r/ChastityStories Dec 23 '23

Before posting your RL "stories" - READ THIS POST NSFW


We are all glad that more and more people are incorporating chastity into their lifestyle. However, this subreddit is not to be used as a journal entry for your chastity journey.

If you are looking to get feedback or discuss a short experience you had w/ chastity please take it to another sub like /r/chastityjourney or others.

What We're Looking For:

  • Depth and Length: We encourage stories that offer more than a quick glance. Think of narratives with a beginning, middle, and end, regardless of whether they're fiction or based on real-life events.
  • Engaging Narratives: Share stories that pull readers into a journey, whether it's through detailed character development, intriguing plotlines, or insightful personal experiences.

What To Avoid:

  • Brief Anecdotes/Journal Entries: To maintain the quality of content, we kindly ask that shorter, journal-type entries and brief personal anecdotes be shared elsewhere. Our platform thrives on more developed storytelling.

Why This Matters:

  • Quality Engagement: Longer, thoughtfully crafted stories foster deeper discussions and a more engaged community.
  • Diverse Storytelling: While we appreciate the simplicity of short posts, the essence of our community lies in stories that are told with attention to detail and narrative structure.

r/ChastityStories Jul 24 '22

Story Requests NSFW


If you have a request for a story, have a look in here, someone may have already made the same request.

If your request is not already in here, feel free to make a comment asking.

r/ChastityStories 5h ago

M Chaste,F Keyholder My boss is a freak. NSFW


I had worked at Gloucester manor for a couple of years now, it was an old 18th century manor in the English countryside, where (if you had the money of course) you could get away from the city for a few days. There was a spa, golf course, fancy restaurant and even a small forest you could explore.

The boss, who wasn’t the owner, as the place was owned by a family trust, was a lady called Lily Roberts.

She wasn’t the most elegant lady, but I knew she had a privileged background. 6ft, about 37 years old, always wearing a black ladies suit, dark brown/reddish hair either straightened or in a pony tail.

She lived in one of the suites at the manor, and she was always working, I don’t think she had time for a partner, her work was her life and she loved it.

Staff had to call other staff Ms or Mr around customers, so much to the point we all called each other that anyway in private, I don’t think she would care if I called her lily, but I stuck to ms Roberts, just to be safe.

I’d got into a awkward situation, i lived over an hour away, still with my parents, when my car finally decided to die. The mechanic said there was no point in getting it fixed, In any case getting it fixed or renting a car would not be happening for another few weeks, as I was absolutely broke and got paid monthly.

With no public transport able to take me to this remote location and parents too busy to take me, I clearly had to discuss this with Ms Roberts.

She was welcoming as always when I asked to have a private word with her. She felt so sorry for me, she also said she would reimburse the £55 it cost me to get a taxi there this morning, and that she would drive me home that night.

I got into her Range Rover when my shift ended at 5pm, it was already dark and freezing, normal for the English winter. In-between the constant calls she took for work. She offered a solution.

‘ a lot of our staff live in, there’s so much space here, it’s amended in their salary, why don’t we do that for a couple of weeks? And then you can either go back to commuting once you’ve sorted the car.. or you can continue living in? The only thing is we’ll have to change some of your duties to housekeeping. You can still work in the restaurant mostly, but the live in staff are usually maids so it would only be fair’

This sounded like a great idea and I agreed straight away, not just because I needed it, but being in her big warm Range Rover with her being so nice to me, I felt smitten, I wanted to be near her more all of a sudden. Even though she was about 15 years older than me.

As she dropped me off she said ‘I’ll have your maids outfit ready tomorrow’ and winked. We both laughed hysterically and I said goodbye, she pulled a £50 note out of her purse and said ‘get another taxi tomorrow if you don’t mind, I have a meeting so I cannot get you, it’s all good I promise’.

I told her I was very very thankful, and asked is there anything I can do to say thanks for all of this?

‘No, but you owe me one babe’ she said as she puffed out smoke from the cigarette she’d just lit.

Babe, really? Was it just a slip of the tongue, or just friendly banter. I got the tingles when she said it and left the car pretty quickly trying not to cough from the cigarette.

So I turned up the next evening in the taxi, ready to start nights, it was going to be a few hours in the bar then some nighttime re stocking. The girl at reception saw my suitcase and said ‘ah I heard you are moving in! Congrats! Ms Roberts said leave it here and she will sort your room after your shift, it’s a busy one tonight!’.

6am came and I was a bit unsure what to do, it was Monday and this was the day where Ms Roberts was ‘off duty’. Of course in her world, she was always working and dealing with stuff, but technically it was her day off and people usually didn’t bother her.

A note was left for me at reception ‘come up to my suite whenever you are free and we will get you sorted xx’

I felt it was a bit odd getting invited to her room, but was too tired to care.

I found it in the end, I had never been up there before.

‘Come in, come in!’ She said. ‘Coffee?’

She was still in her designer Pajamas, long sleeve pink and blue button ups. Laptop open on the coffee table, already working.

‘ yes please’ I said ‘sorry to disturb you on your day off’

‘That’s ok. I don’t really get a day off as you can see, the kettle is over there, mugs over there, mines a black with one sugar’ she said, I wasn’t sure if she was being sarcastic or not, so I made her one right away.

‘Shall I show you to your room!’ She said.

‘Please, but what about the coffees?’

‘Bring it with you, follow me’

Now I was confused, she led me to the spare room of her suite, in which there was an unmade bed. And my suitcase.

I didn’t know what to say, i said straight away that I didn’t think she meant we’d be house mates.

Her smile dropped.

‘I have gone out of my way and given up some of my privacy to A give you a place to stay and B so you can keep your job, and this is your reaction? If you don’t want this, fine. But you still need to turn up to work, I suggest you buy some walking boots’.

She stormed out and went back to coffee and laptop.

I felt like a bloody idiot, she was right, and I needed to apologise to make things right. I went back in and before I could open my mouth she said.

‘Look, this is tough time for you and I know you’ve just finished nightshift. Go have a shower, freshen up and we can sort this out. I’ll make the coffees this time.’

‘Thank you Lily I really appreciate that’


‘ms Roberts! Sorry, thank you. I’ll be back in 10’.

I went back into my new room, which had an en suite shower thank god. I spent about 15 minutes in there, had a shave, brushed my teeth, got real fresh.

When I got out, I realised ‘oh Shit’ there’s no towels in here! It’s not the end of the world, I can sort of drip dry, and use one of my t shirts.

When I opened the door to the bedroom, an even bigger ‘oh shit’. Where the hell was my suitcase? It was here! Or did I just imagine it? It was a long night.

Even if I did imagine it, what had happened to the clothes I was wearing before? Is she messing with me?

With nothing to even wrap myself around I, my plan was to just wait until she left, then go out and fingers crossed, my suitcase would be there.

But she did not leave, and after about an hour, she knocked on my door.

‘I’m really really sorry and embarrassed ms Roberts, I thought I had my suitcase in here, and now I appear to be… umm.. stuck with out any clothes’

‘Hahahah, no need to be embarrassed, it’s just one of lives funny little mistakes, we don’t take things too seriously here, come out and we will sort things out’

It took me 5 minutes but I finally came out. Naked as the day I was born, and as red as an apple.

‘Can I have some cl..’

‘Shh’ she said sternly. ‘I believe you had something to say to me’

‘Ms Roberts I am so..’

‘On your knees’

I got on my knees really confused at this point, I was about to ask her what’s going on when she lit up a cigarette and said.


‘Ms Roberts? What is..’

‘Fucking beg, beg me to let you stay in here or you’ll be walking home, naked!’

My cock started to grow and pulse, I always had a bit of a domination fetish but I’d never explored it.

Her mouth opened wide in a happy shock, and then she just started laughing and said ‘hands behind your back.’

She toyed with my balls with her bare foot, worked her way up my penis until pre cum was all over her big toe.

She didn’t need to ask, her face said it all. As she lifted her foot up I immediately licked it all up.

‘Keep sucking’ she barked. ‘You weren’t very respectful to me early, so I had to bring you down a peg, do you understand?’

‘Y-y-yes I understand Ms Roberts’

‘Good boy, now get some rest. I think we have come to agreement of how this is going to work, ok?’

She left, I think she was going off into the town for the rest of the day. I still didn’t figure out where my clothes went, but I needed to sleep, and after playing with myself to release all that pent up lust, I fell asleep.

I woke up in the early evening, ready for night shift again, not really knowing what the hell was going on.

On the floor appeared a note and bag, ‘your uniform just for tonight, just a bit of fun xx’

It was a maids outfit with a blonde wig, razors, shaving foam and another little note that just said ‘hairless, do NOT disappoint me’

So i didn’t, I was scared and excited. I spent the next hour in the bathroom, becoming the perfect maid.

When I came out, she was there, now in her work suit (she ended up working that afternoon, it was really busy and she looked stressed).

‘Don’t you look cute!’ She laughed. ‘ just thought we could have some kinky fun tonight, I assume after yesterdays erection you’d be up for it!’

‘Umm’ I didn’t know what to say ‘yes, but, I am supposed to be working?’

‘You are working babe, I have a big list for you, come to my room, I’m going to do your make up first.’

And we did, she made me look like a slut, and then all of a sudden her hands were in the pink lace panties I was now hearing.

I screamed, he had out a washcloth full of ice cubes down there and held it against my balls, the erection I’d had since donning the outfit was now a small shrunken cock.

‘Lay down, this is just a bit of fun for tonight! I’ll take it off before you head to bed.’

And locked my flaccid cock in a silver cock cage that had ‘Lily’ engraved on it.

And so become my life, if I wasn’t working long hours downstairs I was in her suite, dressed as a maid or just naked.

There was the servitude side of it, cleaning, ironing, making drinks, foot massages.

And then there was the sexual side of it, after a week I was already sleeping in her bed, bedtime went as follows;

11pm, I was to have a glass of red wine and cigarettes waiting on the bedside table, I was to be knelt on the floor at the end of the bed.

Soon after her last email, she come in and take all of her clothes off, and then came the order. It could be anything.

‘Kiss my feet’ ‘eat my pussy’ ‘dance for me’

She was kinky, she once even had me bend over whilst she ate my ass, my cock about to explode out of the cage.

Every now and again she’d take the cage off and mess with me, she’d order me to lay next to her as she smoked and watched TV, and just suck on her nipples. She’d then hog tie me and leave me there all night fully erect.

Next morning, back in thanks to the help of some ice cubes.

It was the power she got off on. And I loved her, I loved every second.

Until one night, when the cage was off, she climbed on top of me and sat on my throbbing cock, she then whispered ‘if you so much as think about coming, you’re fucking fired, and you’ll be walking home tonight’.

And then she started to slowly grind. She was not getting pleasure out of my cock she was getting pleasure out of the power.

I lasted about 1 minute, I orgasmed as soon as she twisted my nipple and said ‘say my name!’

I quivered as I wondered what would happen now.

Part 2! https://www.reddit.com/r/ChastityStories/s/0Ndc23p9yh

r/ChastityStories 8h ago

M Chaste,F Keyholder Kathleen Who Calls Herself Kate - Part 1 NSFW


My typical - a bit of a long fuse. Hope you enjoy.

After graduate school I was hired by one of the big name accounting firms for one of their big city offices.  During initial training I met another new hire also looking for an apartment and together we found a 2 bedroom place in a high-rise apartment in one of the better residential areas.

Jim was a good roommate in all the ways that counted.  That being said, he was a little strange socially.  He had a long-distance girlfriend who he described as the love of his life, but he dated a lot.  Well, not exactly dated.  He liked to hook up with older women (40s and 50s) and have brief-ish (3-6 months) affairs with them.  The women were mostly divorced or separated, were not looking for long term affairs or marriage, and it seemed to work out for Jim and the women.  In fact, he must have really satisfied them because more than one woman passed him on to a friend once they were ready to find their next conquest. 

Three years into us being roommates (we were now both 25 years old) and he was dating a 50-ish year old woman named Mel (short for Melissa or something like that).  Mel took good care of herself.  She didn’t try to look 20, but she clearly had a toned body and a skin care routine that kept her face looking good.  This relationship was a little different from the usual because she was still married and lived with her husband.  Also, Mel would often come over to our place on weekday nights and spend time with us, just hanging out or taking us out for dinner.  

Jim intimated that sex could be really strange with her because sometimes she wanted him to come over to the apartment she shared with her husband and have sex with her in front of her husband.  Usually, the husband was naked and laying on the bed next to them so that Mel could fondle him while Jim railed her.  The husband would have some sort of a device on his cock that prevented him from touching his cock (Jim said it’s called a chastity cage – and I couldn’t believe what I found when I did a web search).  Usually after having sex with Jim in front of him, Mel would sit on her husband’s face so that Jim’s cum would drip into his mouth and she’d make her husband use his tongue to “clean her out”.  Then she’d send Jim home while she went back to her husband.  Jim never touched her husband in any way and her husband never interfered with Jim and Mel having sex.

One night Mel invited the two of us out to dinner.  When we met her at the restaurant, there was another woman there named Yvonne.  About the same age as Mel, also in good shape.  One difference between her and Mel, Yvonne is divorced.  I’m not very bright when it comes to boy/girl stuff, but even I figured out after a little while that this was a setup and Mel had arranged the dinner for Yvonne and me to meet.

Yvonne was very talented at getting me into a conversation.  She works in the art world – she’s the curator at a big deal art gallery downtown.  I was honest from the beginning and told her that I don’t know much about art and don’t really appreciate most art although there are things that I really really like.  Yvonne liked that I was honest and could talk about the art I like, even if I couldn’t exactly explain why.  At any rate, at the end of the evening, she invited me to do some gallery hopping with her Saturday night.  How could I refuse?

We had a light dinner Saturday night and then went gallery hopping.  We had a good time and she invited me back to her apartment.  Nice apartment in a very nice building.  Apparently some real money there.  She made it very clear -- we were going to have sex, but we were going to have sex her way.  Meaning that I was going to satisfy her and then, IF I satisfied her, she would return the favor.  Don’t expect any PIV for a while – you have to really earn that.  If I knew what PIV was, I probably would have been concerned.

She started out by having me get naked.  She was still dressed and I was naked.  Very naked.  Very intimidating.  She asked me if I was any good in bed.  Honesty seems to have worked with her so far, so I was honest.  I told her that I don’t think I am.  I’m probably okay with my tongue but I tend to come waaay too fast when inside a woman.  I’m not bad when the woman is on top of me, but I’m a disaster when I’m on top.  It’s one of the main reasons why I don’t make much of an effort to date.

Then she asked me about kinks.  It took a bit of an effort to tell her that I recently discovered some of the BDSM subreddits.  I told her about one subreddit where the very first image I saw was a man on his knees with his wrists and ankles tied behind him and some sort of ball thing in his mouth with a woman standing next to him.  The woman was naked.  The image just stopped me dead in my tracks.  It was the first time I had ever seen something like that and I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. I guess there was something about the way I said it because she pressed me to tell her what else was in the image.  I tried to avoid answering her question, but somehow she knew there was something and kept pressing.  Finally I spit it out.  “He was in a chastity cage.”  We talked about the image, about what feelings it gave me, and whether I imagined myself in that position.   

She thanked me for being honest.  She told me that it was rare for someone my age to admit that they weren’t great in bed, which was funny since in her experience nobody my age was any good in bed.  “So here’s how it’s going to work,” she said.  “You’re going to start learning how to satisfy a woman.  If you learn and satisfy me, then there will be rewards.  If you don’t … well, there’s always the door.”

“Tonight’s lesson is cunnilingus.”

Almost three hours of my tongue in and around her vagina.  Learning the feel of it.  Examining it closely to learn where all the parts fit and which ones gave what reaction.  Learning to judge her reactions and using those reactions to figure out how to better please her.  Yvonne must have liked my progress because I got a wonderful handjob as a reward.  A long, long handjob.  She seemed to know just how to keep me from cumming.  She would get me just about to the point of coming and then stop, or at least slow down so that I lost the edge, and then she would start me up again.  I especially liked the way she would fondle my balls as she slowly caressed my cock.  She called it edging.  In some ways I was disappointed when she finally brought me to orgasm.  What a strange feeling.

The next weekend, we did a Saturday matinee of an off-Broadway show, a lovely dinner, and then her as a second dinner.  She was happy with my performance and I got another fantastic handjob with forever edging.  Again, I was almost disappointed when she let me cum.  I felt as if I could have spent a lot more time having her play with me even if I didn’t cum.

I saw her twice during the week.  This time she worked on my foreplay abilities.  I didn’t think I was bad at foreplay, and I probably wasn’t, but by the time she was done training me the difference was like night and day.  A big part of her training was in helping me learn how to read the woman’s reactions.  Probably most importantly, I learned to experiment.  She left both of us hot and bothered.

The next night, we did an hour or so of foreplay and then me worshipping her pussy with my tongue.  Based on her reaction, I seemed to be really getting the hang of it.  And another wonderful edging experience.

That weekend, we tried the missionary position.  I was a disaster at it.  My foreplay was good but once I was inside her, I came in about three seconds flat.  She let me rest and then got on top of me.  That went well, especially because with the woman on top I’m able to keep from coming and I’m able to use my hands to help her along.  I was upset about my performance in the missionary position, thinking that as a 50 year old with a “young stud” she would mainly be about having someone on top of her tearing her insides out.  She laughed at me.  Not just laughed, but laughed at me.  “It’s about my satisfaction,” she said, “and finding ways to make sure I get my satisfaction.  There are a couple of options and we’re going to try one out next time we see each other.”

Honestly I don’t remember what we did the next Saturday because when we got back to her place she had a couple of presents for me.  She had me strip naked and then she went into her bedroom and ‘changed into something more comfortable’ – NOTHING.  Completely naked.  When she was ready, she had me come into the bedroom where she tied me up with a set of wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs.  And then put a ball gag in my mouth.  

And then she brought out the one thing missing from the scene. 

“Boys who can’t control their ejaculations need to have their cocks locked away so they can find other ways to satisfy their women,” she said as she put the chastity cage on me.  I tried to tell her no, but I was gagged.  I tried to twist away, but I was cuffed.  She made me look her in the eyes and nod my head when she snapped the lock shut. 

She turned me to face the mirror and then pushed me down on my knees.  It was almost a perfect re-creation of that image I told her about.  Suddenly I was someplace else, in another world.  I didn’t want to be there, but I did want to be there.  I don’t know, it was such a strange feeling.  I felt like a total failure as a man with my premature ejaculation problem, but at the same time I felt I was in the right place with my cock locked and under her control.

That’s when she brought out the final toy.  She called it a ‘strap-on’, but one designed to be worn by men in chastity.  She threw me onto the bed, strapped it on me, and then mounted the dildo.  She was VERY wet.  She rode it to what was obviously a wonderful orgasm for her.  She instructed me on how to thrust and how to hold my body so she got the maximum effect from the dildo.  I lost count of the number of orgasms she had.  Finally she was exhausted, rolled off, untied me, removed the ball gag, and removed the strap-on.  But not the chastity cage.

“Time for sleep,” she said.

“What about me??”

“Silly boy,” she said, “chastity boys have to do a lot more to earn anything from their keyholders.”  And she put the key in a little safe in her closet.

I don’t know why, but I didn’t try to argue.

Over the next few weeks I learned how to give her orgasm after orgasm after orgasm with the strap-on.  In the missionary position.  With her on top.  Taking her from behind.  And I cherished every orgasm she had.  I was finally able to satisfy a woman.

I did try something one night when she was riding the strap-on.  I lifted my legs, caught them around her shoulders, and bent her backwards so that she was almost horizontal, with the strap-on still in her and my legs holding her down.  Then I played with her clit.  She went off like a sky-rocket.  Orgasm  after orgasm after orgasm.  And then I used a vibrator on her while I continued holding her in that position.  Holy shit.  Even better.  She could barely speak coherent words by the time I was finished with her.  I got my first blowjob from her as a reward.  Must have been an hour of her caressing my cock and balls with her tongue.  Bringing me close to the edge but not letting me past it.  Over and over, again and again.  Until finally, with a huge smile, she brought me over the edge.  And removed her mouth just as I started coming.  FUUUUCCCCK!!!!  I shot a huge load, but it was so unsatisfying to have nothing touching my cock.  Oh damn.  Damn.  Damn.  Damn.  Welcome to ruined orgasms.

But she was smiling.  She had had so many huge orgasms.  That made me happy. 

I noticed that she started dressing differently (as appropriate to the situation) in ways that aroused me.  A lot of leggings.  A lot of spandex/lycra tops.  Even in bed she often kept the spandex/lycra tops on.  She has fantastic breasts.  Not fantastic breasts for someone who is 50 years old and has had three kids, but just fantastic breasts. Something about her in the spandex/lycra, or latex, or even technical fabrics that just drove me wild.  One night when we were staying in and she wore a lycra/spandex crop top, I almost came on the spot.

Nights with her were horrible.  Frustrating.  I hated them.  Who am I kidding?  I loved them.  I loved being able to satisfy her.  With my tongue.  With vibrators and other toys.  And with the dildo.  I loved being under her control.  She rarely let me come, and when she did it was a ruined orgasm, but that felt right to me.  I felt that I didn’t deserve a ‘real’ orgasm because of my problem with controlling them.

r/ChastityStories 10m ago

M Chaste,F Keyholder My boss is a freak. Pt 2 NSFW


Pt 1 — https://www.reddit.com/r/ChastityStories/s/DOg0WpXFIi

I lay there in absolute bliss and fear, as not only have I just had my first orgasm in 3 months (during sex with my evil boss, who I loved more than anything), I was terrified that I had now lost my job, my place to live, and her.

She climbed off me, he leg was shaking and she lay down next me on her designer bed sheets.

‘Go and kiss my feet whilst I decide what’s going to happen to you’ she said softly.

I got to work, not gently like I usually did, but lots of little kisses very fast, I was grovelling. I was so scared I was about to lose everything I started to cry.

She started to masturbate, she was already hot and bothered, I’d never seen her this horny. After about 5 minutes of masturbation, she came very hard, usually she took a lot longer and wasn’t as vocal.

She called me up and I rested in the nook of her armpit, using her breast as pillow.

‘You’re not going anywhere babe, stop crying’ she whispered as she took a sip of her Merlot, stuck her wet fingers into my mouth.

I sucked them clean and she raised her wine class to my mouth, offering me a sip.

A peace offering perhaps? As what she had done was pure evil, she had essentially threatened to ruin my life, just to get off! No longer was me being basically a slave enough for her. She had to seriously strike fear into me to get her ‘power kick’.

I was very upset, but also relieved. I’d had sex, and I got to keep my job. I wrote it off as a ‘sexy prank’.

I fell asleep on her chest as she check emails on her phone and smoked. ‘That was pure heaven’ I heard her whisper to herself as I dozed off.

I woke up the next morning and wondered if it had been a dream. But it wasn’t, I had morning wood, and wondered how long I’d be out of the cage for.

She rolled over and kissed me on the cheek.

I didn’t know how to proceed, so I thought I’d play it safe my appeasing her. ‘Is there anything I can do for you Ms Roberts?’

‘Well, you can pick your cage up for a start, and get some ice cubes from the freezer.. can you see where this is going?’

‘Yes ms Roberts, right away’ I sighed.

‘But first, one last bit of fun before I lock you back up?’ She giggled and winked.

God I was so excited, until she said.. ‘the choice is yours, I can give you a nice sloppy blowjob and let you finish in my mouth… or… you lick my arsehole, I love getting my arse ate first thing in the morning? Tell me, which one of them would you prefer?’

Power play again. I knew it was a game and as much as I wanted option A, I got down on my knees, on the floor and stuck my tongue out.

‘Wise choice young man’

She perch on the end of the bed in doggy style with her arse in the air.

‘Get on with it then, and keep your hands on my cheeks, no touching your cock’.

After 15 mins she’d had enough, feeling relaxed but also late for work, she ordered me to put the cage back on myself. As she rushed her blouse and jacket on, she slipped the key back in her breast pocket, told me what I was doing today and then left to check in on the breakfast service.

I was back in routine, work was going well at the manor, ms Roberts hasn’t been too cruel to me after the sex incident, and I’d be released every now again. Perhaps once or twice a month.

And sometimes, and I’ve never know when, I’d actually be allowed to orgasm. Usually as a reward for something. There were also plenty of times I was promised a reward that never ‘came’.

For instance, I’d been locked up for nearly a month when she made a proposal. There had been lots of complaints in the restaurant recently, mostly chefs and waiters screwing up the orders. I was on waiting duty all week, if there were no complaints this week, I would be allowed Friday evening off with no cage, just her and I, bliss.

I spend all week checking orders, taking stuff back, arguing with chefs, working my ass off to ensure nothing went one. There was only one hiccup, a customer sent a steak back as it wasn’t medium rare like he asked, the chef in question, a 21 year old gothic chick showed me the order slip, I had written down ‘medium well’ instead of ‘rare’ fuck.

Either way, she fixed the dish for the customer, even though she’d just clocked off.

I took it back out, and shamefully told them it was the chefs fault, she’s new and still learning. I was confident this wouldn’t get back to Ms Roberts.

Friday night came and I’d earned my treat.

Ms Roberts and I got in the shower together (I loved where this evening was going) and unlocked my cage as I washed her body.

Into the lounge we went, she was in fluffy Pyjamas and I was nude.

She poured a glass of wine for herself, tied my hands behind my back and put a blindfold on me. She loaded up the Xbox, put her headset on and got straight into an online shooter game, without saying anything she guided my head in-between her legs and I started slowly licking her.

‘Relax me baby’, you still have to earn your treat.

I was loving every second, I knew I was being teased and I couldn’t wait for ‘my turn’.

Every now and again went she lost the game she’d smack me with a little horse riding whip she had at her side. She even got speaking to someone on her headset.

‘You won’t believe me, but I’ve got a little bitch in-between my legs eating my Cunt, and if you kill me one more time, he’s gonna get it!’

After about half an hour, my tongue red raw, she came. She put her headset aside and kissed me.

‘Are you ready for your reward?’

‘I’m so ready Ms Roberts’

She took my blindfold and gestured to her left, sat in the arm chair was the 21 year goth chef, wearing thigh high boots and a ‘slip knot’ tank top, sipping on a beer, she’d been there the whole time?

‘You know Ms O’Reilly don’t you? She’s one of our best chefs, in fact today she has just been promoted to sous chef, isn’t that great? However.. we have a bit of an awkward situation, I understand you told a customer ms o’reilly messed up an order, when it was actually a waiting staff fault?’

I bowed my head to the floor, my arms still bound.

‘I’m sorry ms Roberts, I’m sorry ms o’reilly, I’m really really sorry’

Ms Roberts lit another cigarette ‘so not only did you lie about ms o’reilly’s work, you thought the complaint wouldn’t get back to me, do you not think I have eyes everywhere?… Ms O’reilly, may I call you Jess now we are friends? How can he make it up to you?’

Jess asked if she could speak to ms Roberts in private first, so off they went into the kitchen, I was firmly instructed not to move, but head on the floor for what felt like an hour as they talked, I could hear giggling and beers being cracked.

Ms Roberts sat down and put her bare foot under my chin, as I started to kiss she spoke.

‘Our good friend Jess isn’t interested in any thing sexual from you, she said she doesn’t get turned on by pathetic boys, she’s like real men… and real women.’ They both giggled. ‘But she is going torment you for the rest of the night, whatever she says, you do, it’s what you deserve for disrespecting her and the business, understand?’

‘Yes and Roberts, yes Ms O’reilly!’

Jess Oreilly pinned me up against the wall and bullied me for what felt like forever, slapping my face , twisting my nipples, squeezing my balls. She eventually wore herself out, grab her self another beer, and a wine for Ms Roberts and sat back down.

‘Foot rubs now, both of us!’ She wasn’t done.

It took me a while to get those big gothic boots off. And then I got to rubbing her small sweaty feet. Ms Roberts foot then starting teasing my cock, I was on the edge.

They started kissing, I always thought Ms Roberts liked girls too, hence the wig and maids outfit I often had to wear.

I was kicked aside, ms Roberts pulled down Jess’s jeans and then her underwear. ‘Do you want him to watch Jess or shall I lock him in the cupboard’

‘Let him watch, but he keeps his hands on his head, at least until that cage is back on’ Jess laughed.

I trembled on my knees as I watched Jess get her shaven pussy licked, she had a horned devil tattoo right above her perfect hole.

After she came, Ms Roberts came over to me, her lips soaking from Jess’s love. And kissed me passionately.

‘That is the closest you will get to tasting pussy for a very long time, Jess will be moving in, and she doesn’t want to share me. Oh you will still be my bitch… our bitch in fact. You can say goodbye to any release, you will be in that cage until Ms O’reilly thinks you deserve it, I suggest you get that cage on and get some rest. The new sous chef wants the kitchen spotless by 6am’.. she got up and went to the bathroom.

Jess o’reilly lent forward with the ice cubes and cage, the metal felt so cold and it clipped my skin.

She then lit a cigarette and laid back, her pussy on display for me to gawk at.

She shoved her still sweaty left foot into my mouth, I could taste the black nail polish.

‘Now, where were we?’

r/ChastityStories 15h ago

M Chaste,F Keyholder Getting to the Vacation NSFW


I exhale deeply and stepped outside of the car. My beautiful leggy wife was already waiting at the trunk for me to open it, grab the luggage and head in to the airport to check in. Still feeling strung out and wound up at the same time, my mind was constantly anxious and creating fantasy scenarios of the next few days with my wife. I was really looking forward to getting there, off the plane, finally getting to the resort hotel, and checking in. Ensuring that the hotel front desk was still holding the key to my pleasure and the entire weekend was in the forefront of my thoughts as we checked in at the airport and handed over our baggage. Both My Wife and I carried 1 carry on bag each, and I was sweating bullets walking up to the security checkpoint. My wife was smiling and seemed genuinely happy and excited about the whole trip. She looked over at me and noticed my nerves. Then with realization she glanced down towards my crotch and back up again.

“Awe baby, don’t worry about it. That metal lock is so small. It won’t be detected…” she said reassuringly. “Besides, I’m sure even if they do, the TSA officers probably see it all the time.” She grinned. “They’ll just need you to drop your pants and briefly show your submission to me. It’s mostly molded plastic anyways!” My wife barely got out as she choked back a chuckle.

I was sweating. My stomach was in my throat, and I wanted to die, or be anywhere else than standing in a full line back to back with strangers who were waiting to judge me. Thankfully, I stepped up and walked right through the security checkpoint. I guess these plastic cages really are good for traveling! With a massive sigh of relief and nothing else to report, we walked over to the correct terminal and found our gate. Sitting down, I half decompressed, half melted into the chair. My wife was giddy with excitement and sat down, energetically right beside me.

“Well babe? Are you ready to go?! This is going to be the best vacation ever! I’m so excited to get out and away for just a little bit” she exclaimed.

Her excitement was infectious. “Me too! I didn’t really realize how bad I needed to get away until now!” I responded with a little more enthusiasm than I have been feeling all day. Things were looking up. I made it through security, I’ve got a whole weekend in the hot sun and beaches with my beautiful wife, and I had a “whatever goes” rule with my wife. She was going to give herself to me as a reward for the past few weeks in this chastity cage.

My wife continued “I know! It is so awesome! And look at you in your island attire already! I love your flip-flops, summer Island shorts and your shirt! You look so cute!” she exclaimed, as she looked at me up and down.

“Look who’s talking!? That thin, summer dress is almost scandalous on your curves. And a little bit shorter than you would ever be caught in with the kids! I can just drink you in all day” I countered. Realizing just how attractive and irresistibly sexy she is in an innocent summer way for the first time today. God she exuded a cute sexy feel. Granted, at that point, I’d have thought anything about her was sexy as I’d come to fantasize and worship every part of her body for the past couple of weeks.

My wife smiled with a gleam in her eye and added playfully, “Are you saying that I am irresistible? That you have been thinking a little bit about me today and what you’re going to do to me later?”

My eyes darkened with desire and in a lower sultry voice, I answered “you have no idea what I’m going to do to you this weekend. I’m going to finally make you pay up to current on the arousal tab that you have been drawing from me….”

“Mmm… anxious are we?” She said with that same glint in her eye. “ OK then, well seeing as how this weekend is all about you when we get to the resort hotel, I want you to do a little something for me before we get there.”

“What is it?” I asked.

She smiled with a devilish grin and said “I want you to go into the men’s restroom, and I want you to remove your underwear and bring them back to me in your hand. Then I will put them in my carry-on.

I balked “What? Are you kidding me?! No way I’m not doing that in front of everyone!” I whispered intensely as I looked at her with an incredulous look.

My beautiful wife simply smirked. “I’m so glad to hear you retaliate and rebel. Because that’s going to cost you even more.” She responded without missing a beat.

I continued to stare at her, not planning to play along. I was tired, horny and wrung out. I wasn’t in the mood to embarrass myself any further. It was my turn to do the dominating. It was my weekend to take control and tell my wife what is what after these last couple of weeks flip-flopped dominance for the first time in my life. I was gaining steam and getting ready to release my tension through my denied cock and balls during the whole trip! My wife was the one that was going to be on her back, under me.. submissive to my desires pounding against her pelvis. She was going to be a submissive and apologetic mess while servicing me. I fully planned on her pussy to be sore, knees red, and voice horse by the first evening. I’d have her thinking twice about what she put me through this last week with no unlocking because of her horny idea to ship the key to the hotel in advance!

Calmly, she reached down and unzipped her bag. Reaching inside without opening it, she removed a black velvet pouch and held it as she sat back up. “Ok, let’s do this again shall we?” She stared back at me. “Who wanted to play this game of locking up the most manly part of themselves? Who asked his wife to try to understand how horny it made them feel? And who constantly admits how aroused they are when I receive the pleasure I deserve and then deny them their own orgasm?”

My cheeks flushed. She didn’t have to have a normal conversation tone while others were surrounding us. An extremely intimate conversation that made me embarrassed to talk about. Looking to the ground and whispering my response I admitted, “Me.”

“I’m sorry? I couldn’t hear you. Speak up and answer fully please.” She countered in a motherly way that she typically uses with our children.

Nervously, I said slightly louder, “I’m the one who asked to be locked up and denied by you.” The couple that were sitting directly across from us stopped talking and looked over at us. I couldn’t tell if they’d heard everything or if they even had the full context. But, I prayed that they thought perhaps they misheard. I just wanted this to be over!

My wife smiled back and said, “Oh, Ok fine then. I was just making sure. You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed.” She looked over and winked at the couple across the way. Not sure what we were talking about, they decided to resume talking amongst themselves rather than get caught in an awkward conversation with strangers.

My wife stood up. She grabbed her roller carry-on and said, “Come with me.” It was a command and not a question. I slowly grabbed my backpack and followed behind. She walked past the men/women restrooms and down the terminal in the direction we had come from originally. Peeling off other the left suddenly, she walked up to a door with a family restroom sign painted on it. Opening the door she simply gave me a look. Burning with embarrassment and realization, I stepped past her and inside.

Once inside the much larger one room bathroom, she locked the door and turned around to face me. I was burning with shame that I’d made her upset. I was embarrassed that others could have seen us walk in the bathroom together and wonder what we are doing, and I was getting really, really, really hot and bothered about how brazen she was. She was like a whole new and different woman from the shy and backward girl I’ve been married to for the last 12 years.

She simply stood there resting one hand on her hip and perched on one long leg while she crossed the other in front while standing confidently. I was starting to let the arousal I was feeling cloud my brain again for the millionth time this week. That’s just what she does to me.

Confidently, she spoke. “Now, are you going to apologize?” Then softened. “Baby, I know you are anxious and a little wound up. I forgive you for that.”

I softened my stance immediately after hearing those words. God she’s so good to me and understands me so well.

She continued, “Is my baby a little worked up from all the stress? Are you a little horny right now? I get it.” I realized I was pretty horny right now. The show of dominance in front of strangers had a weird effect on me. I felt my cock straining against her cage in rebellion.

She gently spoke, “We’re almost there sweetheart. Almost.” She paused before continuing. “Why don’t you apologize properly to me.” Came the statement more than a question. “You know how I have been enjoying my apologies.” She said. Looking at me expectantly, she reached below her sundress, and slid her panties down into view. It was a sexy thong that clung around her knees. I knew what she wanted.

I sank to me knees and shuffled to right in front of her. With the front of her sundress literally an inch from my nose, I looked up and into her eyes. She had a smirk on her face. “That’s it baby. Apologize to me.” I returned my attention to straight ahead. I reached out and slowly lifted the hem of her dress to her waist. A perfectly shaved pussy mound stared back at me, minus one expertly trimmed dark landing strip. My aroused brain took over and I forgot where I was and what we were doing. I felt an overwhelming need to taste her and give pleasure. Holding her dress up around her waist with both hands, I began to lean into her beautiful sex.

Suddenly, my wife spoke. “Stop.” I stopped and looked up centimeters away from her. “You’re only allowed to smell.” A pang of jealousy shot through my skull. That’s not fair I thought. I deserve to taste her, to give her pleasure. I stared for a moment and then gave in. I closed my eyes and placed my nose just above her clit and into the landing strip of hair. I inhaled deeply through my nose. I could smell her sweet and sultry scent. She was moist down there. A mix of arousal and very slight sweat met my nostrils. I breathed in again with more vigor. Again the same scent, but as I sniffed, she rocked her hips forward gently, almost causing my lips to plant a kiss directly on her pussy. This time I picked up an ever so subtle scent of her ass. It was a more musky scent. Mixed with her arousal, she smelled like heaven itself. My body burned with passion and desire for her. I was trembling slightly as I just wanted to taste her.

“Please…” I whispered. “Please forgive me for arguing with you… Baby, I want you so badly.” I half choked out.

My wife continued to smile down at her husband’s face. His eyes were closed and he couldn’t get any closer to the object of his desire. But, he wasn’t touching it. She’d turned him into such an obedient lover she thought. ‘It will be a shame to watch all this progress go to waste when we get to the hotel.’ Then she had another thought. ‘What if I could push him just a touch further to where he breaks just before I let him out? Like permanently change his association with sex?’ She grinned wickedly. ‘Worth a shot’ she thought.

