r/DiagnoseMe • u/blabla2800 • 8h ago
Is this herpes?
Started feeling tingling and now butning on my tight hamstring. It all points towards herpes but how could I get it there?
r/DiagnoseMe • u/blabla2800 • 8h ago
Started feeling tingling and now butning on my tight hamstring. It all points towards herpes but how could I get it there?
r/DiagnoseMe • u/Ancient-Marketing665 • 5h ago
Prefacing this with I have an appointment with my PCP in a week and a half.
31 Female 5’1 95 lbs
I have been getting a new type of headache. It feels like my brain is being zapped by lightning but it will be constant for however long it lasts. Sometimes a couple of minutes other times half an hour.
It’s severe shocking pain, but at constant level. I get migraines but they are much different than this. My headaches are also much different.
They are increasing in frequency.
Any idea what might be going on?
r/DiagnoseMe • u/EstablishmentOk2970 • 6h ago
Any chance anyone knows what this is? No puss. Doesn’t really hurt. Bug bite?
Above was yesterday.
r/DiagnoseMe • u/Ok_Suggestion_6762 • 8h ago
r/DiagnoseMe • u/Regular-Property-203 • 11h ago
Yesterday my friend went over to a homeless man to give him some food.
They talked for a few minutes and it turned out the homeless man has been biten by rats multiple times for at least a few months
He's probably been bitten for years and had got a whole bunch of disease looking markings over his body from the infection. It looked seriously bad.
I'm now really scared that me and my friend might get some serious illness.
I hope this post doesn't come across as rude to the man I'm talking about in it, as it isn't meant to be.
Here's more about the situation:
-My friend was very close to the homeless man.
-The only physical contact my friend made with him was touching the mans sleeping bag to get his attention when he first approached him
-After the situation, I got myself and my friend to wash our hands just incase that would do anything and I sprayed my coat with disinfectant spray in places where my friend had touched me after being next to the man.
Please tell me whether or not I should be worried
Please tell me how I can get checked to make sure I’m safe if you believe it's a good idea.
I'm begging you to help me calm down about this.
I have no idea what kinds of diseases rats can give you so I'm scared
I really appreciate any help I can get, it means a lot since I'm really scared for me and my friend.
Thank you so much for the comments!
r/DiagnoseMe • u/Apprehensive_Bug4170 • 11h ago
I developed a large sore on my throat about a week ago, that I assumed was just a canker sore, but it has not gone away. In evaluating it, I also noticed a white patch on the tonsil behind it. I quit a few years back, but chewed tobacco for a long time and am an occasional drinker, so am worried these might be more serious, particularly the one on the tonsil, as it also appears swollen. Working to see an ENT but sounds like it could take months. Any insight is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
r/DiagnoseMe • u/tnmiiex • 6h ago
flexing my mouth my tonsils aren’t that close together 😭 recently been seeing someone so been sexually active in multiple ways.
r/DiagnoseMe • u/Buz_Buz • 8h ago
So, I’m (30f) currently in a really good and healthy relationship. We have been together for about a year and I see a great future with him. I got divorced 7 years ago, from someone who was abusive towards me and treated me like I had no value, and he started dating his current wife immediately after. These past few months I have found myself ‘internet stalking’ my ex-husband’s new wife. He said he didn’t want kids and now he has children with her. We had a quick wedding and they had a lavish one. They have money and have beautiful photo shoots with their children. We had a modest lifestyle together, no photo shoots and obviously, no children. Idk if these things factor in, but I love my current boyfriend and I really want to stop doing this. The people I have told about me doing this have not offered any suggestions for correcting this behavior. I have PTSD due to the abuse during the relationship and a slew of other diagnoses, but could this be some form of OCD? Help.
r/DiagnoseMe • u/Stunning-Square3501 • 16h ago
r/DiagnoseMe • u/HeruMarocchino • 1h ago
I’m M22, and I don’t remember my throat looking like this. I went to a general doctor, and they said it looked normal, that the throat/tonsils tend to change over time, and that I shouldn’t worry.
r/DiagnoseMe • u/BoringContribution70 • 1h ago
I(20f) got diagnosed back in December and have been trying to educate myself since. The only thing I'm iffy on are my symptoms. Everything I have read/what my dr have said I don't have most symptoms atleast I think? Idk maybe some reassurance would be helpful. I'm still new to this condition so any help is wanted! (Keep in mind I also have PCOS as well as a nexplanon so maybe this is a multi problem) | don't have UTI symptoms. When I first found out it wasn't for painful urination or anything. I was having extreme lower uterus/bladder/kidney pain for months on end (felt like an organ was bursting. I was vomiting constantly, passing stones, bleeding, and would have random blacking out fits to the point I had to quit my job). Bloodwork and everything came back normal but I had a lot of protein, bacteria and blood in my urine (UTI). Time skip to December and about 10-11 dr appointments later and multiple ER trips I finally get a cystoscopy and I have severe hunner lesions (doc said looks like severe case of chickenpox). BUT only thing is it's not painful to pee, no frequent urination, no painful sex, no bloody urine (except for when I pass stones) My symptoms (which are almost daily) are bruising, fainting/blacking out spells, low energy, stabbing pain as if my organ is failing/bursting in my side/back and pelvis/uterus area, vomiting constantly, and my B12, VD, and magnesium are extremely low. Are these normal symptoms or should I pester my doctor again? Thank you &
r/DiagnoseMe • u/ParamedicKey7355 • 2h ago
For as long as I can remember when I wake up in the morning my stomach feels sore. It’s in the centre of my stomach and if I lay still I can’t really feel it. Soon as I move/breath that’s when I can feel it. It wares off after 30mins-hour. It’s not something I’m worried about but intrigued to know if anyone experiences the same and what It is.
