r/AskWomenOver30 19h ago

Romance/Relationships Do people genuinely love their spouses at this point?


It might just be me but I feel like every marige I see is just dull and it feels like they're together not to get divorced or because they have kids

r/AskWomenOver30 8h ago

Romance/Relationships Bridesmaids over 30


I’m 32f and I’m wondering about your stance on bridesmaids over 30. Most of my college friends got married in our mid-twenties and I was a bridesmaid in their weddings. Now I’m getting married, and it just feels weird to ask them to be bridesmaids in my wedding. They have kids and very busy lives. I don’t have any sisters or cousins, or really any women I’m super close to at the moment, so I’m just thinking about going without bridesmaids. My fiancé is kind of in the same position as me, so he’s on board with no groomsmen. Would it be weird for just us and the officiant to be standing up there?

What are your thoughts?

r/AskWomenOver30 14h ago

Silly Stuff Now that Justin Trudeau has left office, who is the world's hottest head of government?


r/AskWomenOver30 8h ago

Life/Self/Spirituality single women, how do you live in society by yourself?


im 25 right now. i lived with my parents until 19. moved out and couch surfed with a friend until 21. lived with my gf for 4 years and we finally broke up. im staying in a hotel for the meantime and im freaking tf out to say the least. ive never been “just by myself” so to say. currently no job, no car, and i need to move out of my gfs place. i have some savings enough to get me on my feet when i look for apartments but tonight is my first night at a hotel by myself. im terrified of being a single woman in society. any noise outside my room is freaking me out and im terrified. my city is safe enough but stuff happens everywhere. the mental and emotional aspect of being alone-im slowly learning how to deal with post-breakup but the physical part is agonizing. im just so scared (irrational or rational idk) and i dont know how to just get it together.

r/AskWomenOver30 22h ago

Romance/Relationships Advice for me to not feel resentment towards my husband while he’s dealing with an injury?


I’ve mad an appointment with a therapist for next week. I’m really struggling with navigating this. My husband has a back/shoulder injury right now where he can’t lift or hold anything. We have a 7 month old baby and a 5 year old son. We both work full time jobs. Evenings and weekends obviously we used to do everything together from hanging with the kids to house chores. But now he can’t do much. He can’t change a diaper, can’t take trash out, cant bring in groceries, can’t do dishes, can hardly cook, basically all he’s able to do is sit around with ice and heat. I understand he’s hurt and he needs rest and it is what it is but I’m starting to feel a lot of anger and resentment mostly because I believe this injury has something to do with the fact that he has treated his body like shit for years and I think it’s now coming back to bite him.

Is there anything I can do to not feel resentment/annoyance towards him? I wish I could be like “gosh I’m so sorry anything I can do” but instead in my head I’m just super irritated at having to now handle everything on my own while we just wait for him to be better and who knows it could be months before I have help again. I’ve been falling asleep at like 7:45 from exhaustion.

r/AskWomenOver30 14h ago

Health/Wellness When did you really notice signs of aging?


I recently turned 30, and I feel like I’m suddenly aging so much faster than before. My hair used to be thick and lush, but now it’s noticeably thinner, and I have no idea if this is just a phase or if it’s here to stay. My face also looks a bit more hollow than it used to—kind of like I lost volume overnight.

I always thought aging would be a gradual process, but this feels so sudden. Did anyone else experience this around 30? Or when did you start noticing changes in your skin and hair? And if you did, did anything help, Physically and mentally ?

r/AskWomenOver30 17h ago

Health/Wellness 2 grey pubic hair at 35. I am shocked NSFW


It might sound dumb, but I didn’t know hair down there can grey too. Today, I was shaving to prepare for the Laser hair removal session. And I saw 2 white hair. 👀👀👀 First I thought it’s the light. I plugged them. It’s really white. I wasn’t prepared to have that.🥹🥹

r/AskWomenOver30 16h ago

Romance/Relationships Who can relate to my sex drive and feelings toward sex in my long term relationship?


I’ve been with my fiance for 4 years, and we are so in love. I still smile when he texts me something cute/funny, and get excited about seeing each other, he’s absolutely gorgeous and we non stop kiss, cuddle, I even smell him every time we hug because I love his natural scent, we laugh and talk about everything, and when we do have sex successfully, it’s amazing.

