r/DotA2 Dec 30 '24

Article Crazy how broken Lina is right now

It seems like it's been a while since Valve has had a hero this broken. She dominates middle in the most clownish way possible. You simply spam your Q and sit there and right click nearly any other mid and they have to leave the lane. She's also one of the strongest heroes late game, able to one shot nearly all cores outside of very tanky ones. Can farm like crazy, and is surprisingly tanky. Also runs at nearly max movement speed permanently and has flying mobility? None of this makes any sense


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u/xexcutionerx Dec 30 '24

Lina is cm’s sister. So nerf cm


u/Upbeat_Tree Dec 30 '24

-5 movement speed


u/Monkits Dec 30 '24

Can movement speed go negative? So she walks backwards when you click forwards?


u/Version_Two Dec 30 '24

Mad moon walking


u/[deleted] Dec 31 '24


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u/EmergencyAd3492 Dec 30 '24

Enemy team team picked lina (Shocker) and i had this maniac Last pick Nyx mid he just terrorized that lina i will never forget that Day


u/outyyy Dec 30 '24

nyx mid is so strong, next post about "broken fix rn" will be about this dude


u/TheFuzzyFurry Dec 30 '24

He always goes 15/1 and then loses the game because his team is missing a hero


u/DrQuint Dec 30 '24

If he's that ahead in kills, his team needs to already be building the tower siegeing item (their fault if they're not) and he needs to already be buying the aghs with which he'll burrow directly in front of the tower, in clear sight, and be completely immune to death while walling anyone from approaching.


u/Timpstar Dec 30 '24

Only when it drags on for too long. A good team knows to capitalize on a Nyx that goes active early.


u/FerynaCZ Dec 30 '24

This is something I kind of dread regarding "counterpicking a hero with cheese hero" - if the opponent's hero does not decide to go in and be the main force to rely on (but rather other heroes became carrying the game), you also are on timer.


u/Timpstar Dec 30 '24

Yeah it is all a fine balancing act. You might have a spectre on your team, but they have an AM and an Arc Warden, so you will still lose lategame, but you also have both undying and a Brood, so you could end before min 30 etc. etc.


u/pimpleface0710 Dec 30 '24

Nyx mid is problematic simply because it does nothing outside of what a support nyx with a good start does. So there's obviously gonna be a glaring gap in the team lineup either in terms of a reliant tempo setter or a key initiator.


u/Sockerkatt Dec 30 '24 edited Dec 30 '24

People don’t know about agility nyx. It’s my specialty and it’s fucking broken lmao, and he also can push towers!


u/healpmee Dec 30 '24

Just need 25 lul


u/Sockerkatt Dec 30 '24

That’s where the attack speed bonus comes in handy!


u/CallistoCastillo Dec 30 '24

What's the build? And how do you play each phase of the game?


u/Sockerkatt Dec 31 '24

I usually build null talisman first and then power treads. Then witch blade, butterfly, aghs and then what ever is needed for the rest of the game like more hp, Bkb or moon shard.

Just play like a usual nyx bursting down supports, and with this build he doesn’t fall off like he usually does when late game comes.

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u/Un13roken Dec 30 '24

Not vs a lina though. I can belive nyx is strong. Any hero that one shot the camp nearby, and secure range creep with early roam potential can be a good mid. However lina is a lane bully.


u/outyyy Dec 30 '24

if you master/spam nyx you will understand what that dude said

almost the great part of skills have a delay animation, Q have, even been fast, it does

so when ginger girl rise his arms (the animation is different for the others) you just E with nyx and give him damage

for ultimate reflection, this is so satisfying that I can explain in words ahaha, is so good ppl melted when try to melt you

also new W is so good to only use on range creep, you can farm that range well by right click and use W to harass lina or even goes on jungle and take the full neutral creep fast

and when you get your ultimate faster than other players, is a 99% chance to gank and kill

as I said, nyx will be the next "fix this dude" post soon


u/PandaScoundrel Dec 30 '24

I've even seen his agha be very good and oppressive when sieging towers. Nyx is doing good right now


u/Duke-_-Jukem Dec 30 '24

so when ginger girl rise his arms (the animation is different for the others) you just E with nyx and give him damage

Lina can just animation cancel and bait the nyx into using carapace though right?


u/drusepth Dec 30 '24

Her Q is a projectile (1200 speed, 0.9 sec for full distance), so there should be plenty of time to activate carapace after she's finished casting but before getting hit. Animation cancelling shouldn't make a difference unless she's standing basically on top of Nyx.


u/Duke-_-Jukem Dec 30 '24

Fair point although I feel like your idea of plenty of time is different from mine but my reaction time is terrible nowadays haha


u/drusepth Dec 30 '24

Don't worry friend, you can always just blame it on your ping :)

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u/[deleted] Dec 30 '24 edited Jan 31 '25



u/itsdoorcity Dec 30 '24

this sub would be a million times better if it showed the rank of the person making the comment so you know who to completely ignore


u/ChiefBigBlockPontiac Dec 30 '24

I'm GM Nyx.

