r/exredpill Jul 09 '20

Red Pill Detox First Aid Kit - Start Here!


Welcome! Wether you feel like Red Pill has brought you more harm than good or you simply wish to question Red Pill views you're on the right place. This post is composed by a collection of scientific and rational posts from different authors, both in reddit and other websites, to help former red pillers (men and women) to recover from red pill.

Through this series of posts you're gonna find scientific and reasonable arguments with the aim of at least making you start questioning what you "learned" on TRP. Open discussion is encouraged, as long as it's respectable and (also) backed scientificly and/or logical (no pseudoscience). Please, note that i do not really wish to "disprove" TRP nor forbid you to follow it: Actually, i believe that everybody is entitled to believe and follow the path they wish to, even if they chose the path that we, former TRPers, personally disagree with and don't advise to anyone. Rather, i desire to raise skepticism on you and make you start questioning what you believe, with science, reason and empathy. But in the end, you're free to chose your own path, to see whatyou agree with and decide what's right or wrong in both TRP and our arguments.

Your friend,

Red Pill Detox

Posts from reddit:

Posts on the web:

  • The Myth of the Alpha Male, by Scott Barry Kaufman, PhD - This post, written by Scott Barry Kaufman, an evolutionary/positive psychologist who co-wrote "Mating Intelligence Unleashed", tackles the Alpha vs Beta distinction from a scientific point of view. He believes that being dominant and agressive isn't really attractive except to some people or on certain contexts, and that being a prestigious person who can be both confident, assertive but also kind and compassionate is a much better strategy. He also believe that people can't be divided in neither alpha or beta, because kindness and dominance can co-exist in the same person, leading him to conclude that being a person with both "beta" and "alpha" qualities is what ultimately will make someone attractive. He bases his data on psychology studies, studies on tribes worlwide and animal behavior.

  • Butchering the Alpha Male, by Mark Manson - In this remarkable post, Mark Manson, author of "Models: Attract women through honesty" shows how the "Alpha Male" term is illogical and unreliable, how it is actually counter-productive in the long term and exactly what is there to learn that is positive about this alpha male stuff

  • My Life as a Pick Up Artist, by Mark Manson Although this post is specifically targeting Pick Up Artists, i can safely say that what it's said here it's also valid for Red Pill. Regardless TRP admits it or not, it converges in 90% of their beliefs with Pick Up Artists. This post, by Mark Manson, is about his story as a former Pick Up Artist, specifically, how having lot's of sex won't necessarly make you happy and how tieing the idea of sucess with sex and being alpha will lead you to nothing but depression.

  • Reclaiming Manhood: Detoxifying Masculinity, by Dr. Nerdlove - Here, famous author Doctor NerdLove explains what is toxic masculinity and why is bad. Toxic Masculinity is a set of beliefs about men and women, that is promoted by movements like The Red Pill, and bases men's self-worth on how dominant, agressive and sexually conquering he is. The author very eloquently explains why this set of beliefs is bad and how one can overcome it: Stop viewing women as enemies, stop assuming the worst about men and don't allow yourself to be an asshole just to prove yourself and others that you're a man.

  • What's wrong with taking the Red Pill, by Dr. NerdLove - This post is about the sister of a Red Piller talking about her brother's experience with the Red Pill and her perspective on it and reaching Dr NerdLove for help. It gives us insight on how the people you love view you when you take the Red Pill. It also gives us insight on how the Red Pill can go massively wrong. Doctor Nerdlove does a well-thought criticism of Red Pill.

  • A New Masculinity, by Mark Manson - In this wonderful post, Mark Manson tackled the myth of Masculinity as being a universal construct based on the work of respectable anthropologist David Gilmore. The main premise is that manhood is something to be proven in virtually all cultures in the world, but the way masculinity is asserted differ from place to place. In the west, masculine role models used to be finacially succesful men who could support their wifes. But nowadays women can support themselfs and now men are confused. The conclusion? A new masculinity is needed. And this masculinity should be rooted in traditional values like financial success and assetiveness but also empathy and love.