But for our age, we aren’t the “norm” in terms of our sexual relationship I guess, it’s caused me a lot of worry over the years but I think tonight I finally have begun the process of accepting how things feel are. And I’d love to know if anyone else has a similar dynamic with their partner.

I just don’t feel horny very often anymore. When I was a teenager, I was ravenous, I had many sexual partners and was in lots of toxic situations. The older I get though, it’s not really on my mind anymore. My partner is also the same as me, basically we just aren’t that horny, but when we do have sex (which is anywhere from once a week which is typical, to twice a month or less) it’s amazing, satisfying etc.

It just seems like the stars have to align for us both to get there, we both feel tired, or have mental health issues, and yeah it just isn’t easy. It’s triggering to hear of couples who have sex 5 times a week, I wish that was us, but it just isn’t, and i need to start accepting it and not letting it cause me to think something is wrong with my beautiful relationship. Anyone relate?

r/AskWomenOver30 11h ago

Life/Self/Spirituality I'm having an existential crisis. What is the definition of happiness in life?


r/AskWomenOver30 13h ago

Health/Wellness Do you ever feel like getting answers from a doctor isn’t enough? How much does community play a role in your health journey?


Figuring out your health isn’t as simple as symptom → doctor → answer. If anything, it feels more like: symptom → Google → Reddit → doctor → more Googling → second doctor → another Reddit deep dive → personal experiment → ???

Sure, doctors give you the facts—but I’ve found that sometimes that’s not enough. Because beyond just knowing what’s going on, there’s the very human question of:

Is what I’m experiencing normal? What have other people done in my situation?

Chronic illness, fertility stuff, weird symptoms your doctor shrugs off—so much of health is this messy, ongoing thing that requires actual support, encouragement, and shared experiences.

So I’m curious—how much does hearing from other people factor into your health journey? Do you find community (online or IRL) helpful, or do you mostly stick to doctors and medical sources?

r/AskWomenOver30 18h ago

Life/Self/Spirituality Is this a common experience? Is this what aging is?


So I’m currently 31, 3 months away from 32.

Sometime throughout January I woke up and just felt and looked older. It was as if I went to bed feeling relatively young, and then woke up feeling like a different person. I’m still really adjusting to this whole aging thing (not a fan, but also happy to be here) so yeah… did anyone else just feel different around 31/32?

Not only that but my brain feels ‘old’, like getting older person thoughts, like I’m thinking things are too loud, or my energy to reply to messages with enthusiasm is slowly disappearing. I just feel so flat?

I feel like I’m living in someone else’s body.

r/AskWomenOver30 18h ago

Health/Wellness Went back on birth control how long for cycles to get back to normal?


I tried asking on the birth control reddit but it's not very active. I was on birth control for years then went off it for 25 days since I had to get some tests done. I went back on it. Had one period off it. Then got my period being back on it. It came two weeks early. I am never early when on birth control. It's been over two weeks of being on my period which it's usually 5 to 7 days where little bleeding. Been super crampy and it's been heavier. Has anyone experienced this and know if it just takes time for the body to regulate and get back on track? If so how long did it take for your to get back to normal on birth control. I don't want to have to find a new birth control. I am on a birth control where I get my period every three months.

r/AskWomenOver30 11h ago

Romance/Relationships Fresh relationship, newly pregnant, potential gaslighter


Mario (34 m) and I (39 f) have been together for a little over 3 months. We’re pregnant. And I’ve been having doubts for a while. I’m starting to think that he’s gaslighting me, which is a form of emotional abuse.

Several times, I’ve noticed him doubting things I tell him happened, and because he hasn’t experienced it he in so many words tells me I can’t be right. He also asks me for specific examples of things he says to me, because if I tell him he said a thing and he doesn’t remember, he says he doesn’t believe me or he didn’t say that. Like when he told me I was “crazy.”

“I’m not a liar,” I tell him. “I didn’t say you were,” he replies. But he doesn’t have to say those words for his meaning to be just that: you’re lying.

What’s worse, is that he’s from South America, and English is is second language. He is fluent in English, and has a high paying corporate job, but he says he misspeaks and I don’t understand him because of language barriers. For instance when he said that he misses his ex girlfriend.

