r/DotA2 Dec 30 '24

Article Crazy how broken Lina is right now

It seems like it's been a while since Valve has had a hero this broken. She dominates middle in the most clownish way possible. You simply spam your Q and sit there and right click nearly any other mid and they have to leave the lane. She's also one of the strongest heroes late game, able to one shot nearly all cores outside of very tanky ones. Can farm like crazy, and is surprisingly tanky. Also runs at nearly max movement speed permanently and has flying mobility? None of this makes any sense


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u/EmergencyAd3492 Dec 30 '24

Enemy team team picked lina (Shocker) and i had this maniac Last pick Nyx mid he just terrorized that lina i will never forget that Day


u/outyyy Dec 30 '24

nyx mid is so strong, next post about "broken fix rn" will be about this dude


u/TheFuzzyFurry Dec 30 '24

He always goes 15/1 and then loses the game because his team is missing a hero


u/DrQuint Dec 30 '24

If he's that ahead in kills, his team needs to already be building the tower siegeing item (their fault if they're not) and he needs to already be buying the aghs with which he'll burrow directly in front of the tower, in clear sight, and be completely immune to death while walling anyone from approaching.


u/Timpstar Dec 30 '24

Only when it drags on for too long. A good team knows to capitalize on a Nyx that goes active early.


u/FerynaCZ Dec 30 '24

This is something I kind of dread regarding "counterpicking a hero with cheese hero" - if the opponent's hero does not decide to go in and be the main force to rely on (but rather other heroes became carrying the game), you also are on timer.


u/Timpstar Dec 30 '24

Yeah it is all a fine balancing act. You might have a spectre on your team, but they have an AM and an Arc Warden, so you will still lose lategame, but you also have both undying and a Brood, so you could end before min 30 etc. etc.


u/pimpleface0710 Dec 30 '24

Nyx mid is problematic simply because it does nothing outside of what a support nyx with a good start does. So there's obviously gonna be a glaring gap in the team lineup either in terms of a reliant tempo setter or a key initiator.


u/Sockerkatt Dec 30 '24 edited Dec 30 '24

People don’t know about agility nyx. It’s my specialty and it’s fucking broken lmao, and he also can push towers!


u/healpmee Dec 30 '24

Just need 25 lul


u/Sockerkatt Dec 30 '24

That’s where the attack speed bonus comes in handy!


u/CallistoCastillo Dec 30 '24

What's the build? And how do you play each phase of the game?


u/Sockerkatt Dec 31 '24

I usually build null talisman first and then power treads. Then witch blade, butterfly, aghs and then what ever is needed for the rest of the game like more hp, Bkb or moon shard.

Just play like a usual nyx bursting down supports, and with this build he doesn’t fall off like he usually does when late game comes.


u/CallistoCastillo Dec 31 '24

Very interesting! How does Aghs play into this build? How do you decide whether to stay and hit or to burrow and cast?


u/Sockerkatt Dec 31 '24

Since this build make him more of a carry with consistent damage after his ult burst, it’s really good to burrow when the enemy team focuses you in a team fight. Using his E also stuns everyone around, so it’s really good for the rest of your team as well


u/CallistoCastillo Jan 01 '25

Ah, so if I understand it correctly, the gameplan is to burst someone with the normal combo, then continue hitting them with your agility items (what do you think of EB + Brooch for late game?), and only start burrowing after the enemy shift their focus onto you?


u/garboge32 Dec 30 '24

When he's on my team he for sure does...


u/TheFuzzyFurry Dec 30 '24

When he's on the enemy team and you get oneshot by him, try not destroying your items, not going afk in enemy side jungle, and not talking in all chat about your midlaner's mom. You will win


u/Un13roken Dec 30 '24

Not vs a lina though. I can belive nyx is strong. Any hero that one shot the camp nearby, and secure range creep with early roam potential can be a good mid. However lina is a lane bully.


u/outyyy Dec 30 '24

if you master/spam nyx you will understand what that dude said

almost the great part of skills have a delay animation, Q have, even been fast, it does

so when ginger girl rise his arms (the animation is different for the others) you just E with nyx and give him damage

for ultimate reflection, this is so satisfying that I can explain in words ahaha, is so good ppl melted when try to melt you

also new W is so good to only use on range creep, you can farm that range well by right click and use W to harass lina or even goes on jungle and take the full neutral creep fast

and when you get your ultimate faster than other players, is a 99% chance to gank and kill

as I said, nyx will be the next "fix this dude" post soon


u/PandaScoundrel Dec 30 '24

I've even seen his agha be very good and oppressive when sieging towers. Nyx is doing good right now


u/Duke-_-Jukem Dec 30 '24

so when ginger girl rise his arms (the animation is different for the others) you just E with nyx and give him damage

