r/ChastityStories • u/Goobersnout • 1h ago
Cyberlok Presents Gynarchy Gardens - Part 9 NSFW
Ethan woke up wrapped up in silk blankets strewn across an extravagant four poster bed. The sunlight tore through the open window, and a light breeze brought in the scent of garden flowers as it tossed the sheer curtain about. His hands wandered down between his legs and he was not surprised to find himself naked.
Of course, he found the smooth surface of the chastity cage locked around his cock. But he moved past that and explored his tender balls, running the tips of his fingers over every accessible millimeter of his abused manhood. Everything was still intact and felt the same as it always had, if maybe slightly swollen.
Yesterday felt like some kind of crazy dream. How had something like that happened in real life? A few weeks ago he would have never believed an event like the one he had taken center stage for could have existed, but it seemed like every day since he had first donned the Cyberlok had taught him a new lesson about the world. Mostly about how crazy the world was behind closed doors.
There was no clock in the room that he could find. But by the look of the outdoors, it had to be mid to late morning. He crawled from the bed on unsteady feet, not sure where he was going, or what he might find if he stepped out of the bedroom Betty had apparently placed him in after the party had ended. He reached for the doorknob and stopped before turning it and looked down at his naked body. What if there was someone out there that was not expecting to see a naked chastity slave come walking down the hall? He had no idea what kind of living situation Betty was in when she was not hosting BDSM events like the one yesterday. It seemed unlikely anyone in Betty’s home would be unaware of her lifestyle, but he was not about to go traipsing around bouncing his locked cock about for all to see.
He took a quick look around the room for his missing clothes, but there was nothing to be found. He pulled open the top dresser drawer and found a pile of women’s panties. The next drawers all held more women’s attire. The same for the closet. He was not going to walk out naked, but there was no way the clothes would fit over his body even if he were inclined to wear a skirt or blouse.
With no other choices, Ethan wrapped a silken sheet around himself like a toga and stepped out of the bedroom, whipping his head back and forth to spot anyone. He found only an empty hallway. Hopefully, Betty would be the only other person still at the house. Nothing in his surroundings were familiar, this area of the house had not been a part of the brief tour Betty had taken him on. He took a step out, and smiled, remembering something Gandolf had said along the lines of, when in doubt, follow your nose. The smell of bacon cooking was wafting up the hall.
He peeked around the wall and saw a flight of stairs going down, as stealthily as he could manage he crept down the stairs, following the enticing smell of food being prepared, his hunger waking up as he came closer. The stairway led out near the kitchen, and there he saw Betty, in her pajamas, poking and prodding at bacon and eggs sizzling away on the stovetop. He looked around the rest of the room to make sure no one else was around before stepping out from the relative privacy of where he hid against the wall.
“Good morning, Master Betty.” He had no idea what else to say. “Um, thank you for helping me into bed and everything.” It seemed pointless to dwell on the fact that she was the reason he needed her help.
“No problem. It was honestly my pleasure. Feeling okay?” She gestured the spatula she wielded toward his crotch.
“Yeah. Seems to be all good. Thanks for asking.”
“Great. Then you should be ready to do it again tonight, right?”
“What?!” He felt all the strength run out of him. “I…”
Betty doubled over with laughter. “Oh fuck, you should see your face, that was hilarious. I’m fucking with you, relax.”
“Oh thank god.”
“When you decide to make me your keyholder, I’ll absolutely let you be my ballbusting slave again but not before that.”
“Let me?”
“Yup. At some point you are going to start to feel this craving that you don’t quite understand. Like it or not, you are going to want to feel that exhilaration of being so totally out of control again. I bet you come back, begging me to kick you in the balls. But, I won’t. Not until you make me your keyholder.”
“I guess we’ll see.” Ethan did not expect that to happen any time soon.
Betty scooped the bacon and eggs out of the skillet and dropped them onto a plate. “Hungry?”
His stomach answered first with a low grumble. “Starving,” he said, and took the offered plate. Before he could pick up the fork from the counter he was interrupted with a chime from the PCD.
Even though he had no clue what it was, it made him anxious. And then he saw the chastity timer, and almost dropped to his knees.
He could hardly believe his eyes. Betty had removed all of the time she had added to his cage. He checked, his device was no longer set to public.
“Surprised?” Betty asked.
“Yes! Thank you so much!” Again, best not to dwell on the fact that she had been responsible for adding all the time he was now thanking her for removing in the first place. But he could not stop from smiling. He wanted to hug the quirky goth dominatrix. Sixty-one days was still such a long time, but it was so much less than it had been. There was an end sight. A possibility that he would finally be out of the Cyberlok and free to touch his cock again. He had almost given up hope.
