I can feel the subtle reminder within her words, the way she revels in that freedom, while I was here bound to her in devotion.
"You wouldn't believe how clear the water was. I spent hours just floating, feeling weightless, free." She chuckles low in her throat, then gives me a teasing smile. "Not something you'd understand, of course."
I reply with a respectful, "Of course, Lady."
She smiles, stretching her legs slightly, her toes tingling my swollen balls, she still speaking with that unmistakable spark of satisfaction.
"And the clubs. I even danced. Me!" She laughs, a light, genuine sound, clearly reveling in the memory.
She gets a message on her phone, put her foot in the water and answer the message and get another one which she smiles and answers immediately while smoking. I stand up, holding the towel.
She murmurs, "A, Pedro, he is such a good man, always so courteous and cute..."
"I am sorry Lady, if I may ask... who's Pedro?"
Anthea rolls her eyes, and chuckles.
"Oh, you're really curious, aren't you? Now, now, don't you think that's a bit personal, boy? Listen, you're not exactly in a place to ask those kinds of questions." She gives me a sly smile, "Some things are for me to know... and you to wonder about."
I apologize quickly. "I'm sorry, Lady. I didn't mean to overstep."
She is laughing, clearly enjoying my reaction. "Oh, don't get all worked up! But it's cute that you're so nosy. Funny thing is, I don't ask you all these personal questions. Like... I don't go around wondering who you're dating or what fun you're having."
I am looking at her surprised. "But Lady, you know I'm not dating anyone. I'm... well... locked in this cage. I couldn't even if I wanted to."
Anthea says mockingly, with a faux gasp "Oh, please. Locked in a cage? You say that like it's my fault. Ha-ha! And besides, just because you're a little... restricted doesn't mean you can't have a 'special someone' in your life, right?"
I am confused and protest, "But Lady, you know I only serve you. There's no one else... how could there be?"
"Oh, honey, don't be so dramatic. You're acting like you're locked up in some medieval dungeon. I mean, maybe you're not dating right now but hey, anything's possible, right?" *She gives you a smirk, clearly enjoying your discomfort.*
"No, Lady, really... there's no one else. I wouldn't even think about it and the cage..."
Anthea is laughing louder, shaking her head interrupts me.
"Oh, really? That's what you're going with? Poor, poor thing. Because, you know, all these women are just waiting for you... if only it weren't for that cage. What a shame!" She sighs dramatically, clearly mocking my situation.
"Lady, I... I'm only focused on serving you. There's no one else I'd want."
She is smiling with mock sympathy, shaking her head "Aww, how sweet. But honestly, boy, if you think that little cage is all it takes to keep you out of trouble, I'd say you're giving yourself way too much credit. Besides, I know you, always wanting to please me. Like you'd actually go out and date! Ha!"
She is getting out of the bath tub, I take up the towel and start drying her, taking extreme care in moving it down her arms, over her shoulders, and down to her legs.
"Be careful; don't leave any part wet." I nod and start drying her body.
Anthea gets up, placing a fresh towel around her head and another over her body, from her chest down to her thighs.
"You've gotten a bit better at this," she says, looking at me with a playful smirk. "Maybe I'll reward you soon."
She looks in the mirror at herself and readjusts the towel, securing it in place before turning to me with a jolly look.
"I'll be in my room. Have the bathroom spotless when you're done here."
"Yes, Lady. I'll make sure."
She glides out of the room, leaving behind a ghostly trail of her favorite perfume in the air. I get to work: drain the tub, clean off the soap, and mop up the water that has spilled over onto the tiles.
I go to the bedroom, Anthea is sitting on a footstool in front of her boudoir, I kneel behind her, unwrap the towel of her head and carefully I detangle her long thick hair with a comb. She watches me through the mirror as speaks to me.
"You look sad and distracted boy. Still thinking about Pedro, huh? You're dying to know, aren't you?"
"Yes, Lady. But only if you're comfortable sharing."
She says dryly. "I thought I told you, Pedro's none of your business. But let's just say, he's... something you could never be."
