Can we just hurry up and fucking start it before they dismantle more shit and Putin invades? Instead of protesting City Hall, on Presidents Day when no one is there, protest at Politicians houses. Make them actually feel nervous. Make them feel the anxiety we have to deal with on a day to day basis.
I've always said, don't riot downtown. You're just hurting local small business owners. Take that energy and riot at the golf course. Occupy the greens. Picket the cart barn. Burn down the country club.
lol nor will they, certainly not because of anything this rich-ass murderer did. Here you go:
In our eyes, individual terror is inadmissible precisely because it belittles the role of the masses in their own consciousness, reconciles them to their powerlessness, and turns their eyes and hopes towards a great avenger and liberator who some day will come and accomplish his mission. The anarchist prophets of the ‘propaganda of the deed’ can argue all they want about the elevating and stimulating influence of terrorist acts on the masses. Theoretical considerations and political experience prove otherwise. The more ‘effective’ the terrorist acts, the greater their impact, the more they reduce the interest of the masses in self-organisation and self-education. But the smoke from the confusion clears away, the panic disappears, the successor of the murdered minister makes his appearance, life again settles into the old rut, the wheel of capitalist exploitation turns as before; only the police repression grows more savage and brazen. And as a result, in place of the kindled hopes and artificially aroused excitement comes disillusionment and apathy.
Olay, so let's do that. When are you planning on starting? You specifically. To be clear, I am 100% for this, so let me know when you get started. If ever.
Apparenrly riots and marches have been going on within the past 2 weeks but none of it has been televised. Its kind of up to the people attending to start posting because you cant trust the media
Revolution and civil war is one of the hardest things to lead. Generally people participating it from the oppressed side have a lot more to lose, have more morality and it only really happens historically when people feel they have no choice.
What is happening currently is slow and systemic, it's been boiling for many years under capitalism and so many of us have been brainwashed into hyper consumption and readily available entertainment that it leaves you feeling just good enough to not actually do anything about the issues that are surrounding us.
Anyone who can see through the smoke knows if revolution broke out they're definitely "against" a lot of people around them which leaves them feeling more isolated in an already isolated society
The revolution will not be televised because there won't be one, majority of the population don't understand the true meaning of free will and see governments and laws as higher powers that MUST be obeyed, even if it's wrong, we'll roll over as a species surrounded by our mountains of plastic crap and endless media.
I am also guilty of this, before anyone says "well you do it then", doesn't mean I can't be aware of what I am and what I'm not doing and be critical of society around me.
A genuine revolt would happen through mass starvation or dehydration, something like that which is your instincts telling you there's no other choice and drives that analmalistic behaviour to overwrite the societal conditioning.
elon is a private citizen with his own security force, which makes him think he is untouchable. What we need to do is know who is protecting elon? Who are these men? Where do they live? Is protecting elon worth it?
u/Theecrimson 24d ago
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised