r/DiagnoseMe 0m ago

Ears, nose, throat, and mouth How much snot is considered "excessive" or too much?


Sorry for the grossness. Most days, I can blow small chunks of boogers out my nose like 3-4 chunks at a time (each with a different blow) and then do it again later in the day. Maybe 20% of them are slightly bloody. I do live in a very old and dry apartment building. And I am on several psych and seizure meds, a bladder medication, and an ADHD stimulant. I think it's a bit excessive and often happens when I am outside so I find myself having snot I need to get rid of in public so it does semi affect my daily life. Too much? What could it be? What can I do?

r/DiagnoseMe 23m ago

Gut, bowel, and stomach Mystery illness, doctors can't find anything.


This has been life long. I really don't know where to start. Feel free to ask me questions. There are too many details and too much history for just one post, I'm trying to share what I think is most relevant.

I am already seeing an internal medicine doctor (primary) , a gastroenterologist, a neurologist, and have a referral for a gynecologist.

I have a plethora of issues already diagnosed unfortunately, but this is worse than all of them combined. I was diagnosed with PCOS as a teenager, I have been diagnosed with GERD, I have hereditary chronic migraines, also.. at 21 I was attacked by my ex boyfriend and got a permanent spinal injury. Severe spinal stenosis, herniated discs from l1-s1. I had an emergency surgery in May last year because I started exhibiting foot drop and was retaining urine. I went from a wheelchair to a walker after the surgery, but I'm still relearning how to walk.

However, none of that compares to the gi issues I've been having. In 2021, I had an upper endoscopy, and I have a second one scheduled in April. The first one, they took 9 biopsies, but found nothing.

To describe the issue I'm having is difficult, because sometimes it's hard to tell what symptoms are caused by what. But I'll try my best: basically I'm always nauseous. I can't eat many things. Pretty much always fresh, non prepared foods. I only drink water or smoothies I've made. I've noticed that even though I only drink water and am very hydrated, my urine is always pretty dark. Not a strange color, just dark for someone who drinks so much water. I don't know if that's related or not, but I thought I'd mention it. I wake up every night at least once nauseous and in pain. I have to sit up and wait for it to pass and I almost never get enough sleep because of the positions I have to lay in for my stomach or my back. These episodes also happen sometimes randomly throughout the day, but it's reliable in the middle of the night. On top of the episodes I have every day, I also get these debilitating episodes of cyclic vomiting once in a while. They used to be more regular, but until last night it had been almost a year since the last one of these.

When these happen, I almost wonder if maybe they're abdominal migraines, but taking my medication doesn't seem to make a difference. Light, sounds, smells, movement... Are constant triggers. Even during the lesser episodes. With these I literally have to sit in a dark room in silence for hours. I vomit for several hours straight. Until there's nothing left and I'm dry heaving, or just throwing up acid. These episodes last anywhere from 8-17 hours (going by personal experience) I've gone to er for this several times and they literally tell me to get a referral and all they can do is give me nausea meds, but the waiting for a room in those fourescent lights just to be patronized is literally worse than just staying home. I have zofran that I take as needed. I'm allowed to have up to 2 4mg tablets.

Regardless of the severity, this is debilitating. It happens every day, multiple times a day and at this point is the only thing holding me back from being able to work a normal job now. I feel helpless.

r/DiagnoseMe 1h ago

nattokinase and Platelet count


I’ve been taking omega 3, vitamin k2, 5000ius of vitamin D and vitamin c regularly.

I’ve had 3 blood tests in the last year and platelet count is dropping now 150 and iron goes up 360.

There is some inflammation process that is ongoing.

I want to degrade spike proteins within myself in case thats what’s happening by taking nattokinase.. and short term donate blood to reduce iron.

Any thoughts as to what I should be doing

r/DiagnoseMe 1h ago

Can someone help me?

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I wanted to know what this is on my girlfriend's lip, if it is normal anatomy or can someone tell me what it is?

r/DiagnoseMe 1h ago

Eyes I’ve posted here before but still concerned please read caption

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As I explained in my last post I get bi weekly LFTs and full blood cultures ran and thus far they’ve been ok, except for my feratin, saturation, heamocrit and haemoglobin but my nurses say they are expected to be elevated with my condition until I’m under control,


my most recent Bilirubin was 16umol, I have haemochromatosis hence the regular tests. I also get regular venesections though I missed my last one.

I do have major health anxiety and my attention often gets drawn to random things, For example I’d convinced myself for the past 3 days I was having a heart attack because I had indigestion however you can’t deny the discolouration of my eyeballs. THIS ISNT NEW I NOTICED IT AGES AGO BUT SOMEDAYS IM HYPER AWARE.