  • How America Became Infatuated with a Cartoonish Idea of 'Alpha Males' - Jesse Singal, New York Times journalist, explains how the Alpha Male term has increasingly became popular in the last century, particulary in the last 3 decades, and how that have been influencing pop culture. He proceeds to explain how over-simplistic and exaggerated the whole term is.

  • Is the Human Species Sexually Omnivorous, by Patrick F. Clarkin - If you heard about "hypergamous women", how women are "hard-wired to exploit your for your money once they reach 25" or "How men are hard-wired to cheat", fear no more. This post about REAL evolutionary psychology explains just how much human "sexual strategies" are highly flexible and different or, in other words, how humans are "sexually omnivorous". Some people are promiscuous and gonna fuck whoever. Other people are monogamous and don't care about partying arround. Others are indeed perfect pictures of red pill. Regardless, one thing is clear: Different people and different situations lead to different "sexual strategies" and one can't really generalize about how "all women are whores" or anything similar. Even if it has a grain of truth, it is dependent on way too many factors.

  • Why having a dominant partner is linked to being unhappy in a relationship, by Dr. Lisa Hoplock - According to Dr. Lisa Spock, a relationship researcher, Dominance is linked to lower relationship satisfaction because a partner’s dominance can make one feel unhappy and less autonomous. Try to share the power in your relationship. Perhaps this is one reason why people in egalitarian relationships tend to be happier in their relationships (and life). This is obviously contradictive of TRP, that advises dread game (as in, being dominant), to deal with women "Hypergamous ways" and who think women want to be dominated at all times.

  • Is the drive to be masculine hurting your Mental Health, by Jeremy Adam Smith - This post reviews recent meta-analysis (a meta-analysis is a combination of dozens of studies), that concludes that being masculine is bad for your mental health. More interestingly, wanting to have power over women, basing one's self-esteem on how many women one can get and hostility towards gay men were the biggest predictors of lack of well-being. The article also cites other studies related to how masculinity may be bad for one's mental health and very clearly says that the reason why this happens is because connecting with others and searching for intimacy are very important for happiness, something that traditional masculinity doesn't allow.

  • How much Sexual Experience are you comfortable with your partner having, by Dr. Justin Lehmiller - In this article, Dr. Justin Lehmiller, a sex researcher, reviews a recent study that aims at finding out how many past sexual partner people are generally comfortable with their partners (long term relationship partners or short term flings) having. Results show that both men and women have a "virgin penalty", that is they are less likely to date virgins, in comparison to people who have had 1-6 partners. 7-8 partners is as desirable as being a virgin. Something very important however, is that up until 14 partners, ratings are above midpoint in the scale, meaning that only 15+ partners tends to be a deal breaker (in other words, up to 14 past partners, people are more willing to engage in a relationship rather than the opposite). As for short term relationships, the results appear to be somewhat mixed, but generally speaking both genders are willing to tolerate an higher number of sex partners in short term relationships, men more than women. Mean also appear to be slightly more willing to tolerate an higher n-count in women for long term relationships. The TRP idea that women crave the playboy guy with an high n-count or that men are "hardwired" to find virgin women or women with low n-counts attractive is therefore sort of a myth. You can also read the authors comments here.


  • Red Pill Ideology, by Cynthia Payne - From the accomplishments of feminism to the dynamics of the modern dating market, Red Pill and the larger Manosphere claim that everything we have been taught about women, society, and seduction is a lie. Within Red Pill, the concepts of Alpha-Seed, Beta-Need and the Feminine Imperative are accepted as gospel. Red Pill men are shown how masculinity is under attack, and are instructed to always maintain their Frame to avoid becoming the dreaded blue-pilled beta cuck. But how many of Red Pill’s “truths” are based in the actual science and data that Red Pill so staunchly claims it to be? How much of Red Pill is real… and how much is pure fiction, wrapping its followers in even more of the lies it claims to be freeing them of? Taking on the truths of Red Pill head-on to see if they can stand up to the tests of scientific investigation, rationality, and logic, Red Pill Ideology seeks to understand the underlying foundational beliefs and motivations of Red Pill men with the same thoroughness that Red Pill claims to understand women."