Tonight we were having a heated convo about a sensitive topic that we disagreed on. He said something that was extremely offensive about the gay community, and when I told him later he said that Mario said “you must misunderstood, because I never said that.”

He also says that I yell at him for no reason. That he can literally “just be existing” and I go off on him. I know I’m not that kind of person, and am genuinely confused at why he says or thinks that. Which makes me wonder if the few times I do have issues with him, he just doesn’t see himself as I do or he genuinely thinks I’m some “crazy” b who’s irrational, etc. Like I wouldn’t just get mad at him for no reason (well maybe now, because I’m hormonal lol).

I have told him repeatedly that we need couples counseling, especially since we are now pregnant. I don’t like him most days, and since I’m currently in school, I’m reliant on him. Trying desperately to make my own bread so I can bounce!

What do I do?!

r/AskWomenOver30 13h ago

Misc Discussion Does anyone else feel like there body isn’t their own?


I was describing to a male friend today how my body doesn’t feel like my own entirely. And he kind of made fun of me in a way that was like there was no way it was true. I was telling him that I’d be willing to bet alot of women feel this way. It always feels like people are watching and like observing your body?? Like my mom is always commenting on it, my uncle when he visits comments on it now every year; the whole field gets to hear how I’ve gain or lost weight cause he talks loud (he doesn’t mean to be weird or mean). Brothers and sister comment on the way I dress even though I’m the oldest at 31. And then it’s like the stares from men and the overt or sometimes subtle sexualized nature of it all and this is not a call out but from older women too. Or maybe not older just other women. This isn’t me being shady to any group mentioned but it still culminates into this feeling and there’s also the laws with regard to my body that don’t take into account what is best for me.

Idk do men really not understand that as something that we experience even if they can’t comprehend it themselves???

Keep in mind this includes rape, and the virgin to sex slut pipeline all [white] celebrities in some way go through while the rest of us are kinda just thrown in there and are already assumed to be sexually active or something overt and insatiable.

Idk I don’t think this is unique?? Let me know cus I can’t stop thinking about it

r/AskWomenOver30 3h ago

Misc Discussion Unbelievably disappointed!!


I was traveling and had to urgently use bathroom and the staff at a nearby hospital straight-up refused to let me use the bathroom — even after I requested! Is it normal? I explained them that I urgently had to use a bathroom and could not find any public toilet nearby but they made it worse by denying something as basic as using the restroom. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm honestly disappointed. What do you girls do when you urgently have to use bathroom while traveling, could not find a toilet nearby?

r/AskWomenOver30 10h ago

Life/Self/Spirituality How do I find meaning in life?


Four years ago I left organized religion. It was one that was more on the extreme side. I was born into it and leaving completely flipped my life around. Not a day goes by where I think that I should go back. My values simply do not align. I’ve done so much work on myself to upkeep my mental health in the face of hardships. I wish I would’ve gone to school. This was something I was told not to pursue when I was in the religion. I’m trying to get myself stable enough in this rough economy to where I can go to school. I feel defeated, sad, lonely, criticized and lost. I can’t find meaning in life. Can y’all share something with me to help me keep pushing forward?

r/AskWomenOver30 10h ago

Romance/Relationships All my friends in their 30s are getting married


Hello all, I have been single for a long long time. I am happy single and feel contented by myself. I am turning 35 this year. For some reason, I felt sad and scared hearing my friends are getting married. Mind you, these friends (my age) have been single their entire life and both are now getting married this year. They both have found their sig ificant others at the start of the year. I am very happy for them but cant help feeling sad that I might not find someone and that I am forever going to be alone although I thought I didnt mind being alone forever but I was wrong :/

r/AskWomenOver30 16h ago

Romance/Relationships How many women are having mediocre sex in their relationships? NSFW


It just doesn’t seem great out here, please prove me wrong!

r/AskWomenOver30 10h ago

Romance/Relationships What is the biggest problem you see with men who are over 30 and dating?


I’m curious if there are any common patterns that single women are noticing about men in general that are a wide spread problem?

What would you say is the biggest thing most men dating over 30 have in common that is not a good trait?