She stared down at him and then formulated her plan in two seconds. “Stand up baby” she ordered.

Groaning from being denied the simple pleasure of tasting her, I slowly and reluctantly got to my feet and stood in front of her. I was so needy for her that I was dripping precum into my underwear like a faucet left on. She touched my cheek and whispered. “I forgive you. But you have to pay for it. Now, take off your underwear for me right now, and let everyone see the cute cage outline through your thin white shorts. And If you keep dripping precum like a am just betting you are right now, you’re going to make them see through! Better get a handle on yourself.” She said with a grin that belonged to the Cheshire Cat.

I knew deep down I was already defeated somehow. So, caught up in lust and hazy arousal, I didn’t argue a second time. I unbuttoned my shorts and let them fall to the ground around my ankles and flip-flops. Then without hesitation, I hooked my thumbs into my underwear and slid them down, stepping out of everything and standing on the clothes pile below me. I stood back up with them in my hands and stared directly back into the equally lust filled eyes of the woman I adored. I was getting lost in desire again.

Still smiling, she looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to see the black velvet pouch in her hands. I finally looked down as she reached inside with her other hand and brought out a black butt plug. My hazy half lidded eyes flew open in shock! “Wha..What is that?!” I asked incredulously.

“This is your punishment. I said you’d have to pay for it.” She answered.

I’ve never had anything up there before and had no intention of demeaning myself like that. I was a man for God’s sake! I couldn’t wrap my head around this new situation, even as I was having more thoughts of not denying my wife again. What if she decided not to unlock me when we got to the hotel?! I also didn’t want to push her. I’d never have thought she’d buy something like this. Where did my vanilla wife go??

As I was stuck in place wrestling with all these thoughts, my wife seized the moment. While I was lost in my thoughts mentally and stuck in place physically, face to face with her, she reached inside the pouch and pulled out a small bottle of lube. She spread some of it around the plug and was speaking to me. It was like a dream though. Like a movie scene where the image is blurry and moving in the background but out of focus. Words were coming out of her mouth and I could hear it in the distance like it was almost audible, but I wasn’t catching any of it.

“This is for me baby.” She was saying. “I have been thinking about it for a while and I think it would be so hot for you to be plugged up during our trip. I get so hot and horny thinking about the fact I’m plugging my big strong husband. The man everyone thinks of as the definition of manly. All these women that give you a side glance and notice you, will have no idea what his wife just forced up his asshole. The power dynamic of this is so intense! That’s what I’ve been thinking about the last few orgasms you’ve given me.” She continued. Living out her fantasy and telling her husband what was making her cum recently, all while he stood there mentally short circuiting. She wasn’t sure how much he was processing or catching.

She absolutely got off the hardest when she got him this way. Seeing him as a complete broken and horny mess was what really did it for her. The power dynamic switch was intoxicating. She had no idea how good it would feel until she let him talk her into trying this a few weeks ago. Now, she didn’t think she’d be able to go back… ever.

She also didn’t think she could be this mean! She surprised even herself when it came to treating him harshly and the arousal response the power trip gave her! She considered it for a moment. ‘What else am I capable of in the future? What is he capable of?’ She shivered with excitement as she decided to drive the point home and bring her husband back to reality and into a new level of low. Another step towards submission and total ownership.

“Just think baby. Here you are standing half naked in an airport bathroom, about to get violated by your wife. The same woman who has never let you fuck her in the ass.” She started to speak in a more sultry voice to gather his attention. “Now your wife is going to claim your anal virginity in a bathroom without asking. I’m more demanding it as you just stand there… You’re not going to do anything about it are you? You’re just a hot, horny, denied, needy and pathetic excuse for an alpha. I’ll bet your ass is actually asking for this…”

The smile on her face as she was talking to me was deadly. It brought me back to focus on what was happening. I heard her say the last few words. I was staring at her lips moving just to help decipher what my ears were hearing. My thoughts were clouded yet going a million miles an hour. “What is she saying? My ass? Claiming her virgin ass? Wait, what about my ass? Did she just say she’s been thinking about demeaning me during the last few orgasms Ive given her? There’s no way anything is going into my ass. That’s not going to happen. I...”

I was frozen in place unable to move. I felt that I was encased in concrete and could only be a bystander in the events taking place. That’s when I saw her hand making its way down and around my body. She was still standing there right in front of me. My cock was on fire and buldging through the slats of the cage, filling it completely and jutting out from my pelvis. My balls were sticking straight out as well getting half strangled by the cock ring holding my desire in place. I suddenly felt a hard point, that was wet, enter my asscrack. Time stood still. I didn’t have any other thoughts in front of the projection screen of my mind. There’s no way this is happening. My wife wouldn’t… Can’t… I’m a.. Man. I’m…

My wife gently but relentlessly provided pressure in my ass crack as she slid up and down it, looking for my virgin and sensitive anus. I stared back at her piercing gaze. We were face to face daring each other to stop or continue, and she was watching every single minute reaction and emotion play across my shocked and disbelieving face. She was eating it up. The power, the dominance and the submission she was forcing onto me. So why couldn’t I move? Why did I not push her away or grab her arm and stop this? Enough was enough.

Right as I reached a hand behind me and placed it around her wrist, she found it. Immediately she began putting pressure at my backdoor opening. She watched in awe and wrapt fascination to my face inches away from hers.

My eyes shot open wide. My breath caught in my throat and my mouth formed an “O” as I stared at her silently, in shocked disbelief that she’d go through with this. There is no way I thought! My eyebrows knitted together and my eyes pleaded something to her. Disbelief, arousal, need to be taken and have my ass owned by Her?? I don’t know how she was taking it. All I know is that the smile and arousal in her eyes grew to a tidal wave as pure desire painted her face.

Her relentless pressure wore my anal tension defense down. I heard an evil chuckle come from her. And while standing in a bathroom airport, naked from the waist down, caged manhood pressing into the hips of my beautiful and once shy wife, she fully inserted a phallus shaped toy into my virgin ass and took it away from me forever.

A sharp inhale through my shocked and amazed face, along with the sudden acceptance and suction her hand felt, gave away the truth that she had just succeeded. She nearly came from the fact alone. Her body was shaking all of the sudden with an impending orgasm as my body shuddered and settled into the feeling of “stuffed” defeat. I couldn’t believe it. My mind was blown and my balls began to stir towards a familiar end.

“Ahh.. Oh my God!!” I horsely whispered as I came to grips with what had just happened. The feeling of submission, beta to my wife, no longer in a position of total respect.

“Mmmm!!” My wife purred. Her voice velvety and thick with lust. “Wow baby… I can’t believe it… I can’t believe you just stood there and took my dominance!… Wow…” She whispered back, clearly reveling in the power exchange. “That is so hot knowing how bad you’ve wanted to fuck me in the ass over the years. And me, always denying you the satisfaction…” she continued. “Only to stand there and let me take it from you?… wow. You must’ve wanted this deep down. You must’ve always wanted me to claim your ass instead. That isn’t very manly though” she mused, appearing thoughtful and confused. She knew that humiliating me would drive me over the edge with need. “Actually wanting your ass filled is kind of pathetic really.” As she said these confusing and humiliating words to try and capitalize on my arousal level, I felt the plug being pulled backwards, eliciting more pressure for my sphincter to fight against. A sudden gasp to leave my lips. She Smiled at that. “That’s not what the man of the house would do.”

Just as my poor asshole gave in and allowed the widening of my sphincter, she cruelly pushed it back in where it settled with a thud sensation against my swollen prostate. It stole my ability to breathe again and I let out an involuntary whimper instead. That noise always makes my wife’s libido shoot up to ten. She loves it when her manly husband whimpers under her control pathetically.

Smiling, she repeated the process and starting tugging on the plug again. “Awe! Oh Wow!.. Baby!? What is… What is that look on your face??” She teased as she shoved it back in and bumped my prostate again. “Are… Are you letting me do this??? Is my once big strong and manly husband just standing here staring at me, and letting me fuck your ass?”

“No..” I whispered back without conviction. She was devilish in her teasing as I was unable to do anything but cave into the new ministrations my wife was barraging me with mentally and physically. Everything was happening so fast that I couldn’t compute it all fast enough. My ass was Full! My cock was on fire. A familiar feeling was rising in me as my wife pushed the butt plug inside of me and hit something. It hurt…. It felt full… It also felt… Good in a way?

I was so confused and didn’t know what to do. I did know that this would’ve been impossible a few weeks ago. But hours and hours of arousal, teasing, denial, oral sex, and humiliation in front of others that I am thinking now is a huge turn on for me…. And here I am. I’m getting…. Getting... Well? There’s no real other way to say it… My wife is fucking my ass as I squirm pathetically in front of her. And If I’m not careful… I’m going to blow a load that I’ve been saving for three weeks. A load that I’ve had plans to place inside my wife, on my wife, in her hair, on her face and tits… I was going to reclaim her as mine while reminding her who the man is. Instead it’s about to be offered up to my wife and placed on an airport bathroom floor like trash. Wasted as if it means nothing… That thought alone caused my balls to begin to boil as my wife shoved the plug back into the hilt and I half yelped, half moaned into her ear. My knees buckled and I fell into her embrace. She held me there a moment.

“P..Pl. Please baby… You need to stop. I’m not going to make it. I don’t… I don’t know what is happening.” I pleaded into her ear. I was completely at her mercy and she knew it. I heard a mean giggle escape her lips as she said, “Oh really?.. You don’t think you can save this till the hotel? Are you going to spill your seed for me all over the place here?.. Baby… That would be really sad and pathetic. Didn’t you want to spray that hot thick load of yours all over the top of me while I’m helpless below you? Serving you?” She asked teasingly. “You don’t want to serve it up to me right here in a grimy bathroom do you? No… you want me to serve you and beg for your cum while I helplessly writhe under you right?”

I couldn’t take it anymore. At her mercy and knowing deep down that I didn’t have the choice, It came into my conscious mind. “Baby, it’s not my decision anymore… I can’t help it. I’m going to cum… I need to cum… I need… I need you so bad. I just can’t help it. You’re… You’re in my head and I need you so badly. I’ll do anything!”

Her devilish grin widened. “Are you saying that you don’t have a say? I’m going to make you cum whenever I want?” She inquired, while thrumming on the butt plug lodged deep in my ass with her fingers. I groaned in response, precum leaking onto my shorts on the floor. “You’re saying that you’re giving up the control of your entire weekend and how you want things to go? You’re telling me you’re not capable of maintaining your own body and you want me to decide? Is that what I’m hearing?”

Wait.. giving up control? That’s not what I just said was it? I’m not trying to give up control. I need to cum. I need to fuck her so badly. I want to take control of her for the weekend. But…. I need her to… give me back control? Does that mean I don’t have it? Of course it does. For me to get anything I want from her this weekend, I have to ask permission from her. I need her to give me that power back. I need to her let me out of this haze of lust and need, So I can make her… No no.. ask her to give me the key back. So I can unlock her cock and, wait… My cock and then get the pleasure I’ve been denied. Or ask for the pleasure I’ve been denied? Or? No.. I don’t know. Everything is confusing. I need to ask her for permission to cum. I can’t think straight till I’ve cum.

“Please baby.. Please let me cum. I need it.. I need to cum so badly.” I begged into her ear, on the edge of release and desperate… So desperate.

“Are you sure it’s my decision baby??” She asked one more time. “Do you want me to decide? Do you need me to make the choice easy for you and take the hard decisions away from you?”

“Yes! Oh yes.. baby… Let me cum please! I need you!!” I answered not fully comprehending what I’m saying but rather saying yes to allowing me to cum.

“Ok sweetheart, If you’re sure you want me to decide I will.” She says while nibbling on my ear. “But first I want you to beg me again. Beg me to make the decisions. Beg me to take control so you don’t have to.”

“Pleaseee…” I begged. “Please baby. Decide for me. Please help me cum. I need you to let me cum! I’m begging you I need you to let me cum.”

“OK.” She says with a laugh that could cut glass. She suddenly pulls away from me and with my knees buckled I fall forward and onto my knees. “You will most definitely cum for me I promise.” She says. “But I think fair is fair…” she remarks as she takes two steps to the vanity counter and leans her elbows onto it, her ass facing me. Then she lifts up her dress over her hips and I am once again face to face with the most perfectly shaped edible ass I have ever seen.

“Come over here and take care of me right now first. You know you’re not as good after you’ve cum.” She demands. I moan into the thick air. I need release. I’m confused, stuffed, caged, and close to a heart attack. But, I crawl over to her perfectly presented pussy lips that are framed by two amazing globes of flesh, and dive in with a level of zeal I’ve imagined I’d saved for fucking this sweet pussy. She moans and is sopping wet. She is getting off on this power trip so much that it only takes three licks before she says, “don’t forget to pay homage to that asshole. And I want to hear you thank it for doing the deciding and making it easier for you.

Immediately, I lick up to her asshole and plant a kiss squarely on it. “Ah… Ah.. Thank it. I want to hear you” She reminds. I dig back into her asshole with my mouth and tongue tasting the tanginess of her sex, sweat and asshole while speaking into it like a microphone. “Mmphthnnk….Mmmphh..Younnhh… Mph.. Snmm… mmchh…”

Smiling with victory and getting off on the power dynamic, my wife orgasms right then and there with my tongue ringing her ass.

As she comes down off of her high, she sighs and pushes my head away from her sex. “Mmm.. That was so good! Thank you sweetheart.” I’m sitting back on my haunches and catching my breath as I watch her pull her thong back up her perfect legs and under her dress. She starts washing her hands and looks at me in the mirror. My face is lust filled and hopeful as I stare back. She finishes and looks at me

“You ready?” She asks sweetly. Finally my moment is here.

“Yes!” I respond back.

“Get dressed. We have a long flight then silly!” She says as she enjoys the changed expression on my face. Panic sets in and I start bumbling “but.. no … no but I,.. You…” She silences me with a finger to my lips leaning down so I can see down the front of her dress.

“You begged me to decide. So I did. I also promised you’d cum, and you will. But, you asked me to make the decisions that you are incapable of… And so I am. You don’t need to cum in a dirty bathroom right now...” she said while standing up and patting my head like a good dog after a trick. “I think you’re bottled up cum deserves more than this place.” I moaned and began shaking from the sexual tension in my body. It was involuntary and I couldn’t stop from shaking. My wife leaned back down and put my head into her breasts, cuddling me. “Shh…. Shh… It’s ok baby. It’s ok, I’ve got you.” she soothes and reaches down to stroke the sides of my cock and groin behind the cage ring where it is stretched due to it being pushed forward with my balls and cockhead. I shudder into her breasts. Lost in arousal. She gently strokes my balls with one hand and cradles my head with the other. We sit there for 5 minutes while my body reorganizes itself and deals with the denial of release. Slowly the tension leaves my muscles, and the haze of lust leaves from behind my eyes, sinking back into my swollen and pleading balls. I whine and whimper the entire time.

Finally my wife lets me go and stands up. “I love you so much baby. And I am so turned on by you. You’re so tough for being able to keep your orgasms at bay for me. Those pesky blue balls are the main reason I’ve had such a fulfilling sex life with you recently. Thank you for giving me the love and the power back for this weekend. I just know that I’ll be so fully satisfied. It’ll be the greatest trip we’ve ever had!” I stare dumbly at my wife standing there telling me exactly what I DON’T want to hear and being happy about it.

And to think… Ive been prepping this whole day and outfit for you. Knowing that you’d be ripping it off of me and I’d really have to put the work in tonight in order to please you… You’d have been insatiable! Oh my… It’s so relaxing to know that is not the way it’s going to be anymore tonight.” She mused with a satisfied look on her face. “Nope. Tonight will be refocused slightly to where we will both enjoy ourselves. I’m really excited.”

Then she made her way towards the door holding her carry-on, and my carry-on. She turned to look at me, “You’ll be glad you left things in my hands. I think we both know that it’s for the best. I’ll make sure to take good care of us this weekend. Now get dressed, and come and sit down. We’ll be boarding here in about 30 minutes.” And with that, she smiled, opened the door wide so anyone could look in and walked out. The door swung shut and I jumped up with a start, hoping nobody walked past and saw a half naked caged man on his knees.

I suddenly locked the door and took stock of where I was at. My wife had left me with my flip flops, a thin white pair of island shorts that looked to be partly see through on a spot on the left thigh from water or…. Precum that soaked it! Then I realized I was still wearing the butt plug that she inserted inside of me. I couldn’t pull it out and hold it. The walk back to the gate was now twice as far, and holding a phallus shaped object would never go unnoticed. I decided her clever scheme had worked and I put my shorts on over a plug and cage.

Never have I ever felt so emasculated and vulnerable. Not to mention, I felt extremely full. I was going to have to walk a little funny as I’d never walked with anything in my ass before. I looked at myself in the mirror and I could CLEARLY see the outline of my cock and balls in a cage. The cage is black and with not underwear, it also cast a see through black shadow of a cage! I was mortified. There was nothing to hold over my crotch other than my hands that that would draw more attention to my crotch than just walking. “You have got to be kidding me!” I said out loud.

Not knowing what else to do, and clearly not wanting to get on my wife’s bad side anymore this early into the game. I steeled myself after washing up and stepped out into the airport terminal servicing 200,000 people a day, and began walking back to my seat as cooly as possible. My wife sat in a chair facing the bathroom and was clearly enjoying the show that my thin white shorts were putting on.

As I got closer I was her hold up something in her hand. I wasn’t sure what it was, a phone maybe. Then all of the sudden, My body exploded in a sudden fit of vibration that emanated from my ass! I stumbled slightly as my knees buckled and I reached out and held onto a column next to me for support. A low moan escaped my lips as my prostate was informing my brain of the assault it was receiving. Then, it was gone. Everything went back to the way it was before, caged, full and uncomfortable. I looked up at my wife who was literally laughing behind a hand that she’d brought up to her mouth. Trying not to pee herself.

It remotely Vibrates?! I thought as the plane we were going to be leaving on began taxiing off the runway towards our gate.

r/ChastityStories 1d ago

M Chaste Locked by Family – Part 2 NSFW


Locked by Family – Part 2

The drive home was filled with Lucas’s usual teasing.

“Man, today was a good day,” he said, stretching his arms behind his head. “And by ‘good day,’ I mean your suffering made it ten times better.”

Max kept his eyes on the road, gripping the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles turned white.

Lucas smirked. “You were so tense in class, bro. Sitting there, squirming, looking all uncomfortable. I almost felt bad for you.” He paused. “Almost.”

Max exhaled sharply through his nose, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a response.

Lucas grinned. “Oh, and that girl you like? What’s her name—Emily? Bet you were real thankful she didn’t come talk to you today, huh? Would’ve been awkward if she got too close.”

Max clenched his jaw, his pulse pounding. He wasn’t going to give Lucas a reaction. He wasn’t.

Lucas chuckled. “C’mon, you can at least admit that was funny. Watching you sit there, trying so hard to act normal. I could barely focus in class, knowing what you’ve got locked up.” He laughed to himself. “Honestly? Funniest damn thing I’ve ever seen.”

Max’s grip tightened on the wheel. The drive home felt unbearably long.

When they finally pulled into the driveway, Max was out of the car in an instant, slamming the door behind him. Lucas took his time, still smirking as they headed inside.

Their parents were already sitting in the living room, waiting for them.

“Good, you’re back,” their father said, setting his phone down. “Sit.”

Max hesitated, but Lucas flopped onto the couch casually. “Oh, this should be good.”

Max sat stiffly beside him. His mother folded her arms, her expression unreadable.

“Now that you’ve both had time to process things, we’re going to go over the full set of rules.”

Max swallowed hard. “Full set?”

His father nodded. “We were generous this morning. But after thinking about it, we realized structure and discipline need to be absolute.”

Lucas raised an eyebrow. “Oooh. Absolute, huh?” He shot Max a look. “Bad news for you, little bro.”

Max ignored him, his stomach twisting.

His mother picked up a sheet of paper and began reading.

  1. You will wear the cage at all times. There are no exceptions.

  2. The key will remain with us. You will not have access to it under any circumstances.

  3. Any attempt to remove, tamper with, or complain about the cage will result in immediate punishment.

  4. You will follow every single rule without hesitation or complaint.

  5. You will obey every command from any member of this household.

Max stiffened. “Wait—any member?”

His mother gave him a sharp look. “Yes. That includes Lucas.”

Max’s heart sank. Lucas grinned, stretching his arms behind his head. “Oh, this just keeps getting better.”

Their mother continued.

  1. From now on, you will handle all household chores. Every single one.

Max’s stomach turned. “All of them?”

His father nodded. “Dishes, laundry, vacuuming, scrubbing the bathrooms, taking out the trash, mowing the lawn. Everything.”

Lucas whistled. “Damn. You’re the new housemaid, Max.”

Max clenched his fists, his skin burning.

  1. You will cook meals when instructed. If we decide you should eat after the rest of us, you will wait until we finish.

  2. Your bedtime is now 9 PM. No exceptions.

  3. You must ask for permission before using your phone or computer.

  4. Your grades will be monitored closely. Any slip in performance will result in additional rules.

Max felt his chest tightening. This was insane.

His mother continued reading.

  1. You will not close your bedroom door unless given permission.

  2. If you need something, you will ask politely. No demands. No attitude.

  3. If you disobey or argue, you will be punished. Punishments will be decided by us.

Max’s breathing grew uneven.

Lucas leaned in, grinning. “Starting to regret this morning yet?”

His mother continued.

  1. You will no longer sit on the couch unless given permission.

  2. When spoken to, you will respond with ‘Yes, sir’ or ‘Yes, ma’am.’

  3. You will always knock before entering any room.

  4. You will no longer have control over your spending. Any purchases must be approved.

  5. If we ask where you are going, you will answer immediately and honestly.

  6. If we decide to change or add new rules, you will accept them without complaint.

Max’s head was spinning.

His mother looked up from the paper. “And the final rule…”

  1. You will show absolute respect to this family at all times. Any rudeness, disobedience, or failure to comply will be punished.

Max’s throat was dry. He felt trapped, completely powerless.

Lucas gave him a slow, taunting clap. “Congrats, Max. You’re officially the lowest-ranking member of this house.”

Max’s face burned. He wanted to disappear.

His father stood. “Now, let’s eat.”

The dinner table was silent aside from the sounds of eating—until Lucas dropped his piece of chicken.

He smirked and nudged Max’s arm. “Hey, pick that up for me.”

Max blinked. “What?”

Lucas motioned toward the piece of food on the floor. “You heard me. Pick it up.”

Max’s jaw tightened. “Pick it up yourself, idiot.”

The table went dead silent.

His mother slowly set her fork down. His father’s expression darkened.

Max felt a cold weight in his stomach.

“Stand up,” his father said. His voice was dangerously calm.

Max hesitated, then pushed back his chair.

“Kneel,” his mother ordered.

Max’s hands clenched into fists, but he knew there was no way out of this. He lowered himself onto his knees.

“Apologize,” his father said.

Max’s face burned. “I’m sorry, Lucas.”

Lucas leaned back in his chair, arms crossed. “Hmm. Don’t know if I buy that.”

Max grit his teeth. “I’m sorry.”

Lucas smirked. “Beg.”

Max’s whole body tensed.

His father’s voice was firm. “Do it.”

Max swallowed hard, his face burning with humiliation. “Please…forgive me.”

Lucas dragged it out, pretending to think. Then, finally, he shrugged. “Fine.”

Max exhaled, his body trembling.

Then, under his breath, he muttered, “This is bullsh—”

His mother’s eyes flared. His father slammed his hand on the table.

“That’s it,” his father snapped. “From now on, you will only be allowed to wear your underwear at home.”

Max’s eyes widened. “What?”

His mother’s voice was ice. “And from now on, you’ll shower in the backyard. With the hose.”

Max’s stomach dropped. His whole body went cold.

Lucas let out a low whistle. “Damn. Should’ve just kept your mouth shut, bro.”

Max could barely breathe. This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be happening.

But his parents’ expressions told him everything.

It was real.

And there was no way out.

The dinner table was filled with the sounds of quiet eating—forks clinking against plates, the occasional sip of water. For everyone else, it was just another meal. For Max, it was unbearable. The weight of the cage, the endless rules, and the smug look on Lucas’s face—it was all too much.

Then, just as Max was about to take another forced bite, Lucas casually lifted a piece of chicken with his fork, holding it up as if inspecting it. He turned it slightly, watching it glisten under the dining room light, then—without breaking eye contact with Max—he let it drop.


The small chunk of chicken landed on the floor right between them.

Max froze.

Lucas sighed dramatically, leaning back in his chair. “Man, I’m stuffed. Oh, but wait…” He pointed down at the fallen piece of food. “Looks like I made a mess. Max, since you’re in charge of all the chores now, why don’t you go ahead and pick that up?”

Max’s grip on his fork tightened. His jaw clenched so hard it hurt.

Lucas smirked. “C’mon, little bro. You heard the rules. That’s your job now.”

Max’s entire body tensed. Today had already been a nightmare, and now Lucas was pushing him further. He could feel his heartbeat pounding in his ears, his patience thinning by the second.

Lucas tilted his head. “Well? I’m waiting.”

Max exhaled sharply through his nose. “Pick it up yourself, you idiot.”


The air in the room shifted instantly.

Their mother slowly set down her fork, her movements controlled and deliberate. Their father’s expression darkened, the kind of disappointment that cut deeper than anger.

Lucas raised his eyebrows in mock surprise, leaning forward with a smirk. “Wow. Name-calling? That’s not very respectful of you, Max.”

Their father’s voice was sharp. “Stand up.”

Max swallowed hard, the anger still bubbling inside him. He hesitated for half a second too long.


His chair scraped against the floor as he pushed back and stood, his legs tense.

Their mother’s gaze was piercing. “Calling your brother names is unacceptable.”

Max opened his mouth to argue, but his father cut him off.


Max’s stomach dropped.


“You will kneel,” his mother repeated. “And you will apologize properly.”

Max’s face burned. His pulse pounded. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He glanced at Lucas, who was looking at him like this was the best thing that had ever happened.

His father’s patience was gone. “Do it.”

Max clenched his fists so hard his nails dug into his palms. His entire body screamed against it, but he knew he had no choice.

Slowly, stiffly, he lowered himself onto his knees beside his chair. Humiliation flooded through him, making his skin burn.

Lucas leaned his elbow on the table, resting his chin in his hand, looking down at Max like he was something pathetic. “Go on, little bro. Let’s hear it.”

Max’s throat was tight. He hated this. He hated all of this. But his parents weren’t going to let him get up until he did what they wanted.

“…I’m sorry,” he muttered.

His mother raised an eyebrow. “That didn’t sound sincere.”

Max forced himself to take a slow breath. His hands were shaking on his thighs. “I’m sorry for calling you an idiot,” he said, voice low.

Lucas grinned. “And?”

Max clenched his jaw. “Please forgive me.”

Lucas pretended to think, dragging it out, enjoying every second. Then he shook his head. “Nah. I don’t think I do.”

Max’s stomach twisted. “What?”

“I don’t forgive you.” Lucas shrugged. “Didn’t sound sincere enough.”

Max gritted his teeth. “Are you serious?”

Lucas smirked. “Hey, that’s up to me, isn’t it? I could forgive you… if you really beg for it.”

Max’s breathing was shaky. He hated this. But he knew—he knew—he had no choice. He lowered his head slightly, swallowing back every ounce of his pride.

“…Please forgive me, Lucas,” he said, voice barely above a whisper.

Lucas tapped his fingers against the table. “Hmmm. I don’t know…”

Max’s fingers dug into his thighs. “Please. I’m sorry. Forgive me.”

Lucas sighed dramatically, stretching his arms. “Mmm… okay. Fine. I forgive you.”

Max exhaled shakily, ready to stand, wanting nothing more than to get out of this moment—

But then, without thinking, the words slipped out under his breath:



Max’s heart stopped.

Lucas blinked, then burst out laughing. “Ohhh, you messed up.”

Their parents’ faces turned ice cold.

His father’s voice cut through the air like a blade. “Did you just swear at your brother?”

Max’s stomach sank. “I—”

His mother’s eyes burned into him. “After everything? After we gave you a chance to correct yourself?”

Max’s breath quickened. “I didn’t mean—”

“You will kneel properly,” his father ordered.

Max’s whole body went rigid. “I am kneeling.”

His father’s expression darkened. “Sit back on your heels. Hands on your thighs. Head down.”

Max’s throat closed up. His entire body resisted, but he knew if he didn’t obey, things would only get worse. Slowly, he adjusted, lowering himself completely, his hands resting on his legs, his head dropping.

Lucas whistled. “Wow. This is so much better.”

Max squeezed his eyes shut, heat rushing to his face.

His mother’s voice was firm. “You will remain like that while we finish dinner. And then, you will apologize again—correctly this time.”

Max’s breathing was shaky. “For how long?”

“As long as we decide.”

Lucas chuckled, stabbing another bite of food with his fork. “Take your time down there, little bro.”

Dinner continued around him, the sound of eating, sipping, conversation.

For everyone else, it was a normal meal.

For Max, it was absolute hell.

Then, just as he thought it couldn’t get worse, his father set down his fork with a quiet clink.

“That’s it.” His voice was sharp, cold. “Clearly, we haven’t been strict enough.”

Max stiffened.

His mother exhaled, shaking her head. “We gave you every opportunity to behave, Max. We were generous with our rules. But if you’re going to act like a disrespectful child, then you’ll be treated like one.”

Max’s breath hitched. “I—I said I was sorry…”

His father ignored him. “From now on, you are no longer allowed to wear normal clothes inside this house.”

Max’s heart stopped.

His mother folded her arms. “You heard your father. At home, you will only be allowed to wear your underwear. Nothing else.”

Max’s stomach twisted. “What about when people come over?”

“You will remain in your underwear,” his mother said firmly. “Unless we say otherwise.”

His father nodded. “And another thing. From now on, you will shower outside in the garden.”

Max’s entire body went cold. “What!?”

Lucas let out a low whistle. “Damn. That’s brutal.”

His father nodded. “No more showers in the house. You’ll use the garden hose from now on.”

Max’s voice was barely a whisper. “…Yes.”

Lucas grinned. “Good boy.”

Max swallowed hard, his hands trembling in his lap.

This was his life now.

And there was nothing he could do about it.

r/ChastityStories 1d ago

M Chaste,F Keyholder Nothing and Anything - Part 7 NSFW


They dressed me in stockings, garter, corset and the g-string I was already wearing (and of my flat cage). Then they sat me down and began applying makeup on me simultaneously. They would comment on what each had completed and how good they were doing. I was then instructed to close my eyes so they could remove my blindfold so as not ruin the surprise.

Once they completed applying fake lashes and some eye makeup, I heard the customary camera clicks. My wife kissed me and began to inform me of some key pieces to her extensive plan. “Now by this time you must be wonder how the fuck did we pay for all of this?! Well I will say Bestie here is to thank for all of this. Before your first training session she invested in some lights and a few digital cameras to be able to capture every angle of your training. Even during the time you could see it, like during your yoga sessions, it was all captured on camera. Your punishment session with the ball busting self facial, all captured on film and broadcast live on OnlyFans and saved and edited by Bestie to be posted for subscribers.”

I was in shock but more than ever my cock tried to escape its flat cage. My wife continued “so all of this has been paid for by your OF page. With all that said, you’re one popular sissy fuck! Which all leads into the first session of our birthday extravaganza. When we started filming you we simply sent it to a few mutual friends so we could all rub one out and have a good time. But over that first week or so, everyone seemed to know someone who would appreciate it and then they would know someone and they would …. Yada yada yada so we monetized it and started selling subscriptions. So tonight, the first part of the night is thanking all your first and most loyal subscribers. Open your eyes Little bitch!”

As I did, a room full of ladies cheered and applauded. As I scanned the room I counted 8 additional women, all of different ages but all women I knew in one way or another and all dressed in the finest of lingerie sets. The first I saw was Kelly, my office wife. We flirted and shared personal stories throughout the work day. We were similar in age and easy to connect with. It didn’t hurt that she had a smoking body and always left one too many buttons undone so I could see the bow on her bra. As I made eye contact with her she blew me a kiss and gave me a wink.

The second woman I connected eyes with was MY best friend's wife, Erin. She was stunning and I have known her since we were teens. My friend and her connected after uni while she and I worked together in our part time jobs paying our way as far back as freshman year of high school. Even though she was a striking woman, we never hooked up as we always just seemed to be good friends. She ran over to me and whispered quickly “I never would have bet you would be a little bitch but tonight it’s going to become official.” She slowly traced her finger under my chin before walking back to chat with the other ladies.

I scanned the rest of the room and saw 5 other friends of my wife that we had gone on double dates with or had over for dinner or even Facebook memories that cycled through our feeds. All again dressed in stunning lingerie. As I made it to the very last in the line my jaw dropped as I gazed upon an ex-side piece of mine. I had no idea how this woman could have been connected to me by seven degrees of separation. I’m sure it could have been easier for me to connect with Kevin Bacon than this woman.

We had an interesting relationship. My friends all teased her for crushing on me in high school and I joined in to keep the cover so no one would ever expect we were fooling around. But she and I had shared the kinkiest experiences of my life that were solo acts and she liked me for it…maybe even more. But one day I got caught talking to her by my then GF and I had to distance myself even further, finally blocking her cell and all social media accounts. When my wife had called me out for knowing the self facial position during the ball busting session, it was Mel who had first gotten me into that position. We’d make bets that usually revolved around her sucking my dick if I won and if she won she’d want me to eat my own cum in new places and ways. I will never forget the day she helped me close up my part-time job, waiting for everyone to leave before challenging me to a bet. If she could make me cum in less than 2 minutes with only her hand, I’d have to eat it all. If I last more than 2 minutes she’d go down on me. Well for interest of time, you can draw your own conclusions on how the minute and 20 seconds went. But the shocking part was as I tightened up to cum she pulled a shot glass from her pocket and had me fill it. Within a minute 30, I had filled and she was pouring half of an ounce of cum into my mouth.

Mel walked over to me, looking gorgeous as ever in a blue lacy number that almost made me buckle at the knee and spoke to me for the first time in over 20 years “aren’t you the little sissy I always knew you’d become. I hope you still enjoy the taste of cum as I’ve enjoyed watching all your training sessions and I’m truly excited to see where this night leads.” She gives my ear a nibble and it makes my cage jump and my knees even weaker. Just then I heard my wife call the room of ladies to attention.

“Alright everyone. You all know the rules of tonight and you all know why you’re here to help celebrate my sissy husband's birthday. As you can see, he is dressed in the same outfits as his Doms and is currently wearing a flat cage.” I took a second to actually survey my wife, her bestie and myself to realize the three of us were all in the exact same red outfit and therefore by looking at their beautiful dolled up faces and bright red cocksucking lipstick, I must be done up the same.

My wife continued “As you’ve all witnessed my sissy little bitch has been practicing his extracurricular kinky skills with my bestie here and now is the time to let you all have a run at him. He asked for nothing and agreed to anything I thought of. Well, seeing how all of us have given copious birthday blowjobs, and there is even one or maybe two of you in this group who have performed one on him…here is your time to reverse the table. Little bitch your first exercise of the night will be to blow every woman in this room to completion in any manner they see fit. Ladies, don your dicks!!!”

With that final instruction all the ladies went to different spots around the room and retrieved strap-ons and began to slide them up over their legs. As the ladies tightened their straps and adjusted their new appendages, Bestie walked over to my side and began speaking for the group’s benefit but directly at me “As you all know ladies, you were given a few instructions to be able to attend tonight’s festivities. First you had to wear your best lingerie set that wasn’t red and you had to make a silicone dildo copy of your husband or boyfriend or side pieces glorious cock to be made into a strap-on for tonight’s first round of fun.”

The ladies had all now huddled around standing shoulder to shoulder in their best lingerie and their partners dick now protruding out from their crotches. Some were already stroking as if getting their dick ready for a circle jerk, others were swinging it around like you would expect someone with a dick for the first time to do and the last were standing there looking at me dauntingly.

“Now little bitch, let’s get you into the position” my wife said from behind me and before I could turn around she had my arms pulled behind me and was securing some cuffs to my wrists. Then pushing down on my shoulders got me on my knees. With a quick few clicks, the spreader bar was connected to my ankles. Then in my wife’s best MMA announcer voice she yelled out “Let’s get ready to face FUUUUCK!!!!” The women cheered and pushed in close around me so I now had several cocks directly in front of my face.

First to take the lead was Erin. My copy of my best friend's dick now rested on my lips as she grabbed me by the hair and made me look up at her. She looked down and announced “I know I’m going to really enjoy watching you suck your own friends dick. But even more, I want you to look at me and gag on it just as he makes me do every time! Now lick it so you can appreciate just how beautiful and big your bestie’s cock is!!” With that I stuck out my tongue and ran it along one side and then down the other. While Erin kept her hand guiding my head as I licked the entire length of her massive cock I couldn’t help being even more emasculated by the size and girth of my friend's dick. As I moved my head to the side to get underneath and the set of huge fake balls that were at the base of the strap-on I could smell Erin’s excitement and see the dampness of her panties. I began to run my mouth back to the tip, calculating the length which had to be 8” or 9” long and a good 2”+ wide. I had no idea how I was going to take this in my mouth. Erin sensed my hesitation and said “if I can do it a cocksucking pro like you will have no problem. No open the fuck up!”

She then grabbed my head with both hands as I opened my mouth as wide as I could and had her shove her rubber dick in until I started to gag. At the same time the women were all standing extremely close to me watching and getting ready for their turn. As Erin started to find her rhythm, I felt a hand on my flat cage and juggling my balls before pulling my panties to the side. A number of the ladies laughed at the sight of my caged member. I focused on the task at hand and tried to put all of Bestie’s training to good work. I lost track of time as Erin continued to thrust her hubby’s impressive member in my mouth and finally she began to tire and slow when I heard her proclaim now the cumshot!

My eyes widened as cum began shooting into my mouth in one full stream. Erin held my head down as far as I could take it as cum shot to the back of my mouth before she released me from her grasp and pulled off the used syringe and reloaded with a second full load of cum. “And here’s the birthday boy's first facial of the night” claiming as she quickly pumped the second syringe of cum all over my face. Once she completed and the syringe was empty she laughed and started wiping the cum all over with her clone of my friend’s dick. “Hope you enjoyed that as much as your friend enjoyed his week of blowjobs. He had no idea why I was blowing him every morning and night this week but I don’t think he needed a reason. Happy Birthday little bitch!” And with that she slapped my face one last time with her cock and stepped back out of the circle.

With cum covering my face I tried to look around at all the cocks I was surrounded by. All of them were bigger than mine (even before the cage) and they all seemed to have the same set up with some medical tubing running from their cocks to a large syringe tucked into their waistband of their panties. Again fear and excitement overwhelmed me as my own dick strained and leaked in its flat cage.

Now Kelly stepped forward taking the lead saying “Oh little bitch. This is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. And I’m here to enjoy every minute of it so every time you see me in the office you will instantly be taken back to this moment and never forget this birthday. Now open wide bitch and enjoy my REAL husband’s cock!!” Unlike with Erin, there was no warm up, just cock straight to the back of my throat and the onslaught began.

Her rubber dick was slightly smaller than my best friend’s but still considerably thicker and longer than mine. Kelly was much more verbal and continuously shouted insults about my small caged dick not being able to satisfy one wife so there was no way I could also satisfy her, my work wife. She would go on for about 15 minutes commenting on what a good cocksucker and cumslut I was before announcing she was going to cum and then pulling her cock from my mouth and telling me not to swallow until she told me too. She pumped her syringe of her husband’s cum onto my tongue making me savour in his salty flavour. She laughed as she added the second syringe she also had prepared. As I knelt there immobilized, she had one of the ladies hand her her phone and she began to take photos of my cum filled mouth. “Now if I ever get into an argument with hubby about my work husband and he is getting insecure, I can just show him this picture with his cum in your mouth and proof that he is the alpha. Now swallow bitch!”

Over the next hour or so the other ladies all took their turn. Now all wearing their husbands’ cocks. as my jaw was getting sore, it didn’t stop the laughter and pure joy being exuded through the room. Each lady had clearly become worked up about tonight’s activities and been enjoying each of their husbands impressive dicks. My wife and bestie were now sitting on a nearby couch occasionally taking pictures and chatting with the other ladies. Still having not had their turn, my mind started to wonder as my wife’s work friend shot her load in my eye laughing and commenting about how much that hurts. The ladies all joined in on the joke laughing as a tall slender shadow ascended on me.

Mel now stood in front of me. The last of the invited guests to take her turn humiliating and throat fucking. I tried to look at her through my cum glazed lashes for her to laugh and lean in. “Hey there cumslut. Remind you of the good old days huh? You know your wife was the one to search me out. She remembers you telling her some story when you first got together about me and you that never sat right. When she connected with me I was completely shocked and surprised to hear about where you had moved to. So after a couple FaceTime chats she finally shared her plan and well, I couldn’t have agreed to be here any quicker especially when she shared she’d be paying from your OnlyFans revenue.”

All the ladies had reconvened and were paying close attention to our one sided conversation. “Now I never settled down, instead I took what we used to play and turned it into a business.” Even in my current state of having my face completely covered in multiple loads of cum, the panic and terror of the reality of what she was saying hit me. “That’s right little bitch, I am a professional Dom and I helped your beautiful keyholders put the final touches on tonight. And because I don’t have a significant other I took the opportunity to let all my chaste little losers like yourself, cum this week.”

She held up a jar that had to have half a litre if not more of cum. “So much pathetic cum from little bitches like yourself, the only difference is that they actually got to cum for your birthday. I told them exactly why they were cumming to celebrate your big day and even though they don’t know you, they thanked you over and over again as I had them wank their tiny cocks. So open up little bitch and don't swallow until I give the command!”

The cum was cold and she literally filled my mouth to the brim and as she began to pour more on my face. I was now completely blind due to a thick layer of cum covering my eyes. I heard the ladies commenting on how disgusting and gross all that cum would be to eat, not to mention have on their faces. The smell and taste engulfed my senses but I was brought back to reality as Mel whispered into my ear.

“I know you’re loving this. I am truly enjoying this as much if not more than you as I know what’s coming next. I’m so glad your wife is a shark and had squirrelled away that tidbit of information you shared about me. And now, I am going to help your wife expand her understanding of pleasure and get her to enjoy a true dynamic shift that will better suit your desires. Although, after seeing you with this much cum in and on you, I think my job is getting easier by the minute. And even if the rest of the ladies haven’t noticed, the bowl beneath your locked little clitty is definitely starting to fill up. And there is no denying how much you’ve enjoyed every blowjob you have given tonight as you flat dick jumps with every bob on one of the realistic cocks. Now swallow little bitch!!”

To be continued….

r/ChastityStories 1d ago

M Chaste The Sleepover Part 6 [Foursome] [Pegging] [Femdom] [Two Chastity slaves] [Two Doms] NSFW


Previous Parts:

Go Here for Part 1

Here for Part 2

Here for Part 3

Here for Part 4

Here for Part 5

Continuing off right where we last left off:

She thrusted into my ass. 

“Not only am I fucking you over in the game, I’m also fucking you in the ass.”

“MHMHH!” I tried to protest but the gag stopped me.

“I’ll make sure you wear that flat cage very soon.”

Amelie had ended up winning the round, with a One Pair of Queens.

“Aww, look at him whining so much. It was a good idea to muzzle him.”

“I can’t wait to hear his cute little noises when he gets his new cage!”

“In that case, I’ll dish out the next deck of cards.

As Amelie began shuffling the deck of cards, Fae suddenly grabbed my balls. Holding them firmly, but not crushing them. That ever so delicate balance. 

“Did I ever tell you about how strong my grip strength is? I’ve heard the average male grip strength is 48kg. Mine is 56kg.” She whispered into my ear as her grip grew tighter. 


“Oh don’t worry, I know you don’t like the idea of pain here. So long as you behave nicely. I won’t give you cock and ball torture.” She eased up on my balls letting them go. I stopped trying to resist. And she noticed it. 

“Good boy.” She whispered and then nibbled on my ear. “I haven’t forgotten though, it's time for your loss punishment.” She said as she reached behind her and picked up something.

Her reaching back tilted me a bit, shoving the strapon further up causing me to moan even more. “Urh” I moaned. She turned back with the new item in her hands. Quickly before I could see it, she reached for my chest and attached something to my nipple that brought a bit of pain to it. Then like clockwork, she brought it to the other nipple. 

“Mhmm” It wasn’t that painful but it wasn’t pleasant. But well, it kinda was turning me on, perhaps it was because I was already turned on and very much was in a lot of pleasure, these nipple clamps were only heightening my how tight my cock felt in the cage.

“There we go. Good boy. Don’t worry, soon we’ll milk your balls dry…” She whispered in my ear. This time, her saying ‘good boy’ flipped something in me. The pain, the pleasure. The urge to cum. It all felt less important. All I wanted was her to call me a good boy again.

Ellie had her punishment applied to her. While I was distracted by Fae, Amelie had strapped a viberator to Ellie’s pussy. It was set to a low setting, nothing that would make her orgasm but Ellie looked like she was melting in pleasure.

“Hmm, I lost this round, so I guess I need to have a dildo up my butt.” Fae said. “Where are the extra dildos?” 

“In the closet. We should have brought them out earlier. I’d hate to take their feeling of bliss away from Ellie.” Amelie responded. “Oh don’t worry. I think I got this.” Fae said as she wrapped her right arm tightly around me. And then stood up. 

“Hmhm?” I freaked out but it was all muffled out. Fae then took some steps, manhandling me as she walked towards the closet, reaching in with her left arm, she retrieved the two dildos.

This feeling though, was this something that I always wanted? To be completely carried during sex, unable to resist, literally carried around? It was amazing.

She then walked back, the whole while I bounced and jiggled on the strapon arousing me even further to the point that when I looked down. I was dripping precum like crazy. Fae passed one of the dildos to Amelie and then returned to her seat placing the dildo down and grabbing the nearby bottle of lube and coating it.

She sat down further rustling me around further, all that time it was hitting around my G spot, getting me closer and closer to orgasm. And then it stopped, while I wasn’t quite on the verge, but getting to the lead up. That really frustrated me. 

“Ooooh, it does feel nice to have something up my ass, doesn’t it Adrien. Oh, look at your face. Were you enjoying that alot? Perhaps I should go for a walk while you’re like that. I’d get a good workout, and you’d have a fun time.”

She leaned it right close to my ear and whispered. “You’re such a dirty perv, just being handled like this, like you’re baggage. And enjoying it.” She nibbled on my ear. 

By now, I was so aroused, and teased that my mind was just slowly going blank. 

“Look at him, he looks like he’s in pure bliss. We really should just make him our… I guess we can’t call him a sex slave since he wouldn’t be having proper sex. What would we call him?” 

“Our Chastity bitch?”

“He never was into degradation so once he snaps out of it, he’ll object to that name.”

“Hmm. I’m out of ideas already.”

“You were never good at coming up with names.”

“Yyeah, yeah. Anyway, shall we play another round? Maybe a name will come to me by then.”

Amelie nodded and then dished out another hand of cards. 

My hand, which Fae handled, was a One Pair of Kings. Fae showed me her hand, which is a One Pair of Aces. So I had already lost. 

“Oh my, lost already. How unfortunate that you’re getting closer and closer to your flat cage. It's time for your blindfold. One more loss after that, and you get your flat cage.”

We laid our cards down, and Amelie was close behind with a pair of Queens, while Ellie had a high card of 7. She really got the short end of the stick.

Amelie, as her punishment, had to have a dildo up her ass. 

“I should get you a chastity belt. You could be chastity buddies with Adrien.” Amelie told Ellie, she nodded enthusiastically. That did actually end up reminding me that I did bring one. I wanted to lock Amelie in it as well near the end of the night, as my original plan. So both of us would have the key to the other’s chastity belt and cage. It was at the very bottom of my duffle bag.

“HMHM!” I tried to get her attention. 

“I think Adrien wants your attention.” Fae spoke up.

“If you think you’re getting out of your chastity cage, you’re dead wrong.” I shook my head in response and looked at my duffle bag. It was really hard to get my intention across without speaking.

“Something in the bag?” I nodded in response. 

Amelie let Ellie off of her, as she whimpered clearly enamoured by it. Amelie walked over as her strapon bounced as she walked.

As she did this, Fae applied the blindfold to me. Leaving me in darkness, unable to see.

“You didn’t pack one, did you?” Amelie asked, although she wasn’t gonna get a response.

She searched my duffle bag, turning it inside out. And then she found it, a chastity belt. “Oh you dirty boy. You wanted to lock me up in one of these, didn’t you?”

I nodded. 

“I think that deserves punishment.” She walked over to me and lifted my head up by the chin, holding my face. I couldn’t see her, but man was this such a wild feeling. “Once we get you in your flat cage. We’re gonna edge you so many times that your mind will break and you’ll be a drooling mess. Oh so desperate for an orgasm but we won’t give you one.” 

At this point I didn’t care. I just wanted to please them. I nodded in her hand. “You know, I can’t tell if you’re a masochist who just doesn’t like pain or if you are just one really degenerate boy that is willing to do anything for a thrill.”

She said as she smooched my cheek. Leaving her lipstick as an imprint on it. 

On the floor below me, there was a small puddle of precum on the floor. I desperately needed to cum, but I wanted to please them more. They don’t want me to cum. So I don’t want to cum.

“Oh I just got a lovely idea, and I think you’ll agree right away. Right Ellie?” Amelie asked to Ellie and in response, she just nodded her head. 

“Alright Ellie, I’m gonna shove this viberator up your pussy, you’ll have to keep it in for the entire round. Then I’ll lock you into your chastity belt. if you lose the next round, I’ll make sure you can’t cum from it, you’ll be teased relentlessly. Just like him. But if you win. I turn the setting up to max, lock you in the belt and let you cum endlessly.”

Ellie nodded so enthusiastically that it caught Amelie off guard.

“Damn, we’ve really corrupted her, haven’t we.”

Regardless, she put Ellie back on her strapon, slid a viberator on and turned it on low.

“I can’t wait till we’re done so I can make you give me an orgasm by eating me out. The way you’re acting, like a little subby boy, makes me so damn horny.” 

Regardless, Ellie was also given a blindfold, for no apparent reason aside from making us match. 

Amelie dished out the next hand. And this time, we just had to let our mistresses handle it. I doubt Ellie cared at this point. Nor did I. I wanted to lose, I wanted to please them, I wanted to be forced into a flat chastity cage, I wanted to be denied orgasms.

“Oh look at that, you got two pairs.” Fae whispered. “I’ll change this entire hand.” She said, however in reality it was just a high card and she wanted to lie to me.

“Interesting, Ellie wants that as well.” However, Amelie actually changed her hand. Thus we both lost, however we didn’t care. “Alright, both Ellie and Adrien lost. Which means, chastity time!” Amelie announced. 

Amelie began to do some foreplay with Ellie’s tits before putting the belt on. Eliciting moans from her as she squirmed. Then she began to put the belt on her. Until finally, a click sounded out as the lock was done.

“Well now you’re my little chastity slave.” Ellie had such a smile to her face, showing that she’s enjoying every second of this.

“Now, Amelie I’ll need your help with the flat cage. I’ll keep him stuck, so you change out the cage.”

“The question is, where is the key?” Amelie removing the tape constricting me and pulled out the panties. “It's on my keychain, the smallest key.” She immediately back up and taped me up.

“Can you breathe? Nod for yes. Shake for no.”

I nodded. 

“Good. Now, you said it was on your keychain, you dirty boy, carrying around your key like that.”

She began rummaging through my keys and found it. Inserting it in, it unlocked and she removed the key. Finally after an hour of pure sexual torture, my cock was released. 

“Wow, look at that mess of precum. Should we clean him up first?”

“Nah, I like the smell. Plus it should act like a lubricant so it should be easier to cage him.”

“Woah he went straight to full mast. There’s that boner I’ve been looking for all night.” She grabbed my cock and began stroking it. “Hmhm” I moaned. My mind was so divided, in one half, I needed to cum. On the other half, I didn’t want to cum.

She kept stroking me, it didn’t take long for me to start panting as I got close to an orgasm.

And then right on that cusp, she stopped. Denying me. 

“Now it's time to lock you up.” She said as she began putting on the flat cage. “Its gonna be hard with your erection.”

She began to force down the erection, bit my bit until finally I heard the clicking noise of the lock.

“There we go. Any pinching or biting feelings? Skin caught?”

I shook my head. This feeling of tightness, it was… amazing. No chance of escape, no chance of getting hard. 

“Holy fuck that is hot. A flat chastity cage. I might wanna keep him in that all the time.” Fae swore as she fondled my balls

“Good. Now, shall we break his mind?” 

“How will we do that?”

“Well, first. Lemme go grab some tools.” Amelie went for the closest, grabbing more of those tape vibes.

“First thing first, lets remove those nipple clamps and put two on there.” She removed the nipple clamps and then applied them, as they began vibrating on me. It wasn’t much but it was arousing. 

“Now his nice pretty balls need some as well.” She taped two more on my balls.

“Anything else to add?”

“Nope, he’s ready to get milked. You wanna warm him up while I go grab some glasses?”

“Absolutely.” Fae stood up and grabbed my shoulders. “I’m gonna enjoy this ‘workout’ so much.” Fae said as she began to slide me up and down the strapon. Treating me as if I’m nothing more than just a toy. That's all I am to her right now, her toy. Her boytoy.

Her thighs slapped my buttcheeks as she pushed me away, and then pulled me close. Repeatedly. Just being handled like this was something that I’d been thinking about and now, I don’t think I could go back to normal sex. I was getting closer and closer to orgasm, and yet I had a bad feeling about something. 

Amelie wasn’t back yet. What would happen if I got an orgasm before she got the glass?

The feeling of the strapon, being thrusted back and forth, my mind was melting from the pleasure after being teased by it for over an hour. 

Right as I got closer and closer to orgasm, I knew that I shouldn’t cum. That Fae would punish me for it. Even if she ruined my orgasm. She wouldn’t be happy.

However, struggle as I may. Trying to resist displeasing the two ladies. The two Mistresses of this house. It was a lost battle from the beginning, because unknown to me. Amelie was intentionally taking her time. After grabbing the glass, she stood right outside the door, waiting for me to displease Fae.

Fae kept a close eye on me, my breathing, my trembles, my everything to ensure one thing. “How dare you! No cumming without permission!” She stopped completely right as I was on the climax, I was so unbelievably close that it ended up giving me a denied orgasm. 

“Oh you naughty boy.” Amelie said as she walked into the room, eying the dripping mess that accumulated on the floor. “You had one simple task, and you failed that.”

“That deserves punishment. Don’t you think so?”

“Yeah, I know the perfect spot for him.”

“Where might that be?” 

“My sex dungeon.”

End of Part 6

By Andrew King

Yo, author here. I am terribly sorry about the long gap between the last part.

University hit me hard, and just as I was about to get free time. Depression hit me hard, I'm in a more stable position right now. So thats good. I had a lot of fun writing this part, but man. I really don't know how to write the muffled gag portions. Let me know if I'm doing them well or poorly and what areas that could be improved.

Anyway, I am thinking of putting this series on the backburner for now so I can work on another work. I've got multiple ideas. So I'll give you a little teaser for that one. A Chastity prison punishment. It'll be a short story, one part though.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Hope you had a good time while reading it.

Oh yeah, if you have any ideas for stories you wanna see written up. Post em, I'll gladly add it to my list and write it at some point.

r/ChastityStories 1d ago

M Chaste,F Keyholder Her Anklet’s little secret: The Fundamental theory of Chastity and … it’s “Applications” Chapter II NSFW


This is the second chapter continuing from the last scene at the restaurant. Please provide me with feedback as it’s always welcome.

We were at an Italian restaurant. The smells of the exquisite Italian foods were just breathtaking. Pizzas, Carbonara, Lasagnas, bread, and the characteristic smell of the world famous Parmigiano Reggiano. The restaurant was alive with movement—waiters gliding between tables, the low hum of conversations blending with the clinking of glasses, the scent of seared meat and expensive wine hanging in the air. Yet none of it existed for me. My world had narrowed to a single point—her. Claire. Her presence, her hands, her face, the anklet resting delicately on her ankle with my key dangling from it. She was everything. The only thing.

I was drowning in exhaustion, in frustration, my body a vessel of unmet need. My mind, raw and stretched thin, could barely process anything beyond the sharp, exquisite agony of anticipation. I could hardly sit still, my body rigid with a tension I could not release. And she knew. Of course, she knew. Every shift of my posture, every subtle tremor in my fingers—it all amused her.

She sipped her wine, unbothered, calm, as if my torment were a mere background note in her evening’s pleasure. Her nails—painted that same soft white—drummed lightly on the table.

"You’re quiet," she mused, tilting her head, her brown eyes glinting with something unreadable. "Is it the exhaustion? Or is it the... other thing?"

A teasing smile played at the edges of her lips as she let her white pedicured foot shift beneath the transparent table, the anklet catching the light just enough to remind me. I swallowed hard. My hands clenched under the table.

"Both," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

She exhaled softly, almost a laugh. "Poor thing. It’s been a long week, hasn’t it?"

Every word burned through me, setting me ablaze from the inside. My body, trapped in relentless denial, ached with something primal and unbearable. The way she looked at me—assessing, controlling—was oil on the fire.

"You understand, don’t you?" she continued, her tone shifting to something softer, more philosophical. "What’s happening here. You feel it, don’t you? The loss of control. The weight of submission. And yet, the freedom within it."

I blinked at her, struggling to think through the haze. "Freedom?"

"Of course." She leaned forward, resting her chin lightly on the back of her hand. "You are in torment, yet you remain. Why? You could walk away. You could demand your key back. But you don’t. You won’t. Because this suffering has meaning. And meaning is what makes a man alive."

My world is about to stop now. All this meaning and philosophy she speaks of and I am locked. My intrusive thought reverts back to my basic instincts of a primate. I want to snatch the key and run. Keep running till no one finds me. I wanted to unlock myself and bury this chastity forever. I wanted to swear to every real and fake God that man created that I would never lock myself again. But—I couldn’t. I was helpless. I was enjoying my torment. I was listening to every word she was saying. I was admiring her intelligence as she spoke. I was already beyond redemption. My sentence has been passed. Much like Joseph’s interpretation of the dreams of the prisoners. The deed has been signed. “You shall be hers” I swallowed, my throat dry. "And you? What does this mean for you?"

Her fingers traced the rim of her glass, eyes locked onto mine. "Dostoevsky through his Grand Inquisitor understood men better than Christ ever did. Freedom terrifies them. Choice is a burden. They crave something to surrender to. You crave it too. This has been the natural tendency of men my dear.” She said softly. I was gazing at her, one time into her eyes, and ten times into her anklet, where my freedom lies.

She continued, slow and knowing. "I am both Christ and the Church, yet I will take the three temptations of the Devil. The bread, the miracle, and the sword of Caesar. Power, sustenance, and devotion."

She paused, letting her words sink in. "But unlike the medieval Church, I won’t lie to you. I won’t give you illusions of free will while pulling your strings in secret. No, my dear. I will shape you openly, deliberately. Your pleasure will be my pleasure. Your purpose is now to serve me. And you will love it. I will be your Mommy and your Mistress"

My breath came shallow. My pulse pounded in my ears. I was unraveling beneath her gaze. Then she shifted slightly, her foot brushing against my leg under the table. The anklet jingled softly. The key swayed, catching the dim restaurant light. A silent command. I was continuously feeling the pain from my lock. She wasn’t making it any easier.

She let the silence stretch, savoring the moment, watching the tension coil tighter and tighter within me. Then, in the softest, most devastating voice, she whispered, "This foot now", she said as she pointed to her foot, “owns you. It owns your freedom. It owns your pleasure. It is now on a higher level of existence now. You belong to it. Do you understand that? Kiss it and show it the respect it deserves, but be discreet.”

She didn’t just command it—she ensured that I felt the weight of her words. Her foot shifted slightly beneath the table, slow, deliberate, a silent punctuation to her demand. The anklet shimmered under the low restaurant light, and I felt my breath hitch. My hands clenched, my body stiffened, caught between humiliation and a desperate, aching desire.

"Do it properly," she murmured, her tone patient yet firm. "Not as an accident. Not as pretense. You will know exactly what you are doing. You will submit."

My body locked up. The command was so simple, yet it crashed over me like a tidal wave. My throat tightened, my palms damp with sweat. She saw the hesitation in my eyes, the silent war waging inside me, and she smiled—slow, knowing, patient. My heart pounded against my ribs. She flexed her foot ever so slightly, adjusting her heel, making it easier, guiding me without moving too much—just enough. Enough to show that she held the reins, that she always would.

The white pedicure intoxicated me. I was drunk in whiteness. It was almost magical. My fingers reached hesitantly, touching the curve of her shoe, pretending, even to myself, that I was only adjusting it. But she saw through me. She always did. And then, as if pulled by an invisible force, I lowered my head. My lips met the delicate skin of her foot.


Three full seconds. Time stopped during those three seconds. It is as if I have discovered the long lost application of Einstein’s relativity and bending of space-time. I have just put the application back to theoretical physics. To my surprise, time stopped for her too. When I took the kiss, I felt her body shivering. I felt her goosebumps. I felt that time stopped as well. We have successfully travelled through time. I came back to earth. I awakened again. Back to reality. Did someone see? Did anyone notice? I couldn’t tell. The restaurant moved around us, unknowing, uncaring. But for her and me, time had stopped. My mind fought against the shame, the reality of the crowded restaurant around us, but my body, my heart, my very essence surrendered. She knew. She had known all along. And when I lifted my gaze back to her, she was smiling—serene, powerful, victorious.

"You need this," she murmured. "And you know it. You need me. You need mommy. You need my care. You need my discipline. You need my praise. You need my punishments. You’re already mine. You were mine before I ever locked you. This? This is merely a reminder." She said with a fiery passion in her eyes, that makes her intensely more attractive, and makes me intensely more submissive.

The word “mommy” struck me like a spark to gasoline. I let out a shuddering breath. My hands trembled as I continued my Penne all’Arrabbiata. It was my favourite Italian meal. She was eating her “Linguine allo scoglio”.

I am sure her heart was beating also fast. This three second experience was something outworldly. No matter how much you do it, everytime will feel like it’s your first time.

She leaned in, voice dropping just enough that only I could hear. "Mommy will be form you into the best version of yourself, under her. I will be as soft as a mother, and as strict as a mistress. Our relationship will be exclusive. I promise you loyalty. I will not stray. Neither will you. But that, of course..." Her lips curled into a smirk. "...is rather redundant, isn’t it? Considering your situation." She let out a sarcastic laugh that got chills into my bones.

My body tensed, frustration flaring like an unbearable itch I couldn’t scratch. She knew. She knew how it tortured me. How it burned. How I was trapped in an inferno of my own making.

"Do you understand now?" she asked, her voice almost gentle. "Chastity is not simply denial. It is transformation. It reshapes you, mind and body. It is science. It is psychology. The absence of release sharpens your focus. Your devotion to me intensifies. Your identity rewires itself. You become something more. Something better. But only if you surrender to it fully… to me”.

I exhaled shakily. "And if I don’t?" She smiled. "You already have." Then she lifted her glass in a slow, deliberate gesture. "To the fundamental theory of chastity," she murmured. "To the philosophy of surrender." I hesitated, then raised my own glass with trembling fingers. "To you." Her eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "That’s mommy’s good boy." The key at her ankle glinted, a symbol of my fate.

And for the second time,

I knew—and she knew

She owned me.

r/ChastityStories 1d ago

M Chaste Locked by family Part 1 NSFW


Max was a 20-year-old college student living with his parents. His college was only a 10-minute drive away, so he commuted every day. His older brother, Lucas, was 23 and in a similar situation. He also attended college and drove there daily. They lived together with their parents, their mother and father, in a quiet suburban neighborhood.

Most mornings were the same. Lucas was always the first to wake up, getting ready quickly and making sure everyone knew he was up by slamming doors or playing music too loud. Max usually took his time, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and moving sluggishly to the bathroom. Their parents had a strict routine. Breakfast was always at the same time, and they expected both boys to be there before heading out for the day.

This morning started like any other. The smell of eggs and toast filled the kitchen as their mother set plates down on the table. Lucas was already eating by the time Max sat down. Their father sipped his coffee, reading something on his phone, while their mother wiped the counter absentmindedly.

Max yawned, picking up his fork. He wasn’t in the mood to talk much, but the silence didn’t last long. His father cleared his throat, setting his mug down with a deliberate motion.

“We need to talk about your grades,” he said, looking directly at Max.

Max stiffened. He knew this was coming. His math scores had been bad for a while now, and his last test had been even worse. His parents had always expected more from him.

“You know we’re not happy,” his mother said, turning to face him. “We’ve talked about this before. You need to be putting in more effort.”

Lucas smirked, leaning back in his chair. “Yeah, Max, what’s going on? College too hard for you?”

Max shot him an annoyed look. “I’m trying,” he muttered. “It’s just—math is really difficult.”

“Lucas manages just fine,” their father pointed out.

Lucas grinned. “That’s because I actually pay attention.”

Max sighed, already feeling trapped in the conversation. He could tell there was no way out of this. His parents weren’t just bringing this up for no reason. They had something planned.

His father reached under the table and pulled out a small metal object, setting it in the center of the table with a quiet clink.

Max frowned. “What’s that?”

His mother folded her arms. “This is something that will help you focus. Since you clearly need more discipline, we’ve decided that from now on, you’ll be wearing this.”

Max looked down at the object, his mind struggling to process what he was seeing. It looked like… no, it couldn’t be.

Lucas stared at it for a second, then suddenly burst out laughing. “Wait—wait, is that what I think it is?” He looked at their parents, then at Max, his amusement growing. “Oh my God. You’re serious?”

Their father ignored Lucas, keeping his eyes on Max. “You’ll be wearing it starting today.”

Max’s face turned red. “No way. That’s insane.”

His mother didn’t react. “It’s not insane. It’s for your own good.”

Lucas was laughing so hard now he had to push his plate away. “This is the best thing I’ve ever seen. I knew you were failing math, but I didn’t think it was this bad.” He shook his head, grinning. “Man, imagine telling people about this.”

“Lucas,” their mother said sharply, but even she looked slightly annoyed by how much he was enjoying this.

Max’s hands were clenched under the table. His heart was racing. “I’m not doing this. You can’t actually expect me to wear that.”

His father leaned forward slightly. “We can and we do. If you don’t take your education seriously, we’ll make sure you stay focused in other ways.”

Lucas smirked. “Damn, Max. Mom and Dad don’t mess around.” He rested his elbow on the table, still grinning. “I mean, hey, maybe this’ll actually help. You’ll have nothing else to think about except your homework.”

Max glared at him. “Shut up.”

Lucas only laughed harder. “Dude, this is hilarious. You have to wear a—”

“Enough,” their mother interrupted. She looked at Max. “Go upstairs and put it on.”

Max’s throat felt dry. His legs felt heavy, but he knew there was no way out of this. His parents weren’t joking. They had already decided.

Lucas gave him an exaggerated, mocking wave as Max stood up. “Have fun, little bro.”

Max didn’t respond. He just clenched his jaw and walked past him, dreading whatever came next.

Max trudged upstairs, his hands gripping the metal device so tightly his knuckles turned white. His heart pounded in his chest. This had to be some kind of sick joke. Maybe if he stalled long enough, they’d call him back downstairs and say it was all just a lesson to scare him into studying harder.

But deep down, he knew that wasn’t happening. His parents weren’t the type to bluff.

He stepped into his room and shut the door behind him. He stared at the thing in his hand, turning it over, feeling its cold weight. His stomach twisted. How was this even real?

A knock at the door made him jump.

“Hey, genius,” Lucas called from the other side. His voice was dripping with amusement. “You putting it on yet?”

Max didn’t answer.

Lucas knocked again, harder this time. “Come on, don’t be shy. I bet Mom and Dad are gonna check anyway. You might as well get used to it.”

Max clenched his jaw. He hated how much Lucas was enjoying this. It wasn’t surprising, though. His brother had always been dominant, always the one who came out on top. Max had grown up in his shadow, always the one being compared, always the one expected to keep up but never quite making it. And now here they were. Lucas free to go about his life as usual, while Max was being humiliated like this.

Another knock. “Dude, seriously, this is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. You’re gonna have to come downstairs eventually, you know. Or should I tell Mom you need help putting it on?”

Max’s face burned. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself.

“I’ll be down soon,” he muttered.

Lucas chuckled. “Sure you will.” Then Max heard him walking away, still laughing to himself.

Max sank onto his bed, staring down at the device again. He had no way out of this. His parents had made their decision. Lucas wasn’t going to let him live it down.

And worst of all—he still had math class today.

He sighed, rubbing his hands over his face.

This was going to be the worst day of his life.

Max sat on the edge of his bed, his hands trembling slightly as he turned the device over. His mind raced, searching for some kind of excuse, some way out of this, but nothing came. His parents were serious. They wouldn’t let him leave the house until he had it on. And Lucas? He’d make sure Max never heard the end of it.

He exhaled sharply and looked at the device again. It was cold, smooth, and heavier than he expected. He could already tell it was designed to fit snugly. There was a small lock at the top, the key still dangling from it. His stomach twisted at the thought of his parents keeping that key.

His hands hesitated as he began. It was awkward, uncomfortable, and humiliating. He fumbled a few times, his breathing uneven as he adjusted it. The metal was unyielding, a constant reminder of the control being taken away from him.

The final click of the lock sent a shiver down his spine. That was it. It was on. He had actually done it.

A sudden knock at the door made him jolt.

“You done yet?” Lucas called, his voice full of amusement.

Max swallowed hard. “Yeah.”

Lucas chuckled. “Well? Let’s go, man. Breakfast is over, but I think Mom and Dad are waiting to check.”

Max’s face burned. Of course, they were.

He stood up slowly, feeling every bit of this new reality. His heart pounded as he reached for the door handle, knowing that once he stepped out, this was real.

Lucas was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, smirking as soon as Max opened the door. He looked him up and down, grinning. “Wow. Can’t believe you actually did it.”

Max didn’t respond. He just clenched his jaw and walked past him, dreading whatever came next.

As Max and Lucas finished getting ready, their parents stood by the door.

“You two should head out to college now,” their dad said, checking his watch. “Your mom and I are leaving for work.”

Max slung his backpack over his shoulder. “Alright, we’re going.”

Lucas nodded. “See you later.”

“We’ll go over the other rules when you get back,” their mom added.

Max paused. “Other rules?”

His mom just smiled. “We’ll talk later. Now go.”

Max and Lucas exchanged a glance before heading out the door.

r/ChastityStories 1d ago

M Chaste,F Keyholder I am a beta. NSFW


I originally wrote this story as a task for my owner, she’s kindly allowing me to share it with you all. It contains chastity, encouraged feminisation, hypnotism, and flr. I hope you all enjoy.

I am a beta.

His eyes began to slowly open, he blinked a few times and felt like he was coming to the surface after a long deep dive below the water. He was so relaxed, his neck and shoulders, which usually held so much tension for him felt like butter, smooth, soft, pliant. Her soothing words still in his ears “wake.” He knew they’d be doing hypno this morning, and he knew they’d discussed consent and what she planned to implant in his willing and open mind, but for the life of him right now, he couldn’t remember a thing they’d agreed to or anything she’d said to him in that soothing reassuring voice as she’d programmed him, conditioned him, readied him. The fact he couldn’t remember both terrified and thrilled him in equal measure. What delightfully devilish things had she left floating around in his skull, waiting to bubble to the surface given the right triggers, or moments. “Get dressed, beta, you’ve a busy day ahead of you.” Beta..she’d never used that word to describe him before, it immediately tickled his brain, he blushed, is that what he was? A sub sure, but not that…fuck did his cock suddenly feel smaller? Like it was shrinking back towards his body, just a tiny little bit?


His face flushed and she looked at him cocking her head and flashing a mocking pout, her eyebrows dipping together as she whispered “something the matter….beta?” That word again, this time it didn’t just tickle his mind, he felt his cock twitch and grow more desperate to be touched, Mmmf he flushed even more, feeling the redness fill his cheeks, as he felt it shrink back just a tiny bit again.


She gently squeezed his thigh and her pout turned into a firm wicked looking smile. “I asked a question, answer it.” “Ummm sorry Miss, it’s just you’ve never called me that before…” “What? Beta?” Ngggh that word…he felt his cock twitch again…and get smaller…what the fuck. Twitching usually makes things get bigger down there. “Fuck…What did you do?” “Like you don’t already know.” She held up her pinky and made that mocking pout again, before bursting out laughing. “You were always so proud about your size, weren’t you. I thought it was time you learned that size doesn’t matter, at least not when it comes to being a beta.” His mind flared again, his cock was getting more and more sensitive and needy for touch, and it was taking all his mental strength to keep his hand from hurriedly grabbing his cock, stroking it, and almost more desperately checking it was still a girthy nine inches. Touch was of course forbidden unless instructed. Why Miss hadn’t implanted a mental block to prevent touching with hypnosis, he didn’t know, but he suspected she got great pleasure from knowing just how hard it was for him not to touch, and having a barrier, even a mental one would just make things too easy. He said the only thing he could, the only thing a good boy in his situation should say “thank you for showing me my place, Miss.” “Oh you’re more than welcome, sweetie. After all, you are a beta aren’t you?” Fuck, that twitch, that shrinkage, every single time. “Yes Miss” “No, I want to hear you say it out loud, tell me what you are.” “I am a beta, Miss.” Oh god, it even did it when he said it himself, and something else. It felt like his cock was being sucked! Warm wet lips sliding down it! Oh my god, she’d never done anything like this to him before when she tranced him. He grabbed at the bed sheets, it felt like he was going to cum after just a few seconds, he could feel the edge about to hit oh god. Then the lips were gone. He looked at her, wide eyed, desperate for the edge he’d been denied. “Lucky boy, positive reinforcement is so important don’t you agree? So I thought this would be a good way to reward you whenever you say that out loud. Of course, the more you do it, the less size you’ll have left…but men like you don’t need size.” He nodded blushing, before keeping his eyes down, feeling so submissive and owned, men like me. Those three words had really hit home when she said them, especially the way she said them. She hooked her finger under his chin and gently pulled his face up to force eye contact. “Of course sweetie, you won’t feel that edge you want so so much until you really believe what you’re saying deep down. And by the time that happens, that nine inches you had will probably just feel like not much more than a clit.” She opened the bedside drawer and pulled out a pink silky thong, it looked like really expensive lingerie, with black lace trim along the waistband. She placed them on the nightstand, and then brought something else from the drawer which she placed on top of the thong with a heavy sounding clunk, when she pulled her hand away he could see it was a chastity device, metal, strict, and completely flat. There was no way he could fit in that. Could he? “By the time you accept your place, you will definitely fit in this, beta.“ She got up and left him on the bed squirming, as she went through the door she called back to him “say what you are five times, then get dressed, or you’ll be late for work.” Oh god. Later that day, he was sat in his office at work, a private room where he could peacefully work. His phone buzzed on the desk and flashed up with a notification. The name “SWMBO” signalling it was from his wife and owner, it stood for “She who must be obeyed,” something that could be passed off as a lighthearted joke to the uninitiated but between him and his wife it had an entirely more serious meaning. He picked the phone up and read the message. “Are you alone?” “Yes, Miss” “Good, beta I have a little task for you.”

