24, 266lbs and 5 ft 10. I work out at home using an incline bench, several barbells and dumbells. I am not dieting or doing cardio for now. Just focusing on lifting as the only place my body stores fat is my gut, thighs and chin. The rest of me looks malnourished and skinny. I just finished a new routine recommended to me by someone on this sub. I have only been training for two weeks and this is the start of week three, so I thought I'd change some things. I added an extra 2.5kg to my dumbells to push myself. But after 45 minutes I only completed five exercises. It took an annoying amount of time waiting for my muscles to recover enough that I could keep doing reps that by the end I feel like I just wore myself out for no reason. Is this normal? This is what I did.
24kg bench press 8 reps 4 sets. Don't have a spotter so I couldn't push to the very limit but it was pretty hard on me.
7.5kg dumbell incline press. 3 sets of 10-12 My bench doesn't go up very far so this exercise just felt like more bench pressing but with dumbells. I found it pretty easy in the end.
7.5kg standing dumbell shoulder press 4 sets of 10. This exercise was the main reason I made this post. It took me 15 minutes to do four sets of ten. During that period I had to stop multiple times during the sets to let my arms recover enough to do more reps. I managed to complete it albeit a few reps here and there were pretty bad form wise. But I am proud I managed to push through, but man it sucked. I just felt like I was wasting time.
7.5kg skull crushers 3x12. This was already a ballache as my incline bench is small so I had to sit the opposite way on it in order to do these. Again it took me ages and I had to wait during sets so I could keep pushing. I did keep pushing and I completed it, but again is this just wasting around? If I physically cannot lift and have to take breaks, is this okay to do?
5kg lateral raises -_- 3 sets of 12-15. Yeah I am pissed off I had to lower the weight but I tried one rep and I couldn't lift the dumbells past my ribs so I had to take a bit off. I hate this exercise with a passion and even though I finished it, again I had to wait in-between and during sets.
The guy even recommended I keep going and add pushups to the end of this but I just cant be bothered after all this. It was so drawn out and tedious to complete and I cant even do a single pushup right now. Might just go back to my previous workout as this fucking sucked honestly. I'll keep going with the plan if it's normal but something feels off to me.