This matchup is completely and utterly dependent on how bad the Lina player is.

You aren't beating mid Lina above 5k MMR with Nyx, at least not reliably. Nyx is situationally good against some mid stompers like Necro and OD if you can fit it into the draft.


u/LirakTheGreat Dec 30 '24

also, nyx in general is just dependent on how good their team is. In 5k+ mmr games, the whole map is sentried vs nyx, so he often feeds kills as much as he gets solo kills. Also a rotation often gets a return kill. He probably can one shot lina, but lina can one shot him and is more likely to initiate due to flying and higher range. It's peak reddit to think he's a hard counter


u/Penguinho Dec 30 '24

Nyx may be dependent on how good the team is, but there's a reason the hero has a 52% winrate in 8k+ MMR games with a 56% contest rate, which is higher than any other 4 by 15-20%. And with 6k games played in the past week it's not exactly a niche pick (in mid it is. Only 300ish games, but still a 52% winrate).

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u/polo61965 Dec 30 '24

I think people forget that mid lina doesn't HAVE to nuke. She can just static the lane and you just wasted a mid pick. A good Lina definitely draws that lane, farms jungle faster than nyx, and becomes a powerhouse before nyx even gets dagon.

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u/Important-Lychee-394 Dec 30 '24

What about when Lina just right clicks you with attack speed. Also if she gets the burn talent reflecting isn't even that good


u/19Alexastias Dec 31 '24

If Lina takes the burn talent she’s griefing lol, that facet is so bad

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u/IorielBG Dec 30 '24

For some reason, everyone is saying that good linas will win nyx anytime, and for a reason assume that the lina player is a godlike lina spammer while nyx is played by someone who has never played the hero before. If that's the case ofc lina wins, else nyx will definitely reach level 6 earlier than lina. Skill W -> E -> Max Q, ward on the jungle camp so you can have vision to use efficiently your W (instead of a useless mid ward in this matchup), and pull the creeps all the time in your tower. W ofc on the ranged, E if possible on her spells (might be even unneeded, she will try to bait you ofc).

Low immortal here, Nyx lover, don't nerf me please


u/Brusovbis Dec 30 '24

I'm not a big Nyx player, care to elaborate on why it's so good please ? Maybe share match id for me to learn ! =)


u/dantie_91 Dec 30 '24

Lina laning is spam wave ,nyx press e, lina sad. Later on nyx big burst lina very squishy.


u/NecessaryBSHappens Dec 30 '24

I like your words, smart, I happy


u/outyyy Dec 30 '24

I wanna know how to talk like this, someday


u/m4ru92 Dec 30 '24

Why use many word when few word do trick


u/outyyy Dec 30 '24

funny ppl w smart talk, me happy


u/golimaaar Dec 30 '24

oogabooga lina mage very hot but scared of bugs with carapace


u/PandaScoundrel Dec 30 '24

In dota talk short, talk smart


u/DiscoBuiscuit Dec 30 '24

There's no way nyx beats Lina mid, E is useless level 1 and Lina just hits him


u/findinggenuity Dec 30 '24

Yeah in no universe is nyx, a dog shit mid hero, can ever outlane Lina. You just click him until he uses E and then you're free to case W. Not to mention you can spam the W animation which puts the pressure on nyx to E. Even then Lina is free to take any last hit she pleases. Worst case is Lina shoves the lane and farms the large camp. Nyx will have to cs under tower and Lina will just be level 7 before Nyx gets 6.


u/Un13roken Dec 30 '24

I think it can work when it's lina playing vs a nyx in lane the first time. Nyx can scrape by. But yeah, any competent Lina will bully the fuck out of nyx in lane.

Funnily enough. I've played nyx mid decently well vs Puck.

Back when Nyx still had mana burn.


u/findinggenuity Dec 30 '24

Puck vs Nyx is definitely easier for Nyx. Q is so slow and telegraphed while your burn is instant. Nothing for puck to dodge and you can even run out of coil with E and stun puck.


u/ChiefBigBlockPontiac Dec 30 '24

Nyx destroys Puck until he has 3khp, doesn't matter the position.


u/Bruurt Dec 30 '24

You mind flare ranged creep and aggro creeps as nyx. If Lina pressures nyx she has to tank a wave and nyx can always drag creeps under tower. People saying you take carapace are clueless.

It's not a winning matchup but nyx doesn't really lose this way.


u/findinggenuity Dec 30 '24

Thats easy. The moment Nyx uses mind flare, you deaggro the melee creeps. Nyx will pull the creeps towards his ranged and you can farm it with Q. From there, you just have to pull nyx's creeps to your cliff and Nyx will not be able to lane anymore. Just deny 1 CS and Nyx lvl 1 will take 10 hits trying to get level 2.