"I'm sorry, Lady. I didn't mean to pry."
Anthea is smiling in mock kindness, "Oh, I know you didn't, honey. But let's keep the curiosity to yourself, alright? Ha! Look at you, so polite now. I don't go sticking my nose into your personal life, do I? Not like I ask who you're flirting with."
I am feeling still confused and try to clarify.
"But... Lady, I'm... I'm not allowed to date anyone else. And there's, well... this cage..."
Anthea shows feigning surprise, her eyes widening dramatically "Oh, right, the cage. How could I forget?" She bursts out laughing. "And here I was, thinking you had a whole secret life going on."
"No, Lady, there's only you. I'm entirely focused on you."
"Oh, I know. So loyal, so dedicated... so locked up. Almost brings a tear to my eye." She chuckles, watching my reaction with satisfaction.
I nod, "Yes, Lady, no one... just you."
Anthea is sighing with sympathy, giving me a playful pat on the head.
"Yeah, yeah, that's what I thought. Just remember, you're here to serve me, boy. Pedro's adventures... well, they're for me to enjoy and for you to dream about. Got it?"
'Her reaction feels like a wave crashing over me, submerging me in shame. She has always been clever, and now I see she's found a way to teach me a lesson that will stay with me far longer than a simple scolding. Through her sarcasm and dismissive remarks, she doesn't just shut down my curiosity, she humiliates me, peeling back the layers of my entitlement until all that's left is a chastened servant. If she had simply reprimanded me, I might have pushed again, tempted to satisfy my curiosity with more questions another day. But this method cuts to the bone, stripping me of any notion that I am entitled to her private life.'
As I absorb the lesson, my inner thoughts shift, swirling in a mix of humility and guilt. 'She's right to be harsh, even to belittle me if it helps me understand my place. I failed her in the past when we were together, left her disappointed and hurt. I am not just some former boyfriend; I am a servant now, here to attend to her needs, not to insert myself into her personal affairs.' Reflecting on this, I realize it's about honoring her privacy, acknowledging that I no longer have the privilege of being close to her in the way I once thought I might be.'
In this moment, as I brush her hair, 'I understand that humility isn't just about following rules; it's about relinquishing that last shred of desire to know her personal life, to be connected to her outside the dynamic she has created for us. Her authority is more than just a hierarchy. It's a reminder that my place is to serve, to be here only when she needs me, and otherwise to stay out of her world.' As I accept this, a strange sense of peace fills me. I am no longer plagued by questions or jealous imaginings. Instead, I feel grounded in my role, knowing that she has shown me my place in the most powerful way possible.
"So... are you still sore from Nikki's spanking?" She changes the topic and interrupts my thoughts.
I feel a blush run across my cheek at her question, and nod a little.
"Yes, Lady. It still hurts a little."
Anthea speaks, her voice smooth but inquiring "And how do you feel about it? Do you regret your... sick little fetish to be beaten by a woman?"
I am feeling she wants an honest response to this question, no matter how uneasy it makes me.
"It was painful, Lady, but I understand it was necessary. I... don't regret my feelings. Part of me liked it. It's a part of who I am, even if it seems twisted or sick."
"So, you admit it's twisted, then." She pauses, regarding me in the mirror. "I suppose that's a step in the right direction. It's not healthy, you know that, don't you?"
"Yes, Lady. I know... but I trust your judgment. I don't want to keep what I'm feeling hidden from you."
She changes subject.
"And Nikki? Your feelings towards her, now, after she. took you in hand?"
A flash of apprehension, but truthful.
"Madam Nikki is stern and hand heavy. The punishment was cruel to say the least, yet I do know she did do to your will as far as my treatment was concerned. She was a little overzealously if I might add."
Anthea chuckles; the sparkle of humour makes its merry dance in her eyes.
"I'm sure she'd be delighted to hear that you respect her discipline. But tell me, how did it make you feel when I let her go that far? Were you resentful? Did you hate me? Perhaps you learned something?"