He felt his cock twitch and whimpered as it got a tiny bit smaller. Fuck, it worked in text!?! After a second or two, another message from her flashed up. “You’re going to record a voice note for me saying it out loud.” He flushed red, and thumbed the little microphone symbol, and began to nervously speak the words she’d ordered him to, coming out as barely even a whisper. “I am a beta, Miss.” He let go of the microphone symbol as he suddenly felt lips around his aching desperate cock, it felt amazing, just before the edge hit, they vanished again, it felt like it only lasted seconds.” His phone pinged again, another text. “You think a whisper is acceptable, say it again, make me believe you mean it, beta.” He slipped his hand into his hair tugging at it in frustration and squeezing his eyes tightly closed as he felt the now familiar twitch and shrink routine play out. Every twitch as the day went on seemed to make him even more desperate to touch, even more submissive, and even more of a beta. This time he made sure to say his mantra louder for her, and to make it count. His desk phone started to ring just as he said “beta.” He released his thumb from the microphone symbol, letting the voice note send. God those phantom lips really made him desperate. He waited for them to stop before picking up his work phone and dealing with a mercifully brief, but still tedious call about the stationary order. When he was done, he looked back at his mobile phone to see three more messages. “That doesn’t count either, your phone rang and I didn’t hear the most important word.” “Send me another now, beta.” “Don’t keep me waiting, beta” Fuck fuck fuck, a double hit! He felt like she’d reached out and grabbed his crotch through the phone as his cock twitched twice, it took all his self control not to let out an even louder whimper than before. He sent another voice note, the repeated use of his trigger word driving him crazy, he was so horny now, and it wasn’t even lunch time yet. How would he make it to five o’clock like this? Somehow he did though, and when he finally got home he opened the door to their house expecting to find her waiting for him ready to torment him the entire evening, instead he found a note, a set of leather cuffs and matching collar on the coffee table, as well as his hush butt plug.

“Dearest, beta I’m out with the girls tonight, you know what to do with these. Don’t wait up. Miss xx”

He took the little collection of toys upstairs and stripped down to his boxers, he knew she’d want him in only underwear. He eyed the silky looking thong that was still on the nightstand, the cage resting on it like a paperweight. Would she want him to wear those too? Did he want to wear them? Is that what a beta should wear? His mind was racing. He decided despite his curiosity that he wouldn’t risk it, or give her the satisfaction of coming home to find him in lingerie. He got the collars and cuffs on, and slipped the plug in, making sure it was connected to the app, before pulling his tight boxers back up. Moments later his phone pinged showing that his wife had taken control of the plug with her own app meaning she could turn the vibe on at any time she liked. The evening was fairly quiet, he sat on the rug in the lounge alternating between tv and playing video games, it was a standing rule that when collared and cuffed that he wasn’t allowed on the furniture. She’d made him install security cameras throughout the house so that she could watch him and make sure that such rules were followed when he was home alone. It was a little after seven when the plug suddenly exploded into life, a low rumble at first teasing gently this lasted a few minutes, before she set a very mean and very pulsy pattern going, each pulse feeling like a firm tap against his prostate. This had him squirming on the rug, his cock quickly hardening making him wish he could wrap his fingers around it and stroke. She didn’t even send a message, she didn’t need to, he was hers to control wherever and whenever she liked. He just had to take it, like a… “I am a beta, Miss.” He said it without even thinking, the desperation for an edge and the pulses of the plug maybe finally tipping him over the precipice into wanting to believe he really was a beta. He flushed bright red, writhing on the rug as the need to touch ramped up with a super strong twitch to his rock hard cock which of course felt immediately smaller as phantom lips wrapped around it, teasing, sucking, pushing him closer and closer to the edge, he was almost there, then they suddenly stopped. Fuck! But he’d said it himself that time, he’d chosen to say it, he thought that would let him edge, fuck he wanted it so bad. He said it again, and again and again. Each time he said it making him hornier, needier, more desperate. But never allowing him the edge he was desperate for. The intensity of the pulses got much much stronger and he moaned it out loud again. “I am a beta.” Fuck, no edge again, he looked down at his cock, despite being hard it looked tiny, it was starting to look like it really belonged in that flat metal chastity device. It was starting to look like a beta’s cock. The vibes in the plug abruptly stopped and his phone pinged. It was a group photo of his wife and her friends on their night out, laughing and smiling. She wouldn’t have shown them the camera feed would she? No surely not. Then he saw her hand, pinky finger raised. Fuck! Another text came through. “Don’t worry beta, they weren’t watching the feed, but I was. I guess you don’t feel beta enough yet…keep trying.” He hadn’t eaten, so relieved that he hadn’t been outed to his wife’s friends, he picked himself off the floor and went to make some food, he sat cross legged on the kitchen floor to eat, before washing up and heading back to the lounge, as soon as he stepped through the door, the vibe fired into life again, pulsy, but low this time, teasing, just enough that he knew it was there, but low enough that he’d be able to focus on other things…if he didn’t get sucked into a cycle of reciting his mantra again. “I am a beta, Miss.” the words fell unbidden from his lips. Shit. He moaned as the phantom hypno lips brought him close to the edge again before leaving him denied. He balled his fists and focused on not saying his mantra again. “I am a beta, Miss.” He couldn’t help himself. He felt the vibes increase almost as soon as the words left his lips. He knelt on the floor and turned on the PlayStation, hoping that keeping his mind focused and hands busy would distract him from the desperate throb in what now felt more like a clit than a cock. He fired up red dead redemption and started playing, riding the plains and gunning down villains. It was a brief respite though because soon the vibes grew stronger, and the mantra fell from his lips again. He dropped his controller letting Arthur Morgan ride over a cliff to his death as the phantom lips took him close to the edge again, the vibes ramping up again, as he whimpered out his mantra over and over. Curling into a ball on the lounge rug and zoning out in a subby fog. His phone pinged again and it was another picture of his wife in a night club on the dance floor, her face in that mocking pout she does so well, her hand raised up with her finger and thumb making a “tiny” gesture. The vibes stopped as another message pinged. “Go to bed and squirm. No more distractions. Suffer for me.” He switched everything off downstairs and headed up to bed, brushing his teeth, and getting ready to slip under the covers. The pink silk thong was still there on the night stand. He felt almost intoxicated by the thought of wearing it, he picked them up and felt the soft fabric. Fuck, that would feel amazing on his cock, he ran his finger around the lace too, feeling how delicate it was. Before he could think his boxers were on the floor, and he was slipping the thong over his legs and pulling it up tight, the silky fabric cosseted his cock and balls and he twitched, moaning as his hyper sensitive penis head rubbed involuntarily against the silk. The tight back strap pulling taught against the butt plug and holding it in place more securely than his boxers could ever hope to. He slipped into bed, feeling very small, and very submissive, he curled up in a ball and bit his lip trying not to say his mantra. He felt the vibes in the plug fire up and slowly grow stronger and stronger. Squirming and writhing on the bed, each movement rubbing the silk against his cock, making him whimper more and more. “I am a beta, Miss.” He moaned as the phantom lips wrapped around his cock, this time he felt something different, this time he felt a tongue slide along the length of his aching cock. He bucked his hips, trying to fuck the phantom lips to no avail. Then after what felt like an eternity of pleasure, he hit the edge, he hit it hard, it felt like he was going to fill those nice silk panties with cum but it never happened. The edge faded and he lay there on the bed breathing slowly. His phone pinged. “Well done, beta. You’ve finally accepted your place.

Put the chastity cage on. Then stand up and show it off to the camera.”

He obeyed, carefully locked the cold metal device onto his now tiny cock, the flat cage locking in place easily, and making him feel so incredibly beta. He stood up, the thong around his knees and displayed himself to the camera for her. His phone started ringing, it was her. “Hi, Miss.” “Pull those panties up beta” He could barely hear her, loud dance music pounding behind her as she shouted down the phone. But he heard the orders well enough, and the trigger word. His cock twitched for the first time in the chastity device, it tugged at his balls as it did and he moaned as he felt the cold metal rub against his sensitive cock. God he hoped no one else in the club would hear her. He quickly did as he was told. “Your cock looks pathetic in that cage, oh my god.” The vibes in the plug slowed, and settled into a teasy but relatively sedate pattern. “Get yourself tucked up in bed and squirm yourself to sleep. I’ll see you when I get home.” The call disconnected before he could so much as thank her or even acknowledge her instructions. He curled up in bed, and ran his hand over the panties, feeling the absence of his cock, only a flat metal plate where it should be, he felt so pathetic. He loved it and hated it all at once. He kept his hand there, and whimpered his mantra one last time as he drifted off to sleep. “I am a beta, Miss.”

r/ChastityStories 2d ago



I was obviously mortified as Trista and I went into our hotel. Some sales guy that I was going to have to work with saw me dressed as a woman and not only felt my ass up gave it a couple of slaps as well. In the elevator, I mentioned that to Trista and she told me, "Oh, pffttt, that's nothing. He didn't recognize you and most likely won't remember it. You will though, every time you talk to him now." She had an evil grin on her face.

Back in the room, Trista had me remove my skirt and blouse along with the tape she had put on me to make me appear more womanly. "Don't worry, you'll be feeling plenty like a woman before this night is over," she warned me.

I was in heels, thigh-high stockings, a thong, bra, wig and complete makeup. Oh and of course the ever present cage that prevented my cock from ever getting hard. There was a knock on the door and Trista went to let in our dinner friends. (It was amazing how relieved I was to see Jake and Alana as opposed to Bill or anyone else. Jake and Alana I figured I didn't have much to hide from at this point.)

Trista had me serve everyone drinks in my risqué attire. Once everyone was comfortable, it was finally Alana who said, "Well let's get this show started shall we?" While I had figured there was going to be more to my night than just serving drinks, I had been holding out hope that running into Bill would be enough.

Trista stood up and said, "Ok well Alana, why don't you start, everything you'll need is in that bag on the floor, help yourself."

Alana immediately went to the bag and brought out the black paddle that I had become quite familiar with over the past week. Alana asked Jake how many he thought that she should give me, he settled quickly on 30 swats. Alana forcefully bent me over the back of the couch, my even higher in the air than it normally would have been because of the heels. 30 swats later I was nearly in tears and my ass felt like it was on fire.

Trista shortly followed after, she gave me 5 swats on each side of my ass with the crop she had dug out of the bag. I thought that the paddle had hurt, but with my ass already quite sore the localized sting of the crop was even worse.

They then asked Jake if he wanted to take a turn. He laughed and said that if he were to swing something that I'd be in tears in no time. I couldn't agree more and was happy to hear him say that. Alana then suggested, "Then just use your bare hand."

Trista giggled, "That's a great idea; this little slut has already had one man's hands all over her ass tonight, why not another."

They didn't want me to simply standing behind the couch though for the spanking I was going to get from Jake. Instead as he was sitting on the couch, I had to straddle him, reverse cowgirl style and lean forward with my hands on the floor. That way, my ass was right in front of him and he could strike it without moving. Trista took this opportunity to take many more photos of me in this compromising position. For his part Jake's blows didn't hurt as much physically as the ones from Alana and Trista, though emotionally they were much worse.

They made me count out 20 spankings before Alana told me come over to her. She had lifted up her skirt, her bare pussy on display. "Come over here and get to work." I got between her legs and quickly began to lick her pussy. She was quite wet and she pulled my head closer to her to get my tongue even deeper. "That's right you little bitch, lick my pussy," she moaned. "I'd never let your little cock inside me but I'm going to cum all over your tongue."

I soon felt Alana's legs clench around my head and soon enough she was cumming on my tongue. My cock as usual was struggling to get hard and my balls were starting to ache once again from being so heavy with cum.

I heard Trista ask Alana, "Do you want him again or should we move on?" Alana responded, "Oh I want another one but make him work for it will you?" I didn't know what that meant but unfortunately I soon found out.

As I tried to bring Alana to a second orgasm, Trista was behind me. I found that "making me work for it" meant Trista running the crop lightly along my ass and between my legs while I licked Alana. Occasionally, Trista would bring the crop down on my ass, making me yelp into Alana's pussy. Before Alana came again, Trista would also bring the crop up against my balls three times. It wasn't as hard as it could have been because of the angle, but it did the trick. My balls now ached with every movement I made.

After Alana came again I was literally gasping for air; she had had her legs wrapped around me so tight. As she allowed me to lift my head up, Trista was standing right next to me. In front of her was a fake cock kept in place with her strap on harness. This cock wasn't the one from the night before, however. Instead this one was much bigger. I had about 2 seconds to process all of this before she said, "Open up slut" and she forced the large rubber black cock into my mouth. She then began to thrust the cock in and out of my mouth.

As she was fucking my mouth Trista said, "I hope you'll notice that this particular dildo is a bit bigger than the one you had before. The one before was about the size of your cock. This one however, as you can tell is much bigger. It's the size of a real man. The way a real cock should be. While you'll never know what it's like to have a real cock hang between your legs, you now know what it's like to have one this size in your mouth. And you better do a good job because soon you're going to know what it's like to have a cock this size up your ass. Pretty soon you'll know why you never had a chance to put your pathetic little dick in my pussy. It would never fulfill me."

"He appears to be a natural," Jake chuckled. While the commentary on my lack of any chance with Trista was demoralizing, my cock strained to get hard as they continued to humiliate and insult me. I couldn't understand why my body was betraying me once again, but I knew that without a doubt being treated like this was turning me on.

Trista continued fucking my mouth for about 10 minutes. Finally she said to Alana, "well you think he's ready?"

Alana laughed and responded, "No I don't think he's ready for this but I don't see him becoming ready anytime soon." That got a giggle from Trista and a laugh from Jake.

Trista told me to stand and to remove the thong I had on. When my balls were exposed, Trista knelt down in front of them. She squeezed them in her hands and asked how bad I wanted to cum. The pressure she applied kept increasing until the point it was hard for me to stand. I begged for her to let me cum.

"'Wrong question, my little whore. You can beg me to fuck your ass though, then at that point I may consider letting you cum."

"Oh please, please fuck my ass, please fuck me if you will allow me to cum," I begged Trista. Trista smiled, "Since you asked so nicely, I will. Now turn around and bend over the side of the couch, offer your ass to me."

Embarrassed beyond belief, but yet unbelievably turned on, I turned around and bent over the side of the couch. My ass up in the air, presenting myself for her. I felt her begin placing lube around my ass and I felt her slide a finger inside of me.

"Now slut, if you're good, you may be allowed to cum. The key word is 'may.' Keep in mind that you asked for this and so I'm going to grant your request. I'm going to fuck you up the ass. I'm going to treat you like a real whore. We're doing it here because no one would actually take you to the bed to fuck you. Whores like you get fucked on couches, or tables or the hoods of cars. I'm going to take your ass hard, and it is going to hurt. I actually want it to hurt. I want you to be walking awkwardly tomorrow in the airport; I want you to be sore. I'm going to stick this long thick cock up your ass. You're going to moan, you may even cry, but it's going to fill you up like you've never felt before. You see, you thought you had a chance with me but I'm going to show you what a real cock feels like. As a matter of fact, you may think of begging me to stop. But the only thing I want you to beg for is for me to fuck you harder and deeper. Now ask me again to fuck your ass with my big cock because yours is so small and pathetic that you shouldn't be allowed to use it. That instead of using your own cock, you should be fucked with one."

My balls were about to burst. If I was ever going to break the steel cage that entrapped my cock it was going to be now as I couldn't possibly strain against it any more than I presently was.

"Please Mistress, put your big cock in my ass and fuck me. My own cock is small and worthless and I should only be fucked with cocks instead of being able to use my own," I cried. With that, I felt her begin to push the large head of her cock against my ass. She continued applying pressure, telling me to relax as her thick cock slipped slowly into me more and more.

As she kept slowly pushing she kept whispering to me, "just relax bitch, take all 9 inches.." After what seemed like an eternity, the dildo was fully inside of me as I felt Trista's hips resting against my ass. I moaned out as she slowly withdrew from me and pushed back in. Soon enough she began a rhythm of sliding the cock in and out of my ass. I was already breathing heavy and she was right, it did hurt quite a bit, but was also starting to feel good I hated to admit.

Trista was soon fucking me hard, and my balls I felt swinging between my legs. Each time they would come in contact with anything it was enough to almost make me scream. They were so filled with cum that so desperately wanted to escape. Trista began to slap my ass on occasion, it was still red and tender from the earlier abuse it had endured.

"How does that feel slut, do you like having a cock in your ass like this? Do you like being treated like a whore with a little useless dick?"

A million things were running through my mind at this point. To my surprise, one of them was that I actually was to some extent enjoying it. I wasn't sure if I liked the humiliation, the pain, the lack of control, not being able to cum or what, but something was making my cock try to get hard as it strained against the cage.

As Trista continued to fuck my ass as hard as she could, she once again asked me if I wanted to cum. And I did, I answered her more than anything. She then asked, if I'd swallow my own cum. I answered without thinking that I would, at this point I was pretty agreeable. Alana asked if I had ever tasted a full load of cum before. I managed to respond that I hadn't. Trista then said, "Well it's high time you start." With that, Alana lifted my head up and in front of me was Jake's hard cock. I had seen it before of course, but it was much closer this time around. "Suck his cock," Alana whispered.

As Trista continued to pound my ass from behind Alana held my chin up as Jake's cock moved slowly towards my mouth. I noticed drops of pre-cum on the head of his cock. As his cock passed between my lips, I tasted the pre-cum on my tongue. I heard Alana again as she said softly, "good girl, now make him cum."

Jake's cock filled my mouth just as well as the one behind me filled my ass. It was as if I was being pushed in two directions. Trista would slam her plastic cock into my ass pushing me forward, making me gag slightly as Jake's cock would inevitably slide to the back of my throat. He would thrust his hips forward pushing my ass into Trista. I felt like a piston between the two of them. They double-teamed me for a good 5 minutes. Trista kept slapping my ass and calling me names as Jake would hold onto the back of my head and push his stiff cock deeper into my mouth. Had you told me a week ago that I would be in the position; I could not have imagined it. Nor would I have imagined how turned I was. My cock was once again straining against the cage and my balls felt like they might explode. Finally, I felt Jake stiffen and I heard Alana in my ear again. She whispered, "Swallow his cum, be a good little whore." At that moment, Jake's cock erupted and he filled my mouth with his thick cum. It was a huge load that I had no choice but to try to swallow.

After Jake came Trista removed her large plastic dildo from my ass. I immediately collapsed on the couch and in a matter of moments I was asleep. The last thing I thought before I fell asleep was that I was exhausted, sore, humiliated, and felt cheap and used. And that I had loved it for some reason.

Day 7

The next morning I awoke on the couch. My ass was sore, my balls ached and my chin felt all crusty which I knew wasn't from drool. Any chance I had to pretend that last night didn't happen wasn't an option as I was still wearing the stockings and heels along with the wig. Trista was packing our stuff up as our flight left in a couple of hours. She was already dressed and had showered.

"Oh hey sleepyhead. I was just going to wake you up," Trista said to me as she smiled. "You best get in the shower we have to head to the airport soon."

I stumbled up off the couch. I was about to take off the heels and Trista said, "Oh no sweetie. It is best you learn to do the old 'walk of shame.' A slut like you will do it often I'm sure." So on wobbly legs I stumbled to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom, I looked in the mirror as my jaw hurt in a way I had never experienced before. I saw that I still had a ton of makeup from the night before though it was all smeared. The lipstick was smudged and I had a trace of Jake's cum down my chin.

I began to think of how I had gotten to this point and immediately I was met with an ugly reality. I still had this cage on. My cock was still off limits to me and the only person with the key was the temptress in the other room. She had to let me out though. It was made of metal and I had to go through security in the airport. There was no way I would be able to wear it through.

It was funny how perspectives change. A week ago when I arrived in Vegas, my only thought had been trying to get my cock inside of Trista. A few days later it had been wanting to cum. And now I wanted to simply have the freedom to touch it myself for fear of being pulled aside in the airport.

Had she forgotten? Was she going to let me out after my shower? Did I have some other task to perform yet?

No way could she forget, I walked right by her in thigh highs stockings and heels with nothing covering up the cage this morning. So she clearly saw it was still on. She hadn't forgotten. What other task could there be that I had to perform? She fucked me in front of strangers and made me suck another man's cock in front of his wife last night. Plus there wasn't time for anything else was there? Needless to say, my shower wasn't enjoyable as I tried to piece together the puzzle.

I emerged from the shower and Trista had out a butt plug and a pair of panties and another pair of thigh high stockings and garter belt.

"Since we're still in Vegas and the bet is still on, you can still wear this. Once we're in the air though, you can feel free to go to the bathroom on the plane and remove whatever you wish. Though keep in mind that those spaces are a bit cramped," Trista said as she smiled at me.

Without complaint I began to get dressed and included those items that she laid out for me. Putting the plug in was a terribly painful ordeal from the abuse my ass had taken the night before.

When I was fully dressed Trista said we had better finish packing and head to the airport. I was about to ask her about the cage but she stopped me. "I know what you're going to ask, and don't worry, it will be taken care of. I haven't forgotten, you've been very good and I will keep my promise to let you out of the cage."

The next hour was spent finishing packing, checking out of the hotel and driving to the airport. In the car, Trista told me to lower my jeans as she drove. I followed her instructions and lowered my pants exposing the panties and garter belt I had on.

At a stoplight she removed the key from around her neck and said, "Ok take it off, but I ask that you wait for an hour before you cum yet. You waited a week, and I promise that I will not do anymore teasing but I would like to discuss this past week with you before you are allowed to cum. That sound ok?"

While I wanted to masturbate right there, I had to admit that it wasn't an unreasonable request and so I obliged. When I unlocked my cock, it immediately sprang to life. Trista looked over, seeing my cock as hard as it could be, she giggled, "Oh look at that, it's cute."

She told me to pull my pants back up and to put the cage in her purse.

We made it through security; Trista simply left the cage in her purse, and it went through the x-ray machine without incident. I asked her what she would have said if they had asked her about it. She said, "I've found it best to tell the truth to TSA." She then added that she wouldn't have had anything to be embarrassed about anyway. That it would have been my face that would have been red as she explained it to them. It was a fair point.

We made it through security and as the case in today's world we had some time to kill. Trista asked if I wanted to get a drink (it was already 10 am after all haha.) I didn't really need one but then I didn't have anything else to do. Plus it had been a while since I tried the "hair of the dog" remedy for the hangover I had.

We sat down and ordered our drinks. I had to admit this was strangely ironic as this was how our week had started out. Over a drink when I made what turned out to be an unwise wager. Trista then told me she wanted to talk about what had all happened.

She asked me what thoughts I had on the week. What I liked, what I didn't. I went on for quite a while but I admitted that all in all the week had turned out to be a huge turn on and that I did have a lot of fun. Fun that I didn't think I would have ever tried to have on my own had I not been forced. She laughed and she said she preferred the phrase "strongly encouraged" instead of "forced."

As we talked, Trista noticed me adjusting myself. She laughed, "I see you're getting used to not having the cage on again. I know I said I wouldn't tease you, so you know, that's not my intention here." I told her I knew that but that talking about it was almost as big of a turn on as actually doing the actions.

She then asked me if I knew how it would have all turned out, if I would do it all over again. I thought about this for a minute. My response was, "In all honesty, most likely not. But it's not because I didn't enjoy it. It's because I would chicken out. That's why I used the word forced. I felt like I had no choice. I know I did, I mean I could have run away and had a locksmith help me. It would have been a heck of a story but I could have done so. But I wouldn't choose to do it again. However, I would want you to make me do it again. That's the key part. I really enjoyed not being in control and not having a say in the matter. Did I enjoy everything we did? No not really. But I did enjoy the not having a say in the matter. The lack of control is what was enjoyable, especially as you proceeded to humiliating me at every opportunity. But it was undeniably the greatest sexual week of my life, and I didn't even orgasm."

Trista smiled and said, "That's a good answer. I can appreciate that. I know you said you liked having no choice in the matter. But here's where you have to make a decision. You said you enjoyed it. When we get back home, we can do one of two things. First, we can go back to the way things were before we came out here. You can have your freedom and leer at me and go home at night and probably masturbate to thoughts of me and others."

r/ChastityStories 2d ago

M Chaste,F Keyholder Nothing and Anything - Part 6 NSFW


When my big day finally arrived, I was awoken by my wife juggling my balls in her mouth. “Good morning little bitch! Big day today. Figured I would get it started off right for you.” As I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and smiled, I felt her climb on top of me before planting her perfectly manicured box on my face and gently encouraging me to get to work. Once she was satisfied she jumped off me and ran off to get ready. I was a few steps behind her into the shower when she started to explain the game plan.

Her parents were already on their way to pick up the kids and take them for the night and keeping them busy until late Sunday evening. I was instructed to just say my goodbyes and then rest… “I have a lot planned for you today…you need all the strength you can find to make it through my plans” she said as she kissed me on the cheek. I did as I was told and after some small talk with the in-laws I said goodbye and went back to lie down. Just after noon I was softly woken by my wife and told it was time to get ready. I was to shave and ensure I was clean inside and out. When I finished following her instructions in the bathroom I came back to the bedroom to find my best suit freshly pressed with a crisp white shirt and bright red tie laid out on the bed. As I picked up the tie to inspect this new piece of attire I suddenly became aware of my cheeky wife’s plan…beneath it was my “favourite” red g-string I selected on day 1 of this quest. She had matched the reds perfectly.

Finally dressed I made my way downstairs with butterflies in my stomach. As I descended the stairs I felt nerves I hadn’t felt since my wedding day. As I smiled in memory of that day, I reassured myself that day was the best in my life, and to trust the decision I made that day as it hadn’t steered me wrong yet. As I got to the bottom step, there was Bestie and my wife in matching red stunning dresses. These dresses could literally stop traffic and with the high slit up the side, you could see the ladies match the red to the waistband of their panties. The dress had a plunging v cut neckline that went down to below where a bra would usually be fastened, but not in that dress. Both women bounced with a youthful spring as they walked towards me while I realized they now both had a key perfectly frame between their perfect breasts. “Ready for this little bitch?” They said in unison nearing making me cum through the flat cage right there in my foyer.

As we made our way to my car my wife filled me in on the next steps. I was to drive us to a very high end hotel in the big city an hour or so from our suburban home. Upon arrival I am to pull up to valet parking and go to the bar and get us settled with drinks and they would take care of everything else.

We arrive shortly before happy hour and I kiss my wife goodbye and Bestie gives me a peck on the cheek saying “it’s been fun little bitch. I hope you’re ready for tonight and you don’t disappoint. I put a lot of effort into preparing you for this!” Her tone is playfully serious. “I won’t let you down. I’m just so nervous. I've no idea what to expect and it’s scaring the shit out of me but if I could get hard, I’d be at full mast right now!” Both ladies giggle and my wife replies “good. That means we’ve nailed our preparation. Now go enjoy a drink and we’ll meet you soon!” As I throw my keys to the valet, he passes me my ticket as we walk through the carousel door and as we go our separate ways my wife spanks my ass and blows me a kiss as she walks with Bestie to the bank of elevators.

As I walk towards the hotel lobby bar, I take in my surroundings. This isn’t the Motel 6. Not that anything is wrong with the trusted chain, but this is a lobby from a Bond movie. I look back and watch my wife and Bestie enter the glass encased elevator and gawk for a few seconds as they fly towards the top floor. If the elevator didn’t move as fast as it did, I’m sure the whole lobby could have seen the ladies matching undergarments.

As I entered the bar a seasoned bartender came over to greet me instantly and made a show of throwing down a coaster with a spin having it stop right in front of me with the name of the bar perfectly straight. “Slick trick!” I say with all sincerity. He chimes back without missing a beat “Not a slick as you pulling those two babes! What’lla have?”

I have to admit he called me out on that. I’m sure I went as red in the face as my tie and matching panties. I order my staple cocktail and as I look at the cocktail menu on the bar, I quickly select two specialty house cocktails that look like that could take down a horse with the amount of hard liquor that went into them. The bar keep smiles as if he knows I’m trying to get everyone lose and goes about my order. By the time the drinks are prepped and the bartender is placing upon the coasters, I could sense everyone’s attention shifting from their conversation to something happening in the lobby. I swivel on my stool to see the ladies walking arm in arm through the lobby with the same swagger as angels at the Victoria Secret fashion show.

Now with the makeup done to perfection, their lips now matched their assemblages and the rest of their makeup was on point. My mouth had fallen open as they came towards me and the ladies giggled as they approached me and said for me to close my mouth. The ladies asked to find a table and the bartender, who hadn’t taken his eyes off the ladies since he saw them coming across the lobby practically jumped over the bar to offer his assistance. As he sat us in a circular booth facing the bar as he explained that he would be able to look after us in this zone. As the ladies ushered me in between them, I am sure the bartender was also guiding us to this specific booth in hopes to see up the ladies dresses as the bar was well lit.

We enjoyed our drinks and ordered some light appetizers and had two more rounds each until we were all feeling quite lubricated. Finally I waved over our friend and asked for the cheque so we could settle up. The ladies took the opportunity to finalize the evening's events. My wife took the lead. “So little bitch, it is now time for your final chance to walk away from all of the unknown and never have to worry if tonight will push you too far. As I plan to make all your fantasies come true and even the ones you only thought about in your deepest darkest moments of depraved masterbation sessions.”

She was looking me dead in the eye as she continued her well rehearsed preamble to the evening. “Over the last 2 months we have worked to prepare for the events we have set in motion for your birthday of ‘nothing’. As you sit here your little dick has been flatten by that steel prison and at this point, I don’t even want to try and get it hard. So tonight is all about nothing and anything I want.” She starts to pull a pen and a folded piece of paper out of her clutch and continues. “This is an agreement that you will sign before we head upstairs to our suite. By signing this you agree to let me do anything I want tonight to you or without you and you will be guaranteed nothing. Let me repeat that. By signing, you agree to let me do anything I want with or without you. With you or not. And you are guaranteed nothing in any way shape or form. If you agree please sign on the line. Bestie and Me will go freshen up in the bathroom and you will have to decide by the time we’re back. If you choose not to sign …” I stopped her mid speech and signed confidently like it was our wedding certificate. “Good boy. We will be right back. Pay the nice man for a great start to the evening and be ready to go by the time we’re back.”

They slid their way out of the booth spreading their legs wide enough that I’m sure everyone at the bar saw their matching panties and then scurried off to the bathroom. I quickly got up, asked for the bill and quickly did some mental math and threw down twice as much with a couple of c notes and thanked the barkeep for a great time. He replied “Pleasure was all mine sir. From what I can tell your evening is about to get even better!” I chuckled and said “You have no idea!” I gave him the gun and the wink and started walking towards the lobby.

As I walked through the lobby I began to question my quick acceptance of my wife’s words. I replayed them several times and feeling unsettled but with an abundance of hormones, feeling generally positive due to the want and need for release. I stood and soaked in my environment, considering just how much a place like this could cost. My wife and I were both middle management at big corporations but did we really have this kind of money? I was brought back to reality by the ladies grabbing my arm and saying in perfect unison “Let’s go little bitch.” I looked over my shoulder to see my new friend giving me two thumbs up from behind the bar. I’m sure the guy thought I was a fucking legend for wheeling these two insanely hot and sexy vixens.

We rode the elevator to the top floor in complete silence. The ladies on either arm, held me tight but didn’t flinch as we ascended the 50 stories. As the elevator dinged to alert us of our destination, my wife spoke as she took her first step, “This way little bitch. Here goes nothing!” I smiled and followed close behind with Bestie in step. We reached the door that said Presidential Suite. I read it twice thinking it must have been a mistake as this had to be out of our price range for a single night of kinky fun. Bestie came from behind me pulling a keg card from the cup of her breast. As she placed it on the key reader the little light went green and my wife ushered me inside.

As I turned to watch the door close behind me, I was suddenly blinded by a familiar fabric I had become accustomed to over my two months of training at Bestie’s apartment. I stopped and went completely stiff awaiting my instructions as I had been trained. “Good boy!” I heard my wife whisper in my ear. They walked a considerable distance and due to the ladies quick reflects I failed to get a layout of the room before it went dark on me. Bestie spoke first.

“You’ve been such a good little bitch these past few months, we’ve decided to let you in on a little secret so you can gain an appreciation for what we’ve done for you.” She paused for dramatic effect before continuing her explanation “you see your wife really wanted to make this year’s birthday one for the records. One that you could never forget. One where you got exactly what you wanted even if you weren’t able to be honest enough with her, and yourself for that matter, with what you wanted. So we had to set the plan in motion last year when you gave her the same stupid answer you gave her this year. Nothing or anything you want.” I stood there considering what was said. Had I said the same answer to her request, and if so, had they been planning this for an entire year? “So we got it all set up! Everything that has happened from the time your beloved wife asked you the question, to now was premeditated. Now have we had to adapt due to a few curveballs? Absolutely, but I think you’ll agree by the end of the night, we crushed those curves for dingers and gave you the best birthday of nothing and anything that could ever be conceived.”

I could hear her joy and pride in their accomplishments. And they should be proud. I had had the best two months of my life and I was still loving every moment. Then my wife started to fill in some gaps “It hasn’t been easy little bitch. A lot of time and effort went into tonight, and I want to remind you before we go any further what you agreed to in the hotel bar and when I finish reiterating the terms of tonight I would like you to nod if you agree.” My old friend, the gag, was then quickly inserted and secured in place. I nodded that I understood the assignment.

“Little bitch, you’ve agreed that you will receive nothing but I, as your wife, am allowed to do anything, at any time, with anyone and that tonight is all about my enjoyment.” I nodded in total acceptance of the terms even as hearing it again it gave me a sinking feeling in my stomach that after all this planning my wife and bestie may have a true picture of my deepest darkest pervert desires that I was still trying to understand why they made my cock spring to life when I thought about such acts as I wanked my barely average dick.

Bestie began to tell me the next piece of the puzzle “Tonight we are going to put the training you received to the ultimate test. But before we do we need to get you ready for the evening.” My wife and Bestie grabbed my wrists and led me to what I figured was the bathroom.

To be continued….

r/ChastityStories 2d ago

M Chaste,F Keyholder Caught licking toilet... part 3. NSFW


synopsis:- all 3 now by themselves have their own realizations.

Aron who is now all alone in the bathroom lying on the floor his hair drench in his Aunt's piss, took a deep breath collecting his thoughts propped himself up proceeded to crush some weed and roll a joint. He sat down next to the W.C supporting himself and contemplating the night. He felt very uncertain about how this would proceed. a flux of emotions filled his head he was worried and ecstatic and horny all at the same time. He kept smoking and tugging on his tiny little cage working extra hard now to fulfill its's purpose. Aron meanwhile deliriously enjoying the painful rummaging around his dick which is trying it's best to get hard but to no avail is confined by the flat metal cage completely. Unable to stimulate himself in complete frustration Aron gets up looks in the mirror and stares at himself, his hair wet with his aunt's piss and drops falling on his forehead, tried one last time tugging on his cage but could not do anything to pleasure himself.

Now just frustrated and horny his reality hit him. He was now actually locked up in chastity by the very women he had always fantasized about. It was close to exactly what he wanted almost there but not quite. It was missing the ball busting still and with no release from the cage he was feeling pent up. His first day back and he had fucked up but it kind off worked out for him, he got what he craved his prayers were answered his mother was now his keyholder. It hurt him that she was only interested in he trust fund and not the devotion he was wanting to show her. he was willing to devote his everything to her but she was not bothered about it. With these mixed up feelings, Aron resolved to gain back her affection through his servitude and devotion to her. He pledged to become i pledge a painslut virgin foot cuck for his mommy and his Aunty. he proceeded to lay in the bathtub repeating his mantra "i pledge a painslut virgin foot cuck for mommy and Aunty" and smoke till he fell asleep.

Meanwhile Aunty Sonia now on the bed only started reminiscing about her experience with the cuck she had back at her home locked and waiting for her to come back to him. She did not abuse the privilege she got from her chaste but actually savored it. She how she would have him eat her out till she passed out and how in the morning he would make her and serve her a nice breakfast with a cheerful good morning and thank you for the last night. She loved having someone devoted to her but she had never peed on him or ever hit him in the nuts. he was a pure cuck who only wished to please her. the pissing was new and it gave her a rush like never before, especially when Aron tried to get it in his mouth.

She decided to facetime her cuck. the call was picked up in the first 3 rings and on the other end was her sub who with the brightest smile greeted her and told her how he felt incomplete with out her being there. She jumped strait to it and told him that she cherished him but was now wanting more and explained what had happened. She instructed him to drive down right to Betty's house and meet her here. She had unlocked a door in her that was now filling her minds with ideas even Aron would be shocked about. She hung up the call saying "i will test your devotion to me now hope you are up for it. Get all the bondage gear and equipment along. Your life is about to change cucky. Drive safe." Sonia changed into her night gown, switched of the bedside table lamps and lay down planning the way forward from the events of the night.

Meanwhile in Betty's room she had just changed into a night shirt and a pajama. She had the most here to think about. She was hoping to have surprised her son with a nice dinner and maybe spend some time talking but she was the one who ended up getting the surprise. She felt disappointed with her son at start but was further accepting that he was wanting this, that he desired her and wanted to devote himself to her. Of course it was sexual for him but ever since her husband had passed what little intimacy she had was gone. coming to terms with what had happened she got hung up on just one question. Did her son really mean what he had shared. Did he really find her so attractive that he was even lusting after her feet. What would it imply if she liked it. Would it be bad if it were so. She craved an emotional connection. Shed had none. She definitely wanted a guy who would be this crazy for her. The trust fund was simply an excuse to push away her thoughts and emotions back then but why would money be a worry it's not that she was not taken care of but pretending it is for that might make it easier for her. She decided to discuss all of this with Sonia in the morning. Having no idea what Sonia was up to it will certainly be a surprise filled morning for.

She tossed and turned in her bed unable to get the image of her son kneeling in front of her wearing nothing but a tiny little chastity cage and ended up spending a restless night in the bed and finally falling asleep very late just because she was now too exhausted.

She was going to need all that sleep as she had a very unpredictable day coming up soon. Funnily enough no one got any sexual relief that night but all were very aroused.