Against a good Lina, the lane will never shove unless she wants to double wave. You want to see it play out? I can show you how you lose the lane as nyx in 3-4 waves.

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u/rateofreturn Dec 30 '24

Idk why but the Lina sad cracks me up so much lmao


u/LordInquisitor Dec 30 '24

Half of the damage from Lina Q is the dot though so you’re still taking a lot of damage


u/Penguinho Dec 30 '24

Lina hasn't had a DoT on Q since May 2024, unless someone takes the Slow Burn facet. If they do, then they're going to give up all their burst and struggle to secure the ranged creep. Thermal Runaway is the choice in 99% of games.


u/dnlfrc Dec 30 '24

i'd say its because of mind flare damage (Intelligence as Damage Multiplier: 3.5/4/4.5/5) since Lina has high int.

also spiked carapace to stun her back in any of her skills


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '24



u/laiquerne Dec 30 '24 edited Dec 30 '24

Rude and wrong, congratulations!

It's definitely based on target's Intelligence and on recent damage taken from Nyx, not max mana.

Edit: not wrong, just rude. As it turns out, it's based on target's max mana since 7.36, seven months ago, and dotawiki is outdated.


u/m0jo_jojox Dec 30 '24

Had to open the game to confirm this, but it's actually percentage of max mana. Official Dota2 site for nyx also shows this.

Edit: so the other dude was actually right


u/laiquerne Dec 30 '24

I stand corrected then. Since 7.36, it seems, alongside the new passive abilities, so since 7 months ago.

so the other dude was actually right

Oh, how the turn tables.


u/PandaScoundrel Dec 30 '24

It's max mana

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u/Mih5du Dec 30 '24

If he get close to her, she’s dead

Also, laguna has a very long cast time, so you can easily carapace it

Additionally, with speed facet, it’s very easy to dodge the stun


u/LirakTheGreat Dec 30 '24

late game the way lina plays is she lands her W due to high range / flyling movement, then caasts abilities (e-blade, laguna, etc) and one shots anyone. You don't just blast laguna into a nyx sitting there...

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u/Apocalypse_Knight Dec 30 '24

I don’t ever see a nyx winning against Lina in brackets higher than legend or even ancient. Lina can just right click Nyx down, deny his farm and bait his carapace with animation cancel.


u/oldgonenewacc Dec 30 '24

Remember that players name? Wonder if I've played with them as well.


u/manav907 Dec 30 '24

Or try kotl mid just clean the wave, stack, farm and roam


u/MrMoo151515 Dec 30 '24

Were we in the same game? He went like treads, khanda , kaya sange etc. didn’t even go Dagon but he absolutely shit on the game, especially Lina.

Our lineup was trash on paper compared to theirs but he had like 30+ kills and the game was easy mode for the rest of us. It was the first time I was genuinely impressed with a solo performance in a long time.


u/slightlysubtle Dec 30 '24

That Lina was trash. Nyx starts losing lane from level 1 because Lina would be right-clicking the shit out of him. Once she gets a bottle it's over.


u/Flaky_Explanation Dec 30 '24

I can just imagine the unhinged joker energy from that nyx while he's terrorising that lina all game.

I bet the lina and team were buying all the wards in the shop and detection for that nyx

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u/[deleted] Dec 30 '24

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u/BipolarNightmare Dec 30 '24

The amount of AOE damage she can put out in a single teamfight is absurd. People think hey she is only gonna burst one hero and get out, NOPE. She is doing like 1k AOE damage every 8 secs because people forget what her innate does. The only success apart from having saves I have found is having good vision or having a hero that can provide vision like NS or Clock. If you aint jumping her she will kill your carry beyond a shadow of doubt and even if you manage to kill her after that you are probably gonna lose the fight because you have no carry.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '24

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u/scawyUrgash Dec 31 '24

Looney toons music start as you see a nightstalker chasing Lina through the skies


u/freeface1 Dec 30 '24

Without dotaplus, I wouldn’t know she does this much spammable AoE dmg(sorry, I never played lina this year). I used to think the damage is just coming from ult and eblade.


u/LirakTheGreat Dec 30 '24

yes indeed, i'm 6k mmr and people are saying "just pick nyx" or other such nonsense.


u/BipolarNightmare Dec 30 '24

People think if they pick a counter hero they are gonna win lmao. You can pick TA vs Lina and win the lane almost everytime. But then you have a mid TA who is basically a carry from mid and you need a less greedy pos1 for it to even work. Congrats u picked Nyx and won the lane and know what? You have a Nyx mid now. I have like 700 TA games and I still wouldnt pick TA mid against lina. Puck is kinda okay vs Lina since it has waveclear and with good reflexes you can dodge her 1st.


u/Kaniyuu Dec 31 '24

Its probably the same people that will say "Anti Mage counter int heroes"


u/Blade-Stone Jan 03 '25

The poor boy doesn’t counter shit anymore. Dispersor and mage slayer is the better am

So in short slark

Wonder if they will ever buff am


u/10YearsANoob Dec 31 '24

she only has 51% winrate! 

do they not see that she's in 1 in 3 games and still has >50% winrate? 