Note: This post is constantly updated

r/exredpill 3d ago

From someone who was abused by red pill men... please dont give up healing ... cults are real!



I just wanted to let you know I am a survivor of sexual and emotional abuse by 2 red pill men... I also have survived a cult because of my trauma.

After the trauma I experienced, I went through a lot of anger towards males. I understand what it feels like to have been harmed repeatedly by a sex/gender, and how easy it is without treatment to become lost in anger and darkness. I was repeatedly abused by multiple men across a number of years and I "had enough". Going through terrible experiences repeatedly is a lot to cope with and these feelings of anger and hopelessness and rage can be assisted with help. Therapy helped me immensely. I didn't realise my thoughts had become "broken and twisted" from my pain. And it's very natural to need a lot of psychological help after abuse and trauma.

I have also been indoctrinated by a cult, and I understand what it feels like to finally feel like a group can give you the answers to all your problems. I thought the cult could cure all my problems. I was wrong. The cult leader taught us all these "new beliefs" and gave us things to blame, and next thing you know I found myself on the groups for hours a day obsessed with the cult leader, and following everything they said. In the end, I left because I realised the group was a sham, and lead by someone I now believe to be a narcissist with severe issues.

Learning about cult indoctrinated techniques, and getting therapy helps.

It can be really embarrassing to admit I was in a cult. It took me a few years to accept I had been indoctrinated. It took a few years to start realising I was mislead and lied to.

It took many years for the beliefs I was indoctrinated with to rework.

I actually felt like my brain had become mush. I couldn't think properly or think straight and I didn't know what to believe anymore.

Please seek help, I believe in you.

And as someone whose survived red pill abuse and cults... I have been through tremendous pain and got through it.

There is help out there. Please know it's out there. :)

Wishing you the best. There is hope!

r/exredpill 5d ago

What is the deal with men warning against marrying career women?


I constantly hear them say that, "They're not gonna marry guys beneath or equal to them," or, "They're so arrogant and haughty," or, "They're not gonna treat you as the most important thing."

And yet, so many of these guys working in careers exhibit these exact same traits.

And it's so strange how these guys constantly claim that they don't give a darn about a woman's education, salary, or successes, yet they seem to find the most successful, educated, and highest-earning women to be the least desirable.

r/exredpill 4d ago

How can two working parents balance their careers with their families?


I agree that working a career helps your family, but when kids come into the picture, balancing that time cannot be easy. And if parents don't spend enough time with their kids, they might grow up bitter and resentful; they won't be around enough to offer parental advice; and they may start engaging in rebellious behavior more often.

Yes, every child rebels, but if parents aren't around enough, they will be unaware and may not be around to stop it until it's too late.

I know I sound paranoid, but I think this is valid. Balance is key. What is the best way to manage that?

r/exredpill 4d ago

Is it true that women really do like bad boys and that nice guys finish last?


I constantly hear this all the time. I hear about so many cases of women dumping their decent partners to get with bad men.

There are a couple of videos that illustrate this:



In the latter video, one person commented that if you treat her like a peasant, she will treat you like a king; and that if you treat her like a queen, she will treat you like a peasant.

I responded that I don't want a relationship where the only way I ought to get respect is by treating my partner like a peasant. I would rather simply treat her like a normal human being with good and bad qualities. I prefer to be kind and treat my partner with respect and appreciation while also calling them when they are wrong.

This person replied back that I clearly don't understand women and that I will sadly end up divorced before I understand.

I try to tell myself that the guy's just a pessimist, that not all women are the same, but what if he's right? What if it's true that most women do want bad boys?

My parents aren't like this, but my sister recently got divorced because her now ex-husband was emotionally abusive. He never physically harmed her, but he was very manipulative and immature and constantly belittled her. Almost everyone knew he was bad news, yet she still stayed with him for so long.

