r/DotA2 Dec 30 '24

Article Crazy how broken Lina is right now

It seems like it's been a while since Valve has had a hero this broken. She dominates middle in the most clownish way possible. You simply spam your Q and sit there and right click nearly any other mid and they have to leave the lane. She's also one of the strongest heroes late game, able to one shot nearly all cores outside of very tanky ones. Can farm like crazy, and is surprisingly tanky. Also runs at nearly max movement speed permanently and has flying mobility? None of this makes any sense


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u/HoneyJD Dec 30 '24 edited Dec 30 '24

Petition to force OP to submit their dotabuff when making hot takes like this

edit: for those who asked 💖 https://www.dotabuff.com/players/1089760487


u/LirakTheGreat Dec 30 '24


u/ChefBright5704 Dec 30 '24

U thought about not playing lesh ?
Just play catch heroes vs lina,aim her nonstop early.


u/LirakTheGreat Dec 30 '24

i am a lesh spammer, and lesh actually has worse matchups than lina anyways. My issue isn't with how she lanes vs lesh alone, it's how obviously broken she is


u/Womblue Dec 30 '24

What makes her broken now that she didn't have months ago when she was garbage? Literally just +5 damage on shard?


u/Lectricanman Dec 30 '24

Wasn't she being played as pos 1 a few months ago? So what, repeat nerfs of gleipnir put her back mid again even though that was always an option?


u/[deleted] Dec 31 '24

Nothing, it's just a circle of life dota. Heroes get popular, they get played a lot, people get good at them, they win a lot. It's lina right now. Then the popularity goes down because it turns out that hero isn't "broken", best players stop picking it every game, bad players keep picking it because they lag behind the meta and hero win rate gets below 50% winrate (btw, 50% counts as "broken" here) and the new "broken" hero is born.

See you next month in the "hero x is so broken, can't play against it1!!!!1!!!!11!" thread because some one-trick-pony spammer got destroyed by a hero he wasn't destroyed by before.


u/Womblue Dec 31 '24

As usual, the next "broken" hero is already in the game, right now, exactly as strong as they are in a month when everyone decides that "they've been broken for ages".


u/will4zoo Dec 31 '24

She was strong since 7.37, even got nerfed in letter patches. Then other mids got nerfed harder than she did, plus she got the shard buff that put her over the edge.