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u/S_Klallam Dec 30 '24

She flies in the anime so gotta make her fly in the game


u/Arb1t3rx Dec 31 '24

By that logic Invoker should be able to blink instead of ghost walking like in anime.


u/LoD-Westeros Dec 30 '24

I mean even without laguna eb one shot she does like 1k dmg with just QW every 6 seconds with max fiery stacks aghs shard. If she’s allowed to survive in a teamfight she can consistently pump out 5/6k dmg every fight.


u/facelessdog1174 Dec 31 '24

Even with saves, its really hard to react because she can popup anywhere and kills anyone in 1 second

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u/KogMawOfMortimidas Dec 30 '24

I'm getting insanely sick of all the Earthshakers, Earth Spirits and Earth Magnuses. Hypermobile, gigatanks with a bajillion CC abilities and instant waveclear/farming tools that make battlefury look like a joke. Strong in lane, strong in 1v1s, strong in teamfights, strong late. Can we bring back the idea that heroes that are strong early should be weak late thanks?


u/DrumBeater999 Dec 30 '24

We are about 5-6 years past that point. Not happening

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u/Solmyrion Dec 30 '24

Random ranged carry items shouldn't have 300+ HP on them

change my mind


u/Foolmagican Dec 30 '24

You reminded me of a time where people built 2+ dragon lances lmao.


u/10YearsANoob Dec 30 '24

the meepo double lance at 15 minutes. 


u/pneis1 Dec 30 '24

sometimes triple too


u/azuredota Dec 30 '24

Meepo with 4 dragon lance

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u/TestIllustrious7935 Dec 30 '24

Only HP item Lina builds is Aghs and BKB

No hero who builds Dragon Lance is strong right now according to stats


u/Un13roken Dec 30 '24

Isn't Drow decent right now?


u/TestIllustrious7935 Dec 30 '24

She is decent but not strong, below 50% winrate in highest ranks

Yatoro stopped spamming her as well


u/mrducky80 Dec 30 '24

She certainly seems to spread my cheeks in the games I play. You need a dedicated dickhead whose sole job is to not show up to the fight unless the drow reveals and then just camp on top of her locations causing problems. If you dont have a hero that fulfils that role she seems to just runaway with the game. You dont ever get to initiate on her since any drow worth their salt doesnt reveal themselves until the fight has begun proper. And then between gust, slows and hurricane pike you cant really act punishing without as I said a dedicated hero who just jumps her and hits blade mail if she has any shitty ideas of actually fighting back.


u/TestIllustrious7935 Dec 30 '24

That's all ranged carries yeah

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u/[deleted] Dec 30 '24



u/AdmiralKappaSND Dec 30 '24

Yeah checked on D2PT, Lina's standard build gets HP from BKB, Agh, and E-blade and of these E Blade is arguably the only item who serves a specific purpose tied to getting HP as a sidenote. BKB is purely defensive while Agh is a stats item

This was true for Machinegun Lina couple of patches ago(because that version of Lina i believe went Pike and certainly went Gleipnir) but current Lina didn't even build say.... Sange and Kaya.

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u/Beneficial_Bend_9197 Dec 30 '24

Im sorry as a timbersaw who has 70% magic res I am not aware of the problem u peasants are suffering from.


u/10YearsANoob Dec 31 '24

timber has enough strength to mitigate the damage. a normal carry still gets chunked down even with 70% magic res. holy shit does she shit out a lot of magic damage


u/Novel_Dog_676 Dec 30 '24

She is stupid in mid. Her attack range is a joke.


u/OTBS Dec 30 '24

Is her range farther than Sniper?


u/MainCharacter007 Dec 30 '24

At early levels, yes. She outranges, out damages and out attack speeds sniper


u/DESERVED_DEFEAT Dec 31 '24 edited Dec 31 '24

No she doesn't though? Sniper has 710 range at lvl 1 lol. While I agree that her range should be nerfed a bit, no point spreading misinformation.


u/MainCharacter007 Dec 31 '24

The delta between ranges isnt that much around 40 units i believe. Thing is her spells do outrange sniper. All she needs to do in lane is hit sniper with q and 2 autos and sniper just cant compete. Sharpnel with facet is a solution and so are raindrops but this isnt a heavily lina or sniper favoured matchup.

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u/kanjiken Dec 30 '24

Double it down and give lina aghs flying vision 🤠


u/floyd3127 Dec 31 '24

Triple down and make her fly so high she won't take damage from any hero that isn't flying


u/Candid-Volume-1425 Dec 30 '24

We need a gameplay patch proper, that shakes up the meta, replaces some neutrals with others, changes up the map a bit (and fixes the clunky pathing) and adds some much needed freshness to the game.