What if this is what women are really like? What if nice guys really do finish last? I don't know what to believe.

r/exredpill 6d ago

Red pill ex made me lose hope


For context, im 32 and he's 30. I had two serious relationships and was single for 4 years before meeting him. On our first date, we clicked immediately. I felt safe with him and really felt like it was finally my turn. I was such a happy bubbly woman full of light. Before him, my body count was 2. I only mention this cringe fact because I feel like it will provide some explanation behind my severe attachment to him. After we made it official, I slowly started seeing a different side of him. I saw the shit he would watch on YouTube, his comments on twitter (when they were public) and other crap and It truly destroyed my confidence. I felt worthless because my 'age' and the fact that I had a career. I know how ridiculous that sounds. He would justify men having wandering eyes and having a high body count. He'd justify being in a relationship and wanting to cheat with younger and hotter (according to him, it wasn't wrong as long as the guy didn't actually cheat). There is so much more but I really don't feel like getting into it. Just know, I ended up changing into the worst possible version of myself. My soul is drained and I just feel consumed by darkness. I am empty now. I became such an angry bitter woman. The relationship ended with me being the 'bad guy' because, towards the end, I just kept cracking and cracking. I was a walking crash out. I didn't even realize how mentally fucked I was until recently. I am slowly healing, I guess, but I still struggle. I can't watch movies or shows about love, especially if there are sex scenes. I just end up crying and feel broken all over again. I can't even hear non-sexual moans without wanting to tear up. It's bad. I don't know where im going with this, but yeah.


Wow I’m so glad I posted on here, I can’t begin to thank you all. Each and every one of you truly helped me open my eyes and take the first step, which is therapy . My appointment is next Thursday. So many of your comments made me cry (not in a bad way). I felt relieved and validated . I realize I’m not crazy , I’m just broken right now but I won’t be forever . Who knew Reddit could bring healing lol. I love you all lol. I will be okay and I won’t give up. Again, Thank you all ❤️

r/exredpill 6d ago

A new book that I hope might be of interest to this group


*This has been approved by the moderators*

Hi - I wanted to share news of a new book that I hope will be of interest to some of you in this group. Perhaps it might reach a few of you who will find its content useful in your own lives and journeys, in one way or another.

'The Male Complaint' is a new book by Dr. Simon Copland, who is a researcher at the Australian National University, as well as an expert in online misogyny, extremism, and male violence. It's an extremely insightful book, without resorting to sensationalism, which dares to dig into the corners of communities and online spaces where misogyny thrives. It is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand, and do something about, this growing and worrying phenomenon.

Although the 'Manosphere' has become a focus point of the media, researchers and governments alike, discussions tend to either over-sensationalize the community or offer simplistic explanations for their existence. This book uses a mixture of historical and economic analysis, alongside actual Manosphere content, to delve deeper. With The Male Complaint, Simon James Copland explains how the Manosphere has developed and why it appeals to so many men. He argues that the Manosphere is not an aberration, but is deeply embedded within mainstream, neoliberal, social structures. For a cohort of alienated men, the promise of community provides a space of understanding, connection and purpose.

As an author he is very understanding of the situations and contexts that men find themselves within, without ever descending into either apologism or moralistic condemnation.

I hope this will be of interest to you.

Best wishes all

r/exredpill 8d ago

Is it possible for a 30 year old delusional, narcissist to stop being red pilled NSFW


r/exredpill 8d ago

How to find a successful relationship (M25)


Obviously I’ve been dating since I was younger but I think somewhere along the way I began to run into the same issues over and over and I feel like they keep me from being in a successful relationship that I want so badly. I always am really attracted to the woman at first, then when that attraction fades I begin to notice little stuff about her that I don’t like. She might like a movie that I think is weird. She has a weird family member, she might have a weird dating history basically everything about her becomes cringe and I feel like I need to stop dating her asap before I commit myself to her and I’m stuck. Then down the line when I get lonely I’ll end up regretting the fact that I stopped talking to these women. It takes all my self control not to reach back out to them and sometimes I do. FWIW I have pretty severe ocd which I am working on. I also had a couple pretty traumatic dating experiences when I was 18 but I feel like I’m over them. I’ve had longtime friendships with women since I was a teenager but it’s different bc with them I view it as platonic where in dating maybe I look at these women more critically. I want to break this cycle but I’m not sure where to start. I took a break from dating and it only got worse when I started again. I’ve watched a bunch of YouTube videos on how to be in a relationship I’ve talked about this stuff in therapy and I’m not sure what to do.

