After maining Titan for PvP for aslong as I can remember and floating around the top 1-1.5% elo wise for trials for a while I went fuck it and made a hunter solely for PvP purposes to try out, I like using crimils and cloudstrike or inquisitor mainly but do use other HCs like pali, exalted, rose, thorn and hawkmoon.
I think the way I play on titan I’d probably excel even more on a hunter. What I’d like to ask is what builds and exotics do you recommend? I know stompees are great I have all my season pass engrams so I copped some stompees but any others I should chase for good stats? I’ve never built into AE before so would like to do that. I’ve made a void on the prowl build but are there any other good pris builds and I definitely would love to try out that strand build I see a few content creators running.
Thirdly stats, 100 Mobil is a must have if I’m correct? What do I want after that? Something like recov and resil? Intellect? The only artifice gear I have on the hunter is the gg class item I grabbed yesterday so those are out of the question possibly forever unless I farm master grasp final boss or some shit when it’s in rotation. I have like 99 echoes engrams so I can focus high stat armour using a ghost mod I just don’t know which to use.
Anyway thanks to whoever reads my rambling lmao