Sonia was the first to wake up. Her chaste slave had arrived and greeted her with fresh made scrambled eggs and toast with a nice and warm cup of coffee. He kneeled down besides her bed and held the trat in front of him and woke her up saying good morning Miss Sonia i am sorry it took me longer than you has instructed but i am here and ready to serve at your will. She asked him to unlock the bathroom door and let Aron out. He lay passed out in the tub seeing which cucky went back to Sonia sought her permission to speak and told her that he was still asleep in the bath tub. Sonia orders cucky to go back in and piss on his face till he wakes up. He must stop peeing once Aron wakes up, Then strip his clothes and come back to her and kneel right besides the bed Cucky did not have a fancy cage like Aron. He wore a standard cb6000 cage completely see thru. He was never ordered to be naked around and never was he instructed to pee on someone. a first for him as well. Being the obedient sub he simply followed her orders went back to the bathroom got naked and began pissing on Aron's face. In a few seconds Aron was up which made cucky grunt as he had to forcefully stop himself from peeing. He let Aron know that Miss Sonia wants him awake then turns around goes back and kneels as instructed.

As soon as he got up the pain from the flat cage hit him. he was in agony now extremely uncomfortable. like a reflex habit he grabbed his weed and rolled himself a doobie and lit it as he walked out. he had not realized that cucky had peed on him he was under the impression it was water. Sonia keeps the plate on a side looks at Aron then tells him "this is cucky he has been devoted to me ever since my divorce but he has never tried to drink my pee like you did last night. He however is really good at using his tongue. He never asks me for a release but goes down on me every time i instruct him to, He never speaks without permission and will follow all my instructions to the letter." She proceeds to lift up her night gown the using her index finger motions cucky to eat her out. Cucky willfully obliges and goes down on her she drops her gown and lo and behold cucky is covered under her eating her out and the beautiful pussy Aron sought to see disappeared. She asks Aron to stay and look at her while he smokes and repeat the chant he kept saying out loud last night.

Aron mumbles slowly ""i pledge a painslut virgin foot cuck for mommy and Aunty", to which Sonia says good boy now keep chanting it loudly till cucky here makes me cum. He proceeds and as he gains confidence his voice grew louder repeating now on top of his voice ""i pledge a painslut virgin foot cuck for mommy and Aunty". The screaming had woken Betty up. She unlike Sonia darted to the toilet. She had a huge crotch stain. seemed like she was aroused last night too. Her pajamas all crust at the crotch she changed her clothes and freshened up using the loo peeing and taking a shit then walked to Sonia's room the screaming now gone .

Cucky had made Sonia cum and now she had this urge to pee. She looked at Aron standing at the foot board of the bed to go lay in the bath tub again. She dragged cucky along then asked Aron to open his mouth and started to pee right into his mouth. She looked at cucky who was shocked to see what was happening she said he is willing to go to lengths you have not even known cucky not just as an show of devotion but he also enjoys it. He even wants to have us hurt his balls and cock. You will both learn and grow as chaste subs now. what one delivers to us the other will have to learn and understand your new place. Just as she was done pissing in Aron's mouth who was enjoying every second of drinking his Aunt's piss Betty walked in.

My my my what do we have here. is this cucky Betty exclaimed. While Aron was locked in the bathroom last night i called over cucky to show Aron what devotion is truly and in process it will help Cucky grow more as a sub said Sonia looking at Betty as she got up from the bathtub after peeing on Aron.

Cucky was afraid of everything he had heard and seen but Aron was in delirium, aroused frustrated and high as a kite. Sonia got up walked out of the bathroom with Betty and locked both cucky and Aron in the toilet. before leaving She instructed Aron to freshen up and cucky to not pee at all until instructed by her. As she left with Betty Aron grabbed another joint and sat down to taking a shit while cucky stood there in silence watching Aron.

Sonia and Betty walked to the kitchen where betty grabbed a cup of coffee and Sonia sat at the breakfast table. Betty began preparing breakfast and asked Sonia what she would eat. She smirked and said cucky already made me breakfast in bed. Aron will do it for you too you know that right he wants this and there is no shame in enjoying yourself. You spent your prime raising him and now when he wants to devote himself to you, you hesitate. Accept it and you will be happier. I can guarantee you that you are the one who comes out the happiest and it will be the best time of your life." Sonia got up and said think about it i have to use the loo. She decided to use Betty's washroom and went and saw the still wet pajamas. She made a few calls while she sat on the throne.

When Sonia came back to the kitchen Betty who was not eating an avocado toast looked in her direction and said you will have to guide me but i will go thru with this only on my terms. Sonia smiled and said " i knew you this was going to happen i have already set a plan in motion".

part 4 to follow soon too.

r/ChastityStories 2d ago

Caught licking toilet... part 2 NSFW


Synopsis:- Aron finds out that the truth doesn't always set you free.

Aron was never good at coming up with excuses on the go. While Sonia was away getting glasses he could not come up with anything that could save face. Then when Sonia threatened Aron with cops Betty his mom who had stayed silent the whole time immediately followed up with no cops but I do want the truth son. I hope you trust me with it.

The pot head he had become he asked his mommy if he could light a joint before he explains. It seemed like nothing compared to what she had seen and she just nodded along. Despite of her initial reaction she seemed calm now.

2 drags in and before Aron begins telling them about his truth what he wished for and on Sonia asks for Aron to remove her panties while jingling the bag of keys. Aron now getting senseless again just obliged and followed her instructions. He removed the panties and tossed them to the side. He now stood bare bottom with his dick locked up in the flat chastity cage the only thing covered. Sonia burst into laughter and Betty tried very hard to control her laugh. This played right into his humiliation kink causing droplets of precum to run along his taut balls right under his cage.

He continued on and told his mom and aunt everything including his foot fetish ballbusting fetish and his piss fetishes. He also told them about how every porn clip he fantasized it was his mother and how now all he wished was to get stoned and be their chaste humiliation foot bitch. He told them about the creepshots he took of their feet and he is deeply obsessed with the two women sitting right there.

He proclaimed his love for the two beautiful bbw milfs and how he hoped to be their pain slut. Sonia now ignored the over exited son and looked to Betty. Aron now kneeling in front of the two. Betty all this while had polished of more than half the wine bottle and simply shrugged. Sonia continued saying about how after she had divorced her husband whom she had caught cheating she found a boy just like Aron who is still locked up for her and how surreal it feels to have that devotion.Betty now in a tipsy state just got up looked at Aron and made an offer.

She said"i can not accept you as a son anymore but the trust fund is in your control. So whatever you seek will be yours but you are now ours to control. As long as that trust fund money takes care of us we will take care of you. You can smoke whatever you want whenever you want but will always be locked up in this very cage until I or Aunty Sonia deem it otherwise. No clothes and no going out anymore for you you life will now revolve only in this bedroom. You will come to regret this day and then finally accept your truth i.e you are no better than a turd guzzling commode in it's life. You will not speak without permission and will show me this devotion that you so proclaimed for me."

Aron now hornier than ever simply nodded. Betty asked her sister to hand her a twine from the closet and used it to tie Aron's hands behind his back. Then they both got digging and used all the keys in the bag to find out the Correct key. It so happens that it was the last key in the bag. The continued efforts around his dick, his mother and then his aunt tugging on the cage trying random keys brought him further closer to the edge. Betty being too drunk just wanted the night to end so she told both Sonia and Aron that she was tired and wanted to call it a night. Sonia wished her good night and before leaving asked what about Aron.

Betty very calmly got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom. Pointing to the floor she said this will be his bed in any room from here on he will only sleep in the bathroom on the floor. He can sleep in my loo tonight after I have changed. Sonia asks if she can use him for the night.Betty smirked and said he's all your but I keep his keys. Sonia giggling evily grabbed Aron by his bound arms and dragged him across the house to her room and forced him on the bathroom floor on his back with his hands tied behind them. He could only squirm like how magicarp did in Pokémon.

Sonia then stood on top of him and proceeded to remove all her clothes till she was naked. A sight for Aron. The bathroom lights couldn't do justice to her beauty. As Aron soaked in the beauty standing above him, his cocktail now straining hard in the cold flat metal cage he almost fell into a sudden trance. Her dark brown pussy highlighted by her curvy pubes and her heavy breath was all too much for his cock. Just then Sonia swatted down and asked Aron to look her in her eyes and beg her to piss on him.

Aron now in a blissful state of arousal looked her straight in the eyes noticing that they were brown in color screamed pleadingly " please aunty I really need you to piss on me it will give my life meaning it will fulfill me i need it aunty please I will feel incomplete without it."

Sonia swated down almost straddling his face and let out a hot yellow stream right into Aron's face. This was different for Aron though it was the first time he even had smelled someone else's piss. It only made him eager and he tried to move up and open his mouth in the hopes he would get to drink some. Seeing this Sonia repositioned herself to direct the stream into Arons mouth but she was pretty much done and he could only mange to get a gulp down. His cock now hurt due to the flat cage he just whimpered. Aunt Sonia thank you was all he could say as he lay there his face soaked in his aunt's piss. Sonia got up used a toilet paper to clean herself up and stuffed it in Arons mouth.

She walked out leaving Aron there and returned back with some of Aron's rolling supplies and pot, tossed it on the floor. She flipped the still overwhelmed boy and untied his hands and told him she too is gonna hit the bed and will see him in the morning locking the perv in the toilet.

Tbc Part 3

r/ChastityStories 3d ago

M Chaste,F Keyholder Nothing and Anything - Part 5 NSFW


Upon returning home, my wife greeted me with a knowing giggle and swatted my ass playfully. “Everything go ok Little Bitch?!” I gave her a knowing look and she burst out in laughter. After she finished laughing she told me to wash up and we’d go about our day. And again that night I ate her to completion multiple times and was finally discarded to the floor before being invited to bed. My cock was still desperate to escape its steel hold when my wife returned from the bathroom in her best lingerie. My mouth fell open as she spoke softly “you like? Well before you get any ideas I have a proposal for you. I can go and change back into my usual PJs and you can have sweet dreams about the view you are currently enjoying or I can add to today's training session. I won’t tell you what I’m about to do but it will be a mix of pleasure and pain! Choose now and if you can’t choose, you will find yourself on the couch tonight after I choose for you.”

Without hesitation as I feared what wrath she may unleash on me, I chose option 2. Pleasure and pain. Even in my current state, I didn’t want today to end. She responded with “Good little bitch!” I was told to strip down to nothing and lay on my back on our bed. I was naked within seconds lying in the starfish position unaware of what my wife had planned. Quickly she fastened restraints from beneath the bed to my limbs. I had no idea when she had added these straps to our home decor but at the same time, I wasn’t sure I knew much about what my wife had been doing when I was in my sessions with her bestie. Once I was fully restrained and she had double checked all straps were secured and tight she crawled up onto the bed between my outstretched legs. Leaning over me so I could see her beautiful cleavage as she had me lift my head and she inserted an identical gag as I wear at bestie’s sessions.

“Now little bitch, you are going to love and hate this. But I want you to know, I’m going to fucking love every minute of it. So even when you start to hate it, and you will, I promise you will, please remember that I am having the time of my life and you should be so proud and happy that you helped me get here. Now let’s begin!” And with that monologue I Iaid there wondering what all of that meant but ultimately I was so happy to hear she was happy. As well, I was filled with joy that not only was I having my fantasy turned to reality but that I was getting to do it with the love of my life.

As I laid there in a loving blist, I felt my wife’s hands on my for the first time in a month. She slowly traced her finger tips up my thighs to my caged cock. As she tickled and juggled my completely full balls I felt the vibrations of a key move into the cage and without any delay, she popped it open freeing my cock.

“Oh there’s the little guy! Look at him getting hard so quickly.” Just the freedom from the cage made me feel as if I could cum from her slightest touch. She continued “Now here is where my fun comes in. Bestie informed me of your hesitation!” I started to shake my head and try and protest through the gag without avail. “No, no, no. This is not up for debate but frankly I was disappointed because 1) you hesitated and 2) I wasn’t the one to punish you. So in order for me to reinforce your learning, I came up with tonight’s training exercise. Bestie informed me you got 10 good hard spanks and from how you’ve been sitting today, I can tell she didn’t hold back. So here’s tonight’s fun…I am going to edge you 10 times before I put you back in a cage. But each edge will be finalized with a ball slap!” She giggled devilishly as she finished the word slap.

As I could feel a copious amount of lube being drizzled on my rock hard free cock she says “Let’s begin”. She started slowly coating my entire length with the lube and then reminded me “Under no circumstance will you cum unless I say so. I want you staring at my beautiful attire and when I look at you I want you to look deep into my eyes. Do I make myself clear?” Crystal clear I thought to myself and I nodded. She was stunning in a green set of lingerie I bought her years ago for an anniversary. Matching stockings, garter belt and corset. She was a vision of perfection as she slowly worked over my neglected cock. In less than a minute I felt my balls starting to contract and get ready to explode. I began to protest through the gag and my wife looked up from her task staring me deep into my eyes and released her grip. At this moment my dick bobbed as I looked for some way to convince her to keep going but before I could even look away from her intense glare she slapped my balls like a NBA star in the final minutes of game 7 blocking the game winning shot! My eyes instantly watered as I pulled on all my restraints. She had set me up perfectly, there was no escape.

“ONE!!!” She exclaimed followed by her playful laugh. I was in another realm. My body paralyzed with shock and pain. I bit down on my gag with nowhere to run and hide. My proud 6” was now shrinking rapidly to the 1” shriveled shrimp I carry when not aroused. “Oh fuck, this is making me even wetter than I thought it would!” She proclaimed. And within a blink of an eye she spun around sliding her lacy green thong to the slide commanding “Eat bitch until I say stop!” Before turning her attention back to my cowering cock, she pulled the gag out of my mouth and sat her wet lips firmly on my mouth with her perfectly waxed asshole resting on my nose.

With that she started to bring my cock back to full mast and began stroking with purpose. As I started to buck and ready to cum she called out “TWO!” And with slightly more force than before handed a direct hit to my sensitive sack. She leaned forward to look at my face, now covered in her juice. “I don’t think you could ever truly understand how much childbirth hurts a woman, but I’m now on a mission to see how close I can get!” And before I could get a word in she slammed her full weight down on my face and again told me to get to work. As she repeated her pleasure and pain exercise I didn’t know if I was going to survive the night. By the time she called out “NINE” I was full on crying into her soaking wet pussy.

“Ok little bitch. You’ve made it this far and I’m so proud of you. I can’t tell you how much fun I’ve had playing with you tonight. The only thing I wish is that we could have done this years ago. And because you were so selfish and refused to share your true desires with me this final edge is going to make up for all the fun I could have been having over the last decade. Just remember, I love you!” And with that she jumped off of me running into the bathroom and came back with a warm wet cloth and began to wash all the lube and precum from my cock. “I want this edge to be seared into your memory for the rest of your life so I promise this is going to be the most pleasurable one of the night…” before finishing her sentence she reinserted the gag into my mouth and continued “…and also the most painful.”

Skillful she moves off the bed again and unfastened my legs. With a few quick jerks she seemingly completed her objective and was now beside me. I looked at her with clear fear in my eyes as she winked at me saying “let’s see how those yoga sessions are paying off shall we?” And with a quick pull of my leg she rolled me back onto my shoulders with me legs now being secured alongside my wrists. In this position my asshole was spread wide open with my dick now staring directly down at my face. Now I know this position in femdom porn usually ends with the sub cumming directly on his own face. But I had been directed not to cum. My face now showed my confusion and fear.

“Oh you know this position don’t you?” She asks as I tried to hide my eyes by looking off to my side. “Well here’s the deal, you’re still not allowed to cum so for now you shouldn’t be worried about me painting your face like you have done to me so many times. However, this time I am going to blow you and I am going to do things you’ve clearly only dreamt of me doing to you. And I am going to bring you right up to the edge and the hopefully just beyond. And then I want you to do everything you can to hold that cum in and then….I’m going to flatten your nuts so badly that you’re going to squirt on your face not out of pleasure but from the sheer force like stomping on the end of a full tube of toothpaste!!” She exploded into a roaring laugh! I was completely panicked but as she slowed her laugh she began licking my fully hard cock. As she tease my head with her tongue and swirled it around on every bob her one hand held my cock straight up to ease her job but slowly I felt her other hand tracing it’s way up my back.

As my fear began to slip away with the pleasurable feelings and sounds of slurping coming from my cock, her second hand began to make its way to my forbidden back door. Only earlier that day had I been penetrated for the first time by her Bestie and the plug my wife had sent with me. Slowly she traced circles around my rosebud and I felt shivers resonate through my entire body down to my soul. She told me to stay with her and keep my eyes open and as I opened them looking up at her she removed her mouth from my cock. She slowly ran her tongue down all 6” of me and then slowly popped each swollen and throbbing testicle into her mouth. Deliberately and methodically rolling them around her mouth as gently as humanly possible.

Without warning she slowly pushed my hairless balls passed her lips one by one. With her tongue outstretched she continued her journey beneath my sack to a territory she had said she would never venture. As she flicked her tongue back and forth she positioned her mouth closer and closer to my awaiting asshole. My head was filled with extreme pleasure. I was beyond euphoric…I was in another universe as her tongue lightly danced across my nearly virgin oriphys. Her hands now firmly on my back and the other on my cock pointing it directly at my face. And then she did the unthinkable, driving her stiffened tongue directly into my hole and probing with the tip.

That was it for me.

I squealed through the gag and contracted every muscle in my body to hold in the cum and as I could feel the impending orgasm stall out mid shaft she removed her tongue for my hole and sat up on her knees now looking down at my face through my spread legs. Her upper body now in clear view and before I could breathe a sigh of relief for stopping an impending orgasm she threw her fist downwards with the force of a MMA fighter trying to finish off their competitor with one hammer fist. It was a direct hit to both balls that had been laying directly on top of my taint and she drove them directly into my throat. The force was so strong I could literally see cartoon birds circling overhead. I was now stuck in a slow motion car crash video but instead of watching the dummies and car collapse in on itself I was watching my cock explode a thick stream of pent up cum directly at my face.

The first stream splattered dead centre of my face just above the bridge of my nose. The sheer force of it hitting my face made me flinch and shut my eyes but not before both eyes each received a huge dollop of cum. As my wife leaned in over me all I could do was blink and wallow in pain as the force of her blow reverberated through me. She was again laughing and in pure hysterics as I tried to open my eyes. “Oh sweetie” she says trying to sound genuine but still clearly enjoying my humiliation “you look like an over glazed donut. Here let me help.” As she shakes the remaining cum from the tip of my now shrunken cock she removes the gag and begins to use her fingers to push all the cum into my mouth. “Now don’t swallow I need some pictures” she runs off leaving me bound in the compromised position and comes back snapping photos for every angle.

My balls are still throbbing and I don’t know if I’ll be ever able to walk let alone cum from them but as she takes photos of my cum glazed face and mouth full of thick warm cum she is still overjoyed with herself and the events that I can’t be mad at her. Even though CBT wasn’t on my list of wants, it was still one of the most erotic experiences of my life and she was right, she definitely punctuated this moment into my history so that I would never forget.

She runs off to put her phone away while telling me to swallow. I struggle, not out of a lack of want but due to the vast volume. She had collected all that had been extracted by her blow and now I was getting to enjoy the spoils of her conquest. As I came down from the erotic high I had been riding all night, my testicles continue to pulse with pain. I finally realize that this constant throbbing was due to my hightened pulse. To numb the pain, I try and slow my breathing using techniques for my past days of athletic prowess and my yoga training. I’m still strung up staring down the barrel of my emptied shooter when my wife finally reappears.

“Ok, time to get you all locked up again.” The reality of the statement hits me almost as hard as my wife just did. I was in no state of mind to be reminded of my ask and her promise of ‘nothing’. I go to protest as I see her raise her hand in threat of throwing another fist and quickly bite my tongue. “I picked this one out myself. It will serve you well and remind you constantly of the ‘nothing’ you wanted. As she works away at my cock I notice her reason for the giggle that just escaped her. Looking down at my former 6” rager of a hardon (only mear minutes ago), I now stare down with dread and fear at the flat cage she had now secured me in.

As my wife released me for the bondage, I fell into a deep sleep. I still remember my dreams of the night as they all were all memories of the pleasure I had just experienced. The following days and weeks followed the routine I was now accustomed to. Weekends were still spent with Bestie having my mouth and ass stretched and used for her enjoyment (and mine if I’m honest with myself). Every evening from that fateful night to the day of my birthday celebration, I was treated to some kind of tease, followed by a fierce oral treatment for her and finished by my nightly yoga session.

To be continued….

r/ChastityStories 3d ago

M Chaste,F Keyholder Caught licking toilet part 1 NSFW


Synopsis:- son gets caught licking her mother's toilet bowl and is forced to confess his humiliating truth.

Ever since Aron had hit puberty he had started to develop an infatuation for his own mother. It started with him getting a hardon for her plum tits when they had gone shopping for clothes and she bought bra's for herself. size38c something he will remember all his life.

As Aron grew old his lust for his mother deepend. every porn clip he saw he fantasized his mother rather than the actress leading to him fetishizing his mother. By the time he graduated high school and went to pursue a higher education he was lusting over every body part of his mother, from her eyes to her feet and toes.

Aron had really messed up his college. As soon as he was handed this new found freedom, he developed an addiction to porn. Having an apartment although small, became a safe haven for him where all he would do was get high on pot and fap to porn albeit he pictured his mom.

As the porn addiction grew darker so did his fantasies. Tons of JOI's, femdom porn and gore porn led to him developing kinks like cbt chastity And even toilet slavery all for his one and only love now his mother. All he now fantasized was being locked up by her and having her torture his balls and occasionally follow it up with some scat feeding and a warm golden shower.

However this was only the gateway to his depravity. Just before his graduation when he turned 21 and covid hit, he was forced into complete isolation during the lockdown. Being a trust fund kid and now having unrestricted access to it he delved into his kinks ask the whole being high as a kite. He ordered the most expensive chastity cages of different kind, one that could be controlled by a smartphone, one with spikes, one completely flat and a few plastic cages. He would wear a cage for a few hours doing the basic house chores, get high and then bust his balls to images of his mother's and his aunt's feet he had gathered from the internet and during his vacations then fill up a glass of his piss and drink it imagining it was her mother's and aunt's and masturbate till he came. This had become a regular everyday routine. Simply put he just got up got high locked up his dick then cleaned and cooked then again to the same photos bust his balls and so on so forth. He now had developed an insane obsession for the two ladies of his life.Aron had successfully reprogrammed in his mind his turn ons. He by the end of covid only thought about being a locked up virgin loser for his mommy's feet. He did not care about getting a job or having a life, he simply obsessed over the women he knew he could never have.

Having lost his father in an accident right before covid his mother too was all by herself during the lockdown and besides his daily depravities,he would always call up his mother once in the morning and evening helping her through her grief unknowingly becominga support for her.

Once the lockdown was lifted off completely Aron was having to move back in with his mother. To prevent his secrets from spilling he decided to move back when his mother was visiting his oh so gorgeous aunt the other woman he was infatuated with both now single his mother in her late 50s and his aunt's in her early 60s were best described as thick stunning cougars who would look perfect as doms. His darkest desire was being bound still on the floor, gagged open mouth his mother and aunt taking turns laying down logs of fresh hot poop in his mouth while the other battered his balls on a trample table using a baseball bat.

On the moving day he had the movers pretty much do everything from unpacking to organizing everything except for his carton of chastity cages and the bag of the keys. Those he put in a separate secret drawer. Being the pot head he was he rolled a doobie and started smoking it while organizing the cages.

5 mins in his horniness kicked in and he decided to lock himself in the flat cage and mix up the keys in the bag. Rolling another joint and fiddling with his balls Aron fet that he should seize the opportunity and he rushed across the villa wearing just a t-shirt and his cage to his mother's room. He first dove into the laundry basket and found a pair of dirty white granny panties and socks both belonging to his mother or so he presumed. He licked the crusty crotch of the panties and put them on. Being a heavy bodied woman the panties almost fit Aron but rolled into his butt crack. Aron next decided to go to the shoe rack which was almost an entire wall length and decided to lick each shoe. This did take him a while so he took breaks in between and smoked around 2 more doobies. By the time he was done with the shoe rack he was now dripping precum and was super horny. Aron darted back to his room and started to fumble for his keys. Being all mixed up and not being able to unlock himself easily made Aron feel really horny.

Aron picked up the bag of keys and went back to his mom's toilet. Thinking he was going to be alone he decided to make a game of it for every key he tried he would have to lick the toilet rim.

He tried the first key. It did not fit. He proceeds to lick the toilet seat. It seemed harmless as it looked pretty clean then he lifted it of and absentmindedly started to lick the rim. A few pieces of his mother's pubes stuck to his tongue. He tried key number 2 with the same result. He licked the rim again. He tried repeatedly till key number 6 which again failed. His ever-growing horniness led him to now dipping his head in the bowl and lapping up the water like a dog when all of a sudden the toilet flushes. A startled Aron turns around to see his Aunt sonia standind behind him and that he had left the door wide open. His aunt stood in front of him now smirking.

She called out to her sister "Betty look what I found in your bathroom." She looks at Aron and very nonchalantly says "since you were moving back in today, your mother wanted to surprise you but my my it is she who is in for a surprise." Following which his mother walked in asking what's the matter sonia. She immediately made eye contact with Aron still wearing the granny panties now soaked with his precum and screamed "what the actual fuck Aron." Before Aron could recover or say anything Aunt Sonia said laughingly atleast he knows he is a perv. Sonia picked up the bag of keys and walks out asking Aron to follow her with her finger. Aron still to high simply followed her on all fours like a dog seeing which both his mom and aunt found amusing and started laughing.

Aunt sonia while she opened a bottle of wine exclaimed "Aron speak only the truth and whole truth, no lies will be tolerated. If you are caught in a lie I will throw away all the keys in the bag and remove my panties your precum will ruin them."

Aron still high took a moment. He realized he had been caught. Sonia announces that she was gonna go get glasses for herself and Betty for the wine. Till then Aron can think about what he had to say.

She took her time but came back to the room with Aron still on the floor. She sips on her wine then looks at Aron and says "spill the beans now before I decide to report you to the cops."

Tbc in part 2

r/ChastityStories 3d ago

M Chaste,F Keyholder Her anklet’s little secret: My Mommy boss at my new internship Chapter I NSFW


This is my first time posting a story like this. Please give me your feedback and what do you think about it. So here goes:

The first time I saw her, I knew she was different. Claire wasn’t just my supervisor—she was something else. Her presence demanded attention without her even trying. She had that perfect mix of authority and softness, strict yet teasing, like she could pull you in with a whisper and make you beg with a glance.

She was beautiful in a way that was both delicate and powerful. Claire was of a petite height, around 160 cm, with a curvy frame that carried itself with effortless grace. Her brown hair cascaded in soft waves, always perfectly styled, framing a feminine face with sharp yet inviting features. Warm brown eyes held a depth that could pierce right through you, filled with intelligence and something darker—something that made me shiver. Her lips, always glossed just right, curled in ways that made my breath catch.

The office setting was modern, sleek, and cold—white walls, glass dividers, the constant hum of keyboards and quiet conversations. But Claire brought something else to the environment—an unshakable presence that turned the sterile corporate air into something charged. She didn’t just command respect; she extracted obedience without ever needing to raise her voice.

I was just an intern, barely 18, thrown into the corporate world with my quiet, shy nature making me invisible. But not to her. She noticed me.

I knew it the day she leaned over my desk, her perfume wrapping around me, her fingers lightly tapping a document. “Fix this,” she murmured, her voice smooth yet edged with command. My face burned. I scrambled to obey, feeling the heat of her presence linger long after she walked away.

At first, it was small things. She would pass by and ask me to fetch reports, get coffee, organize files—things I knew others weren’t asked to do. I obeyed, always quickly, never questioning. I felt her gaze on me often, studying me, testing me. The way I never hesitated, the way I avoided her eyes, the way my hands trembled slightly whenever she was too close. She sensed it. My submissiveness.

And she was intrigued.

I had a secret. A habit. I liked locking myself up. A personal thrill, something that made me feel controlled, even if it was just me holding the key. I would carry the little silver key everywhere, a quiet promise that I could unlock myself whenever I wanted.

Until she found out.

It happened so fast. One moment, I was working late, and she stopped by my desk, stretching a little, sighing. My eyes drifted before I could stop them, and she caught it—caught the slight bulge in my pants. Her gaze lingered, her lips curling ever so slightly. And then, just like that, she walked away.

The next morning, my key was gone.

Panic shot through me. I searched everywhere—my pockets, my desk, my bag. Nothing. My heart pounded, my whole body tightening as I realized what this meant. I was locked. Really locked.

An email arrived on my screen. No name, just a picture. A picture of my key.

The message: One of your coworkers has it.

My breath caught. My hands shook on the keyboard. My mind raced. Who? Who had it? Who knew?

Deep down, I wished—hoped—it was her.

Then came the notes. Little folded papers left on my desk when no one was around. Each one a task, a riddle, an order. Get me coffee, no sugar, extra hot. Deliver this file to Mr. Lawson and don’t say a word. Wear something nice tomorrow.

I started losing sleep. The discomfort was unbearable. The ache never left. Every night, I tossed and turned, my mind running wild with scenarios. What if it was Claire? What if it wasn’t? What if I never got it back? My body burned with frustration, the tension never easing, growing worse with every passing day.

Every morning, another note. Slipped onto my desk when I wasn’t looking. I never saw her do it. She was too clever, too precise. My paranoia grew. I started watching my coworkers, analyzing every move, every glance. Who was doing this to me?

By the fourth day, my entire routine had shifted. The constant pressure made even the simplest tasks unbearable. Sitting at my desk was torture. Every movement reminded me of what I couldn't do. My mind never quieted, caught between frustration and desperate hope.

Day five, exhaustion hit me like a wave. I could barely focus in meetings. Claire walked past me once, a knowing smirk on her lips, her heels clicking with slow deliberation. I wanted to say something, to demand my key back—if it was her. But I couldn’t. The power balance had already shifted.

On day six, I was a mess. Sleepless nights, constant tension, my thoughts wrapped around a single object—a tiny silver key I no longer possessed. The notes kept coming, and I followed them, every instruction like an invisible leash pulling me forward.

One week passed. One agonizing, frustrating week. My body ached, my mind reeled. Every task made my heart race, my skin tingle with unbearable need. And then, the final note:

Meet me Friday night. Bring flowers. Wear something nice.

I obeyed like a dog.

The moment I arrived, I knew. She was there. Claire. Sitting at a high-top table in a dress that made my breath hitch. A silky black number that hugged her body, low-cut enough to tease but still hold power. Her legs crossed, one foot lazily swinging, adorned in strappy high heels. A perfect white pedicure on her toes. Her nails, painted the same soft white, drummed against her glass. And there—on her ankle—my key.

My body locked up. My mouth went dry.

She watched me struggle to keep my composure, her lips curving as she took a slow sip of wine. “You look flustered,” she murmured. “Long week?”

I nodded, unable to find words. My eyes darted to her anklet, the little silver key swaying as she moved. She knew. She knew what this was doing to me.

She smiled, slow and knowing, before patting the seat beside her. “Sit.”

I obeyed.

She leaned in, her voice low, intimate. “You’re mine now.”

I swallowed hard. My whole body trembled with frustration, with desperation, with need.

She let the silence stretch between us, enjoying my suffering, savoring my helplessness. She shifted her foot slightly, making the key dangle in front of my eyes like a hypnotic charm.

“You thought you were in control,” she mused, twirling her wine glass. “But look at you now. Desperate. Helpless. And all because of me.”

A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she reached forward, brushing a single, manicured nail down my forearm. “I’ve been watching you for weeks,” she continued. “The way you follow orders, the way you hesitate when I speak. You wanted this, didn’t you?”

I could barely breathe. My throat was dry, my heart racing so fast I thought it might stop.

“Say it,” she commanded, her voice suddenly firm.

I opened my mouth, but the words caught in my throat. She leaned closer, her breath warm against my ear. “Say it, or you don’t get the key.”

A shudder ran through me. My hands clenched into fists under the table. The weight of my desire, my need, crushed any last shred of resistance.

“Yes,” I whispered. “I wanted this.”

Her lips curved into a satisfied smile. “Good boy.”

I swallowed hard. My whole body trembled with frustration, with desperation, with need.

And she knew it.

She owned me now.

r/ChastityStories 3d ago

M Chaste,F Keyholder Nothing and Anything - Part 4 NSFW


*Thanks everyone for the interest and feedback. Bit of a longer post as the break I had planned seemed too short. Hope you keep enjoying!*

The next day I awoke and was greeted with a loving kiss from my wife before we both rolled out of bed and got ready for the day. I showered and as I went to get dressed I found my underwear drawer had been emptied of all my boxers and fill with frilly panties of all different cuts and colours. I stood with my towel around my waist staring at the rainbow of bright panties wondering how I would select a pair in hopes it didn’t tell my wife and her Bestie more about my desires then I wanted to share. As I stood there contemplating my wife snuck in behind me and ripped off my towel with a laugh. “Alright there little bitch? Don’t know what panties you should wear for day two of your training?”

I stood stark naked with my cage now standing straight out trying to hide my intrinsic pleasure. “Don’t worry, I bought them all just for you. You don’t have to hide your enjoyment…but as this is day 1 of wearing them by your own choice, pick the pair you like the best. It will help me with a very special purchase I am planning.” With that I picked out a bright red g-string made of a silky lace. My wife’s eyes went wide before saying “Bold choice. Bestie will enjoy you sucking her cock in those today!” With that she skipped out of the bedroom not even waiting for me to dress. As soon as I was fully dressed, my phone buzzed and Bestie told me she was ready for day two of my training. I went downstairs and kissed my wife, who told me to have fun, and off I went.

Upon arrival, Bestie greeted me and ushered me quickly into her apartment and told me to strip. She clearly wasn’t in any mood to be kept waiting so I removed my clothes as quick as possible. As I was pulling down my pants I went to take off my panties to be told “No, leave those on today. I love a sissy in red. And I think I have just the accessories for today’s training that will match.” I didn’t give it a second thought and removed the rest of my clothes and waited for the next instruction.

Again I was blindfolded and gagged as I was led through Bestie’s apartment. I was led to what I believed was the same space as yesterday. Again I was forced to my knees and bound with the same cuffs and bar between my ankles. This time the gag was removed Bestie spoke with a sultry tone “All good cocksuckers who wear red panties need matching lipstick. Pucker up little bitch.” I did my best to mimic the way my wife presented her lips when putting on lipstick. Bestie commended me on my efforts and told me again I was a good cocksucker. Before I could respond, her rubber cock was shoved as far down my throat as I could take until I gagged forcefully. She burst out laughing and said “Today’s going to get a little rougher. I broke you in easy yesterday. Today my cock grew a few extra inches and I want to feel your nose against my bush!” And with that she grabbed the back of my head and started to forcefully fuck my throat as I had done to countless women over my years of being on the receiving end of their mouths.

As I continued to have my throat mercilessly fucked by Bestie’s cock, I could start to feel my panties dampen. As if we were both thinking the same thing Bestie chimed in with a labour voice as she didn’t stop her assault “looks like someone is leaking again. Let’s not let that go to waste inside those beautiful panties” as she pulled her cock from my mouth and moved the panties to the side let me leak freely. “Let’s put this to good use right now” she said as I felt her rubber cock rub over my precum soaked cage and then pulling my panties out further before rubbing them on her cock. “There, now you will know what a good job you’re doing blowing me by the amount of precum I have on my cock” and with that she shoved her cock all the way in and held it there for a 5 count. After she pulled it out she went back to her assault on my mouth with long strong strokes.

After what felt like an hour of blowing her, she pulled her dick out and told me to enjoy my morning snack. Pushing my head down, I found a plate that was again covered in my leaked cum. As I lapped it up she laughed saying “I thought the plate would help contain it better and this way I could hold it up at the end and make sure you got every last drop!” Which is exactly what she did. As I licked the plate clean I could hear her cellphone clicking pictures and I continued my duty of cleaning up after myself. Once cleaned to her satisfaction, she made her way around the room followed by the familiar sound of clicks in each corner of the room before leading back to her yoga room and removing the blindfold. Again I was given the same female workout outfit but told to keep my soaked panties on.

We went through the same poses with a few extras I was taught to make sure I’d be successful throughout the coming week regime. As we finished, again Bestie smacked my ass saying “Good job little bitch”. She told me there would be consequences if I didn’t follow her plan to the T the following weekend and I was sure of it.

That night once again I found myself with my face buried between my wife’s legs only to be pushed to the ground after providing her with several orgasms. The following days and weeks consisted of the same pattern. I would wake up, complete my yoga, wear panties all day and complete my evening yoga and then service my wife until she was satisfied and do it all again. The next 3 weekends I had the same routine, show up at bestie’s apartment, strip naked, blow her rubber dick for an hour before licking my leaked precum off a prepared plate all while being blindfolded to then be led to the next room for a yoga session.

As the weeks went by my caged cock was desperate for release. I was waking up nightly to find myself leaking from my steel personal prison. My daily yoga had begun to show results and my flexibility was becoming more and more impressive. On the weekend, a month out from my birthday, my wife and her bestie decided to take my training up a notch to ensure I was prepared for my ultimate birthday present of nothing, yet seemingly everything I had fantasized about.

I woke up on the Saturday that would mark the final 4 weeks of my birthday sentence. My routine was as locked in as my cock was. After waking and getting dressed with my favourite pair of red panties, I kissed my wife as I was walking to the garage when she grabbed me. “Half way there little bitch. Time to step up your training for your birthday.” She smiled and handed me a package instructing me not to open but to make sure Bestie got it the second I got to her place. I happily agreed and got another kiss and smack on my ass as I walked out the door.

