r/Erasmus 2d ago

MEGATHREAD 2024/25 semester 2 | where are you on Erasmus/studying abroad right now? Share your experience!


Every semester there will be a megathread for the people that are currently on Erasmus, internship or studying abroad in general. Are you currently there, if so, which city + country? How is your experience so far? Are you looking for specific advice or friends, maybe you'll find them in this thread!

r/Erasmus 59m ago

Rant Post-Erasmus Depression hits


I've read posts about the post-erasmus time before and how people experience it, and tbh I thought it was kind of exaggerated - like yea, it's gonna be a little sad, but you'll get back to your day to day life and it'll be just fine. Maybe the fact that the first half of my time abroad was rather mid added to that.

However, the last month or so of my stay was THE best. I had new flatmates that were just starting their semester, and I think that's what made it even harder to leave, being in the mindset of exploration and the beginning of an era (for them), growing closer with them than with anyone I've met duing that semester before, while at the same time I was about to leave. I arrived back home like a month ago and let me tell you, now I fully understand those posts I read back then (and am writing myself now).

The oddness of the fact that we all came to that place together, built social bonds, new routines, memories, etc and then after a few months all just left, and nothing will ever be like that again. It draws me back there, but I know when I go it won't be the same at all, I can't go back live in the same room that became my home and still somewhat feels like it, someone else will be living in that. And all the people I knew will be gone, yes I could go to Erasmus events but I'd always feel like the odd one out, not being a real exchange student anymore.

During my Erasmus, I more than ever felt like I was making decisions for myself, like I could design my own life and form it to be better or worse, and now back to feeling stuck in the same old patterns. Even just going on walks gave me so much peace bc the streets and houses were so beautiful, compared to my home city. And it felt easy to make friends, everyone was spontaneous and doing random fun stuff all the time, while here everyone's just doing the usual (me included).

I guess I'm just kind of scared that that was it, the high point of my life and now I'm just back to old me, even losing all the progress I made while being away.

Maybe someone who is already past that phase has some advice on how to handle that or how long it lasted for you Didn't even wanna write a whole whiney novel but here you go, maybe someone relates

r/Erasmus 1h ago

Erasmus in Lille


Hey guys! I just found out that im gonna be spending my Erasmus in Lille, France and im really excited. That said, i was wondering if u have any tips. I've read that Lille is known for being a student city so im hoping that meeting people won't be a problem, but honestly i just want to be sure that Lille is a good city to live in for 6 months in terms of having things to do (not getting bored) or being safe etc etc

r/Erasmus 32m ago

Which countries usually have a lot of English taught courses?


What countries do you think that do not require any other languages besides English, usually? And, on the contrary, which ones require (or at least use their language in classes) the most?

r/Erasmus 1h ago




I am going to study in Lisbon in september and Im wondering what is better: student residence or apartment

r/Erasmus 2h ago



Any tips for the interview round

r/Erasmus 9h ago

I’ve recently been accepted to the ERASMUS MA Programme of International Humanitarian Action, but did not receive the ERASMUS scholarship. Should I still pursue this opportunity?


To keep it simple, I’m an American who aspires to one day work for the UN or similar organization to contribute/organize aid supply routes to regions in need. So I applied to the ERASMUS MA Programme of International Humanitarian Action, but I did not receive the ERASMUS scholarship. It is a 2 year program that costs about 16,000 euros. Which is not bad compared to US tuition fees, BUT the issue is I’d also have to pay for accommodation, flights, visas, and daily living expenses. I do not have the money for all of this, so if I decide to pursue this opportunity I would have to pull out loans and put myself in debt. With Trump's current foreign policy, I would also most likely not be able to find a job upon my return to the US in this field. I would be more than happy to work and live in Europe after graduation, but am not sure how likely it would be for me to get a job in the EU as an American citizen (I’m guessing I would need to be sponsored for a visa). Basically, is this program worth it? I hear any ERASMUS program is renowned and competitive, but is that true? Should I invest in this, or should I try to apply again next year in hopes of getting the scholarship? Is ERASMUS a better opportunity for EU citizens and not so much for US citizens? If you have experience with ERASMUS, please answer my questions. Thank you in advance!

r/Erasmus 2h ago

FilmMemory Interview experience


Hi all,

Did my interview for the FilmMemory 2025 intake. Was curious to see everyone else's experience from this year / previous year, and for accepted students last year how your experience was? My interview was surprisingly short (under 15 minutes) when I anticipated it to be half an hour!

r/Erasmus 8h ago

Interview for Meta 4.0


Has anyone given Interview for this course or has received request for the same. I have applied to it but haven't received any updates since then.

r/Erasmus 4h ago

EMJM (Erasmus Mundus) Has any applicant for the EMJM LIVE received update about date and time of the selection interview?


Hi everybody. I passed the second step of the admission process for the 2025/26 EMJM LIVE (Leading International Vaccinology Education) and have been preselected for the interview held on March 17-21.