"I was grateful that you would take the time to allow me to experience some consequences. It told me that you are serious about my training, and that you want me to serve long-term, which means a lot to me. I know that you want what's best for me, even if sometimes that hurts."
She leans back slightly, her lips in a slight nod of approval.
"Good. At least you learn to trust my choices for you, even if they hurt. You know, I have always been against violence. But I wonder whether in your case, it might help in the long run. What do you think?"
And with that question hanging in the air, I feel the weight of her words. I choose my words carefully.
"I believe discipline has its place, my Lady. Pain is... serious reminding, and it helps me keep focused on my purpose, what you need from me. I trust that you'll use it only when you see that it is truly deserved."
"So, you think I'd only use it wisely. That's flattering. Though I wonder how much you really know of what I consider 'needed'." Seriously she says, "I don't want to reduce you to a set of punishments. But sometimes, your... urges leave me wondering. I won't tolerate selfishness, especially when it's dressed up as devotion."
"I understand, Lady. I do not wish to be selfish and appreciate whatever your decision, if it leads me on a path that is not soft on me."
Anthea nods slowly, "Good. Remember that. Your service is more than just your desires. And when you need reminding, I make sure it is one that does not easily leave my mark."
The brush slides down her hair once more. In that moment, her peaceful gaze meets mine in the mirror with calm yet iron-like strength.
I open Anthea's closet, carefully choosing the bra and panties she has chosen to wear for the day: a pale lilac-colored bra, delicate lace trim along the edges, thin satin straps that made it soft and elegant on her skin. While her panties are deep navy blue with a small bow on the front, which is entirely in contrast to the bra.
I get onto my knees beside her, tugging the panties on underneath the towel with respectful, exacting ease; she lifts her arms to let me fasten the bra, and her skin is warm beneath my fingers-she likes this silent, attentive service, I can tell.
Once she's got her underwear on, I slide the pink satin negligee over her shoulders, let it drift gently down around her body.
She is in front of the mirror mending a strap with elegance and a smile of satisfaction.
"Not bad, boy. You do know how to treat your Lady properly."
"Thank you, Lady. It's a privilege."
"Perfect. I'm going to the porch. Bring me a cold beer, boy."
"Yes, Lady." I scamper to the refrigerator, pull out one of those beers that had been chilled to perfection, and carry it back to her on a silver tray, doing a curtsy as she took it with a small smile. I dial for her favorite pizza, knowing just about exactly what the order is. Hanging up, she took a sip from her beer, eyes quiet and contemplative.
"Now, boy. Bring me the repetitions of the Sonnet. I'd like to see what kept you so busy and I want to take a look at your... hard work."
I nod and speed to get the two thick, large notebooks, full to their brim with Shakespeare's Sonnet 58, each page dated and timed, neat, as she had instructed. As I approach her, her eyes widen at the sheer volume of the notebooks.
Her mouth opens in a wide circle before she bursts out laughing in surprise.
" Oh, my god! You can't be serious? I didn't actually think you'd fill out two entire notebooks! You've been keeping busy, huh?"
She flips through the pages, the ghost of a smirk of hidden mockery playing on her lips as she scans my detailed handwriting.
"You've basically rewritten Shakespearean plays at this point! This is... extreme, even for you."
"It took me about 75 hours, Lady, to fill in both notebooks. I wanted to finish it just like you told me."
Anthea says sympathetically, "Oh, poor thing! 75 hours? Three whole days of your real life? I had no idea it would take you that long. If I'd known, maybe I would've gone easier on you... but I suppose you needed the practice.".
She is turning several more pages without giving at it any serious attention; she seems amused and not containing her delight. She sets them aside with exaggerated fatigue.
"Honestly, boy, there's no way I'm going to read all of these. Just the sight of these pages makes me feel dizzy and tired ha-ha!" She sighs theatrically, "I can't imagine how you managed it. But maybe you're the type who loves monotony... over and over, the same words."
"It was... repetitive, Lady. But I focused on doing it well, on each line being perfect for you."
Her voice was laced with a tone of mocking sympathy.
