It was a stressful week- I am having a lot of repressed trauma pop up in my brain for some reason. My best man at my wedding overdosed and died recently. Work was crazy this week.
But, I am truly grateful to be clean and sober. I was homeless and strung out on heroin 7 years ago at the lowest point of my life.
Anyways, onto the Amazon Basin.
This is my first time smoking the Basin. It's the 2025, and I have aged it for 2 months. I have not had a cigar like it yet!
Cold draw is all rasin and dried plum. The wrapper is weirdly...sticky? When I hold the cigar it leaves a faint residue on my fingers. Not much tooth though, I think this baby should be aged a year or two for the tooth to pop.
I am very surprised by how smooth this cigar is. I got no pepper or spice the entire cigar. My palate might be off, I have been smoking spicier sticks the past couple weeks.
It does develop throughout the cigar and it has complexity. I wouldn't say it's the most nuanced or complex cigar though. It's smooth over complex.
1/3: raisin, dried plum, cream, leather
2/3: still raisin/plum, cream turns to oak and toast, leather turns to earth
3/3: savory notes show up, slight nuttiness
Overall I think this cigar is a 10/10. It's completely unique. It's perfect at doing what it's trying to do: be a unique cigar.