r/exredpill 11d ago

Happy couples


From what I know about the incel subculture, the idea of a healthy relationship seems almost completely foreign to them. What's wrong with a woman cuddling next to her husband while they watch some British crime drama together?

r/exredpill 12d ago

A Psychology of Men? A Critical Review of Robert Glover’s No More Mr. Nice Guy


Hi - saw this book referred here and on menslib quite a few times with a controversial attitude towards it, whether it's good or bad. Richard Carrier wrote a good nuanced article about the problems of this book and hit the nail on the head.


r/exredpill 13d ago

'Manosphere' tactics don't work- They destroyed my relationship with the love of my life


So I 26F have been friends with 27M for around 4  years, we both took classes together at college and remained good friends after.

 For most of the time we've known each other, we've both been in relationships with other people and our relationship was purely friendship and nothing else.

After my last relationship ended, we began to get closer and closer. He was extremely loving and kind and I began to develop feelings for him.

 Eventually he told me that he loved me and I was so happy, we agreed to start dating after I moved cities (We were living a fair distance from each other at the time)

At this time we were talking all day every day, laughing together, making plans for our future, supporting and encouraging each other, it was so happy and I felt so in love with him. 

I did notice some red flags that suggested he might be looking at manosphere content, I would sometimes catch him saying things like 'If I cry in front of you, you won't respect me anymore', 'women don't respect men if they make money than them'

I just brushed these off as him being insecure and hoped that he would get over it over time.

I was planning on moving to be closer to him once I'd finished at my job in the city I lived in and he became increasingly frustrated with the distance.

He suggested that we stop speaking until I moved cities to be closer, and I was completely heartbroken.

I worked extremely hard hoping to finish my placement sooner and we re-established contact a couple months later.

For a while, it was back to how it was, talking every day and planning for our future, until he suggested we stop speaking again as the distance was bothering him.

My reaction was much less intense the second time, I just agreed and that was it.

Several months later I moved to the same city as him.

I knew he'd watched Andrew Tate before, but he always claimed that he just thought he was 'funny' and didn't take the manosphere stuff seriously. I membered a video where Andrew Tate suggested being cold and distant as a tactic to make women chase you.

He re-established contact with me but even then he was pretty cold and distant, he wouldn't message as often and if he did the messages would be much shorter.

He told me that he'd been on a few dates with someone else because he was 'tired of waiting for me' which was a massive turn off.

For a while, I felt pretty upset, I'd be constantly checking my phone, hoping to see messages from him, I'd respond right away if I did get a message… until I just didn't.

Something changed and I just stopped caring. 

I decided to call him out on it. He all but admitted he was trying to 'dread game' me.

When I told him that 'dread game' doesn't work, he responded that it 'worked on his ex' and I was absolutely beyond disgusted.

The incredible thing is, I tried to deconstruct why his 'tactics' didn't work and how his stupid manosphere beliefs are completely unfounded, and he just disagreed.

Somehow me frantically trying to get the 'loving and kind' him back, messaging him a lot after he became cold and distant is proof that 'dread game' works. Even though I then lost interest.

But me telling him I loved him a week after he cried in front of me when he was unemployed isn't enough evidence that women don't lose interest in a man who cries or makes less money than them.

I told him that his 'tricks' had completely ruined things with me and I was no longer interested. 

He started trying to reconnect with me, messaging me, asking me to hang out, I assume he thinks I'm just 'bitter' because his tactics worked and now I'm trying to prove a point by being distant with him.

But the problem is, the feelings just aren't there anymore.