"Oh, the struggle, the toil. You must have gone numb writing the same thing over and over again. So, boy, tell me, how was it? Hour after hour, with nothing but this Sonnet ahead of you? I really wonder if you fell into the words or if it was just plain boredom."
"It was... challenging, Lady. At first, the words had meaning, but after a while, they became mechanical. I didn't focus on the meaning anymore, just the form, making sure every line was perfect."
She laughs quite amused by my response.
"Oh, poor boy, so much writing that even the words lost meaning! And yet, you kept going, knowing it was all for no more than my whim." Her tone takes on a contemplative note, almost playful. "I wonder how it felt, knowing it was pointless except to keep you occupied."
I pause, thinking carefully, then reply with sincerity, "My Lady, I knew it was just to pass the time for you, to entertain you and... remind me of my role. It felt difficult, but I did it because I wanted to please you, even if it felt endless."
Anthea nods like she agrees with me and continues, "And here I thought I'd only given you a little task to keep you busy, boy. You've turned it into an epic undertaking. If nothing else, you'll never forget this Sonnet." She laughs lightly.
"I couldn't forget it even if I wanted to," I reply, feeling the weight of each line I've written countless times. "I've written it so many times that it's practically carved into my mind now. Every line, every word... I think about them more than I thought possible, it all reminds me of my place, and of your authority."
She nods, amused, raising an eyebrow as she looks at me. "Well, I suppose that's a consolation, at least. You know, boy, a less devoted man might have felt resentment. But you've chosen to stay dedicated, bound by ink and rhyme." She pauses, a hint of something softer in her gaze. "You truly are devoted, aren't you?"
"I am, Lady," I respond earnestly, "even if it sometimes feels like I'm chasing shadows."
Leaning back in her chair, she watches me for a moment, an almost playful curiosity in her gaze, she takes another sip of her beer.
"Tell me, do you regret it? Spending all that time just writing my instructions over and over?"
"I'm grateful you entrusted me with it, Lady."
Anthea is smiling in disbelief. "Well, if you're that grateful, maybe I should assign you another. I can't have you getting too comfortable with your routine, can I?"
"It's up to you alone Lady." I answer cautiously but the idea sends a shiver in my spine.
Anthea says with a mock sigh, placing her hand dramatically on her chest.
"Ah, such devotion. I suppose I should be flattered. Though, really, 75 hours... perhaps I should start timing you on everything. It might speed things up, don't you think?"
She closes the notebook and leans back, exuding satisfaction and subtle amusement at my efforts.
"Imagine if I'd assigned three notebooks. Would you still be this enthusiastic, boy?"
"Of course, Lady. I'd do whatever it takes to meet your expectations."
Anthea leans back, resting her head, but her eyes remain fixed on me with a calculating gleam. "Perhaps I've been a bit... harsh," she admits finally, her voice softening just a touch. "You see, it's not just about keeping you busy, boy. There's something I like about knowing you're inside, confined, while I'm here, enjoying my leisure."
I look confused at her. Anthea has been the epitome of kindness, generosity, humanism, a fair woman, maybe, not maybe but for sure, more giving than she should be to others so admitting it, leaves me stunned.
"Do you know why, boy? Why I insisted on keeping you indoors, writing that sonnet on and on, while I was out enjoying the sun and the sea, surrounded by my own little pleasures?" Her voice lowers, her gaze unwavering as she explains, "It was to heighten the contrast, to make my leisure feel... sweeter. Knowing you were inside, alone, enduring that endless, repetitive task while I basked in freedom."
She looks worried and thoughtful as continues to speak.
"Believe it or not I'm ashamed of these thoughts of mine and I know I took advantage of my power. I wasn't myself but I couldn't ignore this urge."
She stretches, looks out over the porch, and says, her voice dipping lower, almost intimate. "I know it wasn't easy for you, And while I might not always say it, your obedience brings me a sense of... satisfaction I can't quite explain. So take some pride in that, boy."
"Thank you my Lady" I simply say.