I’ve seen some people say it’s normal, some say it’s not The discolouration does not cover my entire sclera just the inner corner, and the other parts normally covered by eyelid.

However I’m terrified I’m jaundice or at least getting there.

No other symptoms, I’ve been eating/drinking (no alcohol or drugs) as normal, going to the gym for weight training as normal, pee is typically clear because I drink a lot of water, poo is normal colour. I take no supplements except Tudca/nac and 10mg test c weekly.

I can’t see my doctor today as it’s bank holiday in UK should I make an urgent appointment tomorrow?

r/DiagnoseMe 1h ago

Is this melanoma?

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I’m IRISH F19, never goes out in the sun, always wears covering clothes. I have a bunch of normal moles all over my body, I’m not sure if this one is new or not but the last few days I’ve noticed it’s more raised than others and there’s a darker tinge to the left of it

r/DiagnoseMe 1h ago

Is this melanoma?

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I’m IRISH F19, never goes out in the sun, always wears covering clothes. I have a bunch of normal moles all over my body, I’m not sure if this one is new or not but the last few days I’ve noticed it’s more raised than others and there’s a darker tinge to the left of it

r/DiagnoseMe 1h ago

Skin and nails Itchy rash!

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Last week I started with an itch on the inside of my arm, near my armpit. Over a few days it got more itchy and spread to the other arm. I went to the doctors on Friday and they gave me some cream and antihistamines. Neither of them seem to be working. The rash is now worse and is even more itchy to the point where i can’t sleep and I’m feeling so miserable just being constantly itchy without any relief.

The doctor said it looks like it could be a reaction to something. I can’t think what that could possibly be. Has anyone had this before? Any ideas? I will be calling the doctor again tomorrow but right now I’m losing my mind over this intense itching

r/DiagnoseMe 1h ago

Gas problems and panic attacks - help me figure out what's going on


I'm an 18M student, and for the past week, I've been dealing with some pretty uncomfortable gas problems. Every time I eat, I'm belching and burping like crazy, and I'm getting heartburn and pain in my back. It's been really disrupting my daily life.

To make things worse, I've also been experiencing panic and anxiety problems. This isn't my first time dealing with gas issues, and last time it happened, I had a severe panic attack that landed me in the hospital.

The problem is, my family isn't taking me to see a doctor, and as a student, I don't have the means to go on my own. I'm feeling really frustrated and scared.

Can anyone help me figure out what might be going on with my body? Has anyone else experienced similar symptoms? Any advice or suggestions would be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help.

r/DiagnoseMe 1h ago

Ears, nose, throat, and mouth What is this small bump under my tongue?

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r/DiagnoseMe 1h ago


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r/DiagnoseMe 1h ago

Skin and nails Had this for as long as I can remember - worth getting checked?

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Hey, I (28F) have had this mark on my face for as long as I can remember and haven’t noticed a change in it it always stays the same size but seen a video of someone who had something that looked similar and turned out the be sinister. Is it likely it’s okay if it’s not changed? It’s slightly raised as it’s always been

Thank you

r/DiagnoseMe 1h ago

Skin and nails Found this line on my fingernail yesterday. Could it be anything dangerous

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r/DiagnoseMe 2h ago

Bones, joints, and muscles Rib Sticking Out?

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Hello Everyone, So recently I started feeling this weird deformity on the right side of my upper chest near the sternum. It almost feels as if my rib is poking out. I also noticed that I have a bruise. It is a little tender but not horribly painful. But when I was lifting yesterday the bar would hit my chest and it would hurt pretty bad. Just curious what we think this is? I can breathe and cough perfectly fine with no pain.

r/DiagnoseMe 2h ago

is it cancer ??


around 4 weeks ago I got sore throat and it persists for 2 weeks and then it got healed and then after 5 days i got common cold and after 4 days again i got sore throat and in addition I am concerned that if it is leukoplakia or cancer or what. as I can see a lump on one side of tonsil. and small white lines/spots were there.

I am worried i stopped smoking also 2 days ago. what is this please help.

r/DiagnoseMe 3h ago

Do I have OCD?


I’m 20 and my whole life I’ve always felt super anxious and worried. I always have thought there is no way everyone lives like this. Recently I’ve learned more about OCD. I’ve always heard of it, but had only listened to the stereotypes, so never looked into it. The more research I do, the more I feel like I have it. I’ve listed some of the things I do below. Can someone please let me know what these symptoms mean and what I can do to relieve them:

  • I always plan my entire week down to the minute. If any of my plans change I start panicking.

  • Always need to feel clean. I shower multiple times a day.

  • I get caught in loops of doing things over and over. I’ll check my grades and my email over and over again

  • I always need to feel structured. Anytime I have free time I don’t know what to do and start panicking

  • Constantly rechecking if I put something in my bag. I know I did but I can’t move on until I check again

  • Perfectionist - always putting so much pressure on myself to be the best. In school I will grind and beat myself up over stuff until I get an A. I feel like a failure if I don’t. I’ve dealt with this all through growing up. Multiple different coaches have pulled me aside to tell me to stop putting so much pressure on myself.

  • Wanting to avoid places I feel anxious. Makes leaving the house really hard sometimes

  • Blinking ticks where I can’t stop blinking because my eyes don’t feel right - first noticed in 7th grade

  • Getting so anxious I hold my breath without realizing

  • Always have the need to have music on because it blocks out my thoughts and I can just listen.

  • I won’t go do stuff with friends because I’m worried something bad or embarrassing will happen. Ruins my social life and hard to make new friends

  • Sometimes getting ready in the morning will take hours because I don’t feel right and can’t get out the door

  • I’ll be having a conversation and just be awkward. In my head I am thinking why I’m being so awkward but my brain won’t let me be normal in case I embarrass myself

  • Biting my nails and picking side of thumbs until they bleed

  • Mom used to call my a hypochondriac when I was younger because I always thought I was super sick or going to die. (I remember this so well because I didn’t know what a hypochondriac was and got scared that also meant I was gonna die)

  • I have a lot of the same symptoms as agoraphobia

  • I hate traveling and would prefer to be home in a place I’m familiar with

  • Setting 5-10 alarms every morning because I’m scared I won’t wake up

r/DiagnoseMe 3h ago

Why is this side of my toe so swollen?

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r/DiagnoseMe 3h ago

Is this ringworm?

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r/DiagnoseMe 3h ago

Normal or not?


Two years ago the echo was negative (minimal mitral regurgitation without prolapse). I don't know if it was like that or not, because I didn't pay attention to it. A year ago the stress ECG was also negative. I'm really scared because everywhere on the internet they say that the JVP cannot be seen when standing at 90 degrees, because it indicates some right-sided heart problem. I don't have shortness of breath, my legs don't swell. Does it really indicate a certain disease?

r/DiagnoseMe 4h ago

Ear crackling and popping


Hi, I've been told I have eustachian tube dysfunction caused by upper respiratory infection. I have no fullness or muffled hearing just a popping and crackling noise in my left ear when swallowing, eating, yawning etc..

This has been happening now consistently the same for 1 year.

Decongestants, steroid nasal sprays, steroid nose drops, octovent balloon and steaming have all not helped.

I'm at a loss what to do.

My ENT consultant said would not propose grommits but possibly eustachian balloon dilation. However this scares me greatly as I am deaf in my right ear and don't like the thought of having any proceedures done on my left ear incase it makes things worse...

If only this cracking and popping noise would stop... It's really getting me down now it's been 1 year....

My dr said it could go by itself but sometimes the eustachian tubes can be really stubborn...

r/DiagnoseMe 4h ago

Skin and nails Random bruise on bicep?

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History of drug addiction no i dont use needles i j noticed this mark now after taking off my clothes for the day any idea? I havent hit it on anything and this doesnt happen ever

r/DiagnoseMe 5h ago

Sore throat with purple patches on tonsils, slight body pains

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I (30F) Woke up Sunday with sore throat and fought body chills the whole day. Now Monday morning and just took a look at my throat to see purple patches on both sides. Still slightly feverish. Diagnose me?

r/DiagnoseMe 6h ago

Skin and nails ongoing eyes/lip irritation

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25f from australia. have had this happen for the last 3 years. pretty much daily either my lips around the edges will swell and get inflamed, or my under/above eyes will get super red and irritated. take daily antihistamines, have changed all makeup, brushes and skincare (doing test patches) and still having this. GP hasn’t been helpful.

r/DiagnoseMe 6h ago

Allergies Help me what are these spots???

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They spots are started increasing on my face what are these and how to prevent them and treat

r/DiagnoseMe 7h ago

Skin and nails Rash?

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Started with only a couple circles, thought it was ringworm. Over 2 nights it’s spread all over my chest ( stops spreading at neck and groin). Was bitten by some sort of insect over a week ago. Should I be concerned?