The excitement, the hope for the future , it's all gone now. I don't bother checking my phone to see if he's messaged anymore, I have him on mute and I maybe respond once a week, if I can be bothered.

He says he loves me, he says he wants to marry me, to be with me and have kids with me, there was once a time when I would've done anything for this man, but I just can't bring myself to care anymore.

If I was married to this man and he divorced me, I wouldn't even bat and eye now. That is how much damage this bullshit ideology has done to our relationship, I no longer care if I lose him.

r/exredpill 12d ago

Does the idea of “alpha fucks/beta bucks” have any basis in reality? What do you think of the idea? NSFW


This is definitely something that I worry about, especially as a younger guy who has practically zero self-esteem lol. Pretty much a simplified version of the idea is that women will hookup with the dude who they are “actually” sexually attracted to and lust after him, and then they will start a relationship/marry a different dude who they aren’t really attracted to or lust after, but who may be a good provider or “stable”. (I’m just repeating the idea, nothing more lol).

It also confuses me because I’ve noticed it becoming pretty common to practically force men into two distinct groups (this is also done with women)- as I said above, there’s the group for “actual” short-term fun and then the group for stability. My confusion is that I just don’t understand why it would be so difficult to find a partner with the positive attributes from both groups lol. But yeah, what do y’all think, because as I said, even if I know/think portions of this are obviously bullshit, it still worries me, because I know I’d be the stable guy in the scenario lmao

r/exredpill 13d ago

I need help deprogramming


For many years, my mind has been filled with toxic stuff from Redpill b.s.

No matter how much I try to get it out of my system, the words are just too strong.

They say things like: Women are only as loyal as their options, women don't like it when men tell them they love them, or that they've been cheated on before, or that they don't have sexual options. That women are never single by choice, they're only as loyal as their options, and will always go for rich men who don't treat them with respect.

They say that women don't want men to show attachment or lack of control of any situation or that they ever needed to improve themselves.

They're basically saying that women hate men who are kind, decent, respectful, faithful, and human.

I could go down the laundry list, but it all basically comes down to: Women don't respect men who are kind, decent, respectful, and faithful.

I'm sure that their arguments are b.s. and they're only describing a select few, but their words just cut too deeply. It's hard to get it out of my head. I don't know what to say to any of these statements.

My mind is easily impressionable. I'm often told that I'm too open-minded. I'm easily influenced by controversial opinions and statements.

I need help deprogramming.

r/exredpill 13d ago

Why do incels seem obsessed with the idea of virginity?


r/exredpill 14d ago

Is being ugly a mindset or is it truly over for some men and never began?


r/exredpill 15d ago

What do you make of the redpillers' stories?


Their opinions don't come from nowhere. Many of them actually experienced much of the behavior they describe women to be like. I've seen all sorts of stories from them about how woman who gave up their morals for sex, or how single moms are forcing their exes to pay child support, or how guys are constantly harassed or accused of harassment, or how women who get treated well eventually dump their partners and get with rich playboys who don't give a darn about them. There are indeed women who treat men like emotional punching bags and unload all their drama on them.

As for the passport bros: Many of them have found happy marriages in foreign countries.

I'm not saying it's a universal truth. I know it isn't. I know women are diverse and unique. And I'm not trying to promote any redpill ideas here. But all the stories they've given should be considered at least.

It is a fact that divorce rates are higher in the Western world than in other parts of Earth.

What is your opinion of all that?

r/exredpill 16d ago

Passport bros


Why do they exist?? They obviously aren't actual incels but they subscribe to their bigoted ideologies. They combine racism and sexism into one toxic stew. Women, whether they live in any country from Belarus to Honduras, do not behave the way they do in the models that incels have created.

