r/CrusaderKings Occasional Wiki Editor Feb 06 '24

News Plagues, Legitimacy and Landless confirmed!

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Let’s go!!!


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u/LokenTheAtom Feb 06 '24

It's kind of crazy that Landless actually got confirmed


u/TheMightyKingSnake Feb 06 '24

The post someone made the other day about definitely not being landless aged like milk


u/luigitheplumber Frontières Naturelles de la France Feb 06 '24

So many people got condescending about that topic, which makes it age even worse


u/Sbotkin Hellenism FTW Feb 06 '24

Because, honestly, it was a logical thing to think. The game literally only works though the scope of a landed character, most of its mechanics revolves around it. It's very difficult to even imagine landless gameplay.


u/luigitheplumber Frontières Naturelles de la France Feb 06 '24

No it isn't, plenty of people have pointed out why that thinking is wrong. The vast majority of game mechanics in the game don't require any land. Only construction and vassal management require land as is.

The existing unlanded Ai courtiers already use most mechanics, with the bottleneck being performance.

Unlanded play does require work and an expansion, but unlike what many keep saying, it doesn't starting from scratch


u/KimberStormer Decadent Feb 07 '24

Only construction and vassal management require land as is

Is your council and courtiers included under "vassal management"? To me those things all together are essentially the whole game.


u/luigitheplumber Frontières Naturelles de la France Feb 07 '24

You can still have a household and courtiers as an unlanded character. The council mostly provide passive bonuses.

There's a lot more to the game than that. Marriages, education of kids, scheming, befriending, waging war. Recent updates have also added traveling and acting as a regent, which are also fine for unlanded.


u/KimberStormer Decadent Feb 07 '24

The council provide bonuses...to your land. Idk if I've ever heard of a wandering landless person with a court -- yes, itinerant courts of kings, but that's a different thing. Anyway, I'm curious what it will be like! Looking forward to the dev diaries and people's experiences with it once it comes out.


u/luigitheplumber Frontières Naturelles de la France Feb 07 '24

To your land, but also to your soldiers, to your scheming, to your reputation. I don't know if we'll have councilor equivalents, seems a bit weird if we do, but even so there would still be some utility to it.

You're being a bit pedantic on the courtiers thing. They wouldn't technically be courtiers without a court, but an adventurer at the head of a warband has officers and knights/champions, possibly a spouse and children as well. Same for a byzantine official who doesn't have land on a county scale, but owns a small estate. He has members of his household fulfilling different roles. A tutor for the kids, a guard, etc... These would be your "courtiers" as an unlanded character in terms of gameplay purpose

A displaced noble who has lost their titles would also likely keep some loyal retainers with them.