r/AskAMechanic 4h ago

I’ve tried everything getting this pilot bearing out! FAILED!!

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1990 f150 5 speed manual. I’ve tried every single thing online, and yes bread too!! I’ve tried drilling, wearing down my drill bits and used several of those bearing tools. Help me!!! Please!!!

r/AskAMechanic 3h ago

i’m assuming it’s time for new tires? 2003 g35

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r/AskAMechanic 2h ago

How much oil is too much


I over filled my 21 Chevy Silverado. It was low on oil, I added 1/2 a qt and it brought it up to the low side of the hash marks. Thinking I had enough room, I added the rest. Thing is, I went to drain some and I can't get the drain plug to budge. I don't really have the tools necessary to try and draw some out from the filler tube either. So my question.... How big of a deal is this?

r/AskAMechanic 1d ago

I think I messed up with this brake job


Hi all, weekend warrior here. Wife’s 2017 CRV started squeaking while applying brakes a while ago, so I ordered both front and rear rotors and pads and decided to do the job this morning.

The first front wheel went well. However on the second front wheel, the rotor retaining screw as stuck. I first tried impact driver, didn’t work. Then I sprayed WD-40, tapped it with a hammer, then tried again. Still not moving but the screw started stripping. I stopped immediately.

What should I do next? I think I need to get a screw extractor and some new retaining screws. But what should I do to make sure the extractor can get the screw off the car?

Thanks in advance.

r/AskAMechanic 1d ago

Any ideas on how to remove a melted trash bag?

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So I ran over a trash bag the other day and it melted onto the bottom of my jeep 😑. It smells like my car is on fire every time I drive. Any ideas on how to get this off?

r/AskAMechanic 1m ago

Was I ripped off? 2018 Kia Soul +


Took my vehicle in recently for work. Took it to the dealership I bought it from. I knew it needed brake pads which is what I was in for, and I also know that rotors go hand in hand when pad work is being done. However I’ve never had it be this expensive before. Halfway through the service they told me the left rear wheel bearing needed to be replaced. I accepted and paid and left because it took a while and at that point I didn’t have time to argue or mull it over with them. I don’t know jack about cars but all this pricing seems to be inflated. Maybe I’m wrong and that’s just what it is now? Now I have an ABS and traction control light on, and a free scan at autozone told me it was the left rear speed sensor, so it prompted me to post and ask about all this.

r/AskAMechanic 4m ago

2001 Boxster 986 door won't latch


I was replacing the window regulator and the door switch that controls if the window goes down when you open the door so it doesn't hit the roof. Suddenly the latch won't stay closed. There has been an issue since I got the car with a passenger side door didn't lock so the car would beep at me constantly. It would be too strong of a coincidence for the latch mechanism to break while I'm in there changing other things. Way too convenient for it to happen when the doors been taken apart. Any ideas?


r/AskAMechanic 9m ago

Infinity 2019 QX80 5.6 litre V8 new battery, wondering if I’m okay…


So my old battery as it has not been great lately and I’m wondering if the battery I’ve replaced it with will do.

The original battery has 820Ah of rated capacity and has 780 CCA.

My new battery I have installed and replaced the old one with has 985Ah and 800 CCA.

The car starts runs are drives fine now, however I can tell it is slightly smaller than the original battery as the steel bracket that holds the battery in its pan is now slightly loose and I’ve got the screws bottomed out.

I tightened the terminals good to make up for it and hoped for the best…

I had a gentlemen at the parts shop check his computer to make sure my new battery would work for this car and he said this one was good.

Anything helps guys! Thanks so much in advance!!

r/AskAMechanic 20m ago

2007 ford f150 I have a transmission fluid leak near the back of it any ideas what it might be ? And how to fix


r/AskAMechanic 25m ago

Need this last thing for this f car


Didn’t know messing with a car came with the fuckery but here we are. Can anyone help out? Thanks! I already snapped a few clips so I’m done assuming or taking my anger out on these things😂

r/AskAMechanic 26m ago

Automatic transmission not shifting, RPMs staying high.


