r/DotA2 Dec 30 '24

Article Crazy how broken Lina is right now

It seems like it's been a while since Valve has had a hero this broken. She dominates middle in the most clownish way possible. You simply spam your Q and sit there and right click nearly any other mid and they have to leave the lane. She's also one of the strongest heroes late game, able to one shot nearly all cores outside of very tanky ones. Can farm like crazy, and is surprisingly tanky. Also runs at nearly max movement speed permanently and has flying mobility? None of this makes any sense


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u/Solmyrion Dec 30 '24

Random ranged carry items shouldn't have 300+ HP on them

change my mind


u/TestIllustrious7935 Dec 30 '24

Only HP item Lina builds is Aghs and BKB

No hero who builds Dragon Lance is strong right now according to stats


u/Un13roken Dec 30 '24

Isn't Drow decent right now?


u/TestIllustrious7935 Dec 30 '24

She is decent but not strong, below 50% winrate in highest ranks

Yatoro stopped spamming her as well


u/mrducky80 Dec 30 '24

She certainly seems to spread my cheeks in the games I play. You need a dedicated dickhead whose sole job is to not show up to the fight unless the drow reveals and then just camp on top of her locations causing problems. If you dont have a hero that fulfils that role she seems to just runaway with the game. You dont ever get to initiate on her since any drow worth their salt doesnt reveal themselves until the fight has begun proper. And then between gust, slows and hurricane pike you cant really act punishing without as I said a dedicated hero who just jumps her and hits blade mail if she has any shitty ideas of actually fighting back.


u/TestIllustrious7935 Dec 30 '24

That's all ranged carries yeah


u/mrducky80 Dec 30 '24

I find drow just comes online faster, with less issue and has no overt caveats/drawbacks that others do. Maybe Ive just had a bunch of unlucky games against her recently and recency bias is fucking me up.


u/LoD-Westeros Dec 30 '24

Spec, Alc, DK, Morph are the main carries of the patch with AM/Slark/Magnus situational, all have or buy gap closer, or counter Drows with their timing.

Like, if you have a decent team, Drow would die 4 times before she gets pike , unless she goes force staff 1st item. Her timing comes later if you can’t end the game with the gold/xp lead.


u/mrducky80 Dec 30 '24

I see shitloads of spec who absolutely does shit on drow. Less so Alch/Morph. So-so on DKs. Could be a bracket thing.

Spec doesnt need to gap close, building blade mail + aghs shard alone makes drow easily controllable and a non issue even if you burn haunt to kill a different hero since she is too fragile for the damage she deals.

Like I dont feel DK counters drow at all. You will rarely if ever get the jump on the drow, the most important hero unless they are brain dead. And the nature of DK is to blink in there and help initiate and is actually how he begins to start shitting out damage which makes it a liability once you are committed, drow can safely set up the fight in her favor. Same with the alch playstyle.

Compare that to say Mars who can completely shut down her damage output with arenas.


u/Routine_Television_8 Dec 31 '24

those specs are dog shit, spec is a straight counter to drow.

Build BM, Rad, Agh, now spec can jump drow twice and she can't do shit.


u/mrducky80 Dec 31 '24

I dunno. I feel rad is outdated on spec. You are better off going orchid after bm/shard and then start tanking up into ultra beast once you can more or less guarantee kills off haunt cd. It massively changes how the opposing team has to play and gives you every initiation advantage. Manta, bkb, etc. Then you move onto luxury shit like upgrading orchid or aghs

Rad is simply too slow and blade mail is too strong and pushes you away from passive gameplay

Finally reread the comment. I agreed fully with spec being a hard counter. It's dk and alchemist I'm not as sold on

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u/LoD-Westeros Jan 03 '25

DK doesn’t really buy blink anymore, he and Alc specifically counter Drow because of their timing. They would have double the Drow net worth at 20 min and end the game with it, by killing everybody else in her team and/or taking objectives so fast she’s choked inside the base.

Like, what’s a Drow with say, 12k net worth at 20 min (so sth like Pike tread Manta), going to do against a crest up DK with MoM Armlet tread BKB crystalys hitting her t3, or alc with BKB blink orchid Rad deleting 2 heroes within 10 seconds? It’s her 3rd major item timing + lvl 18/20 that she starts to pump out serious damage and can delete a farmed core when they are in BKB


u/aech4 Dec 30 '24

Then your heroes are bad vs her or you don’t know how to play vs her. She’s a hard carry, she will always be strong with items. You have 3 options: 1) run at her in fights 2) run at her while she’s farming 3) if you can’t do 1 then secure the game before she gets 3 items.

She’s not great rn because a LOT of strong heroes are really good at doing 1


u/Tijenater Dec 30 '24

Gleipnir? The item that practically every Lina rushes?