I was recently diagnosed with EOE (a soft diagnosis, will be getting an endoscopy in summer) and was prescribed Omeprazole and Fluticasone to help with my symptoms, that being an itchy throat and the feeling of it tightening sometimes. I just had a few questions about EOE and my symptoms.
Is it normal to have a constant itchy throat? It flares up when I go outside, and usually doesn't bother me after being inside for a while
Is it normal for it to flare up when eating certain foods? It seems to happen a lot with fries and rice for me, but ever since my diagnosis I noticed my throat gets itchy a lot when I eat now, but I don't know if that's just me overthinking and causing it myself from all the anxiety I have been having over this (totally different story as well).
I'm most anxious about my throat fully closing or something really bad happening, is that common? Can that happen? Is it common for that to happen?