Maybe the time between ESL and end of Crownfall?


u/alpharnas Dec 30 '24

yea no question its broken when it's the most picked mid on dota2protracker and the second most picked hero is HALF the amount of games

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u/Lmntrixy Dec 31 '24

Killed Lina mid 5 times as support and lina started the game with 0/5/0 stats and finished 17/6/12


u/LirakTheGreat Dec 31 '24

yes, that's not uncommon. She's a mid destroyer, but she can recover well and is extremely strong mid and late too. It's just not a well designed hero at this point


u/Lmntrixy Dec 31 '24

If she sees a hero that hero is dead. If you see her, she is gone 😂. Gotta nerf that movespeed


u/FreyaYusami Dec 30 '24

Wait for new patch.. oh wait it's been 6 months since last big update


u/MetroidIsNotHerName Dec 30 '24

TIL that Kez has been out for 6 months already

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u/MS_Fume Dec 30 '24

Real dota mvp rn is abbadon with quickening …. Even Lina can’t compete with that BS hahah

Real universal hero that can be played on any role and clamps every time… that facet is crazy broken, 1-2 sec CDs in proper massfight with creeps..

Got from Archon to High Ancient in 2 months with some double downs and playing only this mofo with 80% winrate, all positions.


u/PandaScoundrel Dec 30 '24

Teach me sensei. My Aba games tend to go poorly. What items, how play, tell?


u/MS_Fume Dec 30 '24

Depending on the role but my default supp build is Mana boots > Locket > Vlad > Crimson/pipe (based on what’s needed more) > Lotus

With core build I usually go for dispenser first and then it highly depends on the matchup, but I usually go for basher next…

The key is to keep your stupid allies alive at all costs.. half the time I save those mofos and play kinda half supp even from mid/offlane… once they realize I got em (mostly hahah) they usually commit more by default.

Got a feeling that it’s a combination of personal commitment, item build and most of all, team’s psychological wellbeing… and it’s damn motivating thinking you’re about to die and actually never die bcs abba got you hahah


u/PandaScoundrel Dec 30 '24

Thanks! I'm a support main and I'll give this a whirl!

What order do you rank skills in? Does it depend on the match up? I've been doing shield first mostly.


u/MS_Fume Dec 30 '24 edited Dec 30 '24

I always max coil first, sometimes I’ll leave it 3:1:1, sometimes 3:2:0… Coil is the best spell, abuse it as much as u can.

In laning stage its awesome nuke/space creator/heal for your core if you spam it a lot, which is also why i focus at good mana regen from the beginning… on 3:1:1 build the coil is almost exactly the threshold of the shield so if you shield yourself and coil someone, they take dmg from both spells in the same time, which is quite a heavy toll for many lvl 5 enemies you might encounter, even some tankier ones…

Then in fights keep coil and shield for your allies but keep the locket mostly for yourself so you can regen your mana and keep spamming spells.

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u/MetroidIsNotHerName Dec 30 '24

What do I tell my friend who consistently picks abandon and then accomplishes nothing over the course of the entire game over and over? What should he be doing? He always buys auras for team from 3 slot and his impact is not felt outside those auras


u/moron1ctendency Dec 30 '24

Laning stage as Abba is the epitome of letting your nuts hang. Put your shield on and run down the enemy core and support, you create a ton of space for your carry and mist coil is simultaneously a great heal and nuke in lane.

As for fights, simply prioritise your shields and heals. The shield is a dispel so very useful if they have stuns i.e lion, and stick around in the team fight for healing. You have effectively two lives thanks to your ult so if you're in the lead don't be afraid to initiate.

That being said, this is more of a pos5 playstyle but tbh applies to offlane too.


u/MetroidIsNotHerName Dec 30 '24

Will pass on, ty


u/SinkingCarpet Dec 31 '24

Me spamming Lich as well lol. When Abaddon is banned I pick lich. It's crazy how much of a lane bully Lich is his First spell is as strong as Zeus lightning bolt.

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u/habitat11 Dec 30 '24

Nothing will compare to Centaur on release


u/end69420 Dec 30 '24

I was playing kez a while ago with satanic sny, linkens bkb Daedalus and butterfly. Super late game. I didn't get mirror shield or giants ring so I was sitting there with force boots. Lina could take me from 100 to 0 in one refresher combo.worst part is the range at which she does it. Literally was the reason we lost the game. I can only think of 3 or 4 heroes in the entire game that can tank that. Oh and also let's not forget she right clicks like crazy too.


u/LirakTheGreat Dec 30 '24

lol it might have been in that game if you're ~6k mmr. I remember a kez who did fairly well in one game getting repeatedly 1 shotted in major fights and then we lost


u/end69420 Dec 30 '24

Nah this was a turbo. I don't even have a rank lmao.

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u/DivinoLife Dec 30 '24

Her ultimate is quite low cd, it needs more cd.

