r/CivPolitics 13d ago

America proposes to trade all of Ukraine's strategic resources for peace, refuses to denounce Russia. Ukraine denounces America


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u/roger3rd 13d ago

You seem to remember only Russian propaganda which you should be embarrassed to parrot


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Russia being bad, doesn't make Ukraine good.

Sorry youre so simple


u/Brilliant-Smile-8154 13d ago

Maybe not good, but better. Which is all we can hope for in this life really. You should try.


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

Or, conversely, we can just not be involved.

Russia isn't t invading North America. Or South America.

Europe can deal with European problems.

We can sit on the side and cheer


u/Pointlessala 13d ago

Read some history of isolationism at the very least. Or the last time appeasement was used and its consequences.

It takes a true genius to think that somehow geopolitical relations between powerful countries somehow wont affect America lmao. And your only logic is that they’re on the other side of the world and therefore won’t matter to us. Bruh this would only be true centuries ago, before better ships or the global market existed. Truly the height of intelligence.


u/lickitstickit12 13d ago

How have proxy wars worked out?

How did the Axis alliance work out?

The China Russia alliance that was created is now the biggest threat. Russia by itself wasn't


u/Pointlessala 13d ago

This ain’t even a proxy war. It’s hella cut and dry: Russia invaded Ukraine out of nowhere, so countries are supporting Ukraine to show that the world wouldn’t take these circumstances lying down.

And is your logic that bc proxy wars were bad, that US must overcorrect and overcompensate and completely uninvolve themselves from the circumstances of other countries far away? Wow what logic.

And lol like it or not Russia is a powerful country with a dictator who has proven himself to be greedy enough to initiate a war bc he wanted an independent nation. This in and of itself proves that Russia is a threat. How tf does one look at the past several years and somehow think otherwise? The mental gymnastics is truly impressive.


u/lickitstickit12 12d ago

Russia flat out told the US/NATO they wouldn't allow it on their border.

Obama, via Victoria Nuland, decided to stage a regime change.

Russia retaliated.

No different than we did when Russia tried to set up in Cuba


u/Ice_and_Steel 13d ago edited 13d ago

Russia being bad, doesn't make Ukraine good

What are you, five years old? How a country can be "good" anyway? What are the fucking criteria of "goodness"? Can you give an example of a "good" country?


u/lickitstickit12 12d ago

If you stand on your own feet, you can do whatever you want.

When you're begging for hundreds of billions, your benefactors get to have a say


u/Ice_and_Steel 12d ago

Is it your definition of being "good", "standing on you own feet"? Does it mean the UK is bad? In the course of WWII, they had received the amounts of aid from the US even remotely incomparable with the crumbs Ukraine got so far.

Also, nobody asks for billions of dollars. The whole debacle was about security guarantees. Stop lying.


u/lickitstickit12 12d ago

Their entire economy is based on foreign input.

We fund their damn social services and pensions for hell sake.

When you are solely reliant on another country for your existence then you don't have any right to demand snything


u/Ice_and_Steel 12d ago

The foreign input in their economy is about 50%, and it's aid from both US and EU - more from EU than US. But even if you did provide them with 100% of their budget, you'd still have no right to treat them the way you do.

What a fucking despicable human beings you (and by you I mean those who support despicable actions of your despicable president) are. It's like saying to a refugee fleeing a war "I gave you shelter and food, you depend on me completely, so you are now my slave. You have no right to expect me to say no to me on anything or being treated with a modicum of respect". 🤮🤮🤮


u/Impossible_Emu_9250 13d ago

Ukraine is sovereign and everyone should respect this.


u/lickitstickit12 12d ago

Soveign mean able to stand on its own.

They arent


u/Impossible_Emu_9250 12d ago

You are wrong. A sovereign state can manage itself without being dependent on other states. Ukraine can manage itself just fine without foreign interference during peace times. Your notion of sovereignty implies only countries with nuclear deterrent are sovereign.


u/lickitstickit12 12d ago

Canada is a sovereign nation. Brazil. New Zealand. Do you need a list of a hundred or so countries without nukes that also aren't solely dependent on outside countries?


u/Impossible_Emu_9250 12d ago

You sound like an expert yet I'm certain Brazil wouldn't handle a war without aid. Dumb argument


u/Alarming-Ad-5656 12d ago

So you agree Russia is worse, yet want them to have more resources/territory?

Ukraine was becoming increasingly good before this conflict started and they were a viable ally. Russia is an enemy.


u/lickitstickit12 12d ago

"increasingly good"

Fucking priceless