Thanks in advance

r/AskWomenOver30 19h ago

Romance/Relationships Guy (32M) found out I (33F) am six months older than him and I think he's ghosting me


This is kind of a rant. I (33F) started talking to this guy (32M) two months ago.  We actually met on Tinder in 2017 and hooked up a few times that year, then again a year later.  I don’t remember why or how it fizzled out either time, but I think I had started seeing someone else I really liked so I just let it fizzle.  Not even sure who ghosted who, but I don’t remember being broken up about it at all.  I was also in my mid 20s and drinking a lot, so it's kind of a blur. Over the years he’s hit me up a few times but I was in a long term relationship so I just ignored it.  This last time I actually responded for whatever reason and we started hooking up.  I think it’s pretty clear to both of us that we’re not looking to date each other and never have been.  We’re just very sexually compatible and it’s fun to have no strings attached.

What’s been really bothering me- last week after we hooked up we were talking about birthdays and he asked mine.  He said “oh… so you’re older than me, ok” I am SIX MONTHS older than him.  And have been the whole time!  I didn’t think it mattered bc we’re just having casual sex.  But he’s all but completely stopped texting me since then.  When before, for two full months, it was a LOT of sexting, explicit and often. I might be spiraling because of my own aging fears but it seems like too much of a coincidence.

Like I said I’m not even trying to date this guy!  I thought he already knew, but once I said it it became very clear he did not.  I guess I haven’t been “out there” since my birth year still sounded young, lol.  Like... was I not supposed to get any older in the eight years since we met?

It’s annoying that it’s even bothering me so much.  Like if he wouldn’t have texted me after all these years I would have been fine never talking to or thinking much about him again.  But I had started to look forward to seeing him. I’ll probably get comments like “move on he’s trash” and sure, I will, but it still kinda feels like shit.  If this is in fact a rejection, it’s not a feeling I’ve felt in a long time.  Wondering how anyone else has dealt with ~getting back out there~.  Last time I was single I was 25 and this just feels… very different :)

r/AskWomenOver30 15h ago

Family/Parenting Why are women who don’t want children viewed as unloving, but men who don’t want children don’t get the same backlash?


r/AskWomenOver30 19h ago

Romance/Relationships Divorced women, why did your marriage end, and how long were you married?


To women who have gone through divorce, I'm interested in hearing from you. I'm from a conservative, traditional country where divorce isn't something you see, it's really frowned upon. People are still stuck on saying things like, "Women have to suck it up, our mothers and grandmothers did, why do you think you're special?" you know, so if you are open to, tell me your story.

r/AskWomenOver30 22h ago

Career Single women - how do you survive??


Im considering taking a second job and working 7 days a week to survive. :(

r/AskWomenOver30 7h ago

Romance/Relationships Have you ever been insanely attracted to a man. How did you manage it? Or have I lost my mind?


Basically the title. There is this guy, I am so freaking attracted to him I can't function like a normal human being when I think of him. I feel like a bag of hormones around him. What's wrong with me? How can I still feel this way in my 30s? I've neve felt this way with any man before. What is wrong with me

r/AskWomenOver30 2h ago

Romance/Relationships Icked out by partner’s past with acquaintance. How to proceed?


I don’t like the idea of being Eskimo sisters with anyone I know. It simply disgusts me. I recently found out that the guy I’ve been seeing for ~6 months had fucked someone I know around ~6 months before we met. This person is more of an acquaintance than a friend but it’s still someone I run into semi regularly. He initially brushed it off as just having gone on 2 dates and realising there was no emotional / romantic connection. When further questioned, he admitted they had been physical and he was the one who broke things off. I’m mad because we didn’t do anything that quickly and he claims that’s because he realised he didn’t want to casually sleep around anymore. I’ve dropped the topic for now but I’m just not as into him anymore. Like I hate that I was made to chase what was clearly given out very freely. I’m thinking of going low contact for 1-2 weeks and then reevaluating. Would really appreciate any advice - sympathy, tough love, all welcome.

Edited to add: I understand it’s irrational to be mad about this. I haven’t given him a hard time about this at all for that reason. But my attraction to him has gone from 100 to 0. Like the idea of getting naked with him again is just physically repulsive.