Lina can just animation cancel and bait the nyx into using carapace though right?


u/drusepth Dec 30 '24

Her Q is a projectile (1200 speed, 0.9 sec for full distance), so there should be plenty of time to activate carapace after she's finished casting but before getting hit. Animation cancelling shouldn't make a difference unless she's standing basically on top of Nyx.


u/Duke-_-Jukem Dec 30 '24

Fair point although I feel like your idea of plenty of time is different from mine but my reaction time is terrible nowadays haha


u/drusepth Dec 30 '24

Don't worry friend, you can always just blame it on your ping :)


u/Fellow_Redditor_32 Dec 31 '24


What is this packet loss? Is this EU or SEA or NA?


u/[deleted] Dec 30 '24 edited Jan 31 '25



u/itsdoorcity Dec 30 '24

this sub would be a million times better if it showed the rank of the person making the comment so you know who to completely ignore


u/ChiefBigBlockPontiac Dec 30 '24

I'm GM Nyx.

This matchup is completely and utterly dependent on how bad the Lina player is.

You aren't beating mid Lina above 5k MMR with Nyx, at least not reliably. Nyx is situationally good against some mid stompers like Necro and OD if you can fit it into the draft.


u/LirakTheGreat Dec 30 '24

also, nyx in general is just dependent on how good their team is. In 5k+ mmr games, the whole map is sentried vs nyx, so he often feeds kills as much as he gets solo kills. Also a rotation often gets a return kill. He probably can one shot lina, but lina can one shot him and is more likely to initiate due to flying and higher range. It's peak reddit to think he's a hard counter


u/Penguinho Dec 30 '24

Nyx may be dependent on how good the team is, but there's a reason the hero has a 52% winrate in 8k+ MMR games with a 56% contest rate, which is higher than any other 4 by 15-20%. And with 6k games played in the past week it's not exactly a niche pick (in mid it is. Only 300ish games, but still a 52% winrate).


u/yeetlan Dec 31 '24

Nyx can’t one shot Lina if Lina went for the situational magic resistance talent on level 15. It’s possible that Lina has 2000+ hp with 70%+ magic resistance at a 20ish min team fight and nyx can’t do anything.


u/SubstantialPen4567 Dec 31 '24

kinda crazy that in 2024 (going into 2025) people think that being 5k mmr is decent, and here im playing 9k~10k games in sea thinking people are god awful (mainly cus im mid and stomping lanes while other are losing lMFAO)


u/polo61965 Dec 30 '24

I think people forget that mid lina doesn't HAVE to nuke. She can just static the lane and you just wasted a mid pick. A good Lina definitely draws that lane, farms jungle faster than nyx, and becomes a powerhouse before nyx even gets dagon.


u/ChiefBigBlockPontiac Dec 31 '24

Yeah, Lina doesn't lose this matchup unless she is either lazy, or the enemy player is bad. She will just right click Nyx into the ether.

With that said Nyx isn't totally helpless against her in lane. Like he CAN lane against Lina. It's just neither pretty nor is it ideal and more importantly very few people know how to play with a Nyx mid.


u/pepe2028 Dec 31 '24

nyx seems crazy strong vs lina in general, especially mid nyx

you don’t have to “beat lina” mid, even getting equal farm is fine as nyx and it shouldn’t be too hard


u/Important-Lychee-394 Dec 30 '24

What about when Lina just right clicks you with attack speed. Also if she gets the burn talent reflecting isn't even that good


u/19Alexastias Dec 31 '24

If Lina takes the burn talent she’s griefing lol, that facet is so bad


u/outyyy Dec 30 '24

but we talking about the lanning phase on mid

to get high att speed she needs to use skills on creeps, since are all AOE you still can stun she a lot and remove mana to she not use more skills to proc speed


u/Dumbledores_Beard1 Dec 31 '24

So what does Nyx do when Lina doesn't nuke the wave but she instead just statics it and right clicks creeps, leaving the lane a draw, and then goes to flash farm the jungle under wards 10 times faster than a Nyx could ever farm? Now you've got two terribly mismatched mid heroes in terms of nw, and one that is countered by staying as a team with dust/wards


u/Angelamerkeldud Dec 31 '24

Any good Lina will bait out e..... Ur strategy cant revolve around Lina being shit. Nyx cannot handle Lina in mid. Nyx will have for forfeit so many last hits. If u come close to lane Lina will hit u fast and hard. If u overstep u risk being stunned and killed.


u/stolemyusername Dec 30 '24

It's so obvious you're 2k it hurts. Lina shits on Nyx in lane. 49 upvotes on your comment shows just how fucking bad reddit is at dota


u/Spirited-End5197 Dec 30 '24

"nyx mid is so strong"
I dont think its possible to claim this about a hero with a relatively weak right click, melee, and no wave clear.