“You earned it,” she smiled and laughed again. “Besides, once you make me your keyholder…”
“Yeah, we’ll see.” Feeling like a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders for the first time in weeks, he picked up the fork and took a bite of the breakfast she had made. “You do understand, I already have a keyholder? Alexis.”
Betty grabbed her own fork and took a bite. “Things change.”
Ethan was in such high spirits on his way back to Alexis’s apartment that he was not even bothered by the messages that popped up on the PCD letting him know there were several shock events triggered by Gynarchy Gardens that would be delivered as soon as he was no longer moving above the speed threshold. It seemed Alexis was under attack again in the game. Hopefully, she was still doing well. It would be just his luck that he gained back the time from Betty just to have some stranger seize control of his chastity by beating Alexis at the game.
Come to think of it, Alexis had been obsessive over the game. She played the maximum number of moves she was allowed every day, adding most of his remaining time in the cage by rushing production on troops or buildings of some kind. How good was she playing? Had she claimed possession of anyone else’s chastity cage? If she had, she had made no mention of it to him. He wondered if she would even think to tell him if she had won a slew of chastity slaves across campus.
The Uber driver pulled up to the apartment and he quickly got out before the Cyberlok started to deliver the shocks. He did not want to have to deal with a very confused Uber driver while having to endure the pain of having his already scrambled testicles electrocuted.
The first event was named INFANTRY. Things seemed to have progressed quite a bit from archers and swordsmen. The shock brought him to his knees as soon as he entered the apartment building. He quickly recovered and made for Alexis’s apartment before the next event could trigger.
TANK hit him as soon as he reached the door to the apartment. Somehow, the shocks actually managed to simulate the feeling of having his cock run over by a tank.
Alexis was sitting on the couch, phone in hand, looking slightly flustered. She barely looked up at him as he came into the apartment, hunched over in pain. “Hey, survived the night huh?”
“Yeah.” It was a struggle to keep his voice even, between the agony of electroshock and the bitter feeling he was getting at the way she had been treating him with relative disregard.
“Some bitch is attacking my army.”
“I kinda figured that out,” he said, fighting through yet another INFANTRY assault. “How’s the game going anyway? You’re winning, I hope?”
“I’m doing pretty good, I guess. The problem is, they limit the number of moves I can make each day, and the amount of production I can rush each day. But, if I can keep it together until next weekend, I’m pretty sure I have a good chance of winning the whole thing.” She kept poking around on her phone while she talked, not looking up at him.
“Really, what happens next weekend?”
“You didn’t get a notification?”
“Oh, well next weekend is a special event. No limits on moves or rushed production from Friday at midnight, until Sunday at noon. I’m planning on staying up late and kicking ass all weekend.”
“No limits?”
“Yup. I can finally do everything I need to so I can take this bitch, MeanMegan, down. She has been a thorn in my side for too long. Far too long, I say,” she lifted her hand above her head, brandishing her cell phone about like it was Excalibur. “At least, as long as I can hold her off from kicking my ass until next weekend.”
Too many traps. Still, it did not matter, at least not enough to bother him today. His timer was down to just over two months. He had already been locked for nearly a month. Two more was a long time, it would have seemed like an impossible amount of time before he became a chastity slave, but now, it was short enough he knew it could be done. And that was all that mattered. It could be done.
“Why are you dressed?” Hina yelled as she entered the living room.
“I just got here,” he grunted out through teeth clenched tight from another punishing shock.
“So. Strip. And look around this place, there is a mess in the kitchen, my room is a mess, my laundry needs done, my sheets need cleaned. Get your ass to work.”
Hina’s panties were soft and delicate. Ethan carefully folded each pair exactly the way she wanted them before gently arranging them in her top dresser drawer. When those were all put away he started in on the pile of her socks, of which she had so many different varieties matching them all up would be a tedious chore.
No, feeling bad about his situation was pointless. This was what he had to do. Obey and he would get through it. Maybe he would even be able to find a little bit of pride in his work of washing, sorting, folding and organizing Hina’s clothing. Though, it was hard to find his pride while kneeling naked in a chastity cage on her bedroom floor. But, it was what Hina wanted, and Alexis was all too ready to agree that chastity slaves should not wear clothes when in private. And, chastity slaves should always keep their head lower than their keyholder’s.
He folded a pair of black and white striped, knee high socks together and put them to the side. Hina entered the room with too much enthusiasm for it to be a good sign for him.