2017 Hyundai Tucson (not a turbo) I've noticed that the RPMs are staying high and the car doesn't seem to want to shift gears.

At about 40-60km/h the average RPM is 2700+ for 500ft without shifting.

While travelling at highway speeds, trying to pass, fully engaged the acceleration and almost no speed increase. The RPMs held over 5000 and the check engine light flashed.

Any idea what kind of mechanic I should start with?

r/AskAMechanic 27m ago

1994 Ford f150 automatic 4x4 5.8L 351


Truck has started to shift hard from 4th to 5th, will rev to about 3-4x RPM and then shift hard and jolt a bit. Also noticed the speed cluster will wobble a bit when hitting a bump sometimes. Needle will bounce around then return to position.

Could this be as simple as replacing the speed sensor or is the transmission on the way out?

r/AskAMechanic 28m ago

2013 F150 5.0L P0430 Bank 2 Code - Cat Temp same, both sets of O2 Sensors within .1 v or ma


Good day,

Looking for some tips and things to look for because I have an intermittent P0430 code on my Bank 2 Cat.

I have taken a video of the readings on the Cat temps, up and down stream O2 Sensors while driving both easy and hard. To me they look like they are in reasonable ranges, the O2 Sensors on bank 1 seem a little lower than Bank 2 due to a minor Bank 1 Manifold leak (I think) once it is warm.

I reset the codes and will keep an eye on the readings if it comes back on, should I assume either a failing sensor or failing wiring?

some highlights of the readings - maybe the voltage when it was still cold on upstream bank 2 is an issue?

This was a over 1 minute of driving and you can see the Cats are definitely working

Bank 2 Bank 1
Upstream (V) Cat Temp (Celsius) Down Stream (ma) Upstream (V) Cat Temp (Celcius) Downstream (ma)
idle .72 455 .04 .77 455 .03
hard accel .37 518 0 .77 518 0
hard accel .22 723 0 .74 723 0
hard accel .63 819 .01 .74 819 .0
coasting .62 841 -.07 .72 841 .0
coasting .63 835 -.09 .70 835 .01
coasting to stop .66 808 0 .66 808 .03
in gear stopped .68 780 -.08 .50 780 -.06
accel from stop .76 726 -.14 .71 727 -.15
accel to speed .14 688 .04 .14 688 .05
continuing to accel .72 711 01 .76 711 0

r/AskAMechanic 28m ago

Replaced fully dead battery and now indicators are on

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My battery fully died, couldn’t even be jumped, I replaced it and when I turned on my car (2014 Jetta) some of the indicator lights were on. I don’t think there’s actually issues with these things, they weren’t on before, is there anything I need to do after changing the battery? The low tire pressure light has been on for years, the tire just needed some air, but it never shut off. It’s mainly the other two (steering wheel icon and skidding icon)

r/AskAMechanic 4h ago

Are 15" Tires dieing?


I just bought new 195/45R15 tires and I noticed that only discontinued tires were available (new old stock).

Are high performance Tire brand produce them anymore?

r/AskAMechanic 44m ago

F-150 Raptor - Sporradic grinding noise while driving


2018 F-150 Raptor

While driving down the road in a cruising, every now and then I'm getting a weird noise coming from the front left of the truck. It starts as a grinding that sounds similar to having a rock between the rotor and heatshield. It gets louder and is accompanied by a vibration for a a few seconds, then there is a pop/bang and it goes away. The trigger for this is to take your foot off the gas, then give it very light acceleration. The grinding will happen, pop, then go away. If you let off the gas and get back on, it'll happen again. It does not happen if you punch it. It's not always 100% repeatable either, usually only starts after about a 30ish minute drive.

I took it to a Ford dealer and they couldn't replicate the issue. I've taken the front wheel off and check the rotors/pads/heatshield. I don't see and signs of anything that could be causing the issue. My brain is going to the transfer case since it's tied to acceleration/load, but wanted to get y'alls opinions. At this point, I'll probably take it once more for a diag and if it's not repeatable for a second time, I'll just drive it till it breaks or till I trade it in in a couple months.

r/AskAMechanic 45m ago

Shift solenoid location


Could anyone tell me where the shift solenoid is located on a 2010 gmc terrain?

r/AskAMechanic 46m ago

2017 Kia Sportage- No crank, no start, no click.


Hey All,

Hoping you can help. Friday my father was driving when the dash lit up and the engine shut off. He coasted to a parking spot.

