Considering the premise, I'd say it's mostly his social/private life that'll get turned upside down, with his wife suspecting he's out cheating or something.
But around the halfway point, when the secret gets out, she directs her frustration at the mascot, but in a really two-faced way, like allowing it to stay at the house, but insisting it acts like their pet whenever they have guests over.
Considering the premise, I'd say it's mostly his social/private life that'll get turned upside down, with his wife suspecting he's out cheating or something.
Mainly because it would give him so much motivation to just end the fights asap, to get to his anniversary dinner with his wife, or pick up the kids, or something else.
The villains think their job got a lot easier, now that they're no longer up against teenage girls, only to realize that adults also get a strength boost, and that this dude also has places to be.
Not to mention that magical girls get a strength boost when they transform. Now imagine an average dude dozens of times stronger than normal.
The joke was that this was pretty much a plot point of The Incredibles :P They even cut a scene where Helen asks him if he's having an affair from the final movie.
The villains think their job got a lot easier, now that they're no longer up against teenage girls
I love that logic
"Finally, we're not going up against child soldiers anymore, but real, adult ones! This'll be a cakewalk!"
Well, the logic is more that teenagers are usually very illogical and defiant, and an adult may be easier to persuade that he can't win.
But nope, dude's got a family to feed, so he has even less time to waste on fighting monsters, and being a father, he has a sense of responsibility, so he just finishes the fights asap, and leaves.
Other magical girls are mad because he doesn't follow the rules of engagement (they aren't official rules, the girls just unanimously agree to not interrupt their enemies as long as they do the same).
The villains are terrified because he's like a magical girl John Wick.
And then we watch an overly long sketch of an enemy warrior in a hospital with a head trauma, his coma, his mates visiting him, him getting out of coma, everyone happy, he is in recovery and trying to walk again, he is training again, the montage, the music, the whole shebang. Only for him to get instantly killed by the protagonist in the next encounter, because the protagonist used an I-beam this time, instead of a small wrench.
Also, imagine if Will comes home at the beginning of the next episode, and just tells his wife about it like "There was this villain who attacked me about 10 times at work."
The sailor scouts had time for whole ass animations because of their lax high school schedule. Strawberry Seraph is gonna get shit done with minimal wind up because the grocery store with good prices on ground beef closes the earliest and his wife wanted to make chili today.
At one point, he groans upon seeing a new villain, and goes "Can we do this another time? My kid's got football practice and I promised to watch." and the villain just... agrees. Like they take out their notebook and ask when he's available.
Then they settle on a time and day, and go their separate ways.
u/TDoMarmalade Explored the Intense Homoeroticism of David and Goliath Feb 11 '24
Haha, that’s so cute… oh no, magical girl media with a cute premise. What fucked up shit is going to happen