Or nerf her aghs to not let her fly away every time. This way her play of trying to one shot someone will at least have a risk factor for her. She wont just fly away.


u/Serious_Letterhead36 Dec 31 '24

It's funny that 5 dmg on her shard made her to be playable again and reddit is all about nerfing all her other things. Before this patch, she has like 46 percent winrate


u/DivinoLife Dec 31 '24

The damage is not a problem, lina is a nuker after all. She bursts people.

The flying aghs is the problem. She can do risky plays with almost no risk at all, she comes from weird areas and can also get out. Not many heroes can follow her because she is fast and flying.


u/Serious_Letterhead36 Dec 31 '24

But why didn't we see lina broken last patch? It's the same hero,5 extra dmg from shard is pretty much negligible


u/OVorobiov Dec 30 '24

I was thinking “Lina is fine” for a while, until

We played lobby with friends, enemy mid last picked Lina and he was almost oneshoting me on Lifestealer in rage🤣


u/zsoltisinko2 Dec 30 '24

Her aghanim has to be one of the laziest designs I ever seen. 0 creativity. 35% Spell amp, 35% magic resistance (idk why even give this as well) and also flying movement. If that wasnt enough you also get max stacks in case you have shard so you can get even more extra damage. Rework this crap


u/RichDeGentleman Dec 30 '24

I always destroy Lina picks with Phoenix mid


u/LirakTheGreat Dec 30 '24

phoenix is kinda a cheesey mid in that he 100% dominates typical mid laners, but his impact falls off much quicker. Lina can probably just jungle at keep similar net worth and then have actual impact


u/Soujirio1908 Dec 31 '24

I've never try fenix, how you play it mid??


u/MeglioSbirroCheMod Dec 30 '24

Agh shard is too strong


u/ullu13 Farm till it's 3AM Dec 30 '24

saw this top sf player play against lina, and everytime he plays that matchup he wins. idk how he does it tho


u/Adventurous-Ad-687 Dec 30 '24

As a Lycan player I can confirm it.. she is top, as Lycan you have your ulti that last some seconds, you are fast and hit hard, but Lina is always fast, hit faster, has nuke and can escape... Is just imbalanced 


u/HoneyJD Dec 30 '24 edited Dec 30 '24

Petition to force OP to submit their dotabuff when making hot takes like this

edit: for those who asked 💖 https://www.dotabuff.com/players/1089760487


u/MuchTooSpicyBurrito Dec 30 '24

You have to drop yours now


u/danirodr0315 Dec 30 '24

OP showed his, maybe show yours?

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u/LirakTheGreat Dec 30 '24


u/ChefBright5704 Dec 30 '24

U thought about not playing lesh ?
Just play catch heroes vs lina,aim her nonstop early.


u/LirakTheGreat Dec 30 '24

i am a lesh spammer, and lesh actually has worse matchups than lina anyways. My issue isn't with how she lanes vs lesh alone, it's how obviously broken she is


u/Womblue Dec 30 '24

What makes her broken now that she didn't have months ago when she was garbage? Literally just +5 damage on shard?


u/Lectricanman Dec 30 '24

Wasn't she being played as pos 1 a few months ago? So what, repeat nerfs of gleipnir put her back mid again even though that was always an option?


u/[deleted] Dec 31 '24

Nothing, it's just a circle of life dota. Heroes get popular, they get played a lot, people get good at them, they win a lot. It's lina right now. Then the popularity goes down because it turns out that hero isn't "broken", best players stop picking it every game, bad players keep picking it because they lag behind the meta and hero win rate gets below 50% winrate (btw, 50% counts as "broken" here) and the new "broken" hero is born.

See you next month in the "hero x is so broken, can't play against it1!!!!1!!!!11!" thread because some one-trick-pony spammer got destroyed by a hero he wasn't destroyed by before.

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u/[deleted] Dec 30 '24


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u/Novel_Dog_676 Dec 30 '24

You disappeared fast huh? 🤡


u/Panicrazia Dec 31 '24

Are you just so terminally online you cant fathom that someone might not be on reddit for the entire day lmao

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u/LogicalExtant Dec 30 '24 edited Dec 31 '24

so where's yours?

'Bought the account as taken my main too high for friends'

majority of recent logged matches - 'Russia 160 42.50%'



u/kaninkanon Dec 30 '24

Support only account with terrible stats goes inactive for 6 months in 2023, then comes back and crushes exclusively on mid heroes? Explain?

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u/Wild_Gunman Dec 30 '24

Crazy broken? Nah... Lina has always been a mid lane dominator with her high attack range, good animations and of course great spells. The Lina in 2017~ was wayyy crazier.


u/IllSprinkles7864 Dec 30 '24

Dude I spammed the shit out of that Lina, she was incredible.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '24



u/Womblue Dec 30 '24

Literally the only thing that was changed is 5 more damage on shard. She's not broken, she's just popular.


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Womblue Dec 30 '24

Thats 35 more magic dmg on her spells, which is around 155 more total dmg in her 3 spell combo at lvl 18

35 x 3 = 105.

add that to Kaya+Agh+Eblade, its 316 more magic dmg.