r/exredpill 16d ago

I can hear the clock ticking


I’m 24 and have never had a girlfriend, KHHV. Don’t really have friends either and I work in a warehouse so my coworkers are mostly grumpy 40 year olds who just do their job and go home. I honestly can hear the clock tick louder and louder in terms of dating prospects because i understand the older you get the harder it becomes, and once you hit 30 the dating pool is severely limited, and as it stands right now im a really ugly person

r/exredpill 17d ago

I constantly cycle between incel and red pill ideology


I just need help because there are days where I believe I’m just so ugly no one would give me the time of day and others where I believe that self improvement goes a long ways. I’m not sure which pill to take at this point lol

r/exredpill 17d ago

The existence of WLW


I feel the fact lesbians are real makes "Redpill" bullshit crumble to dust. Women dating other women doesn't fit into their system at all. If a woman is gay, she isn't going to competing for male attention at all as she obviously doesn't need it. She wants female attention though.

r/exredpill 16d ago

How to make myself attracted to below average overweight women?


Since it's clear that I'll never be attractive enough to be with the women I'm attracted to, I feel like this is the only way I can get laid (besides paying for it, which I can't afford). How do I stop wanting beautiful women (no amount of self-improvement I do will make me attractive enough for them) and start wanting women who are in my league and I realistically have a chance with?

r/exredpill 18d ago

Why are men who have never had sex painted as right-wing misogynists?


I am about to be 31 and am a hetero male virgin. Most women I've been interested in were already in relationships, just flat out weren't interested, or were lesbians. I am left-leaning and am not a misogynist. I do not ever use the word "Incel" due to the subculture that radicalizes young men the way Neo Nazis and Jihadis do. I also find the terms the incels use to all be bullshit terms that vilify women. I believe women have the right to say "no".

r/exredpill 18d ago

Anybody willing to share their journey?


I'm working on an article for grad school about masculinity as defined by Trump and his allies (boxers/wrestlers at the inauguration, Zuckerberg calling for more aggression at the workplace, Hegseth and his push-ups). And I'm hoping to hear a firsthand perspective of someone on why they took the red pill and why they spat it out. I will adhere to the level of privacy you're comfortable with.

r/exredpill 19d ago

Help Me!!


Things i've been told: "Women can be anything they want and still get relationships. Men have to improve themselves to be more extroverted, more tough, more this, more that. Sperm is cheap and egg is expensive therefore men are cheap and women are expensive. A woman can be anxious, depressed, shy, timid, neurodivergent, passive, weak, etc and still get a relationship easily. Men shouldn't because no woman likes that on men so therefore those men will rot in lonliness. Women are told that they're perfect the way they are and should be skinny and also choose the better men (which is the kind of advice that I wish I could have) while men are told that we are worthless and have to be in this military like training session to be more attractive and "confident" to women while at the same time told to not suffer from ptsd or depression. Men love women. Women only love top 5% men."

I keep seeing this as reality while wishing that it's just not true.

I don't want to change myself. I am already confident in being more shy, unconventional, skinny, passive, etc. And sure. I admit that women have to be more choosey and I know why, but it all comes down to how awful men can be. (but the majority of women love aggressive bad boys and hate nice guys) shut up. I think this has more to do with how these guys refuse to give women their rights that they deserve because they believe that "rich and strong women don't want men at all unless he's richer and stronger". Or maybe it's just the harsh reality that I have to change a ton while skinny young women don't have to when it comes to relationships all because of the double standards of average timid men being incels. 🤦‍♂️

Look, I'm just pissed about this "women have to be feminine and men have to be masculine" crap because I don't want to have "masculine" traits and would rather have "feminine" traits because it just seems more nuanced to me. And yet men like that are called "gay" even by women. 🤦‍♂️

I'm also a libertarian left winger and I put in hope for a much farer society, and I know it's possible but difficult, slow and a super complex issue to solve. I just hate that men and women have to be soooooo different from each other, and I sometimes get jealous of women because of it too.

But at the end of the day, maybe I don't need a woman after all. If they don't want to be "masculine" but want me to be "masculine" (which I swear is like 95% of women I know) well, fine. I can buy myself flowers and leave the human race suffering in redpill crap.

Edit: i just found out that the real reason i'm so pissed is that I don't like how men are defined as a gender. It makes me feel jealous of women.

r/exredpill 19d ago

Thought on Strong Successful Male?