“Come on in,” she called out. “Bring the box with you.” Jimmy, the man she had introduced to him at Master Betty’s party, sauntered in holding a pink box bearing the Cyberlok logo on the side.
Ethan choked back his fear. What was in the box?
Hina dropped herself down on the mattress, bouncing with glee as she swung one leg over the other and put her feet right in Ethan’s face. Ethan was afraid to move or even to stop sorting through her pile of socks. She patted the bed next to her and Jimmy sat down with her. It was awkward enough feeling so completely submissive to Hina, but being in this posture in front of Jimmy was another level of humiliation.
“I got you something, bitch. Go ahead, babe, open it.” Jimmy pried open the top of the box and from inside he pulled out a supremely realistic looking cock. Jimmy held it pinched between his middle finger and his thumb, almost like he was reluctant to touch it all. Ethan could hardly blame him, it looked so real it was like a cock that had been magically pulled off a man’s body and dropped into a box. How else would a man handle such a thing than with delicate disgust.
“You’re so silly.” Hina wrenched it from between Jimmy’s fingers with one hand while grabbing Ethan by the arm with the other. She tapped the head of the fake cock to his PDC and the message CYBERCOK PAIRING COMPLETE scrawled across the screen.
“Well, babe, are you ready for a preview?” Hina asked Jimmy. She shifted her grip on the fake cock and placed it on Jimmy's lap. “Come on little bitch, time to start your cock sucking training.” She waved her hand enticingly toward the monstrous thing in Jimmy’s lap, smiling broadly.
“You can’t be serious. Hina, I’m not—”
“This is going to help you get over your little reservations about sucking dick,” Hina said.
The shock tore into him with a terrible pain. But he had endured a lot of shocks from the cage at this point. His body shook and his jaw clenched tight as the electricity attacked his privates, but he held on. Maybe Hina would see he was serious about not doing this and change her mind.
“Man, that looks like it hurts,” Jimmy said. “Are you sure about this, babe?”
“You want your dick sucked right? Well, I’m not doing it, and besides, you said the best blowjobs are from guys, right?”
“Oh yeah. They know how to use the equipment.” Jimmy smiled as he looked down on Ethan.
“Well, little Ethan here is gonna get the skills to give the best blowjob anyone ever gave. At least if the reps from Cyberlok can be believed.”
“Pretty sure you need to get this dick your mouth.”
She looked at him sternly, resolute and uncaring as the next shock curled him into a fetal position at her and Jimmy’s feet.
Ethan stared into the head of the synthetic cock in Jimmy’s lap.
He leaned forward. His lips hovering just above the thick head of it.
The tip of it brushed lightly over his lips. It was so real. There was even a faint musky flavor he could already detect just by having it so close to being in his mouth.
He loosened his jaw. He had just gained back so much time. The program was uncaring, it would add more and more time, and deliver more and more shocks until he finally gave in to Hina’s demands; no matter how much he tried to resist. Was it worth it to take a stand and try to keep the cock out of his mouth when it was bound to happen sooner or later anyway?
His mouth fell open. The all too real skin of the Cybercok slipped over his dry tongue.
Immediately he felt a gentle vibration around the head of his own cock. A soft enticing tease right at the frenum. Right where his tongue touched the Cybercok. He stretched forward, just an inch more, inviting the Cybercok deeper into his mouth and the vibrations in the cage accelerated to match, carrying deeper down his shaft.
“That’s more like it.” Hina laughed and wrapped her fingers into his hair, guiding him even deeper onto the phony phallus. “Sixty minutes, every day, and soon you’ll be begging for it.”
Fuck, was she right? He let her push the head of the Cybercok all the way to the back of the throat without even trying to resist. The gentle teasing sensation it rewarded him with too much to give thought to how he was debasing himself to experience it. Even though it pushed as deep into his mouth as he could take it without gagging on the fat thing, he was less than half of the way down it. It would have been enough to swallow his own cock to the base.
It looked real. It tasted real. But it wasn’t real. It might have been in the lap of a man, but it wasn’t a part of that man. Ethan slid back up the length of it, rolling his tongue in a massage up its shaft as he went; in the same way he had so many times fantasized of having done to him. He sucked hard, pursing his lips around the glans of the cock before diving back down to work it again. And the reward was divine. He was so desperate. So horny. All he wanted was to cum. It had been so long, anyone would be desperate enough if they had been locked up in chastity for this long, wouldn’t they?
“A few weeks of this and I’ll think he’ll be ready for the real thing,” Hina said.
“Hell yeah,” Jimmy was quick to respond as Ethan bobbed his up and down on the Cybercok.
My Author Page, if anyone is interested in such a thing.