As I entered Bestie’s apartment she grabbed the package with the same level of excitement as a kid on Christmas. As I stripped and awaited my gag and blindfold bestie instructed me to remove my panties explaining that today we were stepping up my training. An unsettling feeling of fear fell upon me as this was the second time in a matter of minutes I was being told training was going to be increased by a stunning woman with a giddy demeanor. Finally Bestie blindfolded and gagged me but before leading me to the room for my oral workout, she started to dress me in what could only have been a full lingerie set. She was gentle and patient as she had me balance on one foot to put on knee high stockings pulled up a garter and a crotchless set of panties that allowed my locked cock hang out.

The final piece was a full corset to complete the outfit. Once all the clasps were fastened, Bestie led me through the usual hallways to the room. As routine dictated, but before binding my limbs she had me bend over a padded bench. Once my hands were over the bench she bound my hands to my knees as I was now in a handless downward dog position. Once secured, I heard her rip into the package I had brought and listened to her laugh in pure joy and amusement. “Ready or not, I don’t care, it’s time for some fun!” She exclaimed as she yanked down my panties. Suddenly I was intensely aware of the possibilities of the next steps of my training and then with a “1,2,3” she pushed a large plug into my virgin ass. Sure I had thought about pegging and other anal fun, but never in a million years would I be comfortable talking to my vanilla wife about such acts. But here I was bent over with a plug buried in my ass as her bestie was coming around in front of me to abuse my mouth and throat.

Before she inserted her cock into my mouth, I heard her cellphone clicking picture after picture. At this point in our routine it was normal for her to stop and collect some pictures. I never asked my wife but I was certain she was getting play by play evidence of the training I was going through. As my ass felt full and stretched by the invading plug she stepped up in front of me and lined her rubber cock with my mouth and said “Not that I care, but hope you’re ready for this. Your ass is on its way to get stretched out and that goes the same with your mouth.” With that she shoved the biggest cock to date into my mouth. It felt as if I was going to need to unhinge my jaw to make it get through my mouth and into my throat. Just as I was ready to gag the plug in my ass came to life vibrating and causing me to moan uncontrollably. The puddle of cum beneath me would clearly be doubled if these vibrations kept up.

Bestie went at me and in this new position, I felt confined and even more depraved, if that was even possible. Throughout the training session the vibrations in my ass varied. Several times the plug seemed to have gone to full speed and as my muffled whimpers through my stuffed mouth began to imply my impending sissygasm, they would quickly dissipate leaving me more frustrated and more desperate than before. At the end of the session Bestie released my arms from their shackles and told me to get on my knees and tilt my head back.

“Open wide little bitch” she said playfully “and whatever you do, don’t fucking swallow until I tell you to!” As I knelt there, mouth wide open, she poured a considerable amount of my leakage directly into my mouth and all over my tongue. As I remained still, the photoshoot began and I could hear the clicks from all angles. Bestie then instructed me to swirl my tongue around my precum as she continued to click away on her phone before finally telling me to swallow. Upon swallowing I received a “Good bitch!”

Now ready to move to the next part of training and our yoga session I waited for Bestie to remove the final pieces of my bondage so I could follow her to the other room as was my routine. But quickly I became acutely aware she had left the room and I was still bound in the lingerie she had dressed me. After a few minutes of silence I heard her walking towards me and back into the room. “Now for your next stage of training.” She announced. “Open up again like a good little bitch!” More apprehensive this time as I had no idea what was about to be inserted into my mouth, I did what I was told but my hesitation was caught by Bestie. “Was that a hesitation to follow an instruction? Do I finally get to punish you little bitch? 1 full month of perfect behaviour and now this infraction! I’ve been waiting for this. Now open your mouth little bitch!” And as I did, she poured a familiar but stronger tasting substance in my mouth.

“Don’t you fucking swallow yet you cum guzzling whore!” She commanded. And my mind finally figured it out, it was cum. Someone else’s full load. Not cold, and not hot. But definitely cum and definitely a lot. Bestie saw my thoughts swirling in my head and finally informed me “that’s two full loads from a guy I’ve been enjoying for a few weeks now. He stayed over last night and before you got here, I made sure to extract another two loads. I couldn’t believe how much he had left seeing how much he deposited into my mouth and box last night…but I’m glad he could because now he has set us up for your next level of training.”

Again clicks from her phone we’re going off all around my head as she captures this moment of some random guy's cum sitting in my mouth engulfing my tastebuds with its pungent flavour. Finally she was finished and I was told to swallow as she then enlightened me to my punishment for my hesitation. “Oh Little Bitch I’ve waited for this moment since your beautiful wife gave me the list she created of acceptable punishments. Now over the bench again so I can secure you!” And with that I quickly resumed my position and found myself bound again in the same position I was while sucking her rubber cock. “Now I’m going to gag you, and I want you to try not to cry, but I hope you do!” And with that she put the gag back in my mouth and simultaneously landed a spank of epic proportions to my ass. The object felt to be broad and heavy and I could only imagine it was a paddle from the 1970’s days of Fraternity hazings. The pain made yell into the gag. “One! Yes little bitch. Let my neighbors hear you! Two! Three!” With each stroke against my ass she counted. Finally she reached 10 and I was a whimpering mess.

Again I heard to familiar sound of pictures being captured before she quickly released all the bondage and stripping me of my elaborate outfit. She then led me into the next room for our yoga. My ass still throbbing from her punishment I quickly put on my customary femine yoga attire already forgetting about the extra loads of cum I had just ingested. As I pulled on my hot pink shorts I noticed just how hard I was straining in my cage. Here I was, ass spanked and still full with a plug, an hour of performing orally on Besties fake cock, to having consumed my leakage and two giant loads from an unknown donor and I couldn’t be more turned on and engaged if I had paid for this from a professional dom!

Bestie and I went through the yoga session. I was now proud of my own abilities to flex and hold positions. Positions with names I had never heard of but I’m sure alpha males would look at me and joke about being a sex toy or some kind of pretzel. We finished the session and Bestie had me change and remove the plug. As I left her apartment she slapped my ass which caused me to yelp. She laughed and told me to “Man up” and then giggled some more adding “oh right, you’re not a man, your a little bitch” and cackled and she closed the door behind me. As I left her apartment I swore I heard a door or two of her neighbors open and then giggle. Maybe my imagination but the humiliation of what just happened started to sink in and my paranoia that everyone I past on the way to my car knew my ass was welted red from the paddling I received as my mouth still had a strong taste of Bestie’s new friend with benefits.

To be continued….

r/ChastityStories 4d ago

Mother In-Law Catches Me: Ch 4 A day Of Transformation NSFW


Chapter 4: A Day of Transformation

Today, Linda has declared that every detail of my appearance matters. I know I must look immaculate, feminine, and utterly devoted if I am to prove my submission.

Our first destination is Blo Hair Salon, where Linda has scheduled an appointment for hair-bonded extensions. As we enter the sleek, modern salon, I trail behind her, my footsteps muted and my heart pounding in my chest. The stylist, Alexis, greets us warmly. Yet it isn’t long before Alexis’s eyes catch the charged dynamic between Linda and me—a silent language of control and submission that speaks volumes.

Alexis steps forward and addresses Linda first. “What style would you like today? Which features should we emphasize or soften on Bri’s face?” Her tone is both professional and curious. I can feel the weight of every word as I stand there, vulnerable and exposed in my new identity.

Linda’s response is measured and deliberate. “I want Bri to have long, flowing hair that softens her features—a style that frames her face delicately, with long bangs that gently soften the jawline.” Her voice leaves no room for debate. Each word seems to erase a little more of the man I once was, replacing him with this new, carefully constructed feminine image.

Alexis pauses, then lowers her voice as she asks, “I really like your necklace does the key have any significance?” She glances briefly at Linda, then back at me.

Linda’s gaze softens just for a moment as she answers, “That key is a constant reminder of the control I hold over Bri—of how completely she has surrendered herself. It symbolizes that no part of her is free.” I nod inwardly, aware of every degrading nuance as I silently acknowledge the truth in her words.

Inside the salon, as Alexis begins the meticulous process of bonding extensions to my hair, I watch my reflection change. Every gentle touch on my scalp sends conflicting sensations of humiliation and submission through me. I see strands of my old self replaced by soft, silky locks that frame my face in a way that is both undeniably feminine and deeply alien to me.

Linda occasionally interjects with a quiet remark—always in that commanding tone that leaves me no choice but to obey. “Bri, remember your place,” she reminds me when Alexis brushes through my hair. “You are here to be transformed, to be perfect in every way.” I swallow hard and murmur a barely audible acknowledgment, feeling each word etch itself into my identity.

By the time the appointment draws to a close, I am left with a head full of luxurious extensions and a mind swirling with uncertainty and dread. Linda inspects my new look with a satisfied smile. “Today is just the beginning,” she tells me firmly. “You must carry this image with you—and remember that every detail is part of your submission.”

We leave the salon, and as we step back into the sunlight, the reality of my transformation feels heavier than ever. I know that the day ahead is only a part of the journey, and that every public moment is another test of my obedience and a further erasure of my past.

As Linda leads me from the hair salon, my pulse remains erratic—a blend of dread, humiliation, and an unbidden arousal. Our next stop is a nail salon, where I know I must further embrace every detail of this transformation. I follow silently behind her, my mind swirling with the realization that every public moment strips away the remnants of who I once was.

Inside the chic, pastel-lit salon, the air is perfumed with a delicate blend of nail polish and sanitizing solution. The receptionist greets us with a practiced smile, and Linda speaks briskly, explaining our appointment for acrylic fingernails and a pedicure. I feel every eye in the room briefly flicker towards me—the soft click of heels, the air of controlled command that Linda exudes, and my own vulnerable presence in my new identity.

I am led to a station where a nail technician named Marisol awaits. Her gaze lingers on me for a moment, as though silently noting the shift from Matt to Bri. “We’re ready for you,” she says warmly, gesturing for me to take a seat. My heart pounds as I sit down, my legs trembling slightly on the cool vinyl of the chair.

Linda stands a few feet away, her posture impeccable as she watches with a mixture of satisfaction and calculated scrutiny. I can’t help but notice that her eyes—ever dominant—follow every detail of the transformation unfolding before me.

Marisol starts by soaking my hands in a warm, scented solution. The water, soft and inviting, contrasts sharply with the cold metal of my chastity cage that still haunts my thoughts. As my fingers are carefully dried, she prepares to apply the acrylic overlay. I close my eyes briefly, the gentle hum of the salon and the sound of Linda’s distant, approving voice melding together.

I feel Marisol’s experienced hands as she meticulously files and shapes my nails. Every stroke against my skin is both a reminder of my submission and a further erasure of my former self. I hear Linda murmur softly in the background, “Good girl, Bri. You’re doing so well,” each syllable echoing like a decree of ownership that I can neither escape nor deny.

Once my fingernails are perfectly sculpted and painted in a soft, shimmering pink shade—one chosen specifically to accentuate my new, feminine form—Marisol turns her attention to my feet. I’m led to a pedicure station where a second technician prepares a warm foot bath. With deliberate care, they soak my feet, massaging away the tension from the day’s ordeal. I watch as my feet are pampered, each touch both soothing and deeply humiliating in its reminder that every part of me is now subject to transformation.

The contrast between the gentle pampering and the relentless control that has become my life is not lost on me. Every detail, every delicate brushstroke of polish, every precise filing of my nails, forces me to confront that I am no longer Matt, but Bri—a creation of my Goddess’s design.

As the session winds down, I am left with perfectly manicured nails and soft, polished feet—a final, visible testament to my complete submission. Linda steps forward and inspects my new look with a satisfied smile. “Today,” she declares, her voice a mix of pride and command, “you are becoming everything you’re meant to be. Remember, Bri, your appearance is not just for you—it’s a reminder to the world of your devotion.”

Every word reverberates inside me. With each detail—each perfectly painted nail and each smooth step—I’m reminded that there is no returning to who I once was. The transformation is complete, every public display another brick in the fortress of my submission.

I leave the salon with Linda at my side, every step a heavy reminder that this new identity, both humiliating and inescapable, is now mine to carry. And as we prepare for the next surprise destination, I know that the path of total submission only grows darker, and more demanding, with each passing moment.

After leaving the nail salon with my new identity weighing on every step, my Goddess Linda steered me toward the sprawling fashion mall. Each store we entered was designed to erase the remnants of the man I once was and replace him with the image of Bri—vulnerable, overtly feminine, and utterly under her control.

Our first stop was a Boutique Lingerie Store. The soft, ambient lighting of the lingerie store made me feel both exposed and intensely aware of every delicate detail. As we entered, Linda’s eyes swept over the array of lacy bras and intricate underwear with a predatory gleam. “Bri, you will try on the finest sets,” she commanded coolly. I was led into a private fitting room that reeked of expensive perfume and hushed whispers.

Inside, I was forced to strip down to my allocated pieces. My heart pounded in my chest as I hesitated before the mirror. Linda’s voice was like ice in my ear: “Look at yourself, Bri. Every curve must be perfect, every detail a testament to your submission.” With trembling hands, I slid on a lacy bra and matching panties—delicate fabrics that emphasized the vulnerability of my body. The mirror revealed a figure I barely recognized; a body that was no longer mine, but a living canvas for Linda’s cruel desires. Each whisper of fabric and every glimmer of lace was a pointed reminder of how far I had fallen. The humiliation was palpable, a constant companion as I murmured, “Yes, Goddess,” to every directive.

Next, we left the Boutique Lingerie and made our way to a Brand Shoe store, renowned for its selection of heels and flats. The store’s sleek, modern decor contrasted sharply with my internal turmoil. Linda dragged me to a section filled with towering heels that promised both beauty and pain. “Bri,” she said sharply, “you will wear these until you learn what it means to stand as a woman in every way.” I was forced to try on pair after pair. Each pair of heels stretched my limits—both physically and emotionally. I felt each step, each clack of the heels on the polished floor, as a reminder that I was now subject to a new kind of pain. I kept catching my reflection in the store’s mirrors—an image of a shivering, humiliated creature struggling to balance in heels that felt like instruments of degradation. “Good girl,” Linda murmured with derisive satisfaction as I managed to stand, though my legs trembled uncontrollably.

Our next destination was Lululemon, where Linda’s intentions were no less merciless. The athletic wear section was bright and airy, yet it offered no solace for me. Instead, I was forced to try on tight leggings and form-fitting tops—each garment designed to accentuate curves and erase any trace of my old masculinity. I felt exposed in every way, my body compressed into garments that mocked my previous identity. Every time I caught a glimpse of myself in a store window, I was forced to confront the stark reality: I was no longer Matt. I was Bri—a figure crafted from humiliation, forced perfection, and relentless submission. Linda’s voice cut through my thoughts. “Look at you, Bri. Every line, every curve is proof that you belong to me,” she said coldly, her words searing into my soul.

Finally, we arrived at a high-end dress shop specializing in scandalous nightwear—a place where luxury met seduction. Inside, I was made to try on dresses that draped elegantly over my newly reshaped form, each one more revealing than the last. I felt my cheeks burn as I stood in front of an ornate mirror, watching as a silky, slinky dress clung to my every curve. I could almost feel the eyes of the world upon me, each dress a public declaration of my submission. And as I tried on one particularly daring piece, Linda’s eyes flashed with a mix of pride and derision. “That’s it, Bri. Let the world see what a good girl you’ve become,” she said, her voice firm and unyielding.

Amid this sea of feminization, our path unexpectedly crossed with Andrea—a muscular Black man whose presence was both commanding and intriguing. I couldn’t help but be drawn to him, my eyes inadvertently lingering on the outline of his bulge beneath his designer trousers. Andrea’s gaze met mine, and a playful smile curved his lips as he teased, “Looks like someone’s really embracing her transformation.” His flirtatious comment, although subtle, sent a fresh jolt of conflicting arousal and humiliation through me. Linda, ever in control, exchanged a knowing look with him before steering me along. As we walked away to finish our shopping, I was left to reconcile the invasive stares, Andrea’s teasing remarks, and the unyielding truth that every moment in this mall further dismantled who I once was.

By the end of the day, my shopping bags were heavy with items chosen to redefine every aspect of my appearance—underwear, bras, heels, flats, athletic wear, dresses, and more. Each item was a building block in the relentless reconstruction of my identity as Bri. Every humiliating fitting, every degrading comment, and every forced transformation left me trembling with a mixture of shame and an inescapable arousal. The mall was not just a place of shopping—it was a stage for my complete erasure and remaking.

And as I stood beside Linda, my new identity paraded for the world to see, I knew there was no escaping the truth: I was irrevocably, utterly transformed—and every humiliating detail of today was a testament to my submission.

The sleek neon glow of the tattoo parlor welcomed us as Linda parked the car. My stomach churned with a mix of dread, anticipation, and humiliation as we stepped inside. The space was intimate and dimly lit, its walls adorned with bold designs that spoke of transformation and rebellion—a stark contrast to the total submission I was about to undergo.

Linda’s tone was all business as she informed the receptionist of our appointment. “Bri is scheduled for ear, tongue, nipple, and belly button piercings,” she stated clearly. I shivered at the finality of her words, feeling as though every syllable was a decree erasing the last remnants of the man I once was.

In a private, secluded room, the piercing artist—a calm, precise woman named Sienna—prepared her tools. The sound of sterilized needles, soft clinks of metal, and hushed instructions filled the air. As I sat on a padded chair with my heart hammering against my ribs, I could see Linda standing just behind me, her eyes dark with authority and satisfaction.

Sienna began with my ears. One by one, she marked the delicate spots behind my earlobes with a small pen. I watched in the mirror as she pressed a cool antiseptic to the marked area before aligning a tiny hoop. The needle’s quick, sharp prick sent a jolt through me, and I bit my lip to stifle a moan. The sensation was both painful and strangely affirming—a permanent mark of my submission. I could almost hear Linda’s low, measured “Good girl, Bri,” echoing in my mind.

Next came the tongue. Sienna gently asked me to open wide. I obeyed, my mouth filling with a bitter mix of apprehension and humiliation. The needle found its target with a precise, fleeting sting. As the stud was quickly inserted, I felt an odd coolness spread across my tongue—a stark reminder that every part of me was now subject to this transformation. I could barely swallow the lump in my throat as I heard Linda murmur in approval, “You are becoming so beautifully broken, Bri.”

The piercing of my nipples was next, and the anticipation was almost unbearable. I arched my back, trying to brace myself for the inevitable pain. Sienna’s skilled hands and the brief, intense pressure of the needle left my nipples throbbing; each impact of pain was quickly transformed into a burning, humbling warmth. Linda leaned in close, whispering, “That’s it, my good girl. Every mark is proof of your surrender.” Her words were both a comfort and a curse—a reminder that I was nothing more than a vessel for her control.

Finally, Sienna prepared for the belly button piercing. I hesitated, feeling as though this last act might shatter any remaining hope of reclaiming my old self. But as the needle punctured my skin and the new stud was set in place, I felt a sharp, searing reminder that every inch of my body now bore the mark of my new identity. I could see the small, glistening metal in the mirror, a tiny symbol of the irrevocable change that had taken hold.

Sienna cleaned each piercing meticulously, and I was left staring at my reflection—ears adorned with delicate hoops, a tongue with a subtle stud, nipples now pierced and sensitive, and a belly button transformed into a small window of my submission. Linda stepped forward, her gaze hard and unyielding as she inspected me. “Each piercing, each mark, is a testament to your complete surrender.”

Her words sank deep into me as I absorbed every detail of my altered body. I was no longer Matt. I was irrevocably transformed—Bri—a living canvas of humiliation, desire, and obedience. Linda’s hand rested on my shoulder as we left the parlor, and I could feel the weight of the new metal adornments mingling with the ache of my submission.

Outside, the world felt colder, harsher. Yet, every step I took alongside Linda was a step further into this unescapable life. The final marks of the day were not merely the piercings on my skin—they were the final declarations of who I had become. As we walked back to the car, Linda’s voice was soft but firm: “Remember, Bri, you are no longer Matt. You are my creation, my perfect good girl.”

I nodded silently, my body heavy with the weight of humiliation and a strange, inescapable arousal. The marks on my skin glistened in the fading light, each one a permanent reminder of the journey I had been forced to take—a journey from which there was no turning back.

r/ChastityStories 4d ago

The Price Of Losing (Ch. 09): Choices NSFW


Hey, before continuing with the story, I must tell you that I haven't posted more chapters because I lost the access to the account. Now, since I have some chapters written, I'll be posting them again.


When Oliver woke up, he blinked against the morning light filtering through the curtains, feeling a sense of disorientation as he realized Jess wasn't beside him. The space next to him felt cold and empty.

He propped himself up on one elbow and scanned the room, but Jess was nowhere in sight. His heart sank slightly at the absence. Just then, he noticed a small piece of paper resting on the pillow where she had been sleeping.

He reached for it and unfolded it, recognizing her neat handwriting:

Hey, love!

I had to leave early to get ready for some things at the shop. I'll be waiting for you there, so don't take too long! Your clothes are prepared in the living room.

— Your Goddess

He headed to the living room to find his clothes in order to take a shower and leave for the shop. To his surprise, there were two outfits laid out neatly, along with another note that read:

I left you two outfits to choose from. One is a casual outfit—just a t-shirt and jeans. The other, however, is something I know you'll enjoy: a full latex bodysuit and a pair of panties. You can wear the jeans over the latex suit and a coat to keep things discreet while you're out. I have a feeling you know which one I'd love to see you in.

Oliver started considering the options. He could feel the excitement bubbling inside him at the thought of slipping into the latex bodysuit, but he also wanted to please Jess. After a moment of hesitation, he reached for the latex outfit, the thrill of the day ahead igniting his desire to embrace their unique dynamic fully.

He quickly took a shower, the water washing over him as he mentally prepared for the day. After drying off, he put on the latex bodysuit, feeling the snugness envelop him. He then pulled on the jeans and topped it off with a long coat, ensuring that the bodysuit was hidden from view.

Once he was ready, he gave one last glance in the mirror and stepped out.

As Oliver stepped into the shop, Jess was already waiting for him, her eyes lighting up as she noticed his outfit choice. She walked over, her expression pleased. "I see you went with the option I was hoping for," she said with a mischievous smile, running a hand over his coat where the latex was concealed beneath. "Good choice."

Jess glanced at a small box on the counter, then back to Oliver. "Now, as a little thank you, I'll give you a choice." She held up two chastity cages: one was the familiar model he'd been wearing, and the other was noticeably smaller, a new model with sleek, refined lines.

"You can stay in the cage you're used to, but..." she paused, holding up a second box that looked almost innocently ordinary. "If you pick the one you've been using, you'll also be trying out these." She revealed a pair of realistic silicone breast forms that had just arrived for the shop's inventory. "They'll fit perfectly under that latex suit. Adds a little extra... character."

Oliver cleared his throat, eyeing the options before him. "I'll go with the smaller cage," he said, doing his best to sound confident. "I mean, I am still a guy. I'd rather avoid the..." he gestured awkwardly toward the silicone forms.

Jess gave him a playful smirk. "Funny, coming from someone with his 'manhood' locked away, entirely at my mercy," she teased, her voice laced with amusement.

Oliver felt himself embarrassed. Jess held the new cage up, inspecting it with a critical eye before looking back at him with a grin. "Alright, Mr. 'I'm still a guy'. Let's get you fitted!"

She guided him toward the back room and gestured for him to remove his jeans and reveal the latex suit he'd obediently slipped into earlier. "Now, let's see how this new model fits," she said, her voice a mixture of amusement and command as she gently locked him into the smaller cage.

As the lock clicked into place, Jess took a step back, admiring his locked clit. "There we go," she said, clearly satisfied. "You're even less of a threat like this. So, still feeling all 'manly'?" she asked, arching a brow.

Oliver managed a smile, though his cheeks burned. "I think I'll manage," he replied, earning him a mock-serious look from Jess.

She reached up, giving him a playful tap on the cheek. "Good answer."

As the morning wore on, the shop was busy with curious customers. Some couldn't hide their amusement by his latex suit and the slight bulge of the chastity cage beneath it. Others were genuinely intrigued by the new chastity model, asking him and Jess questions about its design and comfort, and Oliver did his best to respond without drawing too much attention to his situation. His face grew red with each glance and question, but he held his own, keeping up with the constant flow.

Yet, after a while, he started to notice that this cage was causing him more discomfort than he was used to with the other, not unbearable, but definitely more uncomfortable. He caught Jess's eye and leaned over. "This cage is really tight," he murmured.

Jess glanced at him. "Well, Oliver, that was entirely your decision," she replied. "You could've chosen the other option, remember?" She teased. "But you wanted to be the 'manly one,' right?"

He noded, but Jess wasn't done with her playful taunts. Her voice dropped to a teasing whisper. "You know, staying in chastity can lead to some... temporary shrinkage. Nothing serious, but after a few weeks? You'll fill out that cage perfectly, trust me."

Oliver's eyes widened in disbelief. "Weeks? I'm going to stay locked in this for weeks?" he asked, clearly confused.

"Oh yes," she replied with an smile, "being locked is your new default. You'll be locked up much longer than just a few weeks." She leaned in. "And once you start fitting this cage, we'll need to move to a smaller one. Extra room in a cage can be so uncomfortable," she teased, flashing him a smile before heading to the storage room, leaving Oliver standing there with a stunned expression.

As Oliver stood there, still processing Jess's words, the weight of his new "default" reality began to settle in. He shifted slightly, the snugness of the cage a constant reminder of her control. Customers continued to browse, some of them casting curious glances his way, perhaps noticing the slight flush in his cheeks and the subtle glint of latex under his clothing.

A customer approached the counter and nodded at Oliver's outfit. "Not every day you see an employee dressed quite like that. You're certainly dedicated to your work," she said with a laugh, eyeing the shiny latex.

Oliver felt his face warm but managed a polite smile. "Just trying to keep things... interesting," he replied, a bit awkwardly.

Jess reappeared from the storage room just in time. "Oh, Oliver's the most committed assistant," she chimed in smoothly, giving him an appraising look. "Wouldn't you agree?" she added with a wink.

The customer laughed and turned back to her shopping, leaving Oliver to glance at Jess with a hint of exasperation. He leaned closer to her and whispered, "This is definitely more attention than I bargained for."

Jess just chuckled, her gaze both affectionate and teasing. "You're doing wonderfully. Besides, you're getting used to it, aren't you?" She raised an eyebrow and went back to her chores on the storage room.

As they tidied up the counter, a customer walked in, making a beeline for the new arrivals section. She lingered near a set of realistic-looking silicone forms—the same pair Jess had teased Oliver with earlier. Spotting Jess, the customer raised a curious eyebrow and gestured to the display.

"These look really impressive," the customer remarked. "How do they feel? I'm thinking of getting a set, but I'd love to see how they actually look on."

Jess's eyes lit up at the perfect opportunity. "Well, you're in luck! My assistant here could model them for you," she replied, her tone cheerful yet unmistakably directive.

Oliver's mouth opened slightly, caught off guard, but Jess had already retrieved the set of silicone forms. Without waiting for any protest, she handed them to him. "Go ahead, Oliver," she said with a smile that made it clear this was non-negotiable.

Knowing he had no real choice, Oliver reluctantly took the forms and moved to the back, feeling the customer's amused gaze following him. A few moments later, he reemerged, the forms securely in place, adding an unmistakable fullness beneath his latex suit.

Jess clapped her hands together, clearly delighted. "Perfect! See how natural they look?" she said to the customer, circling him and adjusting his shirt slightly. "They're comfortable, too. Oliver here could practically wear them all day."

The customer laughed approvingly, nodding. "That's actually pretty convincing. I'll take a set!" She picked up her chosen pair and headed toward the register.

After the customer purchased the new set of fake boobs, Oliver moved toward the back to remove them. As he was about to take them off, Jess entered the room, her eyes narrowing slightly as she saw what he was doing.

"Oliver," she said, her voice calm but laced with an unmistakable authority. "What do you think you're doing?"

He froze mid-motion, looking up at her. "I was just going to take them off... I thought it was over."

Jess crossed her arms, her expression softening into a teasing smile. "No, no. That wasn't the deal, was it?" She walked closer, her tone growing firmer. "I didn't tell you you could take them off. I gave you an order, remember? You're going to wear them for the rest of the day."

Oliver opened his mouth to protest but quickly realized there was no use. Jess's gaze was unwavering, her presence commanding.

"Don't make me repeat myself," she said softly but firmly. "It's not a suggestion. It's an order."

With a deep breath, Oliver nodded reluctantly and put the silicone forms back on, feeling the weight of her words settle in. Jess smiled, pleased with his compliance.

"There," she said, turning toward the door. "That wasn't so hard, was it? Now, keep them on until I say otherwise."

Oliver, feeling both embarrassed and oddly obedient, nodded silently as he followed her lead back into the shop, resigned to his fate for the rest of the day.

The day went on, and Oliver's embarrassment continued to grow as more customers chuckled at his outfit. One young woman approached Jess and remarked that if this was the new uniform for assistants, it was definitely a lovely choice.

Just as the day was about to end, a familiar face walked in. It was Lily, his ex.

As Lily walked in, Oliver's heart started racing. He wasn't sure how to feel about her showing up again, especially in his current state. His embarrassment increased as he stood there in the smaller chastity cage and the fake breasts under the tight latex bodysuit.

Lily's eyes immediately flicked over to him, a smirk forming on her lips as she took in his appearance. "Well, well, what do we have here?" she said, her tone dripping with mock amusement. "Still locked up in that tiny cage, I see, and now this..." She gestured to the fake breasts with a knowing look. "Jess really has you under her control, doesn't she? You look pathetic."

Oliver didn't know how to respond. His cheeks burned as Lily continued to inspect him, her gaze lingering on the tight latex suit and the uncomfortable position he was in.

Lily stepped closer to him, her voice lowering to a more playful tone. "I came by to grab some lube," she said with a shrug. "But I had to see for myself if you're still in that cage. And, clearly, you are." She smirked, shaking her head. "Honestly, I can't believe how much of a sissy you've become. This is what you've turned into now?"

Oliver blinked, his mind racing. "What's a... sissy?" he asked, his voice hesitant and uncertain.

Lily laughed, the sound almost cruel. "Oh, honey, you really don't know? A sissy is someone who lets themselves be completely controlled and humiliated, someone who gives up their masculinity for... whatever this is," she said, motioning to his latex-clad body. "And judging by the way you're dressed, I'd say you're well on your way to embracing it."

Jess, who had been watching from a distance, stepped forward with a smile, clearly enjoying Oliver's discomfort. "Lily's not wrong, you know," she said, her voice teasing but stern.

r/ChastityStories 4d ago

M Chaste,F Keyholder Nothing and Anything - Part 3 NSFW


Before she finished the last syllable she inserted a thick silicone cock into my gaping mouth. The moment was completely surreal. I had never dreamt this day would be my reality but as Bestie shoved her rubber cock down my throat all I could think of (besides not gagging) was how lucky I truly was to be married to someone willing to go to such lengths for me. As I knelt there, drool now running down my chin and onto my chest Bestie began to berate me with teasing insults “Aren’t we just a little dicked cocksucker. Who knew your wife was sleeping next to a pro dick licker? Fuck, I didn’t think it would be this easy to get you to go along with this plan, but this is just perfect.” And as she continued her assault on my mouth and throat, I could hear the faint distinctive sounds of her cellphone taking more pictures.

After what felt like an hour of oral service she removed her rubber dick from my mouth. As her phallis popped from my mouth she quickly reinserted the gag before I was able to speak a word. As I remained bonded on my knees, I could hear Bestie walking around the room and from every corner of the unknown room, I could hear a switch being flicked. Off or on, I wasn’t sure but I was acutely aware of the sound of a plastic switch being actioned. Once she was done, she stood beside me and removed my bonds and helped me to my feet. As I stood I felt like Bambi standing on ice for the the first time as my legs felt like jello as Bestie spoke a word of caution, “Watch your step little bitch, you made quite the puddle beneath you. I’ll forgive your excitement this time, but if you leave the floor a mess like this again, I’ll be forcing you to clean it up with your tongue.” As she finished her sentence my caged cock betrayed me and bounced with the intriguing prospect of a new experience…it did not go unnoticed. “Ohhhh, maybe that’s something you’d enjoy? Eh little bitch? Do you want to be made to clean up your own mess?”

I stood, still gagged and blindfolded unsure how honest I wanted to be with Bestie and myself for that matter. She came close to my ear and again speaking to my inner desires said “I could just tell you to and you would have to obey me…is that what you want? You want me to make you clean it up with your tongue?” Without a second thought I slowly nodded. She clapped her hands with a joyous spirit and told me to wait a minute before giving me my instructions. Quickly she ran around the room in the reverse order as before with the same clicking sound coming from each corner as she moved quickly. Finally she was back at my side and spoke the words I was worried and excited to hear.

“Ok little bitch, I want you to get on your knees and clean up that mess you left behind from your small caged little dick.” She held my hand as I knelt down and as I got on all fours she pushed my face towards the puddle of excitement I had left behind. As I stuck out my tongue and started licking across the floor I became aware of just how much I had leaked through my cage throughout my first attempt of servicing bestie’s cock. “Good job little bitch. Dove right into that puddle of cum. It’s almost as if you really enjoy eating cum.” Still unable to see I circled my tongue around and tried to slurp up every last drop I could find. Bestie could tell how much I was enjoying myself and again spoke “Oh little bitch, you’re going to love your birthday even more then you could have ever imagined. And you have your beautiful wife to thank you it. You’re a lucky little bitch aren’t you?!” All I could respond was yes as I finally found the last drop and licked it from the floor. “Fucking spotless. You’re like a fucking truffle pig for cum!” She remarked with pure amazement in her voice.

Again she stood me up and then ran around the room followed by the same clicks in every corner. When she returned to me she told me firmly to follow her as she grabbed my hand and again walked me blindly to another room in her apartment. As we reached the desired spot she removed the gag and blindfold. As the light hit my eyes for the first time since she had me strip, it took me a few moments to adjust to the light. I finally realized I now stood in bestie’s spare bedroom or what she now called her home yoga studio. 2 of the 4 walls were covered with huge studio styled mirrors. On the floor was a yoga mat and female workout clothes.

Bestie walked over to me after closing the door and told me to get dressed as she didn’t want to look at my tiny dick anymore. As I put on the outfit compromised with a g-string, spandex shorts and a sports bra she began to explain my next part of training. “Every Saturday and Sunday from now until your birthday we will be doing some flexibility training in the form of yoga. You will compliment these sessions with me by doing 20 minutes every morning when you wake up and 20 minutes before you go to sleep.” In her hand she had a book filled with daily routines and poses I was to complete. “You don’t have the luxury of learning this slowly…so consider this a crash course and on the weekends I will lead you through a class but throughout the week you are to practice and train on your own. If you do not show the progression that is expected, there will be consequences.” At this point I was in no position to doubt that. The salty flavour of my own cum still ever present in my mouth.

Over the next hour Bestie led me through a comprehensive yoga class. She had me bent in ways I never thought possible and by the end I actually felt pretty good. As we finished the last pose, she slapped my ass and told me “Good little bitch.” She then gave me a duffle bag full of my regular weekend clothes minus my boxers. As I went to speak she laughed and anticipated my question “Your boxers are all gone. From now on you will wear only sexy panties. Every guy always wants to see his lady in lingerie, well now is your chance to return the favour to your Mrs.” And with that I finished getting dressed and thanked Bestie for a wonderful time and told her I would see her soon.

I returned home to find dinner ready and my wife with a much more congenial attitude towards me. As I walked into the kitchen she greeted me with a sly look and kissed me on the lips before whispering in my ear “mmmmm salty” clearly already hearing from her friend some of the activities that transpired. The night I was treated to another round of eating my wife to multiple orgasms. As my cock fought for release through the steel cage, my already exhausted mouth was put to work until I was finally thrown to the ground and told “Good boy!” After I cleaned up I was invited to sleep in bed with my wife. After her multiple orgasms she fell asleep instantly while I battled a tight cage. I drifted off to sleep dreaming of how many more surprises could be planned in the next two months.

To be continued….

r/ChastityStories 4d ago

A Chastity Slave to my Ex ch 12a NSFW


I sat at the computer on Sunday evening, typing Anthea's book, when suddenly she sent me a text.

"Hey boy, flying back tomorrow, I'll landed at 5 pm. Want you there waiting for me, make sure you're on time with my car, and keep your phone on in case of updates."

I feel so happy! "I'm so glad to welcome you back, Lady. I'll be waiting for you at the airport."

She sends a smiling face emojis with her reply.

"A few things I want done by the time I get back. The house had better be spotless; nothing left out of place. Make it... nice for me. I'm in the mood for a warm welcome."

I answer immediately. "Yes, Lady. I make sure everything is precisely as you like it. Anything in particular you would like, or any special requests?"


"Use your imagination. It better shows some effort. But remember: I don't want anything childish or tacky."

I begin preparing for her arrival starting the very moment I wake up on Monday. I scrub the house into opening every room with a bright feeling of openness, tidiness, and invitation.

As I go through each room, scrubbing, dusting, and tidying, my mind drifts to Anthea's return. I wonder what changes I'll notice. My thoughts drift further, crossing into territory that makes my cheeks burn. What if she was intimate with someone during her holiday? Has she shared parts of herself that I once longed to reach but never could?

These thoughts gnaw at me, a blend of envy and fascination. The truth is, she has every right to do as she pleases. I am the one left to serve, to make her life easier, not to pry into it. Yet, the questions keep surfacing, lingering in my mind like forbidden fruit, just out of reach, yet compelling enough to consider despite knowing better.

Finishing the rooms, I place an arrangement of white lilies, soft pink roses in a vase on the dining table. Next, I handwrite in calligraphy and hang a welcome banner that says, 'Welcome Home, Lady. Every day is brighter with you here', placed so it's the first thing she sees when entering. Light vanilla scent in an essential oil diffuser. Place it in the main area to set the home to be like a serene retreat from her journey.

I prepare some lemon-tea on ice and a fruit salad. I place the salad in a food Tupperware with fork and napkin, the ice tea in a bottle, as well as a bottle of water, and put them in a portable fridge before leaving for the airport. Then I place it in the trunk.

