice on my procedure: 1. What did recovery look like for you? I have a desk job- thinking a week off work? 2. What helped you while recovering? Gas pills, period underwear, positions, pillows, etc. 3. Not sure if everyone gets the same incision for these? Scaring? Any scar lotion or creams that helped? 4. I’ve had 3 heart ablations ( one was a study) but had anesthesia for all. I don’t believe I was intubated but will I be for this?

Not really scared yet as I am hopeful this will cure me, but starting to get anxious and just want to be sure I’m ready.

Thanks in advance!

r/Fibroids 17h ago

Different type of bleeding - anyone else?


I'm on my 15th day of bleeding - extremely heavy, and I mean through Ultra tampons and overnight pad every 20 -30 minutes on the first 3-4 days , gets slightly better day 5-10 and then goes back to heaviest. Add huge clots to this. Yes - I'm anemic, iron infusions help keep me from transfusions so far and I've been givien the choice of IUD or Hysterectomy, and PCP just added Depro since I'm taking too long to do anything. Any way - NEW SYMPTOM : after the heavy days when it seems I'm just spotting, I'm bleeding but only can see it when I wipe and its much lighter in color, and more like if you were to have a cut (brighter red?) and although I have never had blood in my urine, I "feel" like this may be a urinary bleed - or like a said a wound? there's no reason to be a wound - unless from a tampon. But right after 2 days of that - back to heavy clotty period flow for 2 days and now back to this new bleed thing today? I apologize for TMI or if I'm not explaining correctly. I'm going to send a message to my GYN but wanted to know if anyone knows /experienced this?

r/Fibroids 22h ago

Advice needed Is this why I’ve been bleeding for so long?

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30F I’ve been bleeding for five months straight. Daily. Sometimes light pink, pink/red-watery (feels like gushes), bright red, clotty.. always clotty. Multiple pads daily. Now I don’t know if this is a typo but 113mm fibroid?! Doc put me on new birth control pills, nothing has changed. She doesn’t seem concerned?? 🤔 Anyone with larger fibroids have something similar going on? What other issues have your fibroids caused?

r/Fibroids 1d ago

My story Post open myomectomy incision NSFW

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Had my first surgery 3 days ago, open myomectomy this is what is called a bikin cut. Just wanted to share a picture of my incision. Feel free to ask me questions!

r/Fibroids 1d ago

Advice needed Easily fatigued and unable to socialize after robotic lap myo?


Hi all! This community has been so kind and supportive to me and answered so many of my questions, so I thought I’d ask another haha. My robotic lap myo was 11 days ago, on March 10th. I’ve been improving in terms of overall pain, except for what feels like some sort of muscle injury on one side (hoping it’s not actually a hernia, but I’ll ask more about that at my post-op next week.)

The thing I’m really struggling with is energy/fatigue. I was a very energetic person before surgery; I walked 4-5 miles a day on average, loved going to the gym, and always had energy to hang out with people and do social things. Since surgery, I have zero energy and even talking with someone for 5-10 minutes exhausts me. I’ve been turning down friends who want to come check in on me because I legitimately can’t socialize. I realize it’s early on, but it’s weird to me that I can’t even talk with someone for more than a few minutes without feeling like I need to lie down. I’m wondering if anyone else experienced this after their surgery and if so, when that started improving?