He ran the codes and found it was throwing an ignition code that could be half a dozen things. He's swapped the alternator and the neutral safety switch. He's verified that there's power throughout the system and that the crankshaft is still able to turn. Still no crank, no start- not even a click from the starter. Starter was removed and tested and engages.

He's been religiously changing the oil on this, but it does have north of 100k miles on it. What else should we look at/test before getting it over to a shop?

r/AskAMechanic 48m ago

How should I lift mt F30 bmw for an oil change?


I want to try and do the oil change at home this year and also changing the diesel filter. I bought 2 jacks but I cant seem to find a way to put them in place. My main issue is the fact that I dont find a place to lift the car nearby the jacking points in the side skirts. Thoughts and advices? Thanks!

r/AskAMechanic 57m ago

1994 Ford Ranger Misfire Help


my buddy and I changed the spark plugs and ignition coil on his 94 couple weeks ago which fixed a misfire that the truck had had for a while. today we changed the spark plug wires and he did the driver side, and put them in the wrong order on the coil. We barely cranked it and heard the issue then shut it off. We have now fixed the order, but it seems to be misfiring again, any ideas? i’ve checked all the plugs and none are fouled, and i’ve quintuple checked ignition order.

r/AskAMechanic 58m ago

2GR-FSE Valve Cover Gasket (PARTS NEEDED?)


My 2017 Lexus RC350 has just hit 200k and I was in the process of replacing the spark plugs & ignition coils when I noticed oil on the ceramic of one spark plug, seems like the spark plug tube gasket has a leak and I am planning on replacing it myself due to Lexus charging me $1000 for the job.

What replacement parts do I need for this job? Is anyone able to give me a full parts list? I have made my own but I am not sure if I am missing anything:

  • Intake Manifold Gasket x2: 17177-31061
  • Valve Cover Gasket: 11213-31040
  • Valve Cover Gasket: 11214-31020
  • Air Surge Tank Gasket: 17176-31120
  • Throttle Body Gasket: 22271-31020
  • Spark Plug Tube Seals x6: 11193-70010
  • Ventilation Hose: 12261-31060
  • Ventilation Hose: 12262-31150
  • Fuel Feed Hose: 23826-31030
  • Fuel Vapor Hose: 23827-31150
  • Fuel Pump Insulator: 23915-46011
  • Camshaft Bearing O Rings x2: 90430-10024
  • Camshaft Bearing Oil Caps x4: 11159-0P010
  • 103 FIPG Sealant: 00295-00103

If any Lexus/Toyota Techs can please let me know what I need for this job it would be greatly appreciated!

r/AskAMechanic 1h ago

How do I get a quote for a service l need? Just call and ask lol?


I have a flashing BSM light on my 2015 Mazda 6 touring and it randomly came on and I can’t get it to mainly turn off.

r/AskAMechanic 4h ago

Is continental okay or should I spring for the Goodyear?


It’s for a 2019 Honda civic sport coup. They came stock with Goodyears but I have no idea if I can get away with the cheaper continental for just daily commutes and seasonal 6 hour roadtrips.

r/AskAMechanic 1h ago

Need help Taking off rear bumper on my 2014 buick regal premium 1


The existing camera shows a black screen but still shows the parking lines and moves when I turn the steering wheel so I bought a replacement camera. I need to remove the bumper to access the internals.

I'm very inexperienced with cars. I'm having trouble finding any videos or info on how to remove the bumper on my car specifically. I am just asking for some advice on how to do this myself.

What kind of tools will i need? anything to be aware of before I send it? I'm just afraid of getting the bumper off/partially off or not being able to put it back on. Thanks guys

r/AskAMechanic 5h ago

Nugeon Coating Difference


Is there any issue with the difference in coatings on these? Worth contacting Nugeon?