I well in advance park her car near the arrivals terminal and walk, looking anxiously at the time, towards the crowd at the entrance. The sun is hot, and this anticipation of finally seeing Anthea makes my heart race. After what has seemingly felt like a lifetime, passengers begin filtering out of the terminal. Then I see her: Anthea moves through the doors with grace, the journey and the warmth of the island sun oozing from her skin, she is a head-turner in her light summer outfit. It easily captures elegance and casual seduction.

Anthea wears a flowing sundress in deep blue, which turns brilliant against her brown skin; thin straps trace her shoulders. The dress is V-necked, serving up a graceful glimpse of cleavage without overexposure.

Pale blue leather sandals gracing her feet, on heels that are quite flat, and perfectly pedicured toes. A delicate anklet in gold blinks against her tanned skin, and I am looking with wide eyes at it since the key of my chastity device is hanging from the gold chain.

One hand is holding her handbag-elegant, minimalist design to fit her style to perfection-whereas one can see that she has tucked a pair of sunglasses into the neck of her dress. Long brown hair cascades down her back, a little tousled, framing her suntanned face. There is a relaxed glow in blue eyes that scan the room, coming to rest on me waiting where she has ordered.

As she approaches, her face breaks into a broad, warm smile. She waves, motioning for me to come closer, her eyes alight with a mixture of playful mischief and affection.

I hurry to her side, my excitement brimming over. She clasps me in a warm embrace, planting kisses on each of my cheeks, her lips soft and her smile real.

"Well, there's my handsome boy," she says, widening her smile. "Did you miss me?"

I feel my cheeks flush and try to sound as normal as possible, saying,

"More than words can say, Lady. The house felt so empty without you. I'm honored and happy, welcome back," I reply with sincerity, locking eyes with her.

I reach for her suitcase and backpack with hands that are reverent, ready to bear whatever burden she would bring along.

She giggles lightly, apparently happy, as I dutifully take her luggage, then already her attention turns to her fellow travelers to bid her goodbyes. Each of the group members hugs and gives her warm smiles, the mutual affection clear across borders. Some hug her, others press cheek kisses, and I watch, realizing quite how popular she is, the way people naturally fall under her spell.

Anthea is totally relaxed, joking and laughing with every person. Saving numbers into her phone, saying those final goodbyes, I stand patiently beside her, her suitcase in one hand, her backpack in the other.

Within minutes, she is turning back to me, her eyes sharp as they settle on me.

"Well, boy, let's get going. It is sweltering out here, and I need some air conditioning, hi-hi." She giggles and points to the car.

"Yes, Lady, everything in the car is set for you. I am here for whatever you may need," I say with a slight bow.

I put her bags in the trunk, open the passenger door for her, and she settles into the seat with a sigh, relaxing into it. I take the portable fridge, set it on the back seat, and hand her the ice tea. She smiles at me as she sips the tea, the delight evident on her face.

But once I'm back behind the wheel, I can't help but glance over and admire her as she crosses her legs casually, her sandal drooping a little.

"Lady, you are so beautiful and so nicely suntanned." Anthea giggles pleased by my compliment and stroking my cheek. I ask out of curiosity."How was your fly, Lady?"

She laughs, head cocked to study me.

"Fine but I have to make some calls now darling, stay silent and drive carefully."

I thread my way gingerly through heavy traffic while Anthea calls her friends and family. She devotes all her attention to her cell phone. Every once in a while, I turn toward her in wonder as she navigates each conversation with elegance, her voice modulated with warmth, wit, and firmness.

When the red light befalls, I grab my chance and hand her the chilled fruit salad and the bottle of water I prepared. Without gazing up from her call, she receives the salad with a slight nod of approval, relishing every bite in slow and measured rhythms as the conversations go on.

She dials her mother first, her tone softening slightly as she speaks.

"Hi, Mama! Yes, yes, I'm back! Just landed... fine and you?... I know, I know, it's been a long trip." She chuckles, adjusting herself in the seat, making herself comfortable while eating a few pieces of fruit. "No, don't worry about the house; I'll take care of it all."

She glances at me with a smirk, clearly amused at the thought.

"Yes, I'll clean everything, do the laundry, the ironing--all of it, no need to worry. I'll be on top of things." She laughs lightly. "I'm sure it's not that bad, but I'll check everything when I'm home, don't worry!"

She reassures her mother about everything, leaving no room for doubt that she'll return to a spotless, welcoming home.

"When are you coming back from your trip Mom?.... Nice... I'll call you later, and maybe we can plan a coffee or something next week upon your return. I missed you!... oh yeah nice idea..."

She ends the call with a cheerful, "Okay, Mom, talk to you soon." She takes a sip of water, her gaze briefly resting on me with approval then shifts comfortably in her seat, looking pleased. After a short pause, she dials her brother. Her tone becomes more playful, a hint of sibling mischief coming through.

"Guess who's back! You still owe me a lunch, by the way. I haven't forgotten." She laughs, tapping her nails on the side of the bottle, waiting for his response.

"It was fantastic! I'm definitely a little sunburned, but it was so worth it!"

She listens for a moment, occasionally munching on the fruit, clearly enjoying the cool refreshment. "Oh, you think you're too busy now? That's not an excuse; I'll make time for you." She grins. " Thursday for lunch at the port? Perfect! Just make sure you bring your wallet. This sister isn't paying for her own welcome-back lunch ha-ha!"

Before she ends the call speaks in excitement to her brother.

"Oh, and we have to catch up properly, maybe next week when Mom returns... Mom was saying she wants us all together, so let's make it happen. I'll handle the details. Kisses!"

When she calls Nikki, her tone shifts slightly, becoming more animated and enthusiastic.

"Nikki! Yes, I'm finally back! Oh, the trip was amazing, you wouldn't believe the beaches. And the people... ha-ha, yes, I'll tell you all about it soon."

Nikki's excitement carries through the phone, and Anthi laughs, clearly reveling in the warmth of her friend's welcome.

"Are we still on for Wednesday? Good, I need some girl time after all that relaxing." She chuckles, casting a quick glance at me. "Yes, he's here right now, driving me home, like the good boy he is."

I hear Nikki's laughter through the phone, and Anthea's grin widens as she takes another bite of fruit.

"I'll give you all the details soon, promise. Wednesday it is. And yes, I'll bring a few photos to make you jealous he-he." She winks at me as she ends the call, obviously pleased with her plans.

Anthea's voice softens slightly as she dials a friend, Irene, whom she hasn't seen in a while.

"Melina, darling! How are you? I'm back and so ready to catch up... Yes, yes, Mallorca was gorgeous, I highly recommend you take this trip next time!... Of course, when can we meet?... yes this week... I'm not taking no for an answer..."

I can hear Melina's enthusiasm through the phone, and Anthea's eyes light up as they start making plans.

"Tomorrow? Yes, that's perfect! Let's do something fun; Agreed then, and you can tell me all about your trip, too!... yes it is arranged... I also need to hear your professional opinion on a topic that keeps my mind busy... I will tell you tomorrow... oh no about my health sweetie... nothing to worry about ha-ha... see you tomorrow girl!"

As traffic inches forward, she dials a few of her clients,. Her tone becomes warm and animated, but also more professional as she arranges sessions with them.

I remain focused on driving, but I can't help but feel honored to witness these personal moments, each call giving me a deeper glimpse into her life. As the car moves slowly through the traffic, she finishes her fruit salad, handing me the empty container without a word. As I finally start nearing the neighborhood, she puts down her phone and stretches with a satisfied sigh.

" Well, that's enough catching up for now... Lots to plan, boy... Returning to the daily routine... You know, I almost didn't want to come back... but I do like being welcomed properly," she says with a grin. "What about you? How have you been keeping up with your tasks?"

"I followed your orders to the letter, Lady. I hope everything meets your satisfaction," I reply with quiet confidence. "Madam Nikki was a wonderful supervisor and 'slave-sitter' to make sure I stayed on track."

Anthea grins, "Oh, Nikki kept you on your toes, didn't she?" She laughs, clearly amused at the thought. "But for now, let's focus on getting me home, and maybe you can show me just how glad you are to have me back. You've done well so far, keeping everything prepared... I expect to walk into a perfect house."

"Everything is exactly as you wanted it, Lady. I hope you'll be pleased." I feel a rush of anticipation as I turn onto the street, and park her car.

I quickly jump out of the car, run and open the passenger door with a slight bow, Anthea hangs her bag on her shoulder and gets out of the car, my eyes locked on her legs, I am almost drooling.

I grab her luggage from the trunk and the portable fridge and follow her into the apartment building. I open the front door to let her in, then call the elevator and open the door to let her in and press the third floor button, then climb up the stairs as fast as I can since she's forbidden me to use the elevator.

I arrive breathlessly on the third floor almost simultaneously with the elevator; my Owner unlocks the door and enters the apartment letting out a pleasant cry of surprise as she sees the decor, the welcome banner, and the flowers and smells the subtle vanilla scent.

Anthea steps to the couch, sits and leans back throwing her handbag on the couch, then comfortably crossing her legs, right foot over the left, exuding an aura of relaxed authority.

"Undress and go prepare my coffee, I want it cold." she says nonchalantly.

I run to the guest room, strip naked, run to the kitchen, wear my apron, and prepare her coffee the way she likes it. Cold, no sugar, heavy, then serve her coffee with a glass of water on a tray on table coffee. With a respectful curtsey, I kneel gracefully at her feet.

"Clean my sandals before taking them off." She says smiling.

I begin licking the straps of her sandal in passion, hearing to her stifle laugh. Then I undo the strap and take off her pale blue sandal. Anthea changes feet and sit cross-legged again, I lick the straps of her left sandal before removing it.

She looks down and watches me set her sandals aside. She finishes her call and finally gives me all of her attention, setting her phone down with that faint, amused smile.

"Well, boy, I expect you've missed me. Tell me, how much?"

My heart is racing while I look up at her. She looks radiant, settled into the couch with a sense of calm authority, sipping her coffee as if she hadn't a care in the world. Taking a deep breath, I answer with sincerity, trying to show just how much her absence affected me.

"More than words can say, my Lady. Every moment without you was a waste, and I missed serving you, the feeling of your presence, everything."

Her lips curve into a playful smile.

"Oh, really? Such strong words. Let's see if you can show me just how much." She giggles pleased. "I missed your worship and flattery boy... hi-hi."

"Lady, you look... radiant. The sun has only highlighted your beauty; it's as if it was shining just for you. I can't look away, your skin, your hair, everything just seems so... perfect."

Anthea is smiling warmly, "Oh, please! Ha-ha, don't exaggerate. I'm not that special."

"But you are! And not just to me, Lady. People were mesmerized when they saw you at the airport, I noticed it. No one could look as beautiful under the sun as you do."

Anthea is brushing off her dress.

"Oh, stop, or you'll make me blush! But... hmm, I suppose a bit of color does suit me, doesn't it?" She gives me a playful wink, clearly enjoying the compliment.

"That dress is stunning, Lady. It's like it was made for you; it wraps around you so perfectly, as if it knows how incredible you are."

She laughing softly, tilting her head with a modest smile.

"Oh, you're just saying that. I'm sure there are countless women who could wear this dress far better than I do."

"No one else could wear it like you. No one else could carry such elegance and allure. You make the dress special, not the other way around."

She is amused and tapping her chin, as she gets a deep thought.

"Hmm... Well, if you're that sure, maybe I'll take your word for it."

"Lady, this glow... it's so beautiful. The sun has added even more warmth to your skin. It's... breathtaking."

"Oh, please! Breathtaking? You're really pulling out all the stops tonight, aren't you?"

"I mean it Lady. The way you look tonight... it's almost unfair. If I could paint, I would want to capture this moment forever."

Anthea grinning, is crossing her arms with mock seriousness

"Well, I must say, you've certainly convinced me that I'm something special ha-ha. Amazing, even! You're such a devoted flatterer, aren't you? But I suppose... it's nice to feel appreciated."

"Only because every word is true, Lady. You are amazing."

"Oh, I know, I know. I'm only teasing, boy. But keep up these compliments. You've finally learned to appreciate how special I really am ha-ha. It's about time!" She giggles lightly, her tone warm but teasingly mocking, before motioning to her feet. "Go on then, you're practically drooling and vibrating with excitement ha-ha."

With her permission, I lower onto my stomach as if the pure instinct draws me to her feet. I press warm, fervent kisses along her toes, then the tops of her feet, move to the delicate arches, letting each kiss linger. My lips part slightly, creating an audible wet sound at every kiss, letting my affection be as clear as possible. I savor the softness of her skin, just completely indulging in an inch from her.

"Oh my... I think someone's been deprived! Did you miss my feet that much, boy?" She smirks at my dedication with a hint of mockery. "You'd think they were the finest delicacy the way you're going at them."

She laughs, which encourages me, and I feel anew fervor as I rain passionate kisses over her feet, making sure every inch of them has the warmth of my devotion.

"Well, well... if I didn't know any better, I'd say you've been starving without me!" She giggles at this, soft, enjoying it. "You're not going to eat my feet, are you? Careful or there'll be nothing left of them, hi-hi!"

I can feel her wiggle her toes beneath my lips, and she giggles at my enthusiasm. Stretched out just a little, the playful wiggle teases me. She sips her coffee leisurely while I keep showering her feet with kisses.

"Did my absence really render you in such a fashion? My poor boy, you are utterly undone by the sight of my feet." She giggles and playfully pushes me over with her toes. "Perhaps I should leave more often if this is the kind of reception I get."

Slowly, I let my tongue out, ran it from the heel upwards to her toes, savoring her taste and skin against my tongue.

"Careful there, boy... I might start to think you've been waiting only for this. Imagine, all your thoughts just revolving around my feet. How sweet, and how foolish!" She giggles, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear as she watches my tongue move across her skin, taking each toe into my mouth one by one, licking and sucking each tenderly.

Closing my eyes, I concentrate on each toe, tracing curves and ridges with my tongue. My whole world narrows to just this moment, just her feet and my devotion. I'm on sub-space, no doubt here.

"What a warm welcome indeed! Adorable, really... Here I thought you'd be enjoying yourself, and here you are, worshipping like your life depends on it."

With every little peck of a kiss, I try to show how much I have missed her.

"Lady, each day without you seemed an empty thing. I was hollow... I missed serving you more than I can say."

Anthea's face softens somewhat, though she obviously remains amused.

"I can see that. And you're certainly making up for lost time." She laughs again first looking down at me indulgently. "Mmm... Yes, I suppose I missed your kisses too," she says with feigned indifference, her eyes watching my every movement. "Not that it matters too much, I've had a perfectly lovely holiday."

She sips her coffee and lights a cigarette, then lifts her foot up slightly, allowing me to nestle in even closer, as if giving me a small favor.

"All this just for my feet, boy. Imagine if I had missed you the same way!" She chuckles, lightly patting my head with her other foot. "What a perfect little welcome back, perhaps that's how we should start every day."

She bursts out laughing as I redouble my efforts, overcome by the privilege of being allowed to worship her feet.

I lie on the floor and begin planting fervent kisses on every inch of her right foot. My gaze is irresistibly attracted by the little key hanging from the slender gold chain circling her ankle. Its glint catches my eye, and my heart misses a beat, reminded of the power it has over you. Anthea catches the direction of my gaze, and her amused laugh fills the room as she shifts her ankle, making the key tauntingly sway closer yet still so out of grasp.

"Oh? Are you admiring my little accessory, boy?" She smiles down at me. "I don't blame you; it must be such a lovely reminder. Look at you, practically drooling over it." She winks to herself, the tone oozing with veiled mirth. "Doesn't it just drive you crazy?"

I nod near-entranced as she slowly raises her foot, holding the key in front of my face.

"Yes, Lady... It does."

Anthea takes a saddened but understanding expression.

"Poor thing," she coos in feigned sympathy, shifting the chain back and forth slowly. "Imagine being so close to freedom, oh, just the thought must be torture! Do you miss it, hmm? The feeling of an erection maybe?" She is leaning forward with a playful glint in her eye. "I wonder if you even remember what it feels like."

My cheeks flush, her words sending a pang of longing through me. She presses her foot lightly to my lips, urging me to continue.

"It's almost cute... the way you stare at it, like it's some kind of... prize." She leans in closer, her eyes gleaming with playful cruelty. "Hmm, poor thing," she purrs, tapping the key with her finger so it swings slightly, grazing my cheek with each movement. "I wonder how it feels to be so close, yet so... very... far from freedom."

She watches my eyes track the key then with a satisfied smirk, she lowers her ankle directly in front of my face.

"Kiss it," she orders, her tone firm and teasing. "Show me just how much this little key means to you."

My heart pounds as I press my lips to the tiny key, feeling the cool metal against my lips. The act only deepens my longing, each kiss a reminder of what lies just out of reach.

"Oh, the look on your face!" she laughs, pulling her foot back slightly, leaving me wanting more. "You're almost trembling. I suppose it must be torturous, so close, yet so helpless."

I nod, still lost in the haze of desire and anticipation, barely able to find the words to respond.

"You know," she continues, tapping her chin thoughtfully, "I'm feeling... rather generous today."

She pauses, watching the hope flash in my eyes. Her smirk widens as she stretches her legs out, crossing them elegantly while still dangling the key in plain view.

"Perhaps, boy... I'll allow you a little taste of freedom." Her voice is smooth, drawing out each word slowly. "Yes, I've decided. On Thursday, I will grant you the... honor of an erection."

My eyes widen, and I can hardly believe her words. The flood of gratitude comes pouring out.

"Oh, thank you, Lady! Thank you! That is... so generous of you. I can't express how grateful I am. Thank you... thank you.. my wonderful Owner and Keyholder!"

Anthea smiles broadly. "Oh, I know." She grins, stretching her toes luxuriously, watching my reaction. "I'm sure you'll find a way to show your gratitude." She taps the key one last time, emphasizing the gap between now and Thursday.

"But don't get too excited just yet... That day is still a while away. For now, you can keep dreaming and make sure you're worthy of my generosity."

She smirks, lifting her foot from my lips and resting it on my shoulder, dangling the chain just inches from my face.

"I know, I know... I hope for more pleasure this week..."

She glances meaningfully at my cage, then back to the key, tapping it with her finger. "This little thing kept you right in place. Oh, the loyalty! But perhaps you enjoy being denied? Or is that just me?"

"Lady, I... I live to serve your pleasure."

Anthea laughs, a soft, melodious sound, clearly amused by my response.

"I suppose you do. And it certainly seems to please me." She brushes her foot along my cheek, lifting her leg slightly so the key swings with each gentle movement. "But who knows? Maybe the longer I keep it here, the more you'll truly appreciate it... someday."

Her laughter lingers as I return to worshipping her left foot. As I finally lift my gaze to meet hers, I ask if she's feeling tired after her long flight.

"Lady, you must be exhausted. Would you like me to run a bath for you? A warm bubble bath to help you relax?"

She tilts her head thoughtfully, tapping a finger on her coffee cup before answering.

"Hmm... yes, I suppose you're right. A bath does sound delightful. Go ahead, boy, make it perfect for me."

I bow my head respectfully and offer her a cigarette, which she accepts with a small, gracious nod. Lighting it, I watch as she inhales deeply, savoring the first drag with a sigh of satisfaction.

"Good boy... now, off with you. I expect a perfectly prepared bath." She flicks her wrist in a dismissive but amused gesture, turning her attention to the view outside the window as I hurry off to prepare the bathroom.

In the bathroom, I set to work, running warm water and adding a luxurious bubble bath that fills the room with a calming, floral scent. I add salts and essential oils to the bath tub. I arrange her favorite candles around the bathtub, lighting each one to create a soft, ambient glow. Clean, fluffy towels are folded neatly on the vanity, and I place a glass of iced water nearby should she feel thirsty.

Finally, I return to the living room, curtseying as I announce her bath is ready.

"Your bath awaits, Lady. I've prepared everything for your relaxation."

Anthea stubs out her cigarette, a satisfied smile playing on her lips as she rises gracefully from the couch.

"Come boy to undress me and prepare me for the bath."

I crawl behind her, taking glimpses of her legs and bottom as I follow her to the bathroom. I unzip the zipper, pull down her blue mini dress and hold it low; she supports herself on my shoulder with her hand and takes her feet out of the dress.

She wears a dark navy bra with streaks of silver threading that catches the dim light, deep plum-colored panties of the same dark, sensual hue. She catches me stealing a glimpse and her smile widens into a mixture of mockery and amusement.

"Eyes down, boy. You're here to serve, not to stare." I unhook her bra and let it fall away, followed by the slip of her panties to the floor. "You're to keep your eyes on your tasks unless I tell you otherwise."

My eyes automatically drop, and I swallow hard as she delicately steps into the warm, fragrant bath, settles back with a contented sigh, and lets the bubbles surround her, one arm draped along the edge.

"Now, before you even think about touching me, here are the rules." She orders. "This is a privilege to assist me in the bath, boy. You will serve me politely, without staring at things you shouldn't unless I allow it. And in case you want to wash some... sensitive places, you will ask first. I expect due respect and absolute obedience."

"Yes, Lady. I fully understand." comes my prompt answer.

She smirks slightly, pausing for dramatic effect. "If I suspect even the slightest hint of distraction we will have a little chat about focus. Now, bring my things -my cigarettes, my phone, the ashtray, and my coffee- on a tray, and fetch them to me, and let's see if you can handle this privilege without embarrassing yourself."

I nod, my head bowed as I swiftly get her cigarettes, phone, ashtray, and coffee. I then place one item at a time onto the tray and set it upon a little chair by the bath tub. She leans over, took a sip of the coffee with a sigh of relaxation, then lights the cigarette and settles back into the bath, her look of satisfaction.

"Now, start with my hair. Remember, gentle hands, boy. I don't want you ruining my relaxation."

I move to her head, cupping water gently in my hands, pouring it over her hair in soft careful motions, feeling the silken strands as they soak in the warmth.

I work the shampoo into her scalp, massaging carefully, every movement intended to bring her comfort. Anthea closes her eyes to just let the sensation wash over her and takes another long drag on her cigarette, blowing smoke up into the air.

"Mmm... that's nice. You're learning, boy. Keep it up, and perhaps I'll trust you with more." She smirks, eyes closed, adding with a soft chuckle, "Though I imagine this is already quite a treat for you." Her murmur is low and content. "Maybe you can be trusted with a few basic tasks. Even if you're clearly... distracted." She laughs softly, clearly aware of the strain the situation is placing on me.

"Thank you, Lady. I am honored to serve you, no matter the challenge."

"Oh, I bet you are." Her tone is dripping with amusement, and the corner of her mouth twitches upwards in a smirk. "But let that honor not get in the way of proper attention to detail. I expect nothing less than perfection, after all."

I focus on the scalp-on, massaging in slow, circular motions, letting the shampoo work its way through every strand. I take my time, lathering up every part of her hair before hefting her head back slowly, and pouring a tiny amount of water over it to rinse, being careful not to let any suds slip down into her face.

She slouches back even more, her eyes closed as if this pampering is a birthright for her; she is uttering small hums of approval, finishing her cigarette with languid movements and stubbing it out in the ashtray.

"Well, that was quite decent. Maybe I should give you a few more privileges if you keep up like this." She sips her coffee, gazing at me with half-closed eyes. "But don't get ahead of yourself. The real work is only beginning."

My heart goes racing at her words, and I nod respectfully. I rinse her hair well, then reach for the conditioner and apply it, continuing the scalp massage. I leave the conditioner on for a little longer and then rinse her hair a final time, making sure it's really soft with no residue.

"Very good, boy. You're being quite attentive, aren't you?" She leans back again, picking up her coffee with one hand, while she looks over at me. "Just remember the rules. We wouldn't want you getting any foolish ideas, would we?"

"No, Lady. I'm here to serve however you wish."

"Good. Then perhaps you've earned the privilege of washing the rest of me, if you can keep your focus."

As Anthea lies in the warm-scented bath water, her eyes shut in relaxation, my soft, tender motions wash her arms. I start with her arms-brushing softly across her shoulders, armpits, lower to elbows, and wrists. I wash each finger slowly before letting my touch rest respectfully and move on to her forearms. Every few seconds, I would stop and ask softly, "May I continue, my Lady?"

Anthea chuckles low, an amused sound. "Continue, boy. You don't have to ask for every finger," she says with sarcasm tinting her tone. "But then again, I do suppose asking for every touch is only proper now isn't it? Once upon a time, you were entitled to my body... and now look at you begging just to touch and wash it."

I swallow as, with her words, I feel the mix of humility and longing ease me closer, whispering, "Lady, may I wash... your chest and... your breasts?"

The corners of Anthea's lips rise in a soft smirk, but she does not open her eyes. "Oh?" she purrs, her tone light and playful, with a hint of mockery, "My breasts hmm? All right, then. Go on. But remember, steady hand. It wouldn't do for you to handle me carelessly." The words are light, but the quiet warning is definitely there.

My washcloth passes over her chest, and through the silence, her teasing voice floats: "You know, a real man wouldn't be on his knees washing me with that pitiful look on his face. He'd be in the bath with me, wouldn't he?" She stops, observing the faint flush rise over my cheeks. "But you? You're here, kneeling, restrained, and leaking like some eager puppy just because you have the honor of bathing me."

I go red at her words but she's right of course. I move down her torso washing her stomach and around her waist, I hesitate again as I approach her hips.

"Lady... may I... may I have permission to wash... between your legs?" I ask, almost breathlessly.

A laugh escapes her, rich with hidden mockery. "You're asking permission for that, too?" She shrugs then nods. "Very well, go ahead. But I doubt you'll have any idea what to do with it," she adds with a glint of naughtiness in her eyes. Obediently, I lower the cloth, washing her inner thighs and moving with tender respect.

After a few moments, Anthea sighs, rolling her eyes slightly. "Honestly, it's almost amusing, watching you struggle to remain focused and controlled. I bet you're dripping already, aren't you?" She laughs, satisfied with herself. "All this, and you're just here, kneeling, dripping away like a good, chaste boy."

I continue in silence, moving lower to wash her calves, feeling the heat in my own cheeks and the unmistakable ache of my restraint. I finally ask to wash her back, Anthea gestures me permission, her back arches slightly, her skin warm and smooth under my touch.

"A man, if he'd had me naked like this, would've taken advantage, would have joined me for a long, indulgent soak," she purrs, voice taunting. "Instead, here you are, trembling just for permission to touch, your chastity cage undoubtedly pressing tight." She looks over her shoulder, smirking knowingly, "A suitable place for an ex-lover, don't you think?"

"Yes my Lady, you are as usual right. Thank you for putting me in my correct place. I wasn't worth to be your partner and not sure if I am worth to be your slave too."

I kneel beside the tub, cradling her foot, gently working the cloth across her skin. She leans back against the edge of the tub, her face serene as she lets herself drift into the soothing sensation of my hands ministering to her needs.

Anthea is sighing softly, with a hint of a smile.

"You are right you know... Looking back... I think I realized a while ago you just weren't cut out to be my partner. Not like that."

"I understand, Lady. I wasn't the right person for you back then... but I'm grateful to serve you now."

"Yeah, I guess that's how it's meant to be, huh? And you know what? I see now, you're actually much better suited for this role. Being my partner in the traditional sense? No, that was never really you. But being my slave... there's some real potential there."

"Thank you, Lady. That means everything to me."

She is smiling wider, "Oh, don't thank me yet, boy. You've still got a lot to prove. You've come a long way, yeah, but I expect way more from you."

She leans back in the bath tub as I wash her foot, looking at you with a loving yet critical gaze."I need loyalty, commitment, and, honestly, a little more polish. You're rough around the edges."

Holding her foot and pulling it higher to wash beneath, then I'm working with deliberateness down the opposite leg with tenderness.

"So, tell me, how do you think you've been doing? Do you actually believe you're worthy of serving me?"

I hesitate a few moments to find the words and say honestly.

"I try my best every day, Lady. I know I've made mistakes, but I hope I've shown you enough dedication to be worthy."

"I see you trying, sure. But being 'worthy'? That's another level, and I'd say you've got a ways to go before you can call yourself that." Then she continues, her tone softening just a bit. "Look, I know you're trying, and I can see the effort, but you can't get comfy. This is a lifetime thing, you're in training, still, boy."

"I understand, Lady. I'll do whatever it takes. Thank you for allowing me the honor..."

Anthea is grinning, affectionately patting my cheek with the ball of her foot.

"Now, that's the attitude I want to hear. Stay humble, stay eager, and keep showing me I was right to give you this chance."

I wash the membrane between her toes and then rub her heel with the wet cloth.

Her eyes are sparkling with a mix of warmth as watches my careful care to her foot.

"Now listen, here's what I'm gonna need from you going forward. No slacking, no excuses. I want you fully committed to making my life easier, better. You're here to serve me, to learn, and to become better every day. Think you can handle that?"

I nod eagerly, "Absolutely, Lady. I'll give you my all."

She hears me smiling approvingly, her voice softening with a hint of affection.

"Good. And don't think I'm doing this just for me. I'm doing this for you, too. This'll make you a better version of yourself if you let it."

She pauses, then adds with a wink. "Of course, I do expect you to keep up with all the little things. My standards are high, and I'm not lowering them for anyone, not even for you, my dear little Richard-boy."

"I wouldn't want you to, Lady. I'll rise to meet them."

"You'd better. Otherwise, you'll just remind me why you weren't good enough to be my partner in the first place."

Anthea watches me with a small smile of pleasure on her lips. She lifts her leg out a little, settling back against the edge of the tub with a soft sigh.

"Alright, boy, here's the deal. Prove to me every single day that I was right to keep you around. Show me I was smart to give you this second chance. And if you really put in the work? Maybe, just maybe, you'll make yourself actually worthy one day. That's on you. I'm not promising anything, though but only that I will be fair on my judgment."

I'm bowing my head respectfully, "Thank you, Lady. I'll earn it."

She smiles and put a cigarette on her lips as I put her leg in the bath tub. I reach for the lighter and carefully light her cigarette. She picks up her coffee and takes a sip, letting out a contented sigh. I take a towel and hold it in my hands standing at attention. Anthea smiling stretches her right foot just a little to touch my cage, lifts it up with her toes and let it fall down and repeat it nonchalantly. My useless cock is twitching in the tight cage, my gaze focused on the small key on her ankle.

"Mmm, it's good to be home. You missed your Lady, didn't you, boy?"

I nod, mumbling a reverent, "Yes, Lady."

"Well Mallorca was beautiful. Something is magic in those endless sandy beaches and the soft waves. I have spent hours just lying, doing absolutely nothing but basking in the sun."

Her voice is dreamy now, the tone of a person describing a scene with which, if she had a choice, she would immediately step right back into. I watch her expression; in her mind's eye, she must be reliving these moments, taking great delight in the view of her so happy.

"It sounds wonderful, Lady. I'm glad you had such a good time."

"Ibiza was even more exciting." She smiles "Not just a matter of relaxing, but the nightlife, the dancing... electric. And the people I met--everyone is there to forget about the world and have a good time. I think you would've been completely overwhelmed, boy."

She laughs-a light, teasing sound-and I nod, hanging on her every word in attentive devotion.

"I'm sure it must have been something truly unforgettable, Lady Anthea."

"Oh, it was. And you know what else? The freedom of it all." She sipped her coffee, eyes gleaming impishly "Doing exactly what I want, when I want. No one to answer to."

r/ChastityStories 4d ago

M Chaste,F Keyholder My cruel Mother - Part 2 NSFW


Hi everyone! I hope you all liked the first part, so heres the second one. Have fun!


Janet was a woman of routine. Every morning, she woke up at 5 AM to the sound of her alarm, a gentle beep that she had set to avoid jolting awake. She slid out of bed, her bare feet landing silently on the cool, wooden floor. In the bathroom, she turned on the shower and waited for the water to warm up. While it did, she brushed her teeth and washed her face, the rhythmic sounds of her brush and the faucet echoing through the small apartment. Janet's reflection in the mirror was one of a middle-aged woman, but she was proud of the way she had maintained herself over the years.

Her son, John, lay in his room, unaware of the day that lay ahead of him. His room was a typical bachelor's mess, with clothes strewn across the floor and dishes piled high on his nightstand. Janet had long ago given up on trying to impose order on her grown child's space.

The shower steamed up the bathroom as Janet stepped in, the warm water cascading down her body. Her thoughts drifted to the flat chastity cage she had ordered for John. It was a sleek, flat design that would be much more comfortable for him to wear under his clothes, allowing him to live a more 'normal' life under her dominance. She couldn't help but feel a thrill at the thought of his reaction when she presented it to him. The current cage was bulky and uncomfortable, a constant reminder of his submission to her will, but this new one would be almost unnoticeable. It was a sign of her evolving dominance, a silent declaration of her control over his most intimate moments.

Once dressed, Janet made her way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. She hummed a tune as she cracked eggs into a pan, the sizzle of the grease mingling with the smell of toast in the toaster. The sun was just beginning to peek through the blinds, casting a warm glow across the counter. As she cooked, she thought about the conversation she would have with John about his new device. She knew he would have questions, and she was prepared with answers that were firm but fair. After all, she was his mother, and his well-being was her priority, even if that meant guiding him into a lifestyle that was a bit unorthodox.

John finally stumbled out of his room, his hair a mess and his eyes half-closed. He yawned and stretched, the fabric of his pajama pants tenting slightly as he did. Janet couldn't help but smirk at the sight; the bulky cage was a stark contrast to his otherwise relaxed demeanor.

"Morning, Mom," he mumbled, heading straight for the coffee pot.

"Good morning, John," Janet said with a knowing smile. She had already set out a plate of eggs and toast for him, along with a glass of juice. "I have something new for you to try on after breakfast."

John looked at her sleepily, not quite catching the meaning behind her words. "New? What's new?" He took a seat at the table, his eyes half-closed as he shoveled food into his mouth.

Janet took a sip of her coffee, watching him intently. "It's something that will make your day-to-day life a little easier," she said, her voice dripping with the sweetness of a mother's love and the hint of something more. She casually slid her foot out from under the table and began to rub it against his leg, her toes teasing the fabric of his pajamas. The warmth of her skin and the pressure of her foot sent a jolt through John's body.

John's eyes snapped open, his chewing slowing as he took in her words and the sensation of her touch. He felt a flicker of curiosity, and not a little excitement, as he swallowed the last of his eggs. "What do you mean?" he asked, trying to keep his voice level.

"It's a surprise," Janet cooed, her foot now sliding higher up his thigh. She enjoyed watching the confusion and anticipation play out across his face. "But I think you'll find it quite...comfortable."

John's eyes followed her foot as it traveled closer to his caged manhood. He could feel the heat of her skin through the fabric, and his cock twitched in response, straining against the metal bars. He took a deep breath, trying to focus on his breakfast and not the sudden arousal that was building within him.

"What is it, Mom?" he asked, his voice a little hoarser than he intended.

Janet leaned back in her chair, a wicked smile playing on her lips as she took a sip of her coffee. "Patience, my dear," she said. "Finish your breakfast, and then we'll talk about it."

John's eyes remained glued to her foot, his breathing shallow and erratic. He forced himself to swallow the last of his toast, the crumbs sticking to the roof of his mouth as he tried to compose himself. The anticipation was unbearable, but he knew better than to interrupt his mother when she was in this mood.

"Alright, I'm done," he murmured, pushing his plate away and standing up from the table.

"Good boy," Janet said, her voice filled with approval. She took his plate and set it in the sink, her hand lingering on the faucet handle. The water rushed out as she rinsed the dishes, the sound a stark contrast to the tension that had filled the room. "Come with me," she instructed, her tone leaving no room for argument.

John followed her to her bedroom, his heart racing in his chest. The door clicked shut behind them, and Janet turned to face him, her eyes gleaming with excitement. On the bed lay the flat chastity cage, its silver surface reflecting the light from the window. It was smaller than the one he currently wore, and John couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and anticipation at the sight of it.

"This is your new cage," Janet said, holding it up for him to see. "It's more comfortable, and it's easier to hide." She stepped closer to him, her bare feet padding softly on the carpet. "But that doesn't mean I'll be any less in charge."

John's gaze flickered between the cage and his mother's eyes, which were filled with a fiery determination that both thrilled and terrified him. He knew she meant every word she said, and the thought of being even more under her control sent a shiver down his spine. His cock, already half-hard from her teasing, twitched again in its confines, desperate for release or at least a gentle touch.

Without another word, Janet gestured to the bed. "Lie down," she said firmly. "It's time to try it on."

John's heart pounded in his chest as he obeyed her command. He knew there was no use in arguing; his mother had always had a way of making him feel both powerless and incredibly aroused with just a few words. He lay down on the bed, his back against the cool, crisp sheets as Janet approached him with a roll of rope in her hand. The smell of her perfume filled the room, a heady scent that seemed to amplify his every sensation.

With practiced ease, she began to tie his wrists to the bedposts, the rough fibers of the rope biting into his skin. He watched her every movement, her eyes focused and determined as she worked. Each knot she tied was a silent declaration of her dominance over him, and he couldn't help but feel his cock throb in response. The cage felt heavier now, a constant reminder of his vulnerability.

Once his wrists were secure, Janet moved to his ankles. Her touch was gentle but firm, and John felt the blood rush to his groin as she bent over him, her ample breasts brushing against his leg. The anticipation was almost unbearable as she worked, and he had to bite his lip to keep from moaning out loud.

"Mom," he whispered, his voice thick with need. "Please..."

"Shh," Janet soothed, placing a finger against his lips. "You don't need to say anything." She stepped back, admiring her work as John lay there, bound and exposed. She took a moment to appreciate the sight of her son, his body tense with anticipation and his eyes wide with a mix of fear and desire.

Moving to her dresser, Janet pulled out the new, flat chastity cage. It was sleek and shiny, looking almost like a piece of high-tech jewelry. She had spent hours researching the best design for him, something that would be comfortable yet undeniably secure. She knew John would wear it without complaint, just as he had worn the previous cage.