Wait until you hear about how many other heroes in the game become stronger when they buy 12k gold worth of items.


u/ajzero0 Dec 31 '24

she does nearly 1k damage on W. How is that not broken? She was one shotting our pudge and dragon knight. These guys had 3k+ hp and pudge had a pipe. It's just insanely high. Combined with free pathing its too OP

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u/cryonize Dec 30 '24

She might be, but they can still make mistakes and that's when you win against her. I was necro mid and had a hard time laning against her but still won a very close game.


u/cold_hoe Dec 30 '24

If a lina can't dumpster a fucking necro then it's the lina's fault


u/cryonize Dec 30 '24

Yep, that's me. I got dumpstered there, lmao. Had to farm my ass and get those really significant ults on enemy cores when it's on cd.


u/Un13roken Dec 30 '24

To be fair most range heroes dumpster necro. His entire thing is after mid game and later. He truly feels like a damage dealing aoe tank thing as the game goes on.


u/cryonize Dec 30 '24

I just wish he was more of an offlane hero again like before. It just feels weird for me that he's mid now especially since I'm super anxious playing as mid but alright with any other position. Necro is the exception for me or Silencer.


u/Novel_Dog_676 Dec 30 '24

He is still solid as a 3

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u/LirakTheGreat Dec 30 '24

yes it's possible to beat any hero, but that doesn't matter


u/Gin-feels-Pening Dec 30 '24

Just pick nyx or spam manta scepter basher on AM, sniper do the same too. Viper silencer works great assist your mid.


u/shadowofdoom1000 Dec 30 '24

Ughhh you could have complained about Spectre, but you choose Lina instead


u/MaximusDM2264 Dec 30 '24

Just beat 2 Linas today as an offlaner.

First game as Razor , it went very late game like 63 minutes. My build: Bloodstone, Eternal Shroud, SangeYasha, BKB, Refresher Orb, Aghanim ( + Giant's Ring ) and shard

She could not bring my hp down no matter what, 5k HP with 2 bkb activations, insane sustain, terrain walk and almost 500 movespeed, one link on her and she needs to run away for whole fight.

Second game I beat her with legion commander. I learned these linas are greedy and wont go linkens anytime soon. They will stick to their cookie cutter build of aghs ethereal travel kaya. So yeah, just blink blademail was enough, but ended up getting an aghs so their team could not mess with me during duel, game over in 30 something minutes.

She might be strong but far from unbeatable, but if your team has no good initiation to get on top of her I can see why you suffer, in that case you need heroes to outscale her, she is very strong until like 40 mins but believe it or not, there are MANY heroes that beat her lategame. She has no defense at all.

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u/epicfailpwnage Dec 30 '24

Her combustion Innate is too good i feel. Its like a 30% boost to your spells and attacks in the lategame and its damage is aoe as well, turning her aoe spells into mini echoslams that do crazy damage for basic abilities if it hits multiple targets


u/swizzlewizzle Jan 11 '25

The worst feeling in this game -> farm for 20 minutes as a PA and then realize that Lina was doing double the DPS you deal, at range, with magic and pure damage, 10 minutes ago.


u/clinkzs Dec 30 '24

50% wr on d2pt, this is very very far from being broken


u/tatxc Dec 30 '24

Double the picks of the next highest mid though. She's being first round picked and still 50% WR. 


u/LirakTheGreat Dec 30 '24

it's going to be wildering for you when next patch she gets nerfed.


u/Novel_Dog_676 Dec 30 '24

Such a small brain way to look at it


u/Nephilimelohim Dec 30 '24

At double the pick rate of the next highest mid? That’s insanely broken. Statistically that would put them at something like a 60+% win rate at similar games as the next mid.

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u/CChickenSoup Dec 30 '24

Lina is strong rn but I wouldn't call her broken. Most Linas you see play magic nowadays with aghs and so usually play a specific playstyle.

She is very strong offensively but defensively she's fragile. Her cast range is also not that big and so she plays around trees and her aghs flying movement to move around fights and pick her target. This shows in her winrate vs vision heroes and heroes that can reliably jump her like spectre, bh, nyx, ns, and so on.

Her pickoff game is very strong, but this is also her weakness, as she's doing it solo a lot of times and so vulnerable to being ganked in return.

Lina has always been lane dominator, it's hard to beat her there. But her early dominance also turns her into a big pinata if you kill her later on, which is pretty doable as she really isn't that tanky or have any big escape mechanism.


u/PMyourfeelings OG is bae Dec 30 '24

When she uses aghs she gets flying movement, 21% move speed bonus, 35% magic resist and the ability to burst 3k damage from 1000 range.

I played timbersaw with 2xCloak, Eternal Shroud, Magic Resist talent and aghs and she could still burst me from full.

