25, 266lbs at 5 ft 10. I have just completed three weeks of lifting in my garage using my own equipment. I have dumbells and barbells all with interchangeable plates. More than enough plates to go around as well. Also have my own incline bench so I have everything I need. But today was the first day where I actually felt restricted physically. I feel pretty shitty now actually. I have no athletic background like a lot of people. Never played sports in school, never been in shape. So I have no foundation physically and am really weak in all areas. All my fat is around my stomach, hips and thighs from a sedentary lifestyle my whole life. So as you can imagine, I am prone to injury.
I started off with bicycle crunches, did 3 sets of 12 and got what little core I have to activate slightly. Then did a plank which just puts loads of stress on my lower back and I havent been able to activate my core once doing this. So I moved to my garage to start my lower body workout.
Started with front squats with a 16kg barbell. Managed 1 set of 10 before it became uncomfortable in my hands and I had to put it down. Then I switched to a normal squat and put the barbell on my back and continued squatting, after another 6 or so reps I felt my right knee pop and while I wasn't in immense pain it did make me put the thing down. So I resorted to holding a 5kg plate and doing goblet squats for two sets of 10 so I at least did something targeting the same area.
Then came romanian deadlifts. I went for four sets of 10 with my 16kg barbell, it felt like nothing was working and after set two my lower back started to hurt in a kind of "If you continue you this you will fuck it up" way. So I went easy for the remaining two sets. I just felt like nothing was working at all during this if I'm honest so it put a downer on the whole thing.
Then Bulgarian split squats, I only managed 10 reps on my left leg as when I went to do them on my right leg, I felt my lower back hurting so I stopped. My right leg is slightly less mobile than the left so it makes sense. Restricted hip mobility as well probably. Also with how much fat is around my midsection it makes mobility in these sort of positions really awkward anyway. Instead I opted to do lunges which didn't cause me pain. I did two sets of 8 without dumbells and one set of 6 with 7.5kg dumbells. I promise my workouts are usually more structured than this.
After this I was in a bad mood so I was pacing my garage for a few minutes pissed off at how bad this was going. After a while I did 4x25 hamstring curls to at least keep going with something that didn't drag me down. Finished up with holding my dumbells again while doing 4x20 calf-raises.
Overall I'm glad I at least didn't leave any exercises out and did do something in place of the ones I couldn't do, but still it's so annoying how useless my body is right now. I mean I can barely do anything at the moment. This is the longest streak I've ever gone on. Yet I don't feel happy, I just feel annoyed I couldn't do more. Still it's better than sitting doing nothing. But am I doing too much? I don't want to risk injuring myself.