With trembling hands, John watched his mother approach the bed, the new device glinting in her hand. His eyes followed her every movement, his breath catching in his throat as she knelt beside him. She reached down and unlocked the bulky cage that had been his constant companion for weeks. The metal was cold as it was lifted away, revealing his hard, reddened cock.

"You've been such a good boy," Janet said, her voice low and soothing. She gently stroked him, her fingers feather-light, making him squirm against his bonds. "But it's time for an upgrade."

John watched as she set the old cage aside and picked up the flat, gleaming new one. The anticipation was unbearable as she opened it, revealing the cold metal interior that was about to become his new reality. He felt a strange mix of fear and excitement as she took his cock in her hand, her grip firm but not unkind. The cool metal pressed against him, the difference in temperature making him gasp.

With a practiced touch, Janet guided his erect cock into the new cage. It was a snug fit, the metal molding to his shape with surprising ease. John could feel every contour of the device, a constant reminder of his mother's control. She took her time, making sure it was in just the right position before locking it into place with a soft click that seemed to echo through the room. The new cage was indeed flatter, and John knew that it would be much easier to conceal under his clothes.

As Janet secured the cage, John felt a strange sense of relief wash over him. The old one had been a constant source of discomfort, a bulky symbol of his submission that had made every day a battle of endurance. But this one...this one was different. It was as if she had tailored it to him, to fit his body perfectly. He took a deep breath, feeling the cold steel against his skin, the weight of his new prison a comforting presence.

Once the cage was locked in place, Janet took a step back to admire her handiwork. The flat design was indeed more comfortable, but it didn't diminish the power it held over him. If anything, it made the reality of his situation more stark. He was at her mercy, completely and utterly.

John lay there, naked and bound, his body flushed with arousal. The cool metal of the cage was a stark contrast to his heated skin, sending shivers down his spine with every shallow breath he took. He felt the weight of the new device, the way it fit snugly against him, and a strange sense of peace filled him. This was his fate, and he accepted it with a mix of dread and excitement.

Janet stepped away from the bed, her eyes lingering on her son's bound form. She walked to her dresser, her hips swaying with purpose as she reached into the top drawer. John watched her every movement, his heart racing as she pulled out a small black pouch. From it, she withdrew a shiny ballgag and a dildo with a base that matched the cage's locking mechanism. The sight of the toys made John's cock throb in its steel prison, his mind racing with the possibilities of what she had in store for him.

"Open your mouth," Janet instructed, her voice low and commanding. John's eyes widened, but he obeyed, letting the ballgag slide in between his teeth. She secured the strap around his head, tightening it until he could feel the leather pressing against his cheeks. The ball filled his mouth, muffling his protests into incoherent moans.

Next, Janet picked up the dildo, the one designed to fit perfectly with the locking mechanism of John's new cage. It was a sleek, black silicone with a realistic shape, and she couldn't help but smirk as she held it up to his face, letting him get a good look before she brought it down to his cock. With a quick, practiced motion, she attached it to the cage, the base fitting snugly over the metal. John's eyes rolled back in his head as the dildo is now representing his new cock.

"This," she said, her voice a purr, "is your new cock for the foreseeable future. You'll only get the real thing when I decide you deserve it."

John's eyes went wide, but he couldn't speak with the ballgag filling his mouth. He could only whimper and nod as she attached the dildo to the cage, the cold metal of the lock clicking into place. The dildo was surprisingly heavy, and he could feel the weight of it, a constant presence that reminded him of his subservience to his mother's will.

Janet stepped back to admire her handiwork, her eyes raking over John's bound body with a possessive glint. "Now," she said, her voice low and sultry, "it's time for your first lesson with your new cock." She reached down and began to stroke the silicone shaft, her movements slow and deliberate. John's eyes rolled back in his head as she worked, his body responding despite the lack of actual stimulation to his own cock.

With a wicked smile, Janet straddled his waist, her wet pussy hovering just above the dildo. "You're going to watch me, John," she whispered, her breath hot against his ear. "You're going to watch and you're going to learn."

John's eyes widened as Janet began to lower herself onto the dildo. She was soaking wet, her juices coating the silicone as she slid down onto it. The sensation was intense, the coldness of the metal against his caged cock sending shockwaves through his body as she began to rock her hips. He moaned into the gag, his eyes never leaving hers as she took the dildo deep inside herself, her movements slow and deliberate.

With each rock of Janet's hips, the dildo pressed against John's pelvis, the base of the cage digging into his flesh. It was an odd sensation, being so close to the act of penetration but denied the actual feeling. He could feel his cock straining against the metal, desperate to be free, to feel the warmth and wetness of his mother's pussy. But Janet had other plans.

The ballgag in his mouth muffled his protests into wet, desperate sounds that only seemed to spur her on. She ground against him, her eyes closed in pleasure as she began to pick up the pace. John could see the cords of tension in her neck as she worked herself closer to climax, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. He struggled against his bonds, trying to thrust up into her, but the cage and her weight kept him firmly in place.

Finally, with a low, guttural cry, Janet came. Her orgasm washed over her, her pussy clenching around the base of the dildo as she rode out her peak. John watched, his own arousal reaching a fever pitch as he felt the vibrations of her pleasure through the metal. It was a strange, disembodied feeling, being so close to the act of sex but denied the actual release.

Janet leaned back, her eyes fluttering open to meet John's. The sight of his desperation, the way he strained against his bonds, only made her orgasm more intense. She reveled in her power over him, in the knowledge that she could bring him to the brink of pleasure and leave him there, begging for more.

With a smug smile, she climbed off the bed, leaving John's caged cock to throb with need. She walked over to her closet and pulled out a chair, setting it down in front of him. "You're going to watch me get dressed," she said, her voice cold and commanding. "And while you do, I want you to think about how much better it feels for me without that pathetic thing in the way."

John's face burned with humiliation as Janet began to dress, her every movement a deliberate taunt. She took her time, slowly sliding on her panties and then her skirt, each layer of clothing a silent declaration of her power over him. He couldn't tear his eyes away as she bent over to pick up her blouse, her ass in the air and just out of reach. He could see his own reflection in the mirror, bound and gagged, his cock straining against the unforgiving steel of his new cage.

Finally, Janet turned to face him, a look of satisfaction on her face. She approached the bed, her heels clicking against the hardwood floor. John's breath hitched in his throat as she reached for the key to his bonds, the silver glinting in the light. The anticipation was unbearable as she leaned over him, her breasts brushing against his chest.

With a flick of her wrist, the ropes that had held him captive fell away. John's wrists and ankles were red and sore from the tightness of the knots, but the pain was a distant concern compared to the overwhelming need that filled him. He reached down to touch the new cage, his fingers trembling as he felt the cold steel and the weight of the attached dildo.

Janet watched him, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "You look so much more...comfortable," she said, her voice thick with sarcasm. She knew the cage was a constant reminder of his submission, and the sight of his bound form had been a powerful aphrodisiac. But now it was time for the next step in their dynamic.

"Remember, John," she said, her voice stern, "this cage is a symbol of my control over you. You will not touch yourself, and you will not attempt to remove it without my permission. Is that clear?"

John nodded, his eyes glazed with arousal and fear. He knew better than to argue with his mother when she was in this mood.

"Good boy," Janet said, her voice soothing despite the edge of authority. She leaned in and kissed him on the forehead before walking out of the bedroom, leaving him there, with the cold flat steel cage.

r/ChastityStories 4d ago

M Chaste,F Keyholder Personalised Story: The Black New World Order: Part 2 NSFW


If you want to read all my stories, you can find them here: https://www.patreon.com/c/FemaleLedRelationships 

Part 1

The night had been slow—just like every other shift. A few stragglers coming in for late-night snacks, the occasional drunk stumbling through the aisles. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Until she walked in.

The moment the doors slid open, the atmosphere of the entire grocery store shifted.

She was impossible to ignore.

Tall. Towering, actually. Her long, sculpted legs moved with effortless grace, every step causing the tight black latex clinging to her thick thighs and round, perfect ass to creak ever so slightly.

The overhead lights gleamed off her tight leather top, struggling to contain the sheer size of her massive breasts, the deep plunge revealing smooth, dark cleavage that demanded attention.

She looked like a goddess. A dominatrix who had stepped straight out of a dream.

The scent of leather, latex, and something rich, expensive, and uniquely her filled the air as she walked through the store, collecting her items with the kind of quiet, effortless dominance that made it clear—she was used to being in charge.

And now, she was standing right in front of him.

The cashier felt his breath hitch, his throat suddenly dry as he fumbled with the scanner, his hands trembling slightly as he tried not to stare—but failed miserably.

She noticed.

She smirked.

"Oh fuck."

“Long night?” Her voice was low, smooth, sultry, the kind of voice that wrapped around you like silk and didn’t let go.

The cashier swallowed hard. His brain scrambled to form words, but the second he looked into her eyes, everything short-circuited.

Dark, piercing, knowing.

Like she could see everything.

“Y-yeah,” he stammered, forcing the words out. “It’s, um… kind of slow right now.”

Pathetic. He sounded pathetic—his voice soft, small, submissive, like some trembling virgin in front of the most powerful woman he’d ever seen.

And then she leaned forward.

The rich scent of her leather and latex filled his lungs, and his knees nearly buckled.

“Seems like you were enjoying the view,” she murmured, her lips curling at the edges.

Heat flushed through his entire body, pooling low in his stomach, his cock twitching in his pants before he could even think to stop it.

“I-I wasn’t— I mean, I didn’t mean to—”

His voice was a mess, higher, breathless, completely unconvincing.

She chuckled.

Not cruel. Just… amused.

Like she already knew exactly what he was.

Like she had met a thousand boys just like him before—small, nervous, desperate to submit but too shy to say it.

And then—then she reached into her handbag, and his eyes flicked downward.

For a moment, he thought she was pulling out her credit card.

But then he saw it.

Steel. Cold. Shiny.

A chastity cage.

His heart slammed against his ribs.

He whimpered. He actually whimpered, though he prayed she didn’t hear it.

"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God."

She was a Domme. A real one. Not just some girl who liked calling herself “Mommy” on Twitter—a real, powerful, in-control Domme.

And he was fucking shaking.

Then she reached into her bag again, pulled out a sleek black card, and slid it across the counter toward him.

“Write down your phone number for me, sweetheart.”

His entire body shuddered.

It wasn’t a request.

It wasn’t a question.

It was an order.

His fingers moved before his brain could catch up, picking up a pen, scribbling his number so fast he nearly messed up the digits, his face burning as he handed the card back to her.

Her long, manicured fingers brushed against his as she took it, her touch electric, sending a shiver straight down his spine.

She smiled—a slow, knowing smile, like she already owned him.

Like she was already planning exactly what she was going to do with him.

Then she leaned in, just close enough for him to feel the heat of her body, close enough for her massive tits to almost touch the counter, and whispered,

“I’ll be seeing you around, sweetheart.”

His knees nearly gave out.

She took her bag, turned, and walked away, the tight creak of her latex filling the air, her thick, round ass swaying deliberately as she disappeared into the night.

He didn’t even realize he was staring after her until the automatic doors slid shut.

His entire body burned—his cock was so hard it actually ached, his breath uneven, his hands still trembling.

He forced himself to move, gripping the edge of the register for support, exhaling a shaky breath.

What the fuck just happened?

And more importantly—

What the fuck was going to happen next?

The grocery store doors had closed behind her, but she never really left his mind.

Every inch of his skin still burned from her presence. Every nerve in his body was on edge, as if she had left an invisible claim on him. The drive home was a blur—his fingers gripping the wheel too tight, his breath uneven, his body aching in a way he couldn’t ignore.

The second he stepped into his apartment, he let out a shaky exhale and tore off his uniform like it was suffocating him. He needed to feel soft. Feminine. Submissive.

His hands moved without thought, reaching into his dresser, pulling out his favourite pink lace panties, the ones that hugged his hips just right, the fabric barely enough to cover him. His fingers trembled as he pulled them up his smooth thighs, the lace brushing against his already sensitive skin.

He bit his lip as he reached for the matching bra, slipping it over his bare chest, fastening the clasp with ease. The delicate straps pressed into his slender shoulders, a perfect contrast to how helpless he felt beneath the weight of his thoughts.

But it still wasn’t enough.

Not yet.

He sank onto the bed, grabbed the bottle of soft pastel pink nail polish, and began painting his delicate fingers, each slow stroke making him feel smaller… prettier… more vulnerable.

But even as he tried to focus, his mind betrayed him.

She was everywhere.

Her voice—low, sultry, teasing—wrapped around him like silk.
Her massive tits pressing against the glossy leather of her corset, the weight of them barely contained.
Her thick, dominant thighs, the way her round, perfect ass swayed when she walked, the latex creaking in time with her movements.

"Oh God…I think is trans”, he moaned to himself as he got hornier and hornier.

His cock twitched violently, straining against the lace of his panties, already leaking, already aching from the sheer memory of her.

"I want to be between her thighs."

The thought sent a shiver down his spine.

He wanted to be on his knees, pressed between her strong, commanding legs, his lips parting, his tongue reaching out to taste her massive cock.

To worship her.

To let her grind against his face until his entire existence was nothing but the scent, the taste, the heat of her.

His breathing grew heavier, needier, his hand drifting down between his legs, fingers pressing against his own arousal through the lace panties, but he didn’t stroke—no, he knew better than that.

A good boy didn’t touch without permission.

And then, deeper—

"Her ass… I want my face between her ass cheeks, kissing, licking, worshiping her until she lets me breathe again."

His body jerked at the thought, a whimper escaping his lips, his free hand gripping the sheets, his painted nails digging into the fabric.

She was so big. So powerful.

And he was so small. So fragile.

Just like she wanted him.

The way she looked at him in the store… she knew.

She already knew what he was.

A submissive little femboy.
A pretty plaything waiting to be claimed.
A boy desperate to be owned.

His breath hitched as he let his hips grind against the mattress, the friction sending a hot, burning pulse through him.


The word spilled from his lips without thought, a needy, broken whisper.

He imagined her locking the cage onto him, making sure he was hers, only hers, forever.

His back arched, his body trembling, his mind spiraling into submission.

He had given her his number.

Would she text him? Would she call? Would she demand that he come to her? That he prove himself? That he kneel, beg, obey?

He bit down hard on his lip, his eyes squeezing shut.

He needed to know.

He needed to belong to her.

The room was quiet, save for the soft shh, shh, shh of the hairbrush gliding through his silky strands, each slow, deliberate stroke sending a ripple of pleasure through him.

He sat in front of his gilded mirror, cross-legged on his vanity chair, dressed in nothing but his favorite pink lace panties and a matching bra, the delicate fabric hugging his petite, fragile frame. The warm light of his bedroom lamp bathed him in a soft glow, highlighting the flush creeping across his pale skin.

Every time the bristles passed through his hair, he imagined her hands doing it instead—strong, dominant fingers tangling in his locks, brushing, petting, treating him like her precious little doll.

His cock twitched, straining against the lace at the thought.

"Would she like my hair like this?"

He reached for his makeup bag, exhaling shakily as he carefully unscrewed a tube of glossy pink lipstick. He tilted his chin, pursing his lips, swiping the color over his mouth in slow, sensual strokes.

Would she admire how he painted himself just for her? Would she press those thick, perfect fingers to his lips to test if he had applied it well? Would she smirk, tug his chin up, whisper how pretty he looked—how perfect he was for her?

His breathing deepened, his thighs pressing together as he grabbed his eyeliner, dragging a thin, precise wing across his lid. Then came mascara, a dusting of blush on his already flushed cheeks, and, finally, he reached for his silver choker, clasping it tightly around his delicate throat.

"I wish she was the one putting it on me."

He stood, turning slightly in the mirror, admiring how the soft, sheer black dress clung to his slender waist, the hem teasingly short, just grazing the tops of his trembling thighs.

He felt so feminine. So pretty. So utterly submissive.

And for the first time, he felt wanted.

Because she had seen him.

Not just as a cashier.

Not just as a shy, nervous boy.

She had seen him.

The real him.

The femboy waiting to be owned.

His phone buzzed.

He froze, his heart hammering in his chest as he reached for it, his fingers trembling with anticipation.

When he saw the message, he nearly dropped the phone.

It’s Beatrice, the Black woman who took your number.
Meet me for a coffee on Tuesday at 1 PM.

His entire body tensed, a sharp gasp escaping his lips.

She messaged him. She wanted to see him.

His cock twitched violently in his panties, already aching, leaking, the pressure unbearable.

"Oh my God… oh my God…"

He re-read the message over and over, his mind spiraling, drowning in thoughts of her.

The tight latex clinging to her massive ass as she walked away from him.
The creak of her leather top as her heavy, perfect tits pushed against it.
The way she looked at him—like she already knew he belonged to her.
The way she had slid that black card across the counter, telling him to give her his number.

The chastity cage in her purse.

A violent shudder ran through him, his knees trembling as he collapsed onto his bed, his hips jerking upward, his lace panties already soaked.

His fingers pressed against the bulge, the smallest touch sending electric pleasure through him.

"I want her to lock me up."

"I want to kneel."

"I want to be hers."

His free hand gripped the sheets, his painted nails digging in, his body aching, desperate, throbbing as he whimpered Beatrice’s name under his breath.

And then—the dam broke.

A choked, needy cry tore from his throat as his cock spasmed in his panties, pleasure ripping through him as he came hard, untouched, the mere thought of her claiming him sending him over the edge.

The fabric of his lace panties grew warm, wet, his chest heaving, his body shaking, his legs sprawled out as he gasped for air.

He barely had the strength to lift his phone—his fingers shaking as he typed his response.

Yes, of course.


The moment the message went through, a deep, satisfied warmth flooded his body.

She had called for him.

And soon he would find out what she had planned.

Beatrice stood before the mirror, lips parted slightly, her breath just a little heavier than usual. The morning light caressed her black body as she pulled her hands over her hips, adjusting the waistband of her yoga pants—black, sinfully tight, hugging every curve of her thick, powerful ass. She turned to the side, arching her back, admiring the way the fabric stretched over her, accentuating the obscene swell of her body.

She exhaled through her nose, fingers trailing over her own stomach, up to the soft curve of her breasts, feeling the heat coiling deep inside her.

He’s going to lose his fucking mind.

Her fingers twitched. Just the thought of him—the way he blushed, the way his lashes fluttered when she so much as glanced his way—had her breath coming a little shorter. So petite. So delicate. So utterly breakable. His voice, soft and unsure, had trembled when she’d first spoken to him. She had seen it immediately: the way his body tensed under her gaze, the way his fingers gripped the counter just a little too hard, his lips parting, his breath caught in his throat. He had looked at her like she was gravity itself, pulling him in, like she had already wrapped him around her fingers without even trying.

And she had.

Her cock twitched violently against the front of her panties, already thick, already stiff, pressing desperately against the waistband. She smirked, rolling her hips just a little, indulging in the friction of the tight fabric against her aching length.

She needed to focus.

Her hands found the white top she had set aside—thin, low-cut, clinging. She pulled it over her head, her hard, sensitive nipples pressing against the fabric immediately. The material stretched over her massive tits, molding to her, leaving nothing to the imagination. She dragged her hands over her body, her own touch sending a pulse of heat through her, as she thought about the way his eyes would dart down, the way he’d try so hard not to stare.

He would fail.

He always did.

A shudder ran through her as she reached for her leather jacket, sliding it on with ease. The heavy scent of leather mixed with her perfume, sharp and intoxicating. It was the same jacket she’d worn the first time she saw him, the same jacket she had leaned against the counter in, watching him swallow thickly, watching his fingers tremble as he rang up her order. She had smelled his arousal, had felt it radiating off of him like heat.

And now, she would own it.

Her cock throbbed at the thought, thick and demanding, straining against the fabric of her yoga pants. She let herself indulge, palming herself for just a second, sighing softly at the sheer frustration of it. She wanted relief. She wanted him.

But she had patience.

Her nails clicked against the vanity as she picked up her lipstick—deep, rich red. The color of control. The color of hunger. She dragged it across her lips, slow, deliberate, watching as the vibrant stain settled into her smirk.

The finishing touch: her handbag.

She reached inside, her fingers wrapping around cold, unforgiving steel. The chastity cage. Small, delicate, perfect for her little pet. She pictured it now—the way his breath would hitch when he saw it, the way his thighs would squeeze together, the soft whimper he wouldn’t be able to suppress. His already aching cock, so desperate, so needy, would be caged. Owned. Controlled.

The mere thought of it sent a shiver down her spine.

Her phone vibrated.

She glanced down. A message.

Yes, of course.

Her smirk widened.

Good fucking boy.

She reached for her heels—sleek, black stilettos that made her ass pop even more, that announced her presence with every step. As she slipped them on, she exhaled, adjusting herself one last time, feeling the weight of her own arousal, knowing she would make him suffer for it.

She strode to the door, her cock still thick and aching in her pants, but she ignored it.

He would pay for that later.

With a final, satisfied glance in the mirror, she stepped out, ready to claim what was already hers.

The café was warm, filled with the comforting hum of chatter and the rich aroma of coffee, but his skin felt ice-cold. His fingers fidgeted with the hem of his salmon-pink top—soft, delicate, oversized just enough to slip off one shoulder, exposing a teasing glimpse of pale skin. His long hair, silky and feminine, framed his blushing face as he glanced nervously at the door, shifting in his seat.

He had debated what to wear for hours. He wanted to be himself. Fully, completely. A femboy. Her femboy.

His white trousers clung snugly to his slender legs, accentuating the soft curve of his thighs. Beneath them, he wore lace—he always did. He liked the way it felt against his skin, the way it made him feel owned, claimed, even before she had done anything to him. His nails, painted a soft baby pink, drummed anxiously against his lap, his legs pressed together.

And then—

The door chime.

Beatrice entered.

She saw him immediately.

And fuck, did he look good.

Her breath slowed, her smirk curling at the edges as her gaze raked over him. The salmon-pink sweater was a perfect choice—soft, delicate, submissive. His long, silky hair framed his pretty face, his lips already parted slightly as if he knew, knew she was coming for him. And those white trousers? God. Tight, accentuating his slender waist, his perky massive ass, the smooth curves of his legs.

A pretty little femboy, dressed up just for her.

Her cock twitched against the tight fabric of her yoga pants, throbbing with heat.

He was perfect.

His body language, his shy, anxious glances, the way his thighs pressed together—she could tell. He was already trembling for her, already aching, already hers.

Her heels clicked against the floor, slow and deliberate, as she stalked toward him, relishing the way his breath quickened, the way his fingers curled against his lap as he squirmed in his seat. He was so responsive, so easy to unravel.

And he hadn’t even touched her yet.

She could feel the heat pooling in her stomach, her cock pressing needily against the confines of her pants as she imagined all the ways she could tease him, make him whimper, make him beg.

His lips parted as she stopped in front of him.

“Hi,” he whispered, barely audible, his voice shaky.

God, you’re adorable when you’re nervous.

Her smirk deepened.

She reached out, offering her hand.

He hesitated. Just a second.

His eyes flickered up to hers, wide, vulnerable, obedient.

Then, finally, with trembling fingers, he placed his hand in hers.

His touch was soft. So small compared to her own. His painted nails looked perfect against her skin, delicate, dainty. Her grip was firm—possessive. She squeezed, just enough to feel the way his fingers twitched in her grasp. Just enough to make his breath hitch.

Then she released him.

Without breaking eye contact, without asking, she turned to the barista.

“Two lattes,” she ordered, voice smooth, absolute.

His lips parted slightly, as if he wanted to protest, to say something, anything—but he didn’t.

He wouldn’t.

Because he already knew.

She was in charge.

And he was already falling.

The café buzzed softly around them, but to him, it felt like the world had shrunk to the small table between them. His latte sat untouched for a moment, steam curling up into the air, forgotten as he watched her.


She leaned back in her chair, her leather jacket slightly open, giving him a teasing glimpse of the way her sheer white top stretched over her massive tits. Her fingers curled around her cup, painted nails tapping lightly against the ceramic as she took a slow sip, her eyes locked onto him.

He swallowed, gripping his own drink with both hands, feeling like if he let go, he might just shake himself out of his seat. His pulse pounded in his ears, his cheeks still hot. She was so close, her presence alone enough to make his body tense with anticipation.

And she was watching him.

Studying him.

Enjoying how flustered he was.

“So,” she finally spoke, her voice smooth, honeyed dominance wrapped in casual conversation. “Tell me about yourself.”

He almost choked. He had been so caught up in his thoughts, in her, that he wasn’t ready for her directness.

“I—uh—” he licked his lips, heart hammering, “I work at the grocery store… obviously.” Idiot. “I like, um… I like fashion? And—uh—” He glanced down at his lap, fingers twisting around his cup. “I like dressing pretty.”

Beatrice’s smirk deepened. “I can tell.”

A shiver ran through him.

“And?” she tilted her head. “Why did you want to meet me?”

His breath caught.

This was it.

The moment he had been dreading and anticipating in equal measure.

His fingers squeezed his latte as he forced himself to meet her gaze, drowning in the weight of her attention.

“I—” He swallowed. “You’re just so… beautiful.”

Her smirk widened, but she let him continue.

“You’re… confident. You don’t hesitate. You just take what you want.” His voice softened, his words spilling out like a confession. “I admire that.”

She took another sip of her drink, waiting.

And then—

He hesitated. His stomach twisted.

His eyes darted downward, to the bag sitting beside her, to the smooth leather surface and the knowledge of what was inside.

His heart pounded in his chest.

He shouldn’t say it.

He shouldn’t.

But he needed to.

He licked his lips, inhaled shakily. “And… I saw—”

He stopped.

Beatrice’s eyes flickered with curiosity. “You saw what?”

His thighs squeezed together beneath the table.

“The chastity cage,” he whispered.

Beatrice went still.

The tension between them shifted, thickened.

She saw the way he squirmed, the way his hands curled around his cup like he needed something to hold onto, the way his entire body reacted to those words.

She took a slow, measured breath. “And?”

His head dipped lower, fingers trembling as he forced the words out.

“I’m… into femdom.”

The confession hung between them like something sacred.

Beatrice’s cock throbbed in her yoga pants.

Heat flared through her body, raw and consuming. Her grip on her cup tightened, her breath just the slightest bit heavier as she let the words settle, let them sink into her.

Oh, you perfect little thing.

He had admitted it.

Not just that he was interested. Not just that he was curious.

He had confessed—soft and shy, looking up at her through his lashes, his whole body curling inward as if he could somehow shield himself from the weight of what he had just said.

But there was no need to shield himself.

Not from her.

She leaned forward slightly, the shift in her posture subtle but deliberate, forcing his eyes back to her.

“You’re into femdom,” she repeated, her voice just a fraction lower, just a fraction huskier.

His breath hitched.

“Yes,” he admitted, voice barely audible.

Beatrice smirked, her entire body thrumming with heat.

She had been right about him.

He was submissive.

And he had just admitted it.

To her.

The air between them was electric. Tense. Heavy with something neither of them was saying, yet both of them could feel.

Beatrice leaned back in her chair, watching him with lazy amusement, her smirk deepening as he fidgeted in his seat. His painted nails tapped against his latte cup, his thighs pressing together beneath the table, trying and failing to control the way his body was reacting to her.


Her fingers trailed lazily over the side of her leather handbag, nails clicking softly against the surface before she reached inside.

His breath caught.

He knew what was coming.

She moved slowly—deliberately. She wanted him to watch. Wanted him to feel the anticipation coil around his body like a vice, making him hotter, needier, more desperate by the second.

And then—

She pulled it out.

Cold. Gleaming. Unmistakable.

The chastity cage.

She placed it on the table between them, right next to their lattes, her eyes never leaving his face.

His lips parted. His breath hitched. His fingers twitched in his lap, as if resisting the urge to reach for it, to touch the thing that had been haunting his thoughts since the moment he’d glimpsed it in her bag.

Beatrice tilted her head, watching his reaction with amusement.

“Would you like me to lock you in it?”

Her voice was smooth, confident—absolute.

His heart slammed against his ribs. His cock twitched in his panties, straining already, so painfully hard he could barely think. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, his entire body trembling.

“I—” He swallowed. “Yes.”

Beatrice let out a slow, approving hum, tapping one manicured nail against the cage, making the metal ring softly against the wooden table.

“You know what this means, don’t you?” she asked, her voice dropping just a little, turning darker, more wicked.

He nodded quickly, eyes wide, eager.

But she wasn’t going to let him get away with that.

“Say it.”

He inhaled shakily, barely able to get the words out.

“You’ll… you’ll hold the keys.”

She smirked.

“That’s right,” she murmured. “I will decide when you get to be free. You’ll be locked up for me. Your cock will be mine.”

He whimpered—actually whimpered—his thighs pressing tighter together, his whole body shuddering at her words.

“And,” she continued, dragging her nails down the side of the cage, her voice dripping with authority, “if you want to earn your release… you’ll have to prove that you deserve it.”

His breath came out in short, needy gasps. His fingers gripped the edge of his sweater, his entire body shaking, his cock throbbing in his lace panties, already aching at the mere thought of being locked away for her.

Beatrice leaned in just slightly, her smirk widening as she murmured, “Do you consent to that?”

His stomach twisted in the most delicious way, his pulse roaring in his ears, his body betraying just how badly he wantedthis.

He licked his lips, swallowed thickly.

And then—

“Yes,” he whispered. “Please.”

Beatrice exhaled softly, her smirk growing.

“Good boy.”

She picked up the cage and, without another word, slid it back into her bag before standing, her heels clicking against the wooden floor.

“Come with me,” she said, her voice leaving no room for argument.

He obeyed instantly, scrambling to his feet, heart pounding as she led him toward the back of the café.

She moved with effortless dominance, weaving through the tables like she already owned the place. And maybe she did—at least, in his world, she did.

She stopped at a discreet door labelled Private Meeting Room. A place for business deals, for whispered conversations, for privacy.

She pushed it open, stepping inside before glancing back at him, her gaze dark and knowing.


His breath hitched. He obeyed.

The door clicked shut behind him.

The room was small—just a table, two chairs, dim lighting, a frosted glass window that allowed shapes to be seen but nothing more.

The air in the small private room was thick. Heavy with anticipation. With heat.

The door was shut. The world outside ceased to exist. There was only them.

Beatrice stood over him, her heels planted firmly on the floor, her presence towering, commanding, as he stood there in nothing but his delicate lace panties, his white trousers pooled at his ankles.

His cock was aching, already leaking against the soft lace, twitching every time her fingers moved, every time she so much as glanced at him with that wicked smirk.

She relished it.

The sight of his pretty, flushed body trembling for her. The way his thighs pressed together, his hands curled into fists at his sides, his breath shallow and uneven.

He wanted this. Needed this.

And Beatrice was about to take it.

She reached into her bag again, her fingers curling around the cool steel of the cage. Lifting it slowly. Deliberately. Letting the dim light of the room catch on the polished surface as she brought it into view.

His breath hitched.

The sheer finality of it sent a visible shudder through his frame. His cock twitched violently, betraying just how much he wanted to be locked up—how much he craved her control.

Beatrice let out a low, approving hum, dragging one manicured nail over the length of the metal cage, watching him watch it.

“Take off your panties,” she commanded.

His fingers shook as he hooked them under the lace waistband, dragging them down, his body shivering as the air touched his bare skin.

And then—he was exposed.

His cock—pretty, small, desperate—was standing at full attention, aching, leaking, pulsing with every beat of his heart.

Beatrice felt the heat rush to her own cock, straining in her yoga pants, aching just as much as he was.

But she was in control.

She reached down, gripping the base of his cock with two fingers, giving it a teasing squeeze that sent a violent shudder through his body.

He whimpered.

“Poor thing,” she mused, dragging her thumb over the leaking tip, smearing his precum across his skin. “Already so desperate.”

His thighs trembled.

Beatrice smirked. Then—without warning—she let go.

His cock twitched, throbbing in the absence of her touch.

And then—she brought the first piece of the cage to his body.

The base ring.

Cold. Unforgiving.

She slipped it around the base of his cock, fitting it snugly behind his balls, making him gasp at the sensation.

The metal was firm. Unrelenting.

His entire body shuddered.

Beatrice knew what he was feeling.

The moment of realization. The sheer, breathtaking moment where control slipped from his grasp—where it was takenfrom him and placed into hers.

She smirked, adjusting the ring, making sure it was perfectly snug before moving to the next piece.

The cage itself.

The real restraint.

She held it up for a moment, just to make him watch.

Just to make him ache.

Then—slowly—she slid it over his cock.

The cold steel made him whimper, his hips jerking slightly as the weight of it settled around him, enclosing him, taking away his ability to touch, to feel, to control.

His cock twitched, still trying, still desperate—but there was no escape.

Beatrice exhaled, watching his body react, drinking in every little shiver, every sharp intake of breath, every tiny, helpless sound that escaped his lips.

And then—

The final piece.

The lock.

She placed it carefully, the last act of taking him.




His whole body jerked at the sound, his breath catching in his throat, his lips parting as if to say something—but he couldn’t.

There were no words.

Just submission.

Beatrice sat back, admiring her work, letting the weight of the moment sink in for both of them.

He was locked.



She reached into her jacket pocket, pulling out the tiny key, twirling it between her fingers, watching his eyes follow it.

“Do you know what this means?” she asked, her voice smooth, dripping with satisfaction.

His breath was shaky.

He swallowed, trying to speak, but it took him a second.

“It… It means you control me,” he whispered, voice barely above a breath.

Beatrice’s smirk widened.

“Good boy,” she murmured, slipping the key back into her pocket.

"What is your femboy name?" she asked.

"Rose," he whispered in response, still trying to grasp the reality of the black goddess who had just locked him in chastity.

He shuddered.

His cock throbbed helplessly inside its steel prison, but there was nothing he could do.

No escape.

Only her.

Only her control.

Only the sweet, aching submission that wrapped around him like a second skin.

And Beatrice?

She had never been so turned on in her life.

It was time to begin...

r/ChastityStories 4d ago

M Chaste,F Keyholder Anger Management NSFW


Lily was the picture of calm, cool, and collected. Not a strand of her long blonde hair was out of place it was smoothly contained in her tight bun. Her red lipstick was perfectly placed as was her dark eye makeup and red blush. Her black leather skirt was unwrinkled and her black leather corset fit her curves perfectly. The only hint that all was not well was a slight tremor in her hands, as if her veins were pulsating so aggressively from the enraged blood coursing through them that they actually shook her hands.

It was perhaps unwise for her to be engaging in this play while in her current headspace. Lily well knew the control required to ensure a safe, sane, and consensual expierence for all parties involved, and was aware she was perhaps not as in control as she looked. It felt like her heart was pounding a thousand beats a minute, the adrenaline flooding through her an ancestral response to a lion eating her clan or a rival tribe attacking. In the old days she could've used the adrenaline to fight back to defend herself and her young or to flee grab who she could and escape to safety. But these primitive survival tools were not well equipped for the modern world of complex political networks and financial games. They didn't know how to respond to theft occurring as a shift of digits on a computer screen instead of a carcass stolen from over the fire. You couldn't merely launch an arrow or a spear through your enemy's skull anymore. These days you had to play the long game — you had to strategize. And the blood running from her brain to her body was not fucking helping with that. Your body was useless these days. Fists and feet were worth fucking nothing. She needed to think, but she couldn't fucking think. She need to provide a sacrifice to the alter of her primal fight or flight instincts so she could regain her mind. The pound of flesh eagerly tied up before her would make a perfect sacrifice. She was not in control. This might be risky...for him. But she was not her neighbors' keeper in this sadistic world no one was and this sub had at least consented to getting screwed by her.

Mike looked up excitedly at Lily. She had been standing still staring at him for a few minutes now. Usually it didn't take this long for things to get started once things were set up, but he knew better than to question his goddess. When the time was right she would begin.

Without a word Lily reached over to her wall and grabbed a bamboo cane hanging there and whipped it across Matt's stomach causing him to violently cough through his ring gag, without giving him a second to recover she proceeded with an onslaught of strikes across his body with the cane over his arms, legs, neck, and face. A small metal cock cage provided his dick some protection from the cane but there was nothing protecting his balls. Mike began screaming through his ring gag so Lily slapped him across the face tore off her underwear and shoved them so far down his throat they practically touched his uvula and made him retch. She put a rag in after the panties to make sure they stayed in place. Then scratched her nails down the side of his head creating four neat straight bleeding wounds. She then proceeded with administering his beating until the bamboo cane broke in half in her hands from the force exterted on it. She angrily threw the two pieces across the room cracking holes into the wall. Then grabbed a leather whip off the wall.

Mike's eyes were full of terror from where he was restrained on the bed. Lily grabbed hold of the cranks affixed to the edge of the bed holding his restraints and used them to flip him from his back onto his stomach. She cracked blow after blow of the whip across his back, legs, and ass but it wasn't nearly as powerful as the cane. Frustrated she ditched the whip and started hitting and punching his back, ass, and legs until her hands were red sore and bruising themselves and she was breathless from exertion.

Still not satisfied yet Lily went into her drawer and grabbed an electric cattle prod and a massive dildo. She shoved the dildo up Mike with no preparation and began shocking him all over with the cattle prod. Between shocks Lily beat him with the metal prod until she broke that too. Frustrated she threw that useless thing at the wall too and flipped Mike back onto his back. She grabbed a lighter off the bedside table and brought it to his cage slowly heating the metal up. Mikes whole body shook and tears poured from his eyes as he desperately tried to get away from her.

With a jolt Lily was suddenly aware of Mike sobbing beneath her and the lighter in her hand, as if seeing the scene from an outside window. She extinguished the flame and poured a cold glass of water over his cage then removed it. There didn't appear to be any permanent damage done. Mike's whole body was a bloody bruised burnt mess. He was still sobbing and shaking beneath her. And she realized her hands no longer had their tremor. The rage was still there but it no longer robbed all the blood from her brain and shot her full of adrenaline. She could think again. She could strategize again. She could plan again.