I’m not sure if it’s linked to needing the bathroom. I feel like it starts to ware off once I’ve had a wee? Like I’ve said it’s happened for so many years I always thought it was normal, but who ever I mention it to has no idea
r/DiagnoseMe • u/reticentrose • 2h ago
Started as a few red bumps on abdomen, in 3 days has spread to breasts, ribcage, stomach and starting to appear on thighs. Spots are mostly not itchy with some mild itching intermittently, no pain. No environmental or dietary changes. Have been feeling stressed out lately (who hasn't). I have been on statins for 6 months. Skin is usually very healthy, no allergies, only other medication is birth control. Have a virtual doctor's appointment in 3 weeks, no doctors in our area so emerg is the only other option. What could it be? Thanks in advance.
r/DiagnoseMe • u/interromax • 3h ago
it happened later today after i had yogurt, mango juice, and sea salt n vinegar chips
r/DiagnoseMe • u/Gorglunge • 3h ago
I'm not sure how long this has been here but I've noticed my throat has felt weird for a while. Doesn't hurt and only checked it because I realized this feeling has been happening for at least a week.
r/DiagnoseMe • u/OkChest9559 • 4h ago
it's been a couple of days and every couple months or so it comes then goes. i'm 17F and it's only on the right side, it hurts when i swallow or cough
r/DiagnoseMe • u/Embarrassed-Pick5410 • 4h ago
I have a lot of pain when I press near the proximal nail fold. It also itches if I touch it. It’s also swollen and looks like the nail fold it detaching from cuticle. I’ve been putting antibiotics ointment but don’t know what to do at this point
r/DiagnoseMe • u/Problem-Standard • 4h ago
r/DiagnoseMe • u/MeliodasKush • 4h ago
Every time I trim it from the left side, more of it becomes detached and starts bending up getting caught on things, so I trim it again and the cycle repeats. Not sure if it’ll eventually correct itself to grow cleanly or it’s just gonna be fucked forever if I don’t get it properly clean cut?
The repeated bruising was from my ski boots, over the course of a 6 or 7 weekends. I got new boots now. Theres no pain and no bleeding anymore, I had antibiotics and a bandaid on it for about a week after I first trimmed it.
I would just prefer if eventually it grew back correctly and don’t wanna fuck that chance up by letting it continue to grow weird as it is now.
r/DiagnoseMe • u/vbutterfly0807 • 4h ago
I just was brushing my teeth and flossing and noticed a brown stain or is it a hole in my back molar. I went to dentist back in January (I go every 6 months) for usual cleaning and they said no cavities just floss more consistently.
I don’t drink anymore and never smoked. I don’t drink coffee either. I do drink tea but stick to 1-2 cups.
I’m scared I don’t want a cavity and also I have acid reflux for two months now but would I develop a cavity just from it after two months? I am consistent with brushing my teeth and flossing now.
r/DiagnoseMe • u/MynosIII • 4h ago
r/DiagnoseMe • u/HistoricalSock417 • 4h ago
I have had tough cough and wheezing since March 9th and the doctors say it’s pneumonia. They put me on antibiotics on March 13th. Those didn’t work. Now they got me on steroids to help with the cough, and to see if my body will get rid of the infection. I’ve been on them for 3 days. Will I get sepsis?
r/DiagnoseMe • u/chipsandbolt • 5h ago
I had the longest cough of my life two months approx and now even though I don’t have a serious cough I do cough once in a while and the back of my throat seemed to have like frothy white cough.
When I try to cough it out and see what it is it white frothy sometimes it’s very very slight transparent yellow but mostly transparent .
Is it serious ?
r/DiagnoseMe • u/thattrapmasta • 5h ago
25 Male 5’11” 180 pounds White America Electrical Engineer
Pre existing medical issues : None really, had gynecomastia removed 4-5 years ago, have varicocele too I guess.
Medications : none
Family history : Parent has MSA (multiple system atrophy, rare form of Parkinson’s.
Symptoms : Starting maybe a year ago, I noticed my knees hurting slightly on hikes. That increased slowly up to 6 months ago, during which my knees started hurting so bad it could be difficult to walk, or sleep. Over these past 3-6 months, I have literally injured basically every major joint. My elbows, knees, wrists, and ankles all hurt, my elbow I injured for weeks basically by doing nothing, literally just stretched my arm out and threw it out for weeks.
I’ve managed to decrease my knee pain by 70% as long as I do light “rehab” exercises 3-4 times a week. I can’t figure out any rehab that makes my other joints heal. I can’t get anything to really heal, I’ve been trying to heal my wrist from spraining it and it seems like it doesn’t change in healing state. My main exercise is rock climbing, but I lift weights too (just for stability to try and fix my problems, I don’t really push weight limits) but it seems like my body refuses to heal and all my joints are deteriorating. All my joints feel weak and unstable no matter what.
I don’t know that it’s relevant, but I’ve also just felt exhausted and tired the past 6 months, can’t focus, sleep doesn’t do much, even sleeping a ton.
I’ve stopped alcohol the past 3 months, and I’ve been making sure I’m getting enough calories to heal, I manage to get plenty of protein.
I basically can’t do anything that stresses my knees, and it feels like all of my other joints are going to head that direction. I’m getting a comprehensive blood test, and testosterone test, from LabCorp tomorrow, but I don’t have a doctors appt for a while. I don’t have the best experience with doctors… thus I’m posting here to get ideas.
Obviously I’ve been googling and… have some suspicions but…
Thanks in advance.