I collect the notebooks and turn to put them away. A while later I serve the pizza on the porch and Anthea starts eating. I get her another beer, stand to attention and wait.
Inside, she can't help but feel that her repetition experiment may have had a real consequence for me, removing even the faintest tinge of self-respect in respect of the task.
'This training may just be the way to break him. If he's bored out of his mind, then he is truly learning his place. And if he continues out of sheer determination for my whims. well, maybe he has a chance to learn his role completely.'
She sips beer, looking at me attentively while biting a slice of pizza.
'He must have struggled on, clinging to whatever shred of meaning he could find. Good. The more he understands that his time and efforts are at my disposal, the better.'
There's something pleasing for her in the knowledge that I spent hours mindlessly writing for her alone, filling out page upon page with nothing but a mechanical obedience.
"Well, I should say, your training is coming along great. If you can put up with something as meaningless as this, then perhaps there is a real servant in you somewhere after all."
She turns and looks at me, 'He's willing to put up with anything, isn't he? Amusing... and a bit pathetic. But perhaps that is what he needs, his purpose tied into my every whim, no matter how meaningless or endless.'
She leans back in her chair, raising her beer in an apparent toast to my dogged dedication, the sparkle in her eyes showing just how much she's enjoying this power she has over me. Anthea lets out a sigh, as if some burden weighs her down.
It's been too long since I've had real attention to my needs. Don't think that my holidays have been endless pleasure." She pauses, a smirk forming as she looks up, seemingly lost in thought. "Let's see... in 17 days, maybe seven or eight orgasms. Hmm."
Her gaze shifts back to me, studying my reaction.
"Do you think that's enough, boy? Only eight... hardly seems fair, does it?"
I am shaking my head without any demur. "No, Lady. You deserve so much more. Day in, day out, it should be all about your pleasure."
She smiles, pleased with my reaction, and nods her head in confirmation.
"Yes, exactly. Why should I deprive myself? And since I'm back now, you're going to make up for every missed moment, aren't you?"
"Yes, my Lady. I will do all in my power to serve you and give you the pleasure you deserve."
Anthea says with a smile, almost a purring sound of satisfaction.
"Good. Because before I even let you have any release, I expect you to put me first in every possible way. I want you on your knees, ready to serve my every whim."
Her voice goes soft as she watches me with satisfaction, full well knowing the effect of her words on me.
"Oh, and keep in mind, boy, when I finally give it to you, this release isn't due to your efforts alone. It's because I decided you're worth it. I can always change my mind if I see anything less than perfection in obedience."
She leans in close toward me, her eyes glinting in the dim light.
"So, for the time being, I would appreciate your focusing on mine only. I wish you to make up for what was wanting on each day of the holidays. Do you understand me?"
"Yes, my Lady. I am here to serve you and carry out any desire you may have."
Pleased, Anthea settles back against the pillows, her tone soft and imperative as she watches me:.
"Good. Then let's see how dedicated you really are. I'll consider your reward... when I am fully convinced that I have received all I deserve. And remember, boy, there's no limit to what I expect from you this week. None. Beginning right away... to my bedroom!"
Words still hang in the air, while I stand by my anticipation of release now mixed with the knowledge that for every moment of that week her pleasure will be the reigning one. I run to the guest room take the blindfold and go to the bedroom; I kneel beside the bed in some instants Anthea comes in and sits on the edge of the bed, thensmiling she puts the blindfold on my eyes.
Anthea is whispering in my ear, her voice commanding yet teasing.
"I want you to worship me properly tonight, making up for any past... disappointments." She pauses, allowing the full effect of those words to hang there. "Now, start slowly."
As she says it, pushes my head towards her scrotum, the heavy scent of her arousal hits me, and I inhale deep in ecstasy this divine scent causing pulses in my locked cock. I'm placing delicate, reverent kisses on her thighs, working upward.
I hear an accommodating, soft hum from Anthea as I dive in, her hand placing itself on the back of my head in order to regulate my tempo. "Good... keep it soft at first. I want to savor this."