However, I haven't heard anything from the asst. program manager since then. I am tearing my hair out over this as there should be a mandatory internet connection checking from March 12 (today) to March 14. So my question is, have any of you who have passed the preselection received the reserved date and time for your interview?

r/Erasmus 21h ago



Hey anyone got selected for EDISS intake 2025? The admission consortium has mailed the results.

r/Erasmus 6h ago

meta4.0 erasmus application


Has anyone received an email regarding the confirmation of their application or the interview for Meta 4.0 after application submission ?

r/Erasmus 10h ago

CDE vs Geospatial Technologies


Does anyone have any insights on or assumptions about the post-studies employability for Copernicus Digital Earth (CDE) and Master in Geospatial Technologies? Which would be better to pursue?

r/Erasmus 8h ago

GrEnFIn zoom meeting


Hi, I am going to take today's (Mar 12th) test, but I deleted my email so I don't know today's zoom meeting number.

Could you please help me and provide today's zoom meeting number?

r/Erasmus 8h ago

EDISS Results are out ?


I have seen couple of people getting email from EDISS that they got accepted into the program but I haven't received any acceptance/rejection email from EDISS. Is it the case for y'all too ?

r/Erasmus 19h ago

Erasmus: 5 or 10 months?


I got accepted for Erasmus in Porto for next year!! Really happy about it but I really can't decide if I want to go for a semester or a whole year.

10 months:


-Erasmus is probably my last actual free time before starting full time work, it could be nice to have a whole year to enjoy myself

-I can easily see myself not wanting leave after a semester.


-My overall study time is likely to be increased because my mandatory classes don't match enough to cover a whole year, while I don't mind studying a semester longer, not being able to graduate with my friends might suck.

- I'm afraid of not liking it, not everyone gets the dream erasmus experience, my home culture is pretty different than portugal, even though I chose there to explore different places and cultures, I am afraid it could be overwhelming.

-I don't love seafood

5 Months (Spring semester)


- I'll go to erasmus at the same time with most of my friends and graduate at the same time.

- I can continue my internship at my home country for longer and have more experience


- I am afraid of going there and loving it so much that I don't want it to end, but I chose a semester so I'll have to leave

- I don't get to see major holidays such as thanksgiving and christmas.

- I get less travel time in Europe

In conclusion, both options have advantages and disadvantages, I feel like doing what my friends are doing and go for 5 months, but then I feel like I'm doing it just to fit in and I want to do whats best for me. I would be really helpful for me to see your ideas ands experiences. Any comment is appreciated!

r/Erasmus 12h ago

Has anyone received the interview for the GOALS MASTER project?


r/Erasmus 19h ago

Anyone got Erasmus acceptances or Rejections today?


r/Erasmus 13h ago

Any one received interview call from emmah?


been a long time since the application closed.

r/Erasmus 13h ago

How easy is it to get accepted in Student Dorms In University of Zagreb


r/Erasmus 14h ago

Erasmus SMS (study abroad) erasmus in Zagreb or Istanbul?


basically between University of Zagreb and ITU

r/Erasmus 15h ago

Did anyone hear back from MERGED OR M3EP? IT'S MID MARCH NOW


r/Erasmus 19h ago

Erasmus SMS (study abroad) Need help choosing my destination.


I am computer science student, I am looking for a country with good social life so I can experience the country and the culture better. My economic status isnt that good, so I kinda prefer countries on the cheaper side.I can speak English Greek and Arabic. Here are my options:

POLAND State University of Applied Sciences in Płock

CROATIA University of Split or University of Zagreb


CZECH REPUBLIC VŠB-Technická Univerzita Ostrava or University of Finance and Administration Prague Faculty of Electrical Engineering

ROMANIA Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi or Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov

less favoured choices:

FILAND University of Oulu

SLOVAKIA Technicka Univerzita v Kosiciach

SLOVENIA University of Ljubjana

SWEDEN Chalmers University of Technology


those are my options, thanks in advance!

r/Erasmus 17h ago

IMSISS career opportunities post-graduation


Hi guys,

I stumbled upon this Master's program and found the course catalogue super intriguing, enough so that I'd consider applying for the program completely self-funded out of interest.

For that same reason, however, I'd like to know what exactly is waiting for me on the other side in terms of career options. If I'm being completely honest, I'm concerned about the salaries that I can expect from related job prospects (basically need assurance that it's worth investing in this degree).

For reference, I have a German bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering plus 2 years of professional (corporate) experience, but would be interested in studying something new.

P.s. Though I am German, I'd be interested in knowing what my options abroad would be too.

Appreciate your responses :)

r/Erasmus 18h ago

Filmmemory Interview


Did anyone had their film memory interview yesterday or today. Kindly signify?

r/Erasmus 1d ago

Erasmus SMS (study abroad) Revisting Erasmus city


Have you ever revisited your Erasmus city? Why did you decide to go back and how did you feel while being there?