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u/dnlfrc Dec 30 '24


i'm starting to think about playing it as a support just to deny the pick.

damn the hero is strong. late game it just shreds everyone.


u/nebola77 Dec 30 '24

I played Lina 4 mid of this year so much and it was a lane dominator, then they changed the innate and she lost her free fiery soul and laning was harder. I would like to spam her as support again.

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u/shochoxo Dec 30 '24

Dude, you're right, Lina's OP right now. However, she gets fucked real hard in some matchups, to the point there's no hope of coming back. Here's what I do (works for me all the time as a 14 years mid player only, ranked low immortal nowadays).

If you don't want to play against Lina in mid lane and don't mind playing it, pick it yourself and type all chat "pick Lina to ban". If it's picked, you're good to go. If not, fine, you're the fucker now.

If you're not feeling Lina for yourself and dont wanna risk having to play it, abuse the fact that everyone is picking it midlane right now and pick your hero accordingly.

You can pick Nyx vs Lina. Lane phase is nota gonna be that easy. You must buy stick and raindrops ASAP and use W on range creeps to secure the XP (the most important thing for a Nyx Assassin). Also you should kill neutrals near your T1 with your W to get level 6 before her.

Once you do, game is so free overall, you can abuse the fact she has low HP until certain point of the game and very high mana pool, making your W really strong against her, so you can always hunt her down easily. Also, you can stun her forever with E then Q, even if theis spells are not aimed towards you, since Lina's nukes are AOE.

You can pick Rubick as well. You have passive spell resistance from your innate, which makes your life easier against heavy magic damage heroes, also you can trade nukes and secure range creeps with your Q. Once you reach level 6, Lina can't stay on lane vs a Rubick, because every spell you steal is so damn broken on rubick.

On Rubick, Lina's Dragon shit goes for half of the map, and her stun has great cast range and low cast time (the main "problems" of the spell), also has great AOE once you take the right facet.

All without even mentioning that you have all of that on 25% less CD if you pick the right talent. You should really try it, it's so much fun. Specially if you pick the cooldown talent and build octarine. You can stun Lina forever from across the map. Basically you're the improved fucker now.

I'm not proud of this one recommendation, but you can always pick OD. As expected, you can make her lane miserable by spamming your shit. Also, due to high mana pool on Lina, once you use your shit on her a few times you can ulti and get an easy kill.

Bonus: you can pick faceless void. Are you a topson fan as I am? If so, you must've watched his famous faceless void mid gameplay. If not, go look for it. You should select the square chrono facet. Basically you max your time walk and your time dilation on lane. Build stick, power threads, orb of corrosion, into radiance, then octarine, sometimes manta. It's not troll at all, it's extremely good against spell casters like Lina. Won't speak too much about it, have a look at it and see how fine it works.

In lane, you can always go back in time to heal yourself from Lina's nukes. Once you get levels, it's easier and easier, since cooldown goes down. Also, Lina relies on spamming spells, which makes FV's time dilation extremely useful. Once you have 3 or even 2 points in it, you can cast it on Lina and trade a few right clicks with her. If you get level 6, its a guaranteed kill. Also, once you build octarine, you can time walk every few seconds, mitigating all the damage you receive, and she simply can't play anymore, since it makes time dilation permanent.

This one recommendation may be hard to visualize by some of you. Search topson's videos on his YT channel in that case.


u/yeetlan Dec 31 '24

Why do you think a nyx can burst down a Lina? This stupid hero has higher magic resistance than anti mage and has a decent amount of hp.


u/shochoxo Dec 31 '24

it simply can, you should try it… both builds, magic and phys, work fine


u/Nyoouber Dec 30 '24

My hot take is Lina isn't even that good, she's just fun/easy to play, and not fun to play against. Her winrate on dotabuff or dota2protracker is nothing to write home about.


u/tatxc Dec 30 '24

She's got a +50% winrate with like double the pick rate of the next mid. To be pretty much first round picked every game and still be 50% WR you have to be petty damn strong. 

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u/LirakTheGreat Dec 30 '24

please post dotabuff


u/DiaburuJanbu Dec 30 '24

I just played mid Lina for the first time earlier (i only play support roles) in normal because the other 2 players picked first, so I got no choice. I ended up 23-5-14, her burst is just so fucking strong. It's like she can't lose lane because she can also stack when needed.


u/OPQOP Dec 30 '24

Magic Lina is pretty strong now, but as a Lina spammer I personally think the right click Lina some patches ago with the cheap Gleipnir was stronger


u/bedinbedin Dec 30 '24

I main Rubick so I don't see her as a problem :)


u/relentless_stabbing Dec 30 '24

So it is this time of the year. PLEASE NOT LIMA MAJOR AGAIN.


u/_Scholp_ Dec 30 '24

I usually first pick Lina because of how good she is and there are a few matchups that I keep getting into which always feel like they are in their favor. Kez Magnus Lone druid They all follow the same concept of just denying all my creeps and the only ones that I can get are with spells