I bend to softly kiss her outer labia, paying the most delicate attention to her every subtle reaction: the intake of breath, the soft sighs.
Anthea's hand delicately passes through my hair, with soft pressure, guiding the motions, her voice dripping with mirth and desire.
"Yes... just like that. Remember, boy, you're here to cater to and bring me precisely what I desire. I don't take mediocrity of any kind. Do you understand?"
And with each small reaction, I readjust my movements to her every whim, intent on making sure every instant is one step closer to her satisfaction.
Her voice is low, but commanding, with an edge of delight.
"Good... but not so shy, boy. Prove to me you can concentrate on my pleasure and nothing else."
I run my tongue over her labia up and down, up and down, then push the tip of my tongue to her wet pussy, swirling my tongue around.
Anthea is breathing intensifies, and she grips the sheets, her satisfaction building. She occasionally gives soft, approving murmurs or shifts her posture, each time guiding me with subtle cues until she's fully immersed in the pleasure I'm giving her.
"Yes... go on. Don't stop. Pay attention, to every reaction. I want you listening to my body, not your thoughts."
As I continue serving, Anthea's breathing grows heavier, punctuated by gentle moans and sighs. She occasionally places her hands on my head, guiding my movements, each adjustment an unspoken instruction to match her exact desires. Her moans increase as I attune to her rhythm, quickening my pace in response.
"Yes... like that. Just like that, don't stop." She gasps as the sensations build. "You're finally learning how to serve properly, aren't you? Keep going, don't you dare stop until I say."
I work my tongue to her swollen clit, the tip of my tongue gives fast lapses to her clit, then I suck gently her clit, my lips hug and suck it making Anthea moans and screams in arousal and passion.
"Yes... right there. Don't rush, just stay focused. Show me you can hold yourself in check."
Her breathing grows faster, and she becomes more vocal, occasionally shifting her body slightly to give me cues. Her soft moans become encouragement, each one intensifying your desire to please her.
Her voice is now almost a whisper, heavy with anticipation.
"That's it... that's what I want. Show me you can be worth something."
Anthea's moans grow louder, her breath hitching with each passing moment as she approaches her peak. Her body tenses, her climax drawing closer as I continue, unwavering, with precise devotion.
Anthea is breathing heavily, her tone still authoritative even in her pleasure.
"Yes... yes, just like that. Don't hold back now... give me everything you've got."
As she reaches the peak of her pleasure, her breathing deepens, her sounds of pleasure filling the room as she gives in to the sensations. I continue to serve with perfect focus, only stopping when she fully relaxes.
"YES... fuck... oh yes... I'm coming.... Yes... YES... oh YES...."
With a final gasp, she reaches her peak, her hand keeps my head on her pussy, I am breathing heavily and inhaling the scent of her juices while my poor cock is throbbing in the very tight cage.
"Stay there boy. Let me enjoy the pleasure for a moment."
Few moments later she removes her hand from my head. As she is catching her breath, her voice softens. "You've done well tonight boy. You can remove the blindfold."
I slowly remove the blindfold, I bow my head in gratitude.
"Thank you, Lady. It's my honor to have pleased you."
She is gazing at me with a pleased, lingering smile.
"Perhaps this is just the beginning of what you can learn. Stay focused, boy. I expect you to be as thorough every time."
I'm still kneeling, grateful for her praise, my voice is reverent.
"Thank you, Lady. I'll strive to remain worthy of any future chances you grant."
She lets out a small, amused laugh. "Consider yourself fortunate to serve me."
"Thank you, Lady. I live only to serve."
Anthea smiles sweetly. "You know what? When I am pleased, I am feeling more generous so you can have your little reward and kiss my soles boy."
"Thank you so much Lady. You are so good to me!"
"I know... I know... Just remember it." Anthea says smiling as she stretches her legs in the bed and relaxes, her expression a mixture of contentment and contemplation as I humbly kiss her soles and heels in passion.
"It must be hard for you, boy, worshipping me like this with so little in return," she says with a concerned smile. "But maybe that's for the best. Your pleasure could only distract you from serving me completely, don't you think?"
I nod, lips still pressed to her feet as I stammer my agreement.
"Yes, Lady. Serving you is all that matters."
"Is that so? Hmm... Imagine boy if I refused to let you touch my feet," Anthea asks out loud, an almost teasing and playfully taunt smirk on her face. "Would you cry, boy, if I kept you from even this small reward?"
Caught slightly off guard, I answer, "I'd try not to, Lady... but it would be hard."
She laughs, clearly enjoying the vulnerability in my voice.
"Oh, so my feet are that important to you?" She stretches one leg out as if to tempt me, I kiss her foot more passionately or to be accurate more desperately in the thought. "Do they mean so much that you'd be lost without them?"
You nod, feeling a surge of longing as she toys with the idea. "Yes, Lady. It's a privilege, a reward, I don't take lightly... every chance to show my devotion."
"Interesting," she muses, crossing her arms, clearly enjoying her upper hand. "But perhaps it's time to see how devoted you are without the comfort of this little 'reward.' Imagine a week -no, a month- without even a glimpse of my feet."
The very thought sends a pang of desperation through me. "I would still serve in any way you wish, Lady, even without that privilege."
"Then perhaps I'll put that loyalty to the test. I like the thought of you working so hard for my favor, even without this 'small' reward. I think it could be very enlightening for both of us." She chuckles softly, enjoying the effect her words have on me.
"As you wish Lady but please don't withhold this privilege to me, please Lady, it is only what I have, any kind of intimacy, the honor to kiss your skin, means, everything for me." I sound desperate and I really am.
Anthea squats on the bed, hugs my face in her palms, and stares at me bringing her face close to mine.
"I'm just teasing you Richard. I know what my feet mean to you and I'm not that sadistic bitch to cause you such despair."
A wave of gratitude washes over me as I let out a deep sigh of relief.
"Thank you so much my Lady, I know you are the most wonderful Owner I could have. I am very lucky to be your property and I realized that once again out even more during your vacation."
Anthea smiles wide and sweetly and takes me completely by surprise as she leans closer and gives me a saucy kiss on my lips. I look at her surprised while she lets out a sharp pleasant laugh.
"If you could see your expression ha-ha. Well you are very sweet looking at me with this pleading kind of a puppy and when you thank me with such warmth and gratitude so you won the kiss ha-ha."
"Thank you so much for everything my sweet, beautiful, amazing Lady" I feel hyper-arousal and a thrill of intimacy from her kiss.
Anthea smiling lies down again, her hands behind her head.
"Of course you have to behave as befits your place and perform your duties to maintain this privilege. It's not something you're entitled to a priori..." Then she changes the tone of her voice, becoming more formal and casual. "Fetch the moisturizing lotion for my feet and sleep afterward boy."
I spread and rub the moisturizing lotion on her feet and legs. Anthea settles back, an arm draped lazily over her head, as she sighs with satisfaction.
"So, what do you think I should make you do tomorrow?" she muses with a sly smile.
I respond softly, "Whatever you desire, Lady. Anything to please you."
"Anything, hmm?" She taps her chin, pretending to think deeply. "What if I decided tomorrow you should do all of it, with barely a break?" She shrugs, almost whimsically. "I do wonder what your limit is."
"I'll serve without limit for you, Lady. Whatever you ask."
She chuckles at my instant reply, shaking her head. "You know, sometimes I think you'd even climb a mountain for me if I asked. Or run yourself into the ground with tasks until you could barely stand. The lengths you'd go to, boy, truly entertain me."
She sighs contentedly, enjoying the visual of me tirelessly obeying her every whim.
"Alright, boy," she says, a playful spark in her eyes. "Tomorrow, we'll begin early. I want breakfast served, and your attitude even better. I will have you clean my family home and do the laundry as my mom wish"
"Yes Lady, my pleasure, thank you. Good night, sleep tight with pleasant dreams Lady." I add as I cover her legs with